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Chapter 8 The emperor has not yet opened the door for luck to enter

There are nine daughters and seventeen sons in today's world. Except for the youngest princes and daughters, they all stay away from Linzi, either actively or passively.

Even when Jiang Wuqi passed away this time, he could just pay tribute at a distance and was not summoned to Beijing.

In the past long time, the four palace masters, Changle, Huaying, Yangxin, and Changsheng, have proven their abilities and stood out among the emperors' heirs.

The emperor is willing to give more opportunities to outstanding children, but Daqi's resources are not unlimited and cannot be wasted infinitely in the dragon battle. In addition to Changle Palace, three other palaces, namely Huaying Palace, Yangxin Palace, and Immortality Palace, are already built.

After completing the first round of selection, the crown prince was born only among these four palace masters.

The other princes and daughters stayed away from Linzi precisely to avoid the possibility of mediocrity consuming national resources.

No matter what emotions people have.

From a practical point of view, Jiang Wuqi has died. What should happen to the huge political assets he left behind? This is an issue that the entire Qi State needs to pay attention to.

Prince Jiang Wuhua, Master of Huaying Palace Jiang Wuyou, and Master of Yangxin Palace Jiang Wuxie, these three in particular cannot relax.

Even the fourteenth prince Jiang Wuyong, who seemed hopeless, sometimes fell ill when his other brothers and sisters were far away from the capital, sometimes his practice went astray, and sometimes he took care of his sick mother... He tried every means to stay in Linzi, of course.

It wasn't just to cry in front of Jiang Wuqi's spirit in time.

To be honest, Jiang Wuyong is not stupid, he sees clearly.

Among the several brothers and sisters who are qualified to compete for the dragon, Jiang Wuhua's magnanimity is tolerant and compassionate towards his incompetent brother. It is similar to an adult's tolerance for a naive child. He does not regard him as a threat at all. Jiang Wuyou has always looked down upon him.

If she wasn't used to his appearance, Jiang Wuxie might just think of him as a buffoon.

Only Jiang Wuqi, the eleventh brother, would really look at him seriously. He would care about his food and clothing, and would stand up for him and beat Jiang Wang...

Therefore, his sadness at this time was not entirely exaggerated.

But it was impossible for him not to think about Jiang Wuqi's untimely death, which abruptly cut off his path to immortality, leaving an empty longevity palace. Will his father's favor be transferred to the younger him?

Even if there was a one in ten thousand chance, he would be fully prepared for it.

The emperor loved Jiang Wuqi the most, so he cried the most sadly.

He and his father are connected by blood, and their hearts are connected. The pain in this situation should be the same, and this similar pain should give rise to more closeness.

Whether it's Jiang Wuhua, Jiang Wuyou, or Jiang Wuxie, no one lacks the wisdom to see through this thought, but their performances are different.

As for the important officials of the empire like Cao Jie and Chen Fu, there was no need to express their opinions among the princes and princesses. It was just an attitude to stand outside the palace and wait for them to finish arguing before coming in.

As for Jiang Wang...

He was sitting properly, but his mind had already sunk into the world of Taoism.

Power tactics, mental tactics, potential tactics...

There are all kinds of magic in the world, but he only seeks his own magic.

The Taoist art of Dragon and Tiger was inherited from Jiu Yang, and its origins are quite extraordinary.

The so-called "tiger" refers to the eight winds.

This technique of attracting the eight winds is of course not the real summoning of the eight winds' magical powers. It is an imitation of the eight winds' magical powers. It is just like Wang Changxiang's breath tornado blowing in the Maple Forest City Taoist Temple.

Jiang Wang possesses the supernatural power of Zhou Feng, which has been strengthened to a very high level. Compared with the "tiger" of dragon and tiger, it is easier to open up ideas.

The "dragon" in Longhu Taoism refers to the spine. At the current level of practice, it can also be said to reach the sky and the sea.

The Dao Pulse Tenglong has been gone forever since he jumped out of the Tongtian Sea. He wandered in the Wufu Sea for a long time, and now he has swam into the Hidden Star Sea.

