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Chapter 79 That is

When it comes to geography, Daze County is larger than Xinming County, with abundant products.

There are eighteen cities, large and small, in the entire county.

The city area where the Tian family's ancestral home is located is usually called "Tian City". It was not originally called this name, but over time, most people only remember the word "Tian".

The Secret Seven Star Tower is located here.

The fields on both sides of the official road should be planned uniformly, so that they look neat and symmetrical. They can completely overlap with the official road as the center.

The main city itself is also square. From a distance, it looks like a heavy black square. The wall bricks of the city are all black, neat and solemn. They look more like iron than bricks.

The carriage stopped under the city gate, and when I looked up, I discovered that the city's real name was the word "ji".

That's the city.

This character is also boxy and has no personal style. What is left is strict and neat strokes.

It seems that there is a feeling that is difficult to express clearly.

"When I see this word, I feel a sense of urgency!" Jiang Wang said.

Li Fengyao glanced at him but said nothing.

The original form of the word "that is" is a person approaching the food utensil to prepare for a meal. It means "to be" or "to approach".

The carriage drove into the city calmly.

Whether it is the prestige of the Chengcheng Hou Mansion itself in Qi State or the current relationship between the Chongxuan family and the Tian family, nothing unsightly will happen here.

Everything you see, including shop fronts and streets, is all neat and orderly.

The city is just like the word "Tian". It is square and neat, and every part is divided evenly, no more and no less. I don't know whether the Tian family gave this city its style, or whether it is this kind of city that makes it unique.

It gave birth to the Osawada family, one of the most famous families in Qi State.

Xiaotong drove the carriage and drove on the wide street. Pedestrians consciously walked on the roadside, and even the vendors lined up neatly on both sides of the street, with no one occupying the road.

It is said to be controlled, but in fact, there is no need to drive to "remove black". Xiaotong only needs to say left or right, and it will adjust its direction. Jiang Wang very much doubts that it is a pure-blood monster, rather than something mixed with monster blood.

Of course, that kind of mount is also a rare one, but Jiang Wang has seen it before, and its spirituality is far inferior to "Quhei".

Speaking of which, the interests of the Tian family and the Chongxuan family were exchanged, and Tian Antai's position as governor of Rizhao County was exchanged for ten years of Chongjia Island development rights. Both parties benefited, but in fact only Chongxuan Sheng suffered a personal loss.

This time, Zhong Xuansheng took the initiative to ask the Tian family for a spot in the Seven-Star Tower, and also expressed his intention to put aside the past grudges and repair the Tian family.

This is also to prevent the other party from helping Zhongxuanzun, because it was actually Zhongxuanzun who promoted the exchange of interests between the two companies in the first place. Both parties have reasons to continue to cooperate.

However, although Chong Xuansheng asked the Tian family for a place, Jiang Wang did not wait for the Tian family to receive him.

He, Li Fengyao and his master and servant all stayed in an inn in Jicheng, where they waited quietly for the opening of the Seven Star Tower.

The Seven Star Tower opens in September when the star power is at its peak. This day is not fixed. In previous years, there was also a whole September when the star power could not reach the limit. Those years were the "Years of Silence" and the "Years of Brilliance".

"Year of Glory" is relative.

In addition, there are years when the Seven Star Tower is open, but there are not many treasures, and the participants gain very little, which is called the "Year of Dark Stars".

Now, according to the news released by the Tian family, in September this year, the city's star power will reach its peak between September 12th and September 14th, and the opening hours of the Seven Star Tower will also be determined within this range.

Judging from the information that has been memorized, the longest opening time of the Seven Star Tower is one month, and the shortest one is nine days.

Jiang Wang is almost certain that he will definitely miss the challenge of the blessed land in Taixu Illusion in September. He is used to the decline in the ranking of the blessed land. His only regret is that he misses one less chance to fight against the strong.

Although he and Li Fengyao called each other "Sister Xiaowang Fengyao" and came to Jicheng in the same car, they actually didn't talk much along the way. Both sides were immersed in their own spiritual practice.

The same goes for arriving at the inn.

A total of three guest rooms were opened, one for Jiang Wang, one for Li Fengyao and Xiaotong, and one for Quhei. The food was all prepared by Xiaotong himself.

Huh, it's just a horse pulling a cart.

These words had been in Jiang Wang's mind countless times, but he had never spoken them out loud. It was obvious that this demon horse's temper was not good.

After it entered the room, it kicked all the tables and chairs in the room to pieces and swept them away with its hooves. The innkeeper rushed up with a face of pain, and Xiaotong stood by and "paid the bill" with ingots of silver.

Wait until Quhei "renovates" the entire guest room until it is empty, leaving only a large bed without a roof. So why do we need to open a separate guest room for it?

There are still many things that Jiang Wang can't figure out.

For example, why are every guest room in this inn exactly the same, including the materials, layout, and even orientation of the tables, chairs, beds, and even the orientation. There is absolutely no difference between his room and the room before it was blackened and "renovated."

Does it have to be so identical and symmetrical?

There is absolutely no personality at all.

Ji Cheng is not a city where he can feel comfortable, but no matter where he is, his practice will not change.

Jiang Wang sat cross-legged on the bed, forgetting everything for a moment.

The Tenglong Dao Meridian walked farther and farther in the fog of ignorance, and the map of the entire Wufuhai became clearer and clearer in his mind. He had been close to the first inner palace that sparkled with magical seeds several times, but Jiang Wang finally couldn't

Choose to pass by.

As Jiang Wang's own strength becomes stronger, his island of heaven and earth is also growing. However, this process is even slower.

As usual, I stopped in front of the "warning line", turned around, and landed on the island of heaven and earth, thus completing today's practice.

Jiang Wang didn't waste time, and then he entered the illusion of Taixu again.

Traveling with Li Fengyao, I haven't had the chance to enter the Taixu Illusion Realm. Although the entry into the Taixu Illusion Realm is very hidden and has never been discovered by anyone, there is no need to display it in front of others like offering a treasure.

[Ranking eighth in Tenglong Realm, losing the honorary title of "Taixu Liuhe Monk". 】

This prompt sounded.

The competition in Taixu Fantasy Realm is also very fierce. If you don't pay attention, you will lose your honor.

Fortunately, his ranking did not drop much. It seems that in Taixu Illusion Realm and the level of Tenglong Realm, his strength is still very stable.

No matter what, the benefits brought by honor cannot be given up.

Jiang Wang made some adjustments and started a new matching battle.

"It's Taiyin Star Power again, and..."

In a small building in Tian Mansion, such a soft voice sounded.


The voice fell.

The small building has two floors in total.

If we say the whole city is a big "field".

Then Tianfu is a small "田" wrapped in a big "田" character.

The two-story building in Tian Mansion is the point in the center of the word "Tian".

As the center of Tianfu and even the entire city, the appearance of this small building is extremely strange.

This chapter has been completed!
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