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Chapter 2060 If you are seeking the truth, you will be in danger.

Huyan Jingxuan is the mainstay of the Huyan clan of the True Blood Family of the Grassland, the contemporary head of the Cangyu Xunshou Yamen, and the strongest real person in the Mu Kingdom who broke the Cangtu Mirror Wall.

Strictly speaking, in the division of forces within the pastoral country, he should belong to the "joint elders".

The Joint Elders Council is an organization with a rather complex structure. To describe it simply - it basically represents the interests of the major True Blood tribes in the grassland.

As we all know, for a long time, the grassland has been shrouded in the divine glory of the living god Cangtu God.

Damu has not yet established a country, and Cangtu is already the only true god.

Divine power is supreme and seems to be eternal truth - but it is not eternal.

When the Pastoral Kingdom was first established, theocracy was still supreme in the grasslands.

Helian Qingtong, the Taizu of Mu, climbed Qionglu Mountain in three steps and bowed once, and was crowned by the high priest of the Cangtu Temple at that time. Only then did he unify all the grassland tribes with the support of the Cangtu Divine Cavalry.

Since then, when the emperors of the past dynasties ascended the throne, they had to go to Qionglu Mountain to be crowned.

The god Cangtu is at the highest position, and the crowned high priest who represents the power of the god is the only person in the grassland who is under God.

Under divine authority, it is the imperial authority and the co-presbyterian body that stand side by side.

The Helian royal family and other True Blood tribes are under the supervision of divine authority, checking and balancing each other, and sharing secular power.

For the Cangtu Divine Religion, this is an idealized power framework that can be passed on forever. However, in the real historical development, it has not been able to continue as expected.

In the long game, the Joint Elders Group was the first to withdraw from the competition for top power. Its influence gradually faded, and it gradually lost the qualification to stand alongside the Helian royal family, becoming an organization under the royal power. Later, it even became a supporter of the royal power.

, was denounced as a 'Helian dog' by a certain high priest of the Divine Crown.

During the period of Emperor Mu Lie, Helian Wenhong, a landmark event occurred - when he ascended the throne, the then high priest of the Divine Crown went to the Supreme Court in person to hold a coronation ceremony for him. Emperor Lie sat on the throne the entire time,

He never bowed to the priest.

From then on, the status of the Supreme Royal Court and Qionglu Mountain were equal, becoming the two cores of Wanli Grassland. Divine power and royal power were co-ordinated in name and in fact.

Of course, some historians believe that the credit for this landmark event may be entirely attributed to Emperor Lie's father, Emperor Muwei Helian Renrui.

But mainstream historians hold this view - Emperor Mu Lie took over Emperor Mu Wei's challenge to the divine power, and consolidated and expanded the victory. It was Emperor Mu Wei and Emperor Mu Lie, two generations of monarchs, who jointly established the

The juxtaposition of royal power and divine power on the grassland.

When the contemporary Emperor of the Mu Kingdom, Helian Shanhai, crowned the new Divine Crown High Priest Tu Hu in the Supreme Court! This completely changed the tradition of "God appoints the king" to "the king consecrates the king". From then on, the power of the king was above the power of the god.

After so many years since the founding of the Damu Kingdom, the continuous progress of the Helian royal family can be vaguely seen in these major events of historical change.

The changes in power of the "Joint Elders" follow this thread. It can even be said that the "Joint Elders" itself is a living history book of the Great Shepherd.

But no matter how the power changes and the influence declines, the Joint Elders is still the most powerful force on the grassland. Its decline is only relative to the royal power, and its influence is only under the royal power and divine power.

As the face promoted by the joint elders, Huyan Jingxuan, who serves as the current head of Cangyu Xunshou Yamen, is definitely the top powerful figure on the grassland.

Even though Tu Hu could easily control him, he was still willing to play with Jiang Wang, who was in the presence of God.

Regardless of personal strength, personal authority, or family power, or the influence of the organization behind him, looking at the entire grassland, he is a countless presence.

Gu Shiyi came to the grassland alone and actually said he wanted to kill Huyan Jingxuan?

"Wait a minute, Brother Gu!" Jiang Wang chased him out of the restaurant and changed his voice: "Please think twice before you act! Why did you end up facing Hu Yan Jingxuan? Can you think about it again?"