As the first sea to open in the human body, the Tongtian Sea has been almost "idle" after the Tenglong Realm. It may be difficult to play its role again until the four seas are connected.

At least Jiang Wang, who is in the outer building realm, has no use for Tongtianhai.

The matter of connecting the four seas is another manifestation of the presence of God...

So what is really blocking Jiang Wang in terms of the evolution of Taoism is actually the "dragon" of Longhu Taoism. At the level of cultivation in the outer building realm, it is difficult for him to understand the use of this Taoism on Tongtianhai, so he can only

Think carefully about it bit by bit.

In comparison, with the "Detailed Explanation of Fireworks Burning the City" given by Zuo Guangshu, coupled with the previous experience of practicing Fireworks, and the long-term control of the fire technique, for the practice of Fireworks Burning the City,

The progress is higher than that of Dragon and Tiger.

When you are immersed in practice, time always flies by.

Jiang Wang didn't care much about how people behaved in front of Jiang Wuqi Ling. After all, missing this kind of thing only concerns his own heart.

It wasn't until Feng Gu Canglao's voice sounded that he suddenly regained his focus.

"Old slave, please bow to the emperor!" His voice was trembling, as if he was choking.

The emperor is coming!

People in the mourning hall stood up and saluted one after another, and Queen Daqi also bowed slightly.

Speaking of which, in the past, no matter where they went, emperors and queens would make clear the way and show their respect.

Today, when I came to Jiang Wuqi's spirit, he was silent, perhaps because I didn't want to disturb the spirit of the dead.

Jiang Wang soon knew the reason for Feng Gu's choking.

The emperor not only removed his crown today, but also wore mourning clothes!

He walked into the hall wearing a white mourning dress, and not far behind him was Han Ling, who was following suit.

Emperor Qi only raised his hand to indicate that there was no need to be polite. He walked a few steps forward and stopped in front of the coffin.

At this moment, Jiang Wang, Jiang Wuyou was on the emperor's right hand side, and further to the right hand side was Xiu Yuan, the commander of the Prison Electric Army, who was also standing in front of the chair.

Further forward from Xiuyuan, standing next to the coffin was Jiang Wuxie, the Crown Princess and the Queen of Da Qi.

Across the coffin, opposite the empress were the prince Jiang Wuhua and the fourteenth prince Jiang Wuyong. One was in mourning, and the other had wet tears. Behind them, in front of a row of seats, stood Cao Jie and Chen Fu.

Everyone was silent, waiting for the emperor to say something or do something.

The emperor offered sacrifices to his ministers, and the father offered sacrifices to his son. Only the coffin could never receive a response.

This was not the first time Jiang Wang saw Emperor Qi, but he still felt the same unfathomable majesty as when he first met him.

The deeper he cultivates, the higher his official position, the more he sees, the further he thinks...the more he is able to appreciate the unpredictable power of Emperor Qi.

Turning his hands to make clouds and rain, the entire Daqi Empire is tied to him, and the entire world is shaken with a single thought.

He is wearing mourning clothes today, or he is just a father who has lost his beloved son, but who can ignore his status as an emperor?

Inside and outside this mourning hall, who dares not to be sad, who dares not to feel pain, and who dares to laugh?

Are they really sad again?

It's just that the emperor is sad, so the world is sad.

Standing in that supreme position, how much fog does he need to penetrate before he can see people's hearts?

Qi Tianzi looked at the coffin quietly for a while, and then finally moved his eyes.

He scanned the entire mourning hall from left to right, like patrolling mountains and rivers. Everyone who was touched by his gaze felt uneasy.

"Your Majesty." The queen came forward, took his arm, and said softly: "Come and offer incense to Wu Qi, he must have been waiting for you for a long time."

Emperor Qi didn't say anything, and let the empress walk forward with his arm in his arms.

Under the white mourning clothes, he looked like a mountain.

Speaking of which, Jiang Wang had never taken a close look at the emperor's face. At this moment, he only lowered his eyes and saw that the emperor's left hand was resting on Jiang Wuqi's coffin.

