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Chapter 2043 The stone remains silent

Du Yehu didn't care what Du Ruhui thought, just like this fucking court, he didn't care what Duan Li thought, nor what the people of Maplewood City thought.

For Lin Zhengren to be able to say these words in public, he is already completely in conflict with Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui, and there is no possibility of change.

After today, one party must die. Because there can only be one historical truth about Maplewood City.

He ignored Lin Zhengren and ordered directly: "School One and Two are going to block the treasury and not allow anyone or anything to come in or out! Shan Junwei, you lead people to suppress the officials and prohibit them from doing anything. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed without mercy. Yang

Yin, you personally lead the team into the palace and search for the imperial seal with me!"

Years of fighting have already made him fully aware of the cruelty of war.

Duan Li's generous teachings also helped him grow into a qualified general.

If Jiang Wang chooses to act today, then today will be a day of progress and no retreat!

He didn't think about how Zhuang Gaoxian was doing or how Jiang Wang was going. He only knew that he had to do what he could do. As Lin Zhengren said -

For those who never die in peace!

By this time, the entire Zhuang Palace was already in chaos.

The maids and eunuchs were either trembling or running away in panic.

Of course, there are some so-called "masters" in the inner palace. But God has not yet attained enlightenment. How can one be called a master in Xin'an City today?

Four gods came to besiege Du Ruhui!

There is another one named "King of Equality" who is suppressing the dragon veins.

Run for your life!

The only option is to escape.

In the huge Xin'an City, many people are waiting for Zhuang Gaoxian, waiting for their king to return and bring order to the chaos. The Lord of Zhongxing is very prestigious in the country. Although some famous imperial generals like Du Yehu raised their flags to rebel, some like Lin Zhengren

Even if the young people set an example and upright people severely condemned him, it would be impossible to sway him overnight.

The incident happened suddenly and under strong military suppression, they could only wait.

But they definitely can't wait, or in other words, what they wait for is definitely not what they want.

Behind the shattered palace door, people were panicked but did not dare to make any noise. They could only cry uncontrollably, a few intermittent, very quiet sobs.

Zhuang Gaoxian's insignificant queen led his cowardly prince and came to Du Yehu, driven by fierce soldiers.

The person who handled this matter was a school captain from Jiujiang Xuanjia. He was half-kneeling in front of Du Yehu: "General, I have brought the wife and children of the foolish emperor, how should I deal with them?"

At this time they realized that things were not that simple anymore.

Xin'an City was captured easily, and Du Ruhui was driven away like a chicken or a dog.

All the officials remained silent, and the White Feather Army was as silent as cicadas.

What Qingjun side.

Now it is time to change the dynasty and change the sun and the moon!

If you want to become the new king, you should submit your name certificate!

The blood relative of the unscrupulous king is the most important one.

But Du Yehu only glanced at the frightened and weeping woman and young man, and waved his hand: "Every injustice has its owner, and every debt has its owner. One person's sins are not as bad as those of his family. I won't kill you, just run for your lives!"

Queen Dazhuang and Prince Dazhuang, who had been completely abandoned by Zhuang Gaoxian, did not dare to say a word and ran to the outer city in panic.

They were staggering, unsteady, panicked, and did not pay attention to the front.

Of course, it was too late to notice.

A huge mouth suddenly opened in front of them, swallowing them up easily!

At first glance, it looked like the mother and son ran into a bloody cave in a hurry.

Then a rock fell on the cave and it has been closed ever since.

Only a few crunching sounds were heard, which were crisp and powerful, chewing the two of them to pieces!

This huge mouth that was still chewing rose rapidly.

Only then did people see clearly this ferocious vampire rising from the ground.

It was about five feet high and one foot wide, with bulging veins and tangled muscles.

During the chewing process, blood dripped from the corners of its mouth, and it extended its long barbed tongue to greedily lick the blood clean.

Lin Zhengren stood just above the vampire's head.

He still had such a gentle and elegant attitude, which was in huge contrast to the ferocious vampire.

With fluttering clothes, he stood in the wind, but frowned and said: "What is Brother Yehu thinking!? He is born with the blood of the faint king, how can we let him go and let him cause trouble in the future!? Not to mention this woman, with whom

I don't know how much bad water I have soaked in when I share the same bed with you. Killing will definitely bring you a hundred benefits! For the sake of the world's livelihood, you must not be merciful!"

Since ancient times, those who possess the magical power to cultivate ghosts, no matter what their character is, will inevitably be feared and suspected by others.

But Lin Zhengren is an exception.

Such ferocious supernatural powers do not affect his image as a gentleman at all.