Huyan Jingxuan is truly the number one real person in the Mu Kingdom, and Jiang Wang himself has experienced his strength personally. Can Gu Shiyi, who was born in a small country and has a sword in the world, really be able to defeat him?

Even if the most powerful hero in the world in front of him also has the strength of the best real person in the world, Beihuang Fu and Zhonglou Yue are no match for him. His combat power is so strong that he can catch up with the invincible Xiang Fengqi of Dongzhen...

...Can it really kill Huyan Jingxuan?

If you really do this, even if the true king comes, you won't be able to leave the grassland!

Jiang Wang had a very good opinion of Brother Gu and really didn't want to see him fall on the grassland. Therefore, although he knew that Zhenzhen's ambition should not be deflected, he still tried to persuade him.

Gu Shiyi didn't stop and said in a casual tone: "Brother Jiang, what do you think of Jingshi Terrace?"

Although it was only two people communicating and could not reach the ears of a third person, Jiang Wang thought about it seriously before saying: "Jingguo's intelligence organization."

"A fair evaluation!" Gu Shiyi praised, and then said: "But when Jingshidai was established, it was not just an intelligence agency for Jingguo, a falcon or a hound. It was also meant to preside over the world.

Justice should replace the three punishment palaces. Behind these eight words, 'illuminating all directions, mirroring the present world', there are originally eight words - 'upright and bright, the universe is clear'!"

These eight words... are really thought-provoking. Jiang Wang was also a little stunned.

Gu Shiyi continued: "For a certain period of time, Jingshitai did have a fair and upright reputation, was trusted by people, and held the authority of the word 'righteousness'. But in the long history, the last eight words

It's still been erased. It's not that Jingshitai wants to erase these eight words, but that no one believes in these eight words anymore."

Jiang Wangdao: "Unless Jingguo really unified the world back then, Jingshitai would never be able to realize these eight words."

"You are right, belonging to Jingguo must be for Jingguo's private interests. This cannot be changed by anyone's will. It is the same whoever chooses to be the capital of Jingshitai." Gu Shiyi said: "What do you have for Cangyu Xunshou Yamen?


After Jiang Wang thought about it, he said: "Cang Yu's Patrol Yamen is to the Kingdom of Mu, just like the Mirror World Terrace is to the Kingdom of Jing."

Gu Shiyi strode forward with a heroic attitude: "Jing Shitai once cooperated with Zhuang Gaoxian to trick you into becoming a demon. Let me tell you here, they are the same species, there is no difference."

Jiang Wang did not deny it.

Gu Shiyi said again: "Cangyu Xunshou Yamen treats you well, right? Nothing excessive?"

Jiang Wangdao: "Because I am not its enemy in the true sense. I have no hostility towards Muguo and do not pose a threat."

"Yes, you can see it clearly!" Gu Shiyi said: "These organizations have no emotional likes and dislikes, only pros and cons, and national authority. Looking at the six countries, Qin's jailers have the worst reputation, and that's just because they don't care.

, just to act with a bad name. In fact, no one is cleaner than the other!"

"Jing Shi Tai's hands are stretched out long, and they have to intervene in everything and take care of everything. The same goes for Cang Yu Xun Shou Yamen.

"A few days ago, someone from the Zheng Kingdom came to see me. It was my useless nephew, a famous mediocre king in the Eastern Region. The only thing he is not bad about is that he is kind and righteous to the people... He told me that Feiya from Cangyu Xunshou Yamen was all the way

The culprit was tracked down to the state of Zheng. Without any knowledge of the situation, he took action in the territory of the state of Zheng without any regard for the local people. As a result, thirty-seven people were killed and one hundred and sixty-four were injured.

"Did you initially think that it was the prince and daughter of the Zheng Kingdom, or some genius who was affected?

"No, the two hundred and one people affected are just ordinary people. Ordinary people who live a normal life and have not provoked anyone."

Gu Shiyi looked at Jiang Wang: "But you said, should I take care of this matter?"

"It should be taken care of! If Brother Gu doesn't care, no one will take care of it." Jiang Wang said, "But..."

"But we have to take a long-term approach and plan it slowly. But because behind Jingshi Terrace is Jingguo and behind Cangyu Xunshou Yamen is Muguo, people like me, who have no family, no sect, no background, and come from a small country, should endure it for a while."

