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Chapter 302: Surrender

The Undead Army soldiers who were responsible for shooting mortals mercilessly dealt with the prisoners in the cells one by one. Most of the prisoners locked up on this floor were idealists with firm beliefs and stubbornness. Some of them died hideously. Some people died indifferently, as if they had been waiting for a long time.

But none of these reactions could shake the Undead Army soldiers. They had already castrated the part of their humanity through endless torture.

There was no movement at all by the team responsible for blasting the tunnel, which could be considered a mission failure. The officer didn't know how long the 25-centimetre-thick iron door could block them, but it was his last line of defense.

"Are we still disconnected?" A disgraced Ibrahim, who had just returned from the secret passage, appeared in the warden's office, looking a little anxious.

The warden was a very traditional man of Persian descent, wearing a white robe. He was worshiping in the office at this time, and seemed not to care about the conflicts in the outside world.

"Yes, Ibrahim." The warden replied without looking back: "Why don't you take this opportunity to join me? You are confused and very rude."

"I can't die here!" Ibrahim really wanted to kick the warden down from behind, but the undead guard standing outside the door would definitely not let this happen.

"We should not be afraid of death. Our blood will flow in the family, and our will will be inherited by future generations." The warden ended the service, stood up from the ground, put on his slippers, and slowly put away the blanket: " I gave you the chance to leave, but now that you're back, it proves that it was destined."

"Be elegant, Ibrahim." The warden patted Ibrahim's shoulder gently and passed by him: "I can lend you my office to find peace of mind."

"Radwan! I can't die here, I still have an important mission! Please, save me!" Ibrahim prayed gracelessly behind the warden, but he did not get any sympathy.

"If you don't want to die, find a way to save yourself, Ibrahim." The warden said the last thing and disappeared at the end of the stairs.

This is the deepest part of the underground. Unlike those idiots of his race who love to enjoy themselves, Radwan likes to set up his office in the safest place.

He has experienced countless assassinations in his life. Radwan used to be a general in the Saudi Aramco Group. He is a rare man of action among the dying people. It can be said that he captured half of the prisoners in the Rusty Prison.

If Radwan continues in his position, he may become the force representative of the Dusk Clan and secretly control all the forces of the Dusk Clan within the Petrochemical Alliance.

But at the peak of his career, Radwan retired bravely.

At that time, he came into contact with the confidential information of the Dusk Clan through some personal channels, and learned that his family and several other big families were secretly in contact with a force called the Pioneers.

After figuring out what a pioneer was, Radwan exiled himself to the Rusty Prison and lived an ascetic life every day.

He doesn't marry a wife, doesn't have children, and rarely communicates with other members of his family. He just guards his prison, just like a prisoner locked up here.

It has been twenty years since this period, and the name Radwan has almost disappeared from the dying people. In such a big era, few people remember the name of a warlord twenty years ago.

Except for himself...

Radwan walked up to the floor where the prisoners were held, followed by two guards of the undead army. Not far in front of him were soldiers who were executing prisoners.

At this time, the two soldiers stood in front of the cell where Hashem was held, raising their guns.

"Come on! Kill me first!" Nasser put his forehead on the muzzle of the gun and spat on the soldiers' faces: "You zombies!"


There was a violent explosion, which made Nasser turn pale and roar, thinking that he was dead.

But he soon discovered that death had not come. The officer in the distance blew his whistle, and the two soldiers of the Undead Army turned around and ran to fill in the line ahead.

The officer walked through the corridor alone, and behind him, the soldiers of the Undead Army worked in twos and twos, using the pillars of the cell as a cover, and opened fire fiercely at the door.

"Lord Radwan!" The officer panted and looked at the warden: "We..."

Before he could finish speaking, the unmasked officer was shot dead by the shadow at the end of the corridor, leaving only the warden standing there without any cover.

Tang Ji and others still used Martin as their spearhead to enter this straight corridor without any turns.

Martin's shield was in tatters, but under the effect of [reinforcement] it completely maintained its structural integrity and blocked those bullets with insufficient power.

"Radwan! You also have today!" Nasser, who survived the catastrophe, saw the warden appear and roared excitedly: "You also have today!"

The few prisoners who survived all shouted loudly along with Nasser, and the anger that had been suppressed for more than ten years broke out at this moment.

No one knew how many thoughts were running through Radwan's mind at this moment. He just watched all of this quietly. There were roaring prisoners on both sides, and on the other side of the corridor were unharmed intruders.

Those precious Undead Army soldiers were no better than ordinary soldiers in front of them. The gray-black flames were like Azra Yin's vengeful flames, harvesting the lives of the unjust and making the Undead Army soldiers' recovery ability useless.


When Shadow aimed his gun again, Radwan raised his hands and said calmly: "I surrender."

As Radwan, the actual controller of the Undead Army warriors, said these words, all the fighting Undead Army warriors immediately put down their weapons.

As an ordinary person, Tony devoted 200% of his concentration in this battle, so much so that he did not notice the changes on the battlefield at all.

After the undead soldier put down his weapon, he still subconsciously fired continuously, knocking down three enemies.

Until he ceased fire, no undead soldier made any move to resist.

The downed Undead Warrior just lay on the ground and slowly recovered, not even making a sound.

"I surrender." Radwan repeated again: "No matter who you are or who you represent, now you win."

When he said the words "I surrender" for the second time, a dozen figures hiding in the dark, with different shapes and equipment, more agile than the undead soldiers, appeared and threw their weapons on the ground.

There was more or less confusion written on their faces, but no one tried to resist Radwan's will. They were all superhumans, and they were also original superhumans.

"Where are my people?" Tangji was not interested in the enemy who had surrendered. He strode towards Radwan with rapid strides.

