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Chapter 303: Common Sense Lessons for Players

Markarian looked at the time. Twenty-six hours had passed. Four of the players who had gone out on exploration missions were offline due to accidents and were waiting for 'resurrection'.

If you don't take into account the heavy losses when you first entered this world, this number of deaths is obviously qualified. The external environment of this world is far less dangerous than the ones he has been to before.

These testers who have directly experienced high-end bodies have abilities far above the world average. Although the Blazers made major mistakes, their work is still going smoothly.

The test subject's abnormal death is one of the very important data. He contributed 0.2% to this task on the first day he entered this world.

Markarian knew that the Soul Committee had placed an experimental virtual life form in the player's soul, and if nothing else happened, there should be a so-called "guardian dog" in his soul.

It chose this name by itself, and Markarian expressed respect for it. After all, strictly speaking, the value of that virtual life far exceeds his by tens of millions.

This data collection task was directly issued to him by the guardian dog. Obviously, the other party had at least the same authority as the planning department.

But this does not mean that Markarian is willing to exchange for sufficient contributions to the other party at the expense of his own dereliction of duty. Cost control is his only core task in this anomaly problem handling task.

Externally, there are conflicts of interest between the three major committees and the company. Markarian must solve the trouble named Tangji as soon as possible so that the world can enter a state that can be used normally in time.

Internally, there are also direct disputes of interest among the three major committees. The Soul Committee is far more interested in Tang Ji than the other two, and the guardian dog is their creation.

Next is the Genetic Committee. They are very concerned about the genetic vitality of the human race in this world. They are also the largest supporters of this pioneering act besides the company.

As for the Will Committee, Markarian has not yet received any will from the Will Committee, and they seem to be still in the observation stage of this world.

After Markarian finished writing the debriefing report, which took up two full pages of the death list, he consciously chose to submit it.

According to the current time difference between the two worlds, it will not be delivered to his world until five days later.

After finishing all this, Markarian walked out of the room. At this time, the town was silent. The players who had not received the mission were all attending classes in the training camp. The local residents who had survived and were not affected by the players had long understood.

When it comes to survival, hide at home like a hamster and never come out.

Aslan is the main guide for these new players. The continuous knowledge classes make him thirsty. There are more than 400 test players in the camp, like more than 400 wild dogs, trying to get them to

Sitting here and listening to boring general knowledge classes is simply a nightmare task.

According to Aslan's past experience, these players should have landed at the location designated by the pioneers. From the first time they opened their eyes in the body, they were guided by the pioneers.

Then, according to the classification of players, there will be pioneers who will bring them into areas similar to the demonstration city at different paces. After going through a series of guided tasks, these players will be allowed to freely explore the entire world.

But now there is nothing. These players even experienced a fierce battle after entering the body, escaped from the Antarctic Circle on their own feet, and immediately entered this desert.

Just standing there, Aslan could see the deep distrust in the eyes of the players. The few players who had experienced entering another world had gradually come to understand it, and they looked at the pioneers of this world with even more aggressive eyes.


"054, tell me, what does it mean when you see this sign!" Aslan asked, pointing to a dwarf player who was less than 1.6 meters tall but very strong. What was displayed on the projection screen behind him was the law enforcer.

symbols of.

"I guess it means I messed up and now it's time to pat my butt and run away!" the little man said in a sarcastic tone,

It elicited a burst of laughter.

Aslan's face turned blue, and the other party's ridicule was obvious, but this answer was obviously not wrong.

"This is the logo of the law enforcers in this world's federal region. Most of the time, they represent social order. Once you act to disrupt order, you will be attacked by them." Aslan held back a breath and continued:

"At this stage, I strongly do not recommend that you disrupt social order..."

"Puff! Puff! Puff!" A series of strange sounds came from the direction of the dwarf, but Aslan pretended not to hear them.