He has a famous saying that is widely circulated - "I control the evil ghosts with righteousness, and then the evil ghosts will not be heard in the world."

Killing your wife and children at this time is like doing justice to heaven.

Du Yehu was not a kind-hearted person. When he saw that someone had been killed, he just raised his hand. The evil tiger put down his pressure and stopped the ghostly figure that was about to run into the palace: "Since I have killed his wife and children,

The rest of the people won’t have to suffer any more!”

Lin Zhengren glanced at him, not knowing whether he was preventing himself from stealing the jade seal in the chaos, or whether he was just being soft-hearted, but he just said loudly: "Okay! You and I are really like-minded! We, teachers of benevolence and righteousness, fight for the common people of the world. We only punish people."

The chief culprit will never harm the innocent!"

Du Yehu said no more, and led his men to the main tower of the city defense formation.

As everyone in the Zhuang Kingdom knows, Zhuang Gaoxian has been preparing for the National Defense Formation in recent years, and has been scraping together resources. Although it is still only a semi-finished product, the core of the Royal Capital Formation is already quite powerful, and is enough to protect the country.

At critical moments, be the winner.

This time Jiujiang Xuanjia entered the city and paralyzed the city defense formation in advance. And now he wanted to completely eliminate the possibility of Zhuang Gaoxian reactivating it after he rushed back to Zhuang Kingdom.

Lin Zhengren's understanding of the eradication of evil is to eliminate the roots. If he can wipe out the whole family, he will definitely wipe out the whole family. His understanding of the eradication of evil is similar to Jiang Wang's - to eliminate all suspense and eliminate all possibilities of resistance by the opponent.

At this moment when the evil ghost was chewing the minced meat, Du Ruhui's eyes were split and bleeding!

"Lin Zhengren!"

He roared.

I feel so sad at this moment!

He fought for Zhuang State all his life, and always remembered Emperor Ren's instructions to protect Zhuang State and create a better country.

When Zhuang Gaoxian was still swaying, he was the one who supported him on the dragon chair.

He is also the one who has watched the growth of this generation of Dazhuang princes. No matter how complicated the affairs of the country are, he will still keep an eye on the prince, lest he will not have the talent, the city will not be repaired, and he will not be able to bear the future of Zhuang country.

But today, right in front of his eyes, Lin Zhengren killed the future emperor of Zhuang Kingdom.

More reckless than killing a dog!

However, he is not even qualified to ignite his anger. Under the siege of the hell gods, how can he be allowed to grieve?

He has traveled to the end of the world and traveled through the streets and alleys of Xin'an City, but there is no one he can get rid of or defeat. His aura is getting weaker and weaker, and new injuries on his body replace old ones.

At this moment, he glared angrily and forcefully cut out the blood in his heart. He endured Yan Xiao's splitting claw and allowed his back spine to be torn open with a deep bone-visible wound. He turned around and stepped in front of Lin Zhengren.

In the sudden horrified look in this guy's eyes, he grabbed his neck and carried him away, away from the crazy and ferocious vampire, and away from Zhuangdu!

He couldn't even protect the queen and prince.

He can't save Xin'an City either.

He is sorry for today's emperor and has failed Emperor Ren.

But now, the country still needs him.

He must remain useful and do useful things.

But before that...he must kill Lin Zhengren!

He has never been so angry!!!


This was the first thought in Lin Zhengren's mind when Du Ruhui rushed towards him.

He didn't expect that he could make Du Ruhui, who was deeply involved in the city, go crazy by submitting a petition and casually eradicating the roots. He originally thought that Du Ruhui would be dragged to death here because of the importance of Xin'an City - this was the only thing Du Ruhui could do.


But Du Ruhui has now given up on Xin'an City!

Even before giving up Xin'an City, he didn't forget to capture Lin Zhengren.

What the hell are you? Who is the main force? Who raised the flag of rebellion!

If Du Yehu is left alone and the jade seal is not snatched, will Du Ruhui's brain be eaten by a dog?

Lin Zhengren felt very depressed, unable to understand, and shocked!

And beyond this thought is his desire to survive like wildfire and withered grass.

There will be no one in this world to save him, so he must give himself 12% guarantee and will fight anyone who wants to kill him!

He can endure anything, including humiliation.

But I can't stand the danger.

He can give you everything, including dignity.

But you can't kill him!

Life and death are often just a matter of thought.

But for Lin Zhengren, he has been in danger all the time since the Yellow River Meeting.

He said that Du Yehu and he should understand each other, which was not entirely false. Over the years, he, like Du Yehu, has been trying hard to show his value in order to save his life.