Forbearance, right?" Gu Shiyi asked.

He added: "I'm not questioning you, Brother Jiang. I'm just stating a 'natural' that everyone in the world recognizes. I'm just describing what this society is like. This is how the world is, right?"

After Jiang Wang fell silent, he said: "Once overseas, a senior who died in the Mysterious World once told me this truth - your truth is only within the edge of your sword."

"This is a wise saying!" Gu Shiyi said: "But the reason why I, Gu Shiyi, can be respected by knights all over the world and get the name of a so-called 'hero' is because I cannot bear it. The so-called knights, light life and death, pay more attention to promises.

The sound of the sword is unfair! If I don't sound, no one will sound for them. If I don't draw the sword, their death will be in vain!"

Jiang Wang almost applauded him.

But as a bystander, it is easy to cheer. But who is really going to lose his life?

"I heard that the Taixu Illusion Realm is about to be restarted. The Taixu Pavilion will be opened, and the selection of cabinet members will be open to the whole world. There are nine Taixu cabinet members to safeguard justice and inspect lawlessness." Jiang Wang advised seriously: "If Brother Gu has any

If you have the confidence to defeat Huyan Jingxuan, why not compete for this spot? Taixu Pavilion may be able to help you realize your ideals in life, and you also meet the selection conditions."

After hearing this, Gu Shiyi burst into laughter, pointed at Jiang Wang and said, "Sometimes you are smart, and sometimes you are stupid!"

Jiang Wang was silent for another moment and then said: "Sometimes I hope I'm smart, and sometimes I hope I'm stupid."

"You just said that." Gu Shiyi patted him on the shoulder: "You are actually a person who doesn't want to be confused."

The world-famous hero let go of Jiang Wang's shoulders and strode forward: "Don't worry, brother Jiang, Gu Shiyi is not a fool, he knows what he is doing! I want to kill him, or at least tell him

, there is a nosy Gu Shiyi, who can kill him! Teach him to respect him, and tell Cang Yu to have some rules in Xunshou Yamen!"

Jiang Wang could not speak.

There is no need to mention the importance of Cangyu Xunshou Yamen. Its headquarters is located in the south city of the Supreme Court, and is in the core area where grassland nobles gather.

On the outside, it is very inconspicuous, with white walls, a narrow plaque, a door that is not big enough, and no decorations in front of the door. It looks like the kind of Qingshui Yamen with a deserted courtyard - and indeed no one can be seen nearby.

When he came here, Jiang Wang subconsciously amplified his hearing. After all, Gu Shiyi was going to do something big. Even though he was just watching, he still needed some information to support his sense of security.

When the sravaka let go, he heard a voice that seemed to be reporting: "...last night someone got hysterical and rushed into the fire pit naked, shouting to burn the god -"

Only half of the words were heard, not the front part, not the back part.

Jiang Wang's eyes flashed and he saw Hu Yan Jingxuan with sunken eyes.

The No. 1 real person in the grassland, whose robes were trailing to the ground and whose aura was hidden, looked at him with a smile but not a smile: "It is a terrible crime to supervise Cang Yu's Xunshou Yamen. Jiang Wang, how many years are you going to work with us to redeem yourself?"

Originally, Gu Shiyi strode ahead, and Jiang Wang followed closely behind.

Now Huyan Jingxuan suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Wang, and Gu Shiyi was the one closer to the yamen. He turned around and looked at Huyan Jingxuan's vitals: "Are you pretending not to see me?"

Huyan Jingxuan then turned back to look at him and frowned: "Who are you?"

"Gu, teacher, yi." Gu Shiyi signed up word by word.

"Oh, the heroic hero of the world, the uncle of the current leader of the Zheng Kingdom." Huyan Jingxuan read the information about this name, and of course concealed the more specific and secret information about this person from Cangyu Xunshou Yamen.

The contemporary head of Cangyu Xunshou Yamen, dusted his sleeves rather boredly, and said calmly: "Looking at the world, Dong Zhen is indeed a remarkable person. But in front of Mu Guo, it seems to be nothing. I am the only one.

There are so many real people and real demons beaten to death that I can’t even finish them all with both hands——”

Under the withered yellow and soft forehead hair, the eyes of the No. 1 real person in the grassland just showed a hint of ferocity: "Do you take yourself seriously?"

