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Chapter 1023 It's always those who are engaged in conspiracy

 "This... give it to me!" Selune said with great interest, "I am very interested in what will be born from that egg in the end."

Hill looked at Moon Girl in surprise.

Although Selune doesn't seem to care about anything, if she is really interested in something... the final result must be what she wants.

Neither AO nor Shar could stop her.

Hill didn't think Tiamat could steal anything from Selune.

And that child... Hill never felt that she was innocent in being involved in those messy things.

Creatures like dragons know what is happening outside in the dragon egg... This young dragon is not responsible for all the evils Ferenriel has done.

He nodded cheerfully and threw the emerald ball exuding vitality to Selune.

As for the other thing, Hill silently picked up the thin, toy-like sword... As soon as he picked it up, the sword turned into a radiant long sword: the blade sparkled.

There was a silvery brilliance, like polished silver, and blue and silver flames were flowing along the blade, hilt and hilt.

"Sword of War." Hill couldn't help but read out the elven inscriptions on the hilt of the sword... and the strange flames jumped directly to his arm.

"That long sword that only the chaotic and kind-hearted elves can pull out?" Selune asked cheerfully, playing with the emerald ball in her hand.

She smiled and floated the small ball next to her... There seemed to be an inexplicable resonance with Shar, who had the dark night ball floating beside her on the other side.

Although the hair color is different, the appearance and temperament are also very different, and the color and aura of the little ball next to them are even conflicting...but it can make people feel that there is some kind of particularly close connection between them.

Shar didn't pay attention to Moon Girl's secret thoughts, and just asked thoughtfully: "Rose?

This sword was sent to the Temple of Lolth by the drow, right?

What does that big spider want... to do?"

"Icewind Dale is the easiest place for drow from the good camp to find a home." Lansander answered with a smile, "But drow, even if they are really kind-hearted, their personalities are very prone to disputes.

Isn't it normal to use force when something happens?

However, in the past, Eilistraee could help them stabilize their tempers that were prone to chaos and conflict... But...if Rose hadn't sent the brother and sister here for the chair, Eilistraee's priesthood would have been destroyed by Rose.

Is Si pretending to be?

If she directed all her prayers to Eilistraee towards herself, and then played with it...this sword of war, to some extent, would really cause a war.

Haha... Guess who those barbarians will blame after the fight is over?

If even barbarian-dominated areas do not accept these drow, which drow will choose to return to the surface and welcome the sunshine in the future?"

"Drow are easily corrupted." Selune couldn't help but frown and said, "They need to fight against the darkness in their hearts all the time to ensure that their camp is still on the good side.

Eilistraee's power of the silver moon is very important to them.

There is no way, for drow, sometimes, a curse may make them lose their mind... Otherwise, there would not be so many big cities that would not accept drow's open entry, and even half-drow would be discriminated against.

Kui Lu is so stable that many places have publicly stated that they do not welcome her.

Just like this time...except for Xi Lun who can't leave the Valley of Shadows, isn't it the only one who didn't show up is Kui Lu?"

"Kui Lu, isn't it nearby?

She just didn't go to Waterdeep and Icewind Dale to participate in the battle, and she really didn't have to go to Waterdeep to look at her with blank eyes." Lansander said in a weird tone, "She has been walking around Aglaia to observe."

"That should be for Eilistraee, right?" Selune said with a smile, "Isn't it normal? After all, she is also Eilistraee's chosen one, and Eilistraee is her best friend.

And the relationship between her and Viren is actually pretty good, and they can even chat for a few words before starting a fight when they meet."

Such a weird conclusion is worthy of the chaotic camp... Hill couldn't help but glance at the crystal ball that shone in the cat's paw. It is estimated that only they themselves understand what they are doing.

Then he looked at the few things at hand with a confused expression... No wonder AO didn't care at all, wasn't this all caused by him... ah, no, that should be the undead's fault... the master who failed to trick him?

All three things have lost their meaning!

Ah, no, the War Sword still has some significance. If it is really exposed in Icewind Dale, it will definitely be snatched up by the group of drow... After all, it is an artifact that Rose has publicly mentioned. As long as it is a drow who uses the sword,

Everyone knows that this is a weapon that can only be used by the strongest martial arts masters in the Cormanthor Empire.