Today's Zhuang country is cold and everyone is in danger.

Du Ruhui grabbed Lin Zhengren's neck with one hand, intending to strangle him to death on the spot, but with a little force on his hand, five elements of light suddenly appeared from Lin Zhengren's neck.

On the narrow neck, there were five glaucoma protruding from it.

The ghost heads have different shapes and make five kinds of expressions: joy, anger, sorrow, and joy.

There are actually metal, wood, water, fire and earth, and five ghosts seal their necks!

It was far beyond Du Ruhui's expectation.

How many bad things has this guy done? How afraid is he of being choked by others?!

Du Ruhui failed to strangle Lin Zhengren to death, so he could only pinch his neck and continue to fight against the five ghosts. Then he stepped out of Xin'an City, escaping and killing at the same time!

There is nothing left to save in Xin'an City. What he needs to do now is to inform Zhuang Gaoxian of the changes in the country to prevent him from suddenly turning around and suffering unintended consequences.

The mountains and rivers are in turmoil, but only the emperor can save the country.

Of course, there are some secret communication methods between the monarch and his ministers, but he had tried it before, and the communication channel had been blocked by King Chu Jiang.

At this moment, the only one who can still send a message, the only one who is reliable, is himself!

Now that I have decided to leave, I have to hurry.

The evil bird Yan Owl also had the ability to shift space. Although it couldn't compete with those so far away, it still pursued him relentlessly, greatly narrowing his options.

What's even more uncomfortable is...this Yan Xiao can't be killed!

It was during the process of killing Yan Xiao that he was seriously injured by the King of Chu Jiang. He thought it was a choice to trade his injuries for space, but when he turned around, the bird said "Yan Yanyan!"

At your feet are the thousands of miles of mountains and rivers of the Zhuang Kingdom, and in the direction is the Taixu Mountain Gate where the alliance of the world is held.

The first thing he did when he saw the emperor was to ask the emperor to contact Yujingshan urgently. He had a premonition that it would be difficult to save the situation with Zhuang Gaoxian's real combat power alone, and there was a risk of being targeted to death. After all, now that Xin'an has fallen, the country

The situation collapsed, and the queen, prince, and general were all in misfortune!

But as long as Yu Jingshan takes action in time, all problems will not be a problem.

It's just that their monarchs and ministers are tied more closely to Yujing Mountain, and the country gives more tribute to Yujing Mountain... As long as the country can be stabilized, everything will be worth it!

Du Ruhui was filled with hatred, and while thinking of ways to break the situation, he bombarded Lin Zhengren wildly.

Although the body was seriously injured, it was not difficult to kill a small outbuilding.

It is remarkable that Lin Zhengren can hold on for three to five breaths.

He didn't intend to kill anyone either.

He doesn't do anything that doesn't help the situation.

Just kill him, just kill him...

I just regret that I didn’t start earlier!

This treacherous evil spirit, the scum who destroyed his own clan, cannot be trusted at all!

"I said, why didn't you start earlier?"

At this time, Du Ruhui heard Youyan's voice, just like the voice of his heart.

But the sound came from under his own hands.

He looked down.

Lin Zhengren, who was dragged out of Zhuang Country like a dog to death, actually stretched out a pair of skinny hands with brown spots on his body and hugged him tightly!

Then came the second pair, the third pair...

Thick and dense ghost hands were all grabbing at him.

Du Ruhui's broken golden body could no longer withstand too much damage.

He instinctively wanted to mobilize the power of the country to suppress him, but the turbulent power of the country responded poorly.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that his Xiangyin remained in the Prime Minister's Mansion, and during this period, Li Jianqiu had been in charge... But when changes occurred in Xin'an City, the Prime Minister's Mansion also closed its doors!

More darkness arose in my heart.

He didn't use the seal before to avoid damaging the country's power, and he also didn't want to expose Li Jianqiu, a good young talent. He also had no time to deal with the siege of the Hell's killers. At this time, there was no country to worry about, so he forced the divine light to protect the body and suppress the ghosts.

Hands, and at the same time call out Zhuang Xiang's seal from a distance!

At a certain moment, he seemed to have crossed mountains and rivers and saw the man sitting cross-legged in front of the table in the main hall of the Prime Minister's Mansion, with a sword across his knees.

Li Jianqiu!

He was once a handsome man, but after he came to Xin'an, he became even more taciturn. Since Dong'a's death, he has become even more serious, slow to talk but quick to work... He has almost become his chosen next prime minister!

The seal was sealed in a square jade box and placed on the long desk in front of him.