Gu Shiyi laughed and did not explain himself to him, or even talk to him again. He only said to Jiang Wang, "Brother Jiang, watch out! I will only teach you once - how to kill Dong Zhen!"

With these words still in his ears, Gu Shiyi and Hu Yan Jingxuan got close to each other.

The terrifying power ripples completely destroyed the field of vision!

Jiang Wang's eyes instantly turned red and gold, but what he saw was still blurry.

Even Qianyang Chitong cannot grasp this battle.

He summoned Immortal Mu on the spot and managed to capture an afterimage - Gu Shiyi and Hu Yan Jingxuan had already killed Gao Tian!

Jiang Wang was anxious.

I have made full mental preparations and plan to study hard... You guys let me see it!?

Two dignified real people, fighting and having an affair, disappeared in the blink of an eye!

Jiang Wang was anxious for a moment, transformed into the three realms, stepped into the simulation, went straight to the sky, and entered the battle circle! He watched this battle with an almost life-threatening posture.

He didn't want to miss the battle between the top real people in the world.

Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. How can one easily gain insight into the true nature of the cave world?

If you seek the Tao, you will be treading on a dangerous path!

But when he soared up to the sky with his incomparable majesty, he only saw dots of stars, the heavens coming together, the cracks in the sky and the earth, and the stars in the clear sky. It seemed that a complete world was being built in front of him, and in his feelings

Spread out. As he flies all the way up, a brand new rule is being born!

This is?!

Jiang Wangshang was still surprised when he saw a figure falling rapidly!

He subconsciously reached out to catch it, but the huge impact caused him to fall to the ground, smashing through the floor tiles and creating a huge pit more than 300 feet deep in front of the gate of Cangyu Xunshou Yamen!

Jiang Wang, who was in the Three Realms, was at the bottom of the pit. He raised his head and looked up - he saw Gu Shiyi, wearing a black and gold imperial robe, standing on the edge of the pit, as if standing on the top of a cliff, with his long hair flying.

Cape hunting.

At this moment, Gu Shiyi is no longer a real person, but a real king!

If Jiang Wang saw it correctly, at the moment when he rushed into the sky, Gu Shiyi jumped from Dongzhen to Yandao, and then defeated Huyan Jingxuan.

Everything happened so fast and suddenly that his thinking was completely confused and he didn't know what the situation was like now.

Only then did he look down and see that the person caught in his arms... was indeed Hu Yan Jingxuan!

The famous No. 1 real person in the grassland, a powerful figure in the pastoral country, had his eyes tightly closed at this moment, and was as angry as a gossamer. Although he was not really beaten to death, he could not withstand a few beatings.

Jiang Wang looked up at the sky again, and Gu Shiyi's eyes were falling, and he smiled boldly: "Brother Jiang, just tell me whether my method is right or not!"

He was stunned for a moment before realizing that Gu Shiyi was talking about the method of killing Dong Zhen.

The real way to kill Dong is to achieve Yan Dao. There is really no way to refute this... What a way!

Jiang Wang was still thinking about whether he should say something, then he heard another crisp voice: "Brother Jiang, I'm leaving first!"

No movement was captured, and Gu Shiyi had disappeared above the pit.

And with a light touch on his hand, Hu Yan Jingxuan, who had been so angry just now, suddenly became full of vitality and stood in front of Jiang Wang intact.

While wiping away the blood from the corner of his mouth, he looked at Jiang Wang: "Are you two together?"

"..." Jiang Wang felt helpless: "Master Huyan, if I say that I was just passing by and was caught as a spectator, would you believe it?"

"Why don't you believe it? You don't look that unconscious."

The ground under his feet automatically rose, filling up the more than three hundred feet of pit in an instant. Huyan Jingxuan combed his withered yellow hair and walked into the yamen: "Come in! Since Gu Shiyi asked you to pass on the message, you want to tell me something.

What. You’re not just trying to prove the Tao of Evolution to me in front of me?”

When he reached the threshold, he finally couldn't hold it back and cursed again: "Damn, I really thought it was a real battle."

Thanks to book friend "Quqing Buyu" for becoming the ally of this book, it is the 579th ally!

Thanks to book friends "Han Paopao and Feng Bujue" for becoming the alliance leaders of this book, which is the 580th alliance!

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