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Chapter 80: Sit in the 'well' and look at the sky

At first glance, the entire small building looks like a shaft.

But this "well" does not delve downward, but extends upward.

The building only has two floors, but it is not short. The two floors are evenly divided and both appear to be long and thin.

The roof and the bottom of the building are of average size.

The small building is made of some unknown wood, which seems to be not very suitable for construction. Not only is the wood itself not smooth enough, but it also has many knots, like tree burrs. They hang at random on the wall of the building, making it extremely ugly.

It must have taken a lot of thought to build a small building with such wood.

This small building has no windows around it, or the only window is on the top, because it also has no roof.

When you sit in the middle of the building, you can see the sky at a glance.

The reason for the concept of "two floors" is not only because there is a circle of wooden eaves at the corresponding position outside the building, but also because the two floors are actually separated inside the building.

But in the middle of the floor on the second floor, there is a round hole for two people to hug each other. There are no stairs on the second floor, so this is the passage upstairs.

Overall, the roof of this building, the passage in the middle of the second floor, and the bottom of the building are three completely parallel circles.

It's just that the top of the building is exactly the same as the bottom of the building, and the circle in the middle of the second floor is much smaller. It's shaped like an hourglass.

This small building has four doors facing the four directions. The doors are also in the shape of round arches that curve inward, just fitting the "well wall".

Only the door to the north is unlocked, and the other three doors are wrapped with black chains, as if they are locked with something.

Only the north door has a vertical plaque with the name of this small building written on it, which also means that the north door is the main entrance.

A plaque was erected to write to the Prime Minister.

Everyone in the Tian clan knows that Fubi Tower is an absolutely critical place, and only clan members with a certain status are not allowed to approach it.

This Fubi Building is Tian Anping's residence.

Tian Anping was born late.

He is seventeen years younger than his brother Tian Antai, the current governor of Rizhao County.

However, Tian Antai, who had been in the military for many years and was known to be majestic, bowed in front of Tian Anping.

Even if Tian Antai is posted in the Qiu Sha Army, one of the Nine Soldiers, even if he has now achieved the position of a magistrate of a county, he can only become the governor of a county and become a real feudal leader when Yang Di is completely surrendered.


At this time, Tian Anping was alone in Fubi Building.

He was bare-chested, bare-footed, wearing only a pair of trousers, sitting cross-legged on the ground, looking up at the sky.

He is always looking up at the sky.

The sky contains all the complexities of the world. White clouds, gray dogs, sun, moon and stars. He only sees this skylight.

He called this "sitting in a well and looking at the sky."

His upper body is quite strong, and the muscles are not excessive, but they are very distinct. The most eye-catching thing is that there are whip marks everywhere on his body, and there are dense blood stasis, as if he has just suffered some kind of punishment.

But there was no pain in his expression.


He repeated it again.

He remained motionless, looking up at the sky.

He seemed to have countless questions, and the sky held all the answers.

Another hearty battle ended, and Jiang Wang exited the Taixu Illusion Realm.

He found that challenging the honor of Taixu Liuhe monk again was no longer as difficult as before.

Although it is true that he has not stopped practicing and is making progress every day, it cannot be said that he has become so much stronger in such a short few days.

It's because the opponent is indeed not as good as before.

He challenged until he reached the fourth place in the Tenglong Realm, but the opponents he encountered were still not as good as the young man in gorgeous robes he faced when he won the honor of being a monk in Taixu Liuhe.

If he had to do it over again now, he would not be sure of defeating him again. Of course, he would not lose confidence. After all, he was the one who won at that time, so there is no reason why he should not dare to win again.

Just analyzing from the objective level of combat power, he was indeed completely defeated in Taoism. Whether it was the strength of Taoism he mastered or the control of Taoism, he was far inferior.

He guessed that the young man in colorful robes should have risen to a higher ranking, so they could not fight again.

Of course, the opponents we met now were all very strong, but on paper, none of them could surpass the young man in rich robes who was good at water magic.

The benefits enjoyed by the fourth and sixth placers in Taixu Illusion Realm and Tenglong Realm have not changed. New surprises may not come until the top three, or first place.

Jiang Wang stayed in the inn for three days, and strong men from all over Qi State came to Jicheng one after another.

Li Fengyao almost never left home, but Xiaotong often came to visit and told some gossip from time to time, so that Jiang Wang could prepare for the upcoming meeting at Qixing Tower.

The scale of this Qixing Tower meeting was not too grand compared to the peak times in previous years.

Although the so-called "year of glory" has spread a lot, it is a fait accompli that the harvest of Qixinglou has gradually declined.

Of course, this is not grand and only relatively speaking.

At least from Jiang Wang's perspective, it was already very scary.

You must know that every time the Seven Star Tower is opened, there are a total of 108 places. In addition to the Tian family's inherent 20 places, there are also 88 places for experts from all over the world to compete for.

The people who came were all above the Tenglong realm, and there were nearly three hundred people in total.

In the end, only eighty-eight people were qualified to enter the Seven Star Tower.

It's about a probability of one out of three.

What is the concept of three hundred cultivators above the Tenglong realm gathering in one place?

You must know that in a small affiliated country like Yang State, a strong man at the peak of the Soaring Dragon Realm can assume the position of the lord of a city.

Among the people who finally got the spot in the Seven-Star Tower Secret Realm, it was not uncommon for them to be strong in the Inner Palace Realm like Li Fengyao.

The Neifu Realm is already a powerful one, and even if it only opens one palace, it is enough to assume the position of the lord of the city in a small independent country like Zhuang State.

If it weren't for a top-notch family like the Osawada clan, and if there were enough powerful and terrifying people in their own base camp, they wouldn't be able to organize such a grand event.

Ordinary forces cannot even maintain basic order.

On the other hand, undertaking a grand event of this magnitude is also a reflection of the Osawada family's strength.

Of course, if the Tian family cannot afford a secret realm of this level like the Seven Star Tower, there are many powerful forces who are willing to take it on.

Xiaotong's nagging helped Jiang Wang build up enough psychological preparation.

This meeting in the Seven-Star Tower is the most noteworthy, and it is also a strong person that has attracted the attention of all parties.

The first one is the arrogant figure of the Lei family of the eleventh prince Jiang Wuqi's mother's family, Lei Fuqian. It is said that in the gambling games offered on the black market, he is far ahead with the highest winning rate.

Most people agree that he can leave the Seven Star Tower with the first place in Tiangang.

Next is Fang Chong, the first-class deacon of the Four Seas Merchant Alliance. This person is a powerful person in the inner government for many years, with strong cultivation and outstanding combat power. He has fought for the Four Seas Merchant Alliance in the north and south, and has gained a huge reputation.

After that comes Li Fengyao.

Although she rarely takes action outside and does not have any conspicuous achievements to show to others, the name "Shimen Li" alone, coupled with her cultivation in the inner realm, is enough for all parties to keep their eyes open and treat her with caution.

These three people are the biggest favorites to be ranked first in Tiangang.

As for Jiang Wang, whose quota was determined through connections, he was not on the odds list of the underground casino...he was not on the list.

When the casino sets its odds, most of them are based on the performance in the competition for places in the Seven Star Tower Secret Realm during this period. They also pay attention to various disputes and battles in the city during this period.

Jiang Wang was included in the Tian family's quota, and there was no need to compete. He had been staying behind closed doors for the past few days, and was basically silent.

The few battles he fought in Linzi were all in small areas and did not spread widely.

This feeling of being ignored...

Jiang Wang was very satisfied.


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