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Chapter 9: Dont be so sad

No one who can reach the current position in Boyun's treacherous political struggle is stupid.www..coМ

Feng Gu's current attitude is an extension of Jiang Wuqi's will during his lifetime.

His kindness to Jiang Wang is not limited to Jiang Wang. He treats Jiang Wang well not only because of Jiang Wang's talent, but also because Jiang Wang is in Qi and serves Qi. He wants a talented person like Jiang Wang to be a good person.

Get closer to Qi State. Even if Jiang Wang will in fact become the helper of Huaying Palace.

What he thinks about most is the entire Daqi Empire.

Daqi, where the geniuses gathered, was Jiang Wuqi’s homeland.

Including his heroic death, and finally in front of the emperor, he said that "there must be no hidden worries in the army" and he was thinking about the great cause of Qi.

How can such a layout and mind not make people moved?

Emperor Qi looked at Feng Gu for a while, as if he saw in this old eunuch a man who was drifting away and never looking back.

Finally, he turned his gaze back to Jiang Wang and sighed: "Jiang Qing, please forgive a father for being sad and suspicious. I made a mistake."

Jiang Wang bowed deeply and returned to his original position without saying a word.

Jiang Wuqi's death had a huge impact on the entire Qi Kingdom's struggle for the dragon.

Looking at all the palaces, it is the Changsheng Palace that poses the greatest threat to the prince.

This is a prince with almost no shortcomings except for a serious congenital illness.

Even the fatal shortcoming of the cold poison in his life was covered up by his talent and structure, and for a long time, it was almost invisible to people.

It was obviously an unsolvable problem for anyone. Before Jiang Wuqi actually died, many people felt that he would definitely be able to defeat it.

He just gives people such confidence.

At the moment when Jiang Wuqi died, the situation in the Qi Kingdom's struggle for the dragon suddenly changed. As the prince of the East Palace, he had the need to re-establish his status.

But as a benevolent prince, the prince should be friendly to his brothers and sisters. Today, he is so sad for his younger brother. How can he quarrel with others again?

The queen also has blood ties, which cannot be completely cut off. But why could she sit back and watch He Zhen go to jail and be punished in the past, but cannot ignore his humiliation today?

That's exactly why.

As the prince's biological mother, she can establish the prince's position without affecting his reputation.

It is only human nature to casually slap Jiang Wuyou on behalf of his humiliated nephew and say that he is going to hell. What is wrong with a mother teaching her daughter?

If Jiang Wuyou contradicts him, he will be unfilial and disrespectful. If he gives in, he will be humbled in front of the East Palace.

But when Jiang Wuyou should bow and bow, when he should give way, although he did not lose any momentum from the beginning to the end, he was always targeting He Zhen, and he knew how to do it very well.

In front of Jiang Wuqiling, the queen could not be aggressive and could only let him go gently and let He Zhen "go away".

In front of Empress Daqi, He Zhen was expelled from Jiang Wuqi's mourning hall. Who was the domineering person when word spread?

Jiang Wuyou sat silently next to Jiang Wang. As the master of Huaying Palace, she sat at the edge to let people see who was in charge here and who had the loudest voice. She did speak out.

She asked He Zhen to leave, but the reason why He Zhen left was not her decision alone...

And the weeping Jiang Wuyong, how could he not know that his thoughts were clearly seen by his brothers and sisters? He only asked for the sympathy of the emperor.

The prince hugged his brother Gong, and he burst into tears and did his duty as a younger brother.

Jiang Wuxie was the last among the brothers and sisters, so she showed her affection with great courtesy.

But being polite to Jiang Wuqi now is of no use, and being too polite would be wasteful.

The queen asked him what he was sending, and it was a dig. Jiang Wuxie just skipped it with the word "sustenance"...

People in the Tian family have always lived a tiring life, and the undercurrents in this process are not difficult to see clearly.

Only this happened in front of Jiang Wu Qiling!

The emperor was angry because of this.

In the end, Jiang Wuqi fulfilled his duties as a king and his ministers and died innocently in front of him as his son.

He came here today in mourning clothes as a last act of remembrance, but he still had to watch these people fight over each other.

How can he not be angry?

However, the dispute between the crown prince and the crown prince has become more and more intense, and until now... it happened with his tacit approval. If you don't fight against the stormy waves, you can't show the dragon. If the strong wind doesn't destroy it, you can't show your strength.

How could he be angry about this?

It is difficult to describe this hatred and feeling. When the emperor governs the country, he must consider every word and action. He can only question his children in the same way as Jiang Qingyang.

Jiang Qingyang's response was strong, but this kind of edgy young man was exactly what the emperor needed.

He didn't think he was disobedient, his silence was more of an observation.

Observe the different thoughts of everyone in this mourning hall.

In governing this country of ten thousand chariots, we must not slack off even for a moment.

Although Feng Gu's words were explaining to Jiang Wang, they made him miss Jiang Wuqi even more.

