Turn off the lights
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Chapter 30 A Building

 A building.

On the same third floor, the doors are far apart, with the distance between them only two or three meters.

The light passes through the gap under the door and reflects in the passage. The small patch of mottled light and shadow inexplicably brings the two families closer.


Li Ran walked out of the house carrying two fruit plates.

Seeing that it was dark outside, the timid little guy called out quickly, and then the voice-activated light above his head drove away the darkness in the corridor, making it all white.

Before going out.

The little guy has finished washing up. He is now wearing a pair of cotton slippers with a bear pattern on his feet and has changed into pajamas.

But because I have to go to the little fairy’s house to play for a while.

At his father's request, he wore a warm down jacket outside his pajamas. As a result, the little guy's upper body now looks very bloated, and his legs, which are only wearing a pair of pajamas, are made a little thin.

"What's your name?"

The door to room 302 opens.

Zhou Sining stretched out her pretty head from inside.

The little girl probably just washed her face, and there are still wet stains on her cheeks.

"So cold"

Li Ran shivered.

Without waiting for the little fairy to speak, he pushed past her and ran in.

"Why are you bringing fruit!? My mother said you can't eat after brushing your teeth."

The little fairy pinched her waist like a little adult and scolded Li Ran.

"My dad also said that eating fruit before going to bed can help you sleep!"

Li Ran was unconvinced and defended, then pouted and said, "I tell you, if you hadn't had a good relationship with me, I wouldn't have invited you to eat!"


Hear the conversation between two little guys.

Zhou Yu, who was preparing the lectures for tomorrow on the table in the living room, couldn't help but laugh.

From the moment she moved to this new home and got to know this little neighbor, the original rhythm of life for her and her daughter seemed to have been disrupted and rearranged without even realizing it.

In a simple life.

Inexplicably, there is a lot more fun and laughter that was rarely seen in the past.

Turning his head, Zhou Yu smiled and said to his daughter, "Since Ranran has been delivered, you should eat with him."

In my heart, I have a better understanding of the character of my neighbor’s father.

He is a grateful man and has his own way of understanding interpersonal relationships.

"Aunt Zhou, are you studying?"

Li Ran climbed onto the chair next to Zhou Yu, looked at the materials in front of Zhou Yu, and said, "My dad also likes to study, and he is reading right now."

Having said this, the little guy raised his head and looked proud.

It seems that Li Mu, who likes reading, is great in his eyes.


Zhou Yu was amused by the expression on the little guy's face and smiled.

Her smile was very shallow, as warm as the sun. Especially when she smiled, the corners of her mouth would naturally raise two beautiful dimples. She stretched out her hand to hold the little one on her lap. Zhou Yu lowered his head and asked, "Does your father like it?"

Study, what about you?"

"I like it too"

The little guy holds his small body upright, has no stage fright at all, and is quite proud.

"Then Auntie will test you"

Zhou Yu turned the lesson preparation materials to the back and wrote several single-digit math problems with the black ballpoint pen on the table. Then he handed the pen to Li Ran's hand and said, "Let's show it to Auntie."


The little guy answered decisively, with great momentum, and his pen-holding movements were quite skillful.

But as soon as the pen tip touched the paper, Li Ran froze, and his eyes gradually became a little blank.

Then, when Zhou Yu felt that the little guy had been thinking for a little too long, and looked down at him, he was surprised to find that Li Ran, who had been very energetic just now, actually started to doze off in a short period of time.

A little bit for a small head, a little bit.

The height also gradually decreases with the nodding movement.

However, the posture of holding the pen remains consistent throughout, like a battle-hardened high school student.

The head can be lowered.

The pen should be straight.

Your hair should not be messy.

"Are you sleeping?"

The little fairy looked around Li Ran, and then, as if she had discovered a new world, she pointed at the corner of Li Ran's mouth and said in surprise, "Mom, look, Li Ran is drooling while sleeping."


Zhou Yu made a gesture to silence himself.

A few minutes passed.

When Li Ran's little face was pressed against the table and he was already in a deep sleep, Zhou Yu carefully picked him up and walked to the door of 301.

"Uncle Li"

The little fairy reached out and knocked a few times.

"What's wrong?"

Li Mu opened the door and immediately saw his son being held in Teacher Zhou's arms, and asked softly, "Are you sleeping?"


Zhou Yu tapped his forehead lightly.

Then he subconsciously glanced at Li Mu, but this glance didn't mean anything.

Just like a single person, the natural reaction is to learn that the opposite sex is also single. The only difference is that she has a daughter and is a single mother.

And her neighbor has a son who is a single father.

"Why did you fall asleep so quickly?"

Li Mu took his son from Teacher Zhou's arms, still a little confused.

His son has only been out for less than a quarter of an hour. According to his usual sleeping habits, it is impossible for him to go to bed before ten o'clock. Now it is only early eight o'clock, and he has fallen asleep at someone else's house.

"I asked him to do math problems, and he fell asleep while doing it."

Zhou Yu's mouth curled up slightly and he said.


Li Mu suddenly realized it and said, "No wonder"

"Is your son like this every time he does math problems?"

As a mathematics teacher, Zhou Yu was helpless but also interested in this kind of children, so she did not leave, but couldn't help but ask one more question.


Li Mu shook his head and sighed softly, saying, "Of course, I can learn other things quickly, but I easily get sleepy when learning mathematics."

Regarding his son’s problem in learning mathematics, Li Mu was embarrassed to tell everything.

The little guy is eight years old this year.

Children of this age generally don't wet the bed, but Li Ran's family is different.

Every time he just teaches a few math problems, the little guy seems to be overusing his brain and sleeps so deeply at night that he doesn't even know how to use the bathroom.


Li Mu thought of a way. Whenever he wanted to teach his son math today, he would not make soup in the evening or let his son drink more water.

The effect is there.

Li Ran doesn't wet the bed anymore, but he can't teach him for long, but his son's sleep speed is still amazing.

Sometimes three minutes.

Five minutes occasionally.

Eight minutes is the limit.

For more than ten minutes, his son was already in the golden sleep process.

"How could this happen?"

Zhou Yuliu Ye frowned slightly and asked quickly.

"I don't know either"

Li Mu looked down at his sleeping son and replied, "For Ranran, mathematics is the legendary lullaby!"

Zhou Yu hesitated for a moment.

Then he said, "Maybe your son thinks math is too boring, that's why he is like this. I think you should solve this problem quickly while he is still in the kindergarten class, otherwise it will be too late when he reaches first grade. The teacher's teaching task is very heavy.

It is impossible to slow down the teaching progress for one student"


Li Mu heard the sincerity in Teacher Zhou's words and quickly said gratefully, "Thank you, Teacher Zhou."

"It's okay"

Zhou Yu waved his hand, signaling that he didn’t want to.

The two said goodbye and then returned to their homes.

The window sill on the left side of the floor is lit, and the right side is also lit.

One is 301 and the other is 302.

Then it darkened at the same time, the hustle and bustle returned to silence, and everything seemed as quiet and beautiful as night.

This chapter has been completed!
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