When Markarian came to inspect, Aslan had already begun to explain the simple economic structure, which was easy for the players to accept because they themselves had always been in a simple economic system.

"How many currencies are there in this world?" A female player stood up and asked: "Is there any exchange channel between them and contribution points? How should I quickly obtain the currencies of this world?"

"Complete the guidance tasks issued by the planning department, and you can get enough currency for you to explore the world." Aslan continued to explain that he had never done this kind of work before, and this stupid question made him want to face Tang Ji.

Markarian just watched quietly. He was also learning these basic knowledge. Different worlds have different backgrounds. Even he could only start from scratch every time.

He once visited a world where shells were used as currency. Eighty percent of that world was covered by the ocean, and most of the twenty percent of the continent existed in the form of islands.

There, humans evolved into two subspecies, living in shallow waters and deep waters respectively. War conflicts broke out between the former and terrestrial humans from time to time, while the latter always hid in the darkness.

That world is also a rare world where players are finally expelled. The pioneers were aware of the existence of a second subspecies during the two-hundred-year development period. The deep-sea subspecies that were out of sight of the players finally obtained their status.

of victory.

They built some kind of gravity well with unknown principles and pulled a satellite towards the planet itself. Level 15 strong winds capable of destroying steel swept across the entire planet, setting off huge waves up to 10,000 meters high and flooding all land.

The foundation of terrestrial human civilization was wiped out on the third day. The last ship persisted until the fifth day with the joint efforts of the heroic captain and the desperate players and sailors, and was finally engulfed by a huge vortex with a diameter of more than 20,000 meters. capture.

When Markarian entered that world, he entered as a shallow-water subspecies human. At that time, he was responsible for investigating the planet's mutation events.

More than one million players lost their game assets for no reason, causing an uproar in the forum corresponding to that world section.

The extreme climate environment lasted for nine months, and the vortex that seemed to swallow everything persisted, but continued to expand beyond the natural environment.

The human civilization of the shallow-water subspecies was also on the verge of extinction. Only then did Markarian discover the existence of the deep-water subspecies in what could be called a great adventure.

But it was too late at that time, the pioneers had no time to prepare for penetration, and the company could only watch the last player in that world disconnect, leaving the entire world in a state of decoupling.

Although the subsequent secondary pioneering actions achieved certain results, the actual feelings reported by the pioneers made that world completely unworthy of pioneering.

Those deep-sea subspecies don't even have eyes. They rely on some kind of sound waves as their observation organs. No player wants to be a sea loach...

It was the first world that Markarian knew that had regained freedom in the hands of the company through war. Afterwards, the Genetic Committee issued a memorandum that completely included the genetic information of terrestrial humans and two human subspecies.

Markarian has also been to a world with gods, which are conceptual beings constructed by some kind of collective will. They were the first world to infiltrate spies into the main world.

But after the Consciousness Committee completely deciphered the composition of conceptual life, gods became the last task on the players' task list.

In this world, Markarian experienced another first. The native named Tangji in this world was the first person in many different worlds to cause irreversible harm to the player.

He was very curious about where Tang Ji's specialness came from. Judging from the reactions of the pioneers, Tang Ji had already posed a strategic deterrent to players.

These inexperienced testers knew nothing about Tang Ji. The pioneers were prohibited from revealing the special characteristics of Tang Ji. All players killed by Tang Ji would be declared non-commissioned on the grounds that they failed to pass the qualification review. Participate in testing.

Markarian didn't know how long such lies to coax children could be concealed, but looking at the new recruits recruited by the company this time, they didn't seem to be very smart. Maybe they wouldn't realize the danger until Tang Ji's secret was cracked. ..



"There was an explosion in the rust prison, and the old and young at Saudi Aramco are finally willing to make a move?" The Petrochemical Alliance's internal review center is analyzing the latest intelligence.

As an old rival of the Joint Enterprise Office, the Censorship Center is less aggressive. In comparison, their power is more focused internally.