“Response me with your image!!!”

Du Ruhui shouted in his heart.

Don't let me down, Li Jianqiu!

Bang bang bang, the seal of Dazhuang Prime Minister vibrated in the jade box, and was about to break out of the box, but the light had already begun to fade.


Li Jianqiu raised his hand and placed his sword on the jade box. Xiangyin fell silent instantly!

The seal is the prime minister's kingdom, and the sword is a peach branch.

Today we use peach branches to rule the country!

Du Ruhui saw Li Jianqiu sitting in the familiar Prime Minister's Mansion, looking down at the jade box, as if he was looking at him through the square jade box and the Prime Minister's seal.

When Du Ruhui heard this, Li Jianqiu said softly and slowly: "Prime Minister, Zhuang Guo is the most important thing in everything. This is what you taught me, and what Master Dong asked me to remember at the last moment."

His voice was slow and leisurely, indeed a bit like a future minister of state: "I think I am making the choice you expect me to make."


If the emperor loses his throne, the country will not be a country! How can we say that the Zhuang country is the most important?

The evil obstacles are not as good as Dong Ayuan!!

Du Ruhui was furious, but with a horizontal peach branch and a flash of sword light, this weak connection was severed!

He then vented his anger on Lin Zhengren. Regardless of his injuries and fatigue, Daoyuan urged him wildly and blasted down the Five Yun Thunder with one hand!

The five aggregates are form, feeling, thought, action, and consciousness. With these five aggregates, the thunder will kill all ghosts!

There was almost a sound of thunder, and the man held in his palm had lost his breath, his body was as black as coal, and countless evil spirits dispersed into black smoke.

Du Ruhui relaxed his fingers and was ready to leave the body behind and continue to look for Zhuang Gaoxian to report the news.

But from this charred corpse, a ghostly hand suddenly appeared -

Pale white and wet!

And it fits perfectly between the fingers, holding his palm.

The two hands are intertwined like this, there is a strange intimacy!

Du Ruhui was startled and withdrew his hand, but couldn't help but hold the wet ghost hand together!

The charred corpse was separated like a corpse.

What was brought out by his palm was a ghost with water dripping all over his body. His face was slightly distorted, and he turned into Lin Zhengren!

The black smoke of evil spirits scattered between heaven and earth gathered towards him crazily, making his momentum continue to rise, striking the barrier between heaven and man!

His smile was still the traditional smile of a gentleman, but his voice was inevitably much colder: "Xiang Du, have you been looking forward to this day for a long time?"

Because of his distrust of Lin Zhengren, Zhuang Gaoxian personally planted a soul-binding cord on Lin Zhengren's neck before he went on a mission to other countries.

After Lin Zhengren returned, Zhuang Gaoxian no longer mentioned the matter, and Lin Zhengren seemed to have forgotten it.

Du Ruhui understood that since Lin Zhengren dared to betray openly, he must have solved this problem.

So he never thought about using the soul binding rope.

But he didn't expect that Lin Zhengren would use this method of escape!

No wonder he had been waiting for Lin Zhengren to approach the gods and kill him, but Lin Zhengren's cultivation seemed to have stagnated!

In order to resist the ever-present pressure of death, Lin Zhengren was ready to abandon his physical body from the beginning.

He refined the element-devouring water ghost into his own Tao body, and at this critical moment, he changed his mind and became a ghost cultivator!

If nothing had happened today, even if Lin Zhengren had this skill, Du Ruhui would have had the confidence to kill him when he ascended to the divine level.

But today...

The golden body was broken and the national power was stripped away.

This body is seriously injured and exhausted!

Du Ruhui looked past the water ghost and looked at the mountains and rivers below with some confusion.

What a beautiful country... a place he fought for all his life, a place he loved so much!

Suddenly his gaze stopped.

He saw the desolation among the beautiful mountains and rivers, and saw a towering stone monument in the wilderness——

A memorial monument to the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in Maplewood City.

The stone tablet says nothing.

This chapter is four thousand nine, almost five thousand words long.

What am I going to say?

Still available at 8pm!!

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Thanks to the book friend "Potato and Potato Chips" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 526th alliance!

Thanks to book friend "Flying Husband" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 527th alliance!

Thank you to book friend "Kong Ru Ye Kong" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 528th alliance!

Thanks to book friend "FancyGroot" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 530th alliance!

Thank you to book friend "If Beauty Is Good to Eat" for becoming the ally of this book, it is the 531st ally!

Thanks to book friend "bokbo" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 532nd alliance!

Who is the 529th Alliance? Brother, I can’t find you. Can you come out and let me have a look?

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