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Chapter 303: Sky Fortress

The sun is shining brightly, this is already the third day for closed beta players to enter this world, and most players have already had a preliminary understanding of this world.

This world has relatively advanced technology and extremely rich materials. Supernatural abilities are not unique to them. Many people cannot forget the unexpected incident they encountered when they first landed.

The few players who have Advent experience often brag to others about their experiences, but they all believe that this world will definitely become the most exciting world in the past few hundred years.

As long as they seize the opportunity, do more tasks, and get more contribution points, when the open beta begins, they will be the best among the others. Whether they hand in their bodies or stay in this world, they will definitely make money.

This statement undoubtedly made the blood of all testers boil, as did Dan Turan and Doligon.

[Mission (beta 0.1): Detect enemy shadow]

[Content: This land is full of hostility to us, we must be the first to find those rats hiding in the dark, and then crush them]

[Reward: Subject to distribution by planning department personnel]

Dan Turan studied the map. He couldn't even complete the correspondence between the southeast, northwest, and actual directions on the map, but this did not prevent him from telling Doligon in a positive tone: "Go in that direction!"

The small off-road vehicle can only seat two people, and a large oil drum is tied to the back half, giving the whole vehicle a cheap feel.

But the novice driver Doligon drove the car to 80 yards in the desert, and both of them were more or less stained, which were the marks left by their car flipping over fifteen times in a row.

Until now, Doligon has mastered a variety of informal driving skills including tail flicking.

He had never driven any vehicle before, and he never thought that such a simple mechanical vehicle could bring so much fun to people.

"Wow! This thing is so cool!" Dorigon shouted in a hoarse voice, with a bruise in the shape of a steering wheel on his face.

Dan Turan looked even worse. He was not as strong as Dorigon. At this time, with the bumps of the off-road vehicle, he only felt pain everywhere in his body.

"Dan, this place is really nice. I have never been so happy in my life!" Doligon's voice was almost drowned out by the roar of the engine, but Dan Turan still heard it: "Sunshine, air, no wonder those people want to go outside every day.


Dan Turan looked up at the bright sun, and only closed his eyes when he saw tears streaming down his face. He had almost no memory of his original life, but he still agreed with Doligon's words. The joy from the bottom of his heart would not


The off-road vehicle traveled hundreds of kilometers, and the scorching sun made the two players dizzy. They had to stop and rest. At this time, they didn't know what heat stroke was.

The reserve of Danshui carried in the trunk has been mostly consumed in just a dozen hours, and the two novices have realized that they must replenish the Danshui before they can continue the mission.

"What is that?" Dorgon asked, sitting in the small shadow formed by the off-road vehicle, pointing to a soaring eagle in the sky.

They are one of the few birds in Persia that are not on the verge of extinction. The transportation lines that divide this land vertically and horizontally are equipped with high-voltage power grids and infrasonic bird chasers, which have allowed many birds with an activity range of less than 20 meters to flourish in the past 20 years.

It became extinct rapidly in the middle of the year.

Dan Turan looked blankly at the eagle in the sky. At this moment, he was very regretful about why he had sold memory sectors before and made himself a human being and a ghost.

The eagle circled over the two of them a few times, assessed the condition of the 'prey', and felt that they could survive for a while before leaving with some disappointment.

"Watch the ball, let's sleep for a while first, I'm exhausted." Doligon chose a comfortable position and lay in the shadow cast by the off-road vehicle, and fell asleep just like that.

Dan Turan also found a shadow and lay down. He needed rest more than Doligon...

A few kilometers away, a Persian who looked like an ordinary herdsman suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a pair of eagle eyes. He took out a map and made a mark on it.

After Hashim lost contact, the Wind of Freedom sent all the messengers in the nearby area, and the falconer in front of him was one of them.

Suleiman is a native herdsman in this land and is not interested in nonsense such as revolution and freedom advocated by Hashem.

His grandfather was a member of the Taliban, and his father followed his father's business for the first half of his life, and joined the Persian relief army for the second half of his life, until Suleiman was born.