How much has this child, who was destined for the future in his mother's womb, silently done for the great unification of the world?

And the emperor suddenly realized...

The only thing he didn't need to do was observe Jiang Wuqi anymore.

Just like Jiang Wuqi said——

"Now you can trust me."

The emperor cannot be without doubt.

However, the word "doubt" is sometimes like Jiang Qingyang said... "How can I hurt my minister?"

Emperor Qi let out a long sigh: "Jiang Qing, I take back what I just said and ask you to forgive a father's sadness."

There was still silence in the mourning hall. But the people's hearts were suddenly in a rage, and no one could calm it down.

The emperor who achieved the hegemony of Da Qi actually admitted his mistakes!

Who is Jiang Wangzhen?

Yan Tu, who was being punished at the execution ground, was describing the hatred of the emperor. He had fought for the Qi Dynasty for decades, made countless achievements, and was listed in the military hall. Once he was imprisoned, he did not even have a chance to see the emperor to defend himself.

The lover of the emperor is more important than the mountains, right before his eyes.

Therefore, with the dignity of the emperor, I apologize to Jiang Wang. Because of the importance of the world, I have hurt no one in Jiang Wang.

There was silence in the hall, only the voice of Emperor Qi sounded.

"Mr. Jiang is known as the one who never abandons me. He is my beloved son. He was born in the frosty winter and was cut open in his mother's womb. I say that my beloved concubine Lei Shi will never abandon my son. In the end, God will be jealous of him!"

The cold poison entered my life, and my life was destined to be dead. However, my will never faded, my ambition never faded, and I fought with the sky for seventeen years. In one step, the gods came and cut out all the rotten flesh of my country.

I love you so much that I will never be so sad in my life!"

Emperor Qi stood in front of the coffin, and when he lowered his head, he could see Jiang Wuqi's sleeping face.

His gaze swept across Jiang Wuhua, Jiang Wuyong, Jiang Wuyou's face, and Jiang Wuxie.

That moment was as majestic as the mountains and seas: "Wu Qi's death is my great misfortune and your great fortune!"

Jiang Wuhua, Jiang Wuyong, Jiang Wuyou, and Jiang Wuxie all fell to their knees, unable to raise their heads!

The Crown Princess also knelt down along with Jiang Wuhua.

The Queen of Daqi lowered her eyes and said nothing.

Looking carefully at the years, the Emperor of Da Qi has experienced many ups and downs, but he said that he has never been so sad in his life.

She, the one on my pillow and the head of the harem, could not speak after all.

Emperor Qi looked down at Jiang Wuqi, looking at his handsome face covered with frost.

After being silent for a long time, he reached out and gently opened his lips, took out a piece of white jade from his sleeve and put it into his mouth.

"Your jade, my father will return it to you."

Carrying treasure in the mouth is a funeral ritual.

Emperor Daqi completed this step himself.

It also declared that Jiang Wuqi was truly dead in a legal sense.

Of course he was as white as jade when he left.

This innocence was proved by the emperor.

Feng Gu pressed his forehead to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably, with tears streaming down his face.

Jiang Wang had previously said in Jiang Wuqi's study that he hoped Jiang Wuqi would get what he wanted when he left.

Feng Gu understood that Jiang Wuqi had already obtained...

Returning the jade that Jiang Wuqi was guilty of to Jiang Wuqi, this simple action seemed to have restored Qi Tianzi's calm.

The tremendous pressure felt by everyone in the mourning hall dissipated instantly.

"Go back to the palace." The emperor said, no longer looking at Jiang Wuqi or the mourning hall, and walked out.

Han Ling followed behind without saying a word.

The Emperor walked from the side where the Queen was standing before. On his right was the coffin, and on his left was the kneeling Crown Princess and Jiang Wuxie.

He walked by.

After passing Xiu Yuan who was standing, Jiang Wuyou who was kneeling, Jiang Wang who was standing upright, and finally Feng Gu who was kneeling on the ground, they left the mourning hall decorated in the main hall of the Eternal Life Palace.

Just left and never looked back.

According to the etiquette, the entire funeral has not ended yet, no one has come, and Wen Yanyu still needs to host the final condolences.

But the emperor has left.

Jiang Wuhua, Jiang Wuyong, Jiang Wuyou, and Jiang Wuxie were all speechless for the moment.

Jiang Wang remained silent, feeling the emotions of Emperor Qi for the first time.

Diving under the deep sea, there are actually raging waves.

Queen Daqi looked at the princes and princesses and said quietly: "Get up, what are you still kneeling for?"

Several princes and princesses stood up individually.

The queen seemed tired, turned around, and sat down on the first chair. Facing the coffin, she gently raised her left hand and brushed it out: "Let everyone go, I am here to accompany you."

Give up the last leg."

Her hands were moving in the air, making people feel helpless.

Although the queen said so, of course it is impossible for the princes and princesses to leave now.