It was a hand with a clear frame, holding the heaven and the earth. At this moment, it gently touched the edge of the coffin several times, and finally walked past the coffin and came to the offering table.

The queen twisted three sticks of incense and carefully lit it on the golden candle before handing it to the emperor.

The emperor offered these three sticks of incense, and then there was another silence.

This silence is like a big mountain, pressing on everyone's heart.

The entire Changsheng Palace gradually became still.

It seems that the world has lost its voice.

All voices have died down, and there are no longer even whispers.

Why is the emperor silent?

I do not know how long it has been.

Emperor Qi turned around, with his back to the altar table, facing Jiang Wuqi's coffin, and everyone in the mourning hall and even outside the mourning hall.

"Jiang Qingyang." He suddenly said.

Jiang Wang's heart skipped a beat and he immediately took a step forward: "I'm here."

The emperor's voice fell: "Today's funeral ceremony is in its proper time. The funeral banquet outside is not full, so you came. Are you here so early to show me? Do you want to be a favored minister?"

These words are very light, but very heavy.

Like a towering mountain, pressing down!

The queen understood it as soon as she heard it.

The emperor is dissatisfied with what happened in the mourning hall today. Even if what happened was just an undercurrent!

This is talking about Jiang Qingyang, but why is it not talking about the various behaviors of the royal family before Jiang Wuqi Ling?

The queen understands this meaning, the prince understands it, Jiang Wuxie understands it, and Jiang Wuyou understands it too.

But no matter who the emperor wants to beat, for Jiang Wang, who was named, this is like a mountain crushing the top, the sky is falling and the earth is falling. This is the power of the emperor, added to one body. It is the wrath of the four seas, overwhelming one person.

He couldn't help but be terrified!

Jiang Wuyou considered his words in his mind and was about to speak when he suddenly saw a white shadow next to him move.

Jiang Wang, who was wearing mourning clothes, took another step forward, turned around, and faced the emperor face to face across Jiang Wuqi's coffin.

"Your Majesty, please take back your words!" he said.

The emperor's unpredictable eyes fell.

Jiang Wang was bearing an indescribable weight, but he stood upright without wavering.

In this mourning hall, he said loudly: "I think that the feeling of mourning and the intention of offering sacrifices are just one thought, and there is no difference between sooner or later. The emperor is wise and powerful, and he has never opened the door for small people to enter by chance, so how can I get the chance to enter?"

Every inch of my official position, every inch of my title, my salary and my salary are all obtained through the blood of the Qi Dynasty. How can the emperor despise them with the word "lucky to advance"? I got up early today, so I came early, that's all. I really don't know how to sacrifice the eleventh prince.

It takes time!"

He bowed his hands and prostrated: "How much does your Majesty's words hurt me? I can't bear it, and I won't bear it! Please take it back!"

The whole room was silent.

Cao Jiu looked at the proud and upright Tianjiao and opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Jiang Qingyang is so strong that he dares to confront the emperor and ask him to retract his remarks!

In fact, he could clearly see that the reason why the emperor named Jiang Qingyang was actually just because if he wanted to attack the mountain and stern the tiger today, Jiang Qingyang was the best choice.

At this moment, with the Lord of the Changsheng Palace dead, no matter which prince or princess the emperor names, it will be hard not to be regarded as some kind of signal, which will directly affect the battle for the throne.

And important officials of the empire like him and Chen Fu are not something the emperor can insult. Especially Xiu Yuan, who just got rid of suspicion and ended his imprisonment. His old friend who has been with him for many years is currently being punished by Ling Chi in the execution ground.


If the emperor asked Xiu Yuan like this, he would probably have no choice but to commit suicide on the spot.

Therefore, the emperor's question to Jiang Qingyang was actually a kind of respect for Jiang Wang, and there was a sense of intimacy in it. The so-called simplicity in the emperor's heart is nothing better than this.

Of course, Jiang Wang's response to these words is also very important.

He either confesses himself or is frightened, but the emperor will not do anything to him. This is more like a moment for everyone to observe such a young genius.

But Jiang Wang didn't know whether he understood or not, but he came back face to face with each other like this...