Later, the rescue army disintegrated into one guerrilla group after another. The Suleiman family fought from the Federation to the Petrochemical Alliance. War has become a part of the family.

In Suleiman's eyes, the past two or three decades have actually been a rare period of peace. The Petrochemical Alliance is not interested in them at all. If they can accept this poor life, this ending will not be bad.

Suleiman's original intention of joining the Free Wind was just to allow the divided compatriots to communicate with each other, so as not to have different pronunciations and customs.

That car was the third he had discovered, and his eyes and ears in the air were continuing to expand the scope of the reconnaissance and updating information on these vehicles in real time.

Suleiman himself drove the camels to avoid the direction of these enemies and headed towards a large gathering place.

Based on Suleiman's experience, he marked the departure points of these vehicles on the map without even taking the risk of sending his own partners.

But also based on Suleiman's experience, he judged that the combined strength of the Free Wind and even the surrounding groups of guerrillas could not defeat that group of people.

But catching a few tongues shouldn't be a problem. Suleiman could see clearly that these people were very unfamiliar with this land. They didn't even know when to rest and when to rush on their way.

He took out his old gun, which was a weather-beaten As'val silent sniper rifle that had accompanied two generations of the Suleiman family for more than half a century.

It's just that 9mm subsonic bullets are becoming increasingly difficult to obtain. Suleiman has to pick up the cartridge cases after each shot, reload them by hand and reuse them repeatedly, and the cartridge cases are worn thin.

Suleiman rode a camel one kilometer away from the duo, then jumped off the camel and walked. In the telescope, the two superhumans lay defenseless in the shadow formed by the vehicle, as if they were asleep.

He hasn't fought such a smooth battle in a long time. Ever since the Petrochemical Alliance upgraded the program of armed drones, those things are as smart as veterans who have been fighting for a lifetime.

Suleiman ventured deeper than 400 meters away from the vehicle and selected the target in the scope.

Suleiman had blown up countless such simple off-road vehicles, but now the Petrochemical Alliance rarely sends people to the desert, which reminded him of the past.

Newbies, rookies, unprepared, Sulaiman's sight swept from the fuel tank to the water tank, and they just opened the back door, as if inviting bullets.

Suleiman took a deep breath, stabilized his hands, and fired four shots in a short period of time. The bullets came out of the chamber with a popping sound.

Two bullets penetrated the fuel tank, and two bullets penetrated the Danshui tank. After Suleiman fired the shot, he lay down on the sand dune and hid.

His weapon is not very powerful, and its range is not far, but its concealment is extremely superior. The weak recoil allows him to maintain shooting stability without lying down, and the vibration of the muzzle will not splash the sand on the ground, leaving no traces. Suleiman bet that the two rookies couldn't find the direction in which to shoot.

However, things went more smoothly than Suleiman thought. The two idiots didn't wake up at all, allowing the gasoline and water to be swallowed by the sea of ​​sand.

"Careless rookie." A smile appeared on Suleiman's lips. He felt that he might be able to complete this task by himself.

Now, he only needs to follow patiently, and leave the rest to time and the sea of ​​sand.



"We found those bastards." Mikkelsen greeted the returning Tangji and his party in the small town of Lalit. He had to find a partner to borrow an aircraft with vertical take-off and landing capabilities to take them away from there. return.

"Leave it to you." Tang Ji threw Ibrahim to the ground, and he lay motionless on the ground like a dead dog.

In addition to Tang Ji and his team members, there were two important prisoners on this trip, the warden and his medical team, and Ibrahim, whose arm was torn off by Tang Ji.

The former left reluctantly, but did not react excessively, but refused to speak.

The latter told all the times he peed in bed when he was a child, including the locations and contact information of those who came.

With the help of Ibrahim's intelligence, Mikkelsen used satellites to find the specific location of the group of players, but he planned to dig out more information about the naturalized people in Persia from Ibrahim.