Whether an intelligence agency is aggressive or not does not depend on whether it is effective or not, but on whether the substantive regime it relies on is strong.

Although the Petrochemical Alliance has always emphasized that the final result of the two corporate wars is an equal score, the fact is that the Petrochemical Alliance has barely occupied the elite areas of the civilized world.

Their headquarters is located in the Persia region, which radiates outwards to Africa and the European Union. It looks pretty good when drawn on the map.

However, the European Union was the first region to promote new energy, followed by the Federation. The total revenue of the Petrochemical Alliance has dropped by 37% in the past two decades, and nearly a quarter of the original franchisees have

Already bankrupt and reorganized.

The biggest feature of these bankrupt and reorganized companies is that they are smaller in scale and occupy a smaller share of the export of oil and its ancillary products.

The remaining core companies are not having a good time either. The audit center's investigation report in the past ten years shows that the core departments of many core companies are gradually becoming warlords. In order to protect the interests of their own departments, they will not hesitate to start civil wars.

Just five years ago, Shell Petroleum's sulfur chemical industry and water treatment departments broke out in a civil war over natural gas pipelines due to natural gas supply issues. Both sides mobilized a total of 12,000 professional soldiers and more than 700 armored units.


After the incident was exposed, Shell's stock price fell five points, and tens of billions of assets evaporated.

During the follow-up investigation, the review center discovered many doubtful points, and one clue after another pointed to a secret faction within the Petrochemical Alliance - the Naturalized Faction.

It took them almost three years to figure out the original meaning of the name Naturalized, and another year and a half to cleanse the naturalized faction within the center. Only now have they recovered from the turmoil.

"Our satellite photographed a plane crashing into the Rust Prison before the explosion, but we couldn't find the route application record of this plane. Someone erased its traces. It was a ghost plane."

"Judging from the techniques, they are not naturalized. Their technical methods are more advanced. We can't even take photos of the tail section. The satellite will not pass by at all. It is more like the methods of the Joint Investigation Office."

"The Joint Investigation Office has been very active recently, and they seem to be pursuing naturalized individuals as well."

"Check the recent list of prisoners in the Rust Prison. That bastard Mikkelsen won't fight so hard for a prisoner. He does it for intelligence... He likes to catch his opponents off guard quickly. If we are lucky, his people won't be there yet.



"We found three aircraft that took off without permission, from three different companies, in addition to 48 armed forces moving abnormally."

"Check everything, no matter who is behind it, uukanshu www.uukanshu.com will get to the bottom of it!"

In an invisible place, in order to cover up his actions on the territory of the Petrochemical Alliance, Mikkelsen activated all the hidden lines left over the years.

Fortunately, in recent years, the Petrochemical Alliance has been in chaos due to warlords fighting within it, which can be regarded as a natural cover. As an alliance with more real power than the Enterprise Federation, the last piece of pure land is the sky.

They value air power above all else. No matter how powerful the generals and managers below are, few of them can produce more than a few fighter jets.

Therefore, Mikkelsen's borrowed flying fortress will soon become a lost cause, which is why he must bring Tangji's team together to do this deal.

It’s no secret that Tang Ji has a super hacker. She can hide a ship as big as the Moonlight Gold off the coast of Night City for several months without being discovered. Naturally, she can also turn the Sky Fortress invisible.


Arya did indeed do it. When the review center first started investigating the Sky Fortress, it alerted the alert program set by Arya.

The review center's investigation team soon discovered that the information about the Flying Fortress came from a statistical error made by a careless employee, and that the aircraft was sitting well in the warehouse.

In this way, the Sky Fortress arrived at an altitude less than ten kilometers away from the player's base without disturbing anyone.

In Aslan's class, a player with the [Danger Sense] ability suddenly felt a wave of confusion and couldn't help but look to the horizon in the distance. After hesitating for a long time, he raised his hand and said: "I feel that there is danger approaching in that direction.




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