Facing Tangji's question, Radwan glanced at the nearest Undead Army soldier, who pointed to a secret door leading to a different area.

Saint and Tony immediately walked out of the queue and kicked open the secret door. Behind the door was a relatively spacious space that looked like both an operating room and a torture chamber.

Sirte was lying quietly on the operating table, his clothes were stripped off, and several bags of soft liquid without any markings were hung on the rack, with the other end connected to his arm.

A medical team of four medical staff stood two meters away from Sirte with their hands raised, as if they had been waiting for them to come in.

Tony was the first to go in, stretched out his hand to open Sirte's eyes, checked the hole, and checked his pulse. After confirming that the man was still alive, he roared and asked: "What kind of medicine is this! What did you do to him?"


And the saint cried out "Anthony, this requires you!"

"They are all sedatives, neuroleptics and other drugs. Some of them are prepared by ourselves. They don't have many side effects. They are mainly used to put super humans into a quiescent state." The leading doctor explained calmly, speaking fluently in common language.

Anthony rushed in, took a look at the medicines, and carefully checked Surte's vital signs before he felt relieved: "Tell me all the medicines you use, and explain in detail the ratio of the homemade medicine."

"Take the others out, question them separately, and then tell me the results." Anthony pointed to the other people and said to the saint, then turned to the doctor: "Whoever lies will die."

"I'm not lying. I am the only one who knows the formula. None of them know." The doctor explained: "You can log in to my computer, which contains detailed pharmacological experimental data."

Anthony ignored his words, and the Saint also ignored them, and took several other people away roughly.

"Sult's life is not in danger for the time being, the alarm has been lifted!" Anthony replied to Tang Ji on the communication channel.

Tangji nodded and then asked Radwan again: "Who is Hashem! A member of the Free Wind!"

Radwan was stunned for a moment this time. He actually didn't care much about the prisoners here, at least not recently.

But Nasser, who was not far away, knocked on the railing hard: "Here! The person you are looking for is here! He is Hashem! Get us out quickly!"

"It seems that the person you are looking for is very lucky." Radwan smiled and didn't care: "You have a very powerful hacker, otherwise this place would have been bombed to the sky by now."

Tangji punched the opponent on the nose that looked very straight, and the opponent now had the air of a captive. Ever since that bastard Faisal, he had no good impressions of the ruling class in this land.

"Well played!" Nasser cheered loudly from behind the fence, but was quickly interrupted by Martin.

"Back off, little old man." Martin banged his shield on the ground. The bullets embedded in the shield now weighed two kilograms, and they fell all over the ground.

Then, Martin held the metal fence with both hands and exerted force, his chest muscles bulging high, and he directly pulled the entire fence off the wall, still standing aside.

Nasser's eyes widened. He had only seen undead warriors who could heal their wounds, but he didn't expect that the outside world had changed.

Martin picked up Hashem, who was lying on the ground, and looked at the photos several times before shouting: "That's him. His head is right, and it's soft, just like Sirte!"

Radwan had already recovered from the sudden attack. He wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes due to a sore nose, and asked with a cynical smile: "You are not hired by the wind of freedom... You came here to

Hashem, for what he saw?”

"What do you know?" Tang Ji heard something in the other person's words.

"Pioneers?" Radwan asked, holding his nose: "Are you looking for them?"

Looking at Tang Ji's eyes, Radwan laughed: "This is God's will. Don't ask that guerrilla. Go down there. There is an idiot named Ibrahim. If he hasn't committed suicide yet, he knows everything."


"Who are you! What do you want?" Tang Ji couldn't understand Radwan. His eyes were unsurprised and unexcited, and he looked more like a prisoner than the half-crazy old man in prison.

But the attitude of those soldiers and superhumans towards him clearly proves that he has a high status and has great personal prestige.

"Who am I?" Radwan seemed to have heard some joke. He was stunned for a while before replying: "I am the warden here."

"Go and catch the person you want. It doesn't matter who I am or who I am." Radwan's eyes were still so gloomy: "We won't be anxious anymore. I only ask you one thing. Wait until you leave.

Now, ask your hacker to return the authority to me, there are some things I must complete myself."

"Promise him." Wu Qianying's voice appeared in Tang Ji's ear: "Then when we retreat, knock him out and bring him back to me."

Tang Ji nodded, no longer paying attention to this psychopath, and directly ignored him and entered the next level.

"Judging from his expression, he has already decided to die. I guess he is the part of the naturalized family that is unwilling to naturalize." Wu Qianying explained: "A poor guy caught between the family and righteousness.

, we have to drain him of his intelligence value."

"Received." Tang Ji understood clearly that this was not the first time he had come into contact with a "traitor" among the naturalized people. Fabinski, who swallowed a gun and committed suicide in his office, also left with this mentality.

Tang Ji only has one opinion about this kind of people...cowards!

Sitting in Radwan's office, Ibrahim did not find peace of mind. After the gunshots upstairs gradually quieted down, he became even more nervous.

Who won?

Even though he knew Tang Ji's name, Ibrahim still felt lucky. After all, the Undead Army was cultivated by the Dusk Clan with a lot of money. Although there was only a part of it, it was still a force after all. Maybe they could create miracles!

But as a black figure appeared, Ibrahim's heart sank. His only two bodyguards were put away at the first encounter. The corpse covered with gray-black flames was like the one in his heart.

Hope is swallowed up bit by bit, swept away...

It's Tang Ji, Fury himself!

Ibrahim retreated desperately, trying to hide himself in the gap between the table and the wall, but his fat body was obviously unable to complete this action. He could only watch Tang Ji approaching step by step, sitting on the other side of the desk.


"Let's talk." The demon wrapped in gray-black flames said...

This chapter has been completed!
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