"Prepare another plane and wait for us to repair it for four hours before setting off." Tang Ji threw the equipment on the ground and walked into the tent to take a shower. The surface temperature here is now close to sixty degrees, even if the dragon scale armor system is Even though it includes a cooling system, it still cooks like a hot pot.

"Wait!" Mikkelsen looked around and walked into Tangji's tent, and asked him in a low voice: "Can you fly a plane?"

"Well?" Tang Ji frowned. The two of them had been cooperating for a while and had a somewhat tacit understanding: "I can give it a try."

"Very good. The Petrochemical Alliance has many old antiques that are simple to operate. They rely on these things to survive." Mikkelsen simply explained: "You don't need to fly the plane directly. You are in charge of the weapons bay. Let's try it first."

A few hours later, a beige A-130 landed at the airport. Anthony was inspecting Soult while looking at this antique equipment that he had never had much contact with.

The behemoth that was once nicknamed the Flying Fortress, although it was a modified aircraft based on the C-130, this aircraft that was armed to the teeth had a more majestic aura than the aircraft they took before.

"I'm fine. Didn't they say it was just sedatives and tranquilizers." Soult broke away from Anthony's inspection impatiently, feeling a little depressed.

As the smallest and most sensitive member of the team, Surte possesses combat power second only to Tang Ji, but he has been injured many times due to carelessness or other reasons, which makes Surte lose face.

He was once the ace of the Skull and Bones Party, and those people relied on him many times to make a living. Although these achievements may not seem worth mentioning now, Soult also has his own pride.

Anthony raised his eyebrows and didn't care about Surte's attitude. He had been exposed to psychology since he joined the trauma team. Later, because of Tangji, he had been learning this knowledge. Surte was in adolescence.

It's normal to have rebellious psychology.

He also stopped Martin and his group from planning to joke with Soult. When Soult was unconscious, those guys took a lot of photos of him with their mobile phones, each of them looking like a child.

"AC-130j-Ghost Rider II is a classic model. Although it has been in service for forty years, everything inside is new and keeps up with the times." Mikkelsen stood next to Tang Ji and sighed: "30mm caliber

GAU-23/A machine gun, 105mm caliber howitzer, bombs, smart missiles, perfect ground attack weapons."

This was the first time that Tang Ji saw the expression of nostalgia on Mikkelson's face. Mikkelson smiled and said, "I was also there when it was finalized."

"Another old immortal." Tang Jixue took out a box of Tree of Life from Mikkelsen's body and threw one back to him generously.

"Don't worry, who knows how long that tree will last." Mikkelsen pointed to the plane: "If it works, we will replace it with a more powerful one next time."

Whether the missiles fired by Tang Ji's hands and the players killed by him are counted as those killed by him himself? This question has troubled Mikkelsen for a long time, and he has always wanted to find a chance to try it.

Tang Ji himself has never understood the principle behind his ability to cause real damage to players.

When he killed the first player, he did not have the ability of Flame of Hatred, so Tang Ji was sure that his specialness had nothing to do with the ability of Flame of Hatred.

But he was not sure whether there was an inevitable connection between his specialness and his rage, because Tang Ji was not sure when he awakened and became a superhuman.

"Board the plane." Tang Ji watched the huge flying fortress open its belly and gave the order to the team members.

The attack on the Rusty Prison must have alarmed the Dusk Clan, but when this news will be delivered to those testers is a question.

Because the only contact between them is Ibrahim, this villain has always cherished his identity and never let others get involved in his business. He personally contacted the Pioneers on all matters, no matter how big or small.

So at least until now, the testers are still staying in their hiding places without any movement, and only a few players are scattered around without knowing what tasks they are performing.

The wide fuselage of the Sky Fortress slowly took off from the airport. One of Mikkelsen's clones got on the plane with Tangji, while the other two clones stayed in Lalit Town to coordinate the various forces.

The faces of the three Mikkelsens all looked heavy. He could not cover everything in the Petrochemical Alliance, but it was obvious that he could not completely hide the local forces with his continuous attacks.

God knows what awaits them next...


This chapter has been completed!
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