What will happen to the emperor?

Cao Jie has followed the emperor for so many years, and he understands the emperor very well, but he also doesn't understand the emperor very well. The part he understands is that he knows the emperor's talents, strategies, wisdom and martial arts, but the part he doesn't understand is that many times he is not sure what the emperor will do.

What kind of decision... right now.

It is not impossible for the emperor to unleash his thunderous wrath.

Asking the emperor for an explanation and asking the emperor to take back his golden words can even be regarded as a challenge to the emperor's authority!

The emperor can make mistakes, but how can the ministers be suspicious?

Emperor Qi was silent, while Jiang Wang always maintained a bowed posture, standing as tall as an iron sculpture. It was obvious that the emperor would not straighten up until he retracted his remarks.

At this time, a voice that no one expected sounded.

"Your Majesty, this old slave has something to say, please beg the Holy Spirit to hear it!"

The sound came from outside the palace.

It was Feng Gu, the eunuch in charge of Changsheng Palace.

The emperor's gaze passed over the coffin, past the bowing Jiang Qingyang, and landed on the old man outside the hall.

"Speak." the emperor said.

Feng Gu knelt on the ground and said sincerely: "When His Highness was here, he admired Qingyangzi very much. He often said that his coming from the east to Qi was a blessing to our great Qi. He once specially invited Qingyangzi to the palace to talk with him. Let's discuss... After that battle, His Highness was full of praise every time he mentioned Qingyangzi. Hearing the result of the battle of Xingyueyuan and Qingyangzi's heroic appearance, His Highness couldn't help but sighed, clasping his hands and sighing, saying, "This king is going to be a hero." Even...even this time, there was a gift from the will, specially presented to Qingyangzi. The old slave thought that His Highness was very sincere towards Qingyangzi, and Qingyangzi was also sincere in his thoughts about His Highness. The so-called heroes cherish each other, but they really have no other thoughts. .I beg your Majesty for your clear warning.”

No one thought that Feng Gu would speak at this time.

These words completely supported Jiang Wang, but also essentially denied the emperor's "heart-breaking words".

To put it bluntly, Jiang Wang, who is recognized by the world as a genius and a man of the young generation in Qi State, has been rewarded for his meritorious service many times, still has the qualifications to "hold favor and be arrogant" and contradict the emperor.

How dare Feng Gu, the eunuch in charge of the Changsheng Palace, dare?

Even Jiang Wang himself did not expect that Feng Gu would help him like this. They had very little interaction.

Jiang Wuxie, who had always been silent, couldn't help but glance at Jiang Wuqi who was lying in the coffin.

This eleventh brother is really very broad-minded.

How could Feng Gu, an old eunuch who was almost desperate, speak now if Jiang Wuqi had not really admired Jiang Wang during his lifetime?

Everyone knows that after Jiang Wang returned from Tianya Terrace, he had obviously approached Huaying Palace.

Even though he, Jiang Wuxie, has always shown goodwill to Jiang Wang, he still has his own sense of proportion and will not take the initiative to build momentum for him. After all, he is already a competitor.

Jiang Wuqi is really... He is in the battle for the dragon, but his eyes are always on the whole world, not the palace.

He never felt that, except for his father's preference due to his unfortunate fate, he was inferior to this eleventh brother in any way. But at this time, he had to admit that he did have to lose a bit in terms of ambition.

Come to think of it, if Wu Qi and he were in different places, he would never have pushed Jiang Wang to Huaying Palace in the first place.

Looking at Jiang Wuqi who would never open his eyes again, he thought of all the things this kid always loved to give him "lessons" in the past.

Jiang Wuxie sighed softly in his heart.

Maybe it’s time for me to “nurture my heart”.

(The simplified physical book is now officially available for pre-sale!

What is currently out is the first volume, "The Moon Is in the Sky", which is divided into two volumes.

Just search the book title in Dangdang and Tmall Dangdang stores, and you will receive a poster and a set of Q-version character postcards along with the book. The first 2,000 people who pre-order will also get an autograph.

The author’s Weibo post “What is the meaning of love?” has detailed material information.)

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