The Emperor just asked who he wanted to show off by coming so early. If the Emperor stepped forward and they left on the back, they would really hit the tip of the knife.

The queen's voice had fallen silent for a while.

Cao Jiu stood up and said, "I still have some unfinished military affairs, so I will retire first."

Immediately after, Chen Fu and Xiu Yuan also stood up and left.

Except for treason and other major crimes, there are very few things that can shake their status as important imperial ministers like them who are ranked in the Military Hall and the Political Hall, and they don't need too many performances.

And being in this position is indeed full of things. Being able to come and offer incense today is a great respect for Jiang Wuqi.

The incense has been offered, and since the emperor has left, there is no need for them to stay.

With the three big shots gone, Jiang Wang naturally won't stay. Although he originally planned to participate in Jiang Wuqi's funeral today, it was not really to show off in front of Chong Xuansheng, but to give Jiang Wuqi gifts.

Friendship, my heart is to cherish heroes.

But when the emperor asked like that today, if he stayed here at this time, it would be a bit of a show. Furthermore, he did not want to continue to feel the pressure within the royal family here.

So he exchanged a look with Jiang Wuyou, then asked the Queen to resign and left.

Before the general stepped out of the palace gate, Feng Gu stood up and said: "I will see you off on behalf of Your Highness."

Jiang Wang subconsciously prepared to refuse, but then he changed his mind and said softly: "Thank you, father-in-law."

Others didn't think much about it. After all, Feng Gu had already expressed Jiang Wuqi's friendship with Jiang Wang by speaking out in front of the emperor.

It makes sense to give one as a gift.

Probably only Jiang Wang himself knew that he had very little contact with Jiang Wuqi, and their friendship was far from the point of being entrusted with his posthumous reputation.

Feng Gu probably had something to say to him...

He had been waiting for Feng Gu to speak on the way.

But probably because the people in the Changsheng Palace were talkative at this time, Feng Gu never spoke.

It wasn't until he reached the screen wall that he suddenly said: "Sir, do you believe His Highness Eleven?"

Jiang Wang thought for a while and said: "I think what kind of person he is, he has used his life to prove it. I have no reason to doubt him."

"It is indeed your Highness's regret that you were unable to make friends with the Lord earlier." Feng Gu suddenly bowed and said, "I would like to thank you on behalf of Your Highness."

Jiang Wang quickly supported him: "Father, what are you doing?"

Feng Gu took out a handkerchief, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and then said: "His Highness has got what he wants, but what I, an old dog, want has not been realized yet."

Jiang Wang glanced at him in surprise.

What's the meaning?

But Feng Gu had already stopped: "This old slave has been sent here... I hope that the Lord will be prosperous and prosperous for thousands of miles from now on."

When there were so many people, Jiang Wang couldn't ask in detail, so he had to go around the screen wall full of doubts and leave first.

I thought I would wait until the funeral was over and find a chance to ask about the situation.

When leaving the palace gate, I happened to see Wen Yanyu calmly instructing the officials of the Ministry of Etiquette to handle all aspects of the funeral, down to the smallest details.

Not to mention anything else, these great people are really top notch in Qi nourishing skills.

Using Wen Yanyu as a court official to conduct the funeral ceremony of the eleventh prince is certainly a manifestation of standard.

But Emperor Qi left the scene early, and half of the people's hearts immediately dispersed. Important people like Cao Jie, Chen Fu, and others also offered incense and left.

It can be said that this is already a thankless task.

Even though the emperor left the scene, his work could not stop there. If a person of his level was responsible for the funeral, it must have a beginning and an end.

This is a waste of resources, and such a tedious and meticulous work has been lightly ignored. It is self-evident and boring.

But there was no dissatisfaction on Wen Yanyu's face, not even a hint of impatience. It seemed that he didn't feel at all how wasteful it was to do such a job.

Jiang Wang took the initiative to step forward this time, bid farewell to him, and then left the Changsheng Palace.

Today, Ben went out showing off in front of Chongxuan Sheng, but before Chongxuan Sheng came, he had already ended his condolences and left. Things in this world are really hard to describe.

Lord Jiang is not going out on foot this time. Xie Ping, the housekeeper of the Jiang Mansion, has arranged his outfit and arranged a coachman and carriage.

But when he walked to his carriage, he saw an unexpected person——

Xiu Yuan, the commander of Zhan Yu Army.

This man was sitting in a tall carriage and waved to him: "Come in."

The carriage in Lord Jiang's house, commanded by nine soldiers, looked like a child's toy, which was really shabby.

The housekeeper Xie Ping and the new coachman hired by Jiang Mansion both stood quietly and did not dare to speak.

At that time, the long street in front of me was deserted, and the palace gate behind me was deep.

The autumn wind is very cold.

The entire bustling Linzi City paid homage to Jiang Wuqi with silence.

"You guys go back first."

Jiang Wang gave instructions and got into Xiuyuan's carriage.

This chapter has been completed!
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