For the competitive Drow, the meaning of artifacts may not be as big as the word "first".

And Eilistraee will definitely not be able to respond to the call of her followers for decades.

It would be nice to have a vaguely human figure.

This time, the battle with her brother Velen has consumed all her strength, and it is impossible for her to use the power of Silver Moon to help her followers stay calm.

But... Rose couldn't borrow this war sword to trap the drow in Icewind Valley, or the barbarian tribes and towns that housed these drow.

Hill sighed and looked at this long sword that can halve the aging speed of the holder... What does this thing have to do with him? Even the additional spells are just a matter of waving his hand to him.


Alas! Although he doesn’t know which side his growth is based on...but he has long confirmed that he is not a human being.

The only hope is the elves, even if they are the same as pure-blood elves, that is a good thing.

If we go by the growth period of the Earth Bear... then ten thousand years is not a long time, and it is useless to say anything.

So... let's just immerse ourselves in the world of magic and engage in various researches!

Hill touched the hilt of the sword and finally gave up the urge to draw the sword.

He actually wanted to give it a try. He really wanted to know whether the various usage conditions set by these elves themselves had any restrictions on the descendants of Corellon.

But then I thought about it, forget it... Even if he could use it, would he still take it with him?

Hill feels that his crystal sword is no worse than this thing, there are more of them!

This is... really a bit tasteless!

It was impossible for him to give this long sword to other gods... just like Shar, who was obviously interested, did not open her mouth like Selune before.

After all, even if Hill, a descendant of Corellon, was too lazy to mind the elves' business, he still couldn't throw away the elven artifacts he got as trash.

And from his point of view, as long as it belongs to Rose, no matter what it is, it is just a robbery, and there is nothing to blame.

But leaving this ‘war sword’ in Aglaia makes no sense!

Ah, wait.

Hill looked to the north thoughtfully...Which elven empire did Leonard and Lynn's father come from?

But no matter which one he is, he will definitely have the blood of the Cormanthor Empire, where the War Sword was born... No matter how many disputes there are between the elven empires, bloodlines are often born between the royal families.

After all... no matter how much trouble the elves have, they can't stop them from falling in love and changing partners quickly.

If you only look for someone in your own country... given the elven nobles' virtues of never looking down, they will probably have to look back soon.

Therefore, even if they have just had a fight, or even because they have been widowed, it cannot stop them from having sex on a whim... No, generally speaking, they prefer to find a comfortable lawn.

Can Leonard pull out this sword?

Although most people don't know it yet, Lin En, the younger brother, has been involved in the road of destiny and cannot get out... The benefits are huge!

This sword would be a bit troublesome to give to Linn. After all, he has followed Miriel, a human god, and the elves will definitely be troubled by this.

Even if Linn still believes in Corellon or Corellon's eldest daughter, for elves... 'purity' is very important.

Moreover, based on Hill's understanding of his friends, not to mention that Linn prefers to use musical instruments to stand behind and buff others. Even if he has to fight with people with a long sword... he probably won't be willing to fight directly for an artifact.

Enter Rose.

It didn't matter in the past, Lin En was not afraid of being the enemy of evil.

But now...Lynn is actually a bit of a germaphobe. He was also the kind of bystander who vomited from beginning to end that day.

Sometimes, appropriate retreat is also to prevent your future from becoming a stench, right?

Hill didn't need to ask, his friend would definitely be willing to sacrifice his dear brother.

As for whether Leonard will give this sword to anyone in the future, Hill doesn't care.

All he needs is a reasonable person to take the blame.

Moreover, you can also give Edna the "Volume of Quiet Meditation" of the God of Prophecy... They are all people related to the mayor of the territory under his command. He can't favor one over the other, right?

I just have to tell them that if they don’t witness the wish-making process with their own eyes, they cannot use it at will if they are related to the wish-making technique.

But if you have no choice but to encounter a life crisis... then you can only use it even if there are some sequelae.

Although, Edna probably already knew this under the guidance of Black Eyes, and there is no need to use it... Will the little intelligence requirements of the magic network have any impact on her?

What she needs are mana orbs, like those ioun stones that allow her to cast spells across the circle and store mana.

But... Hill can pretend not to know anything!

Edna just needs to understand what's going on.

Hill happily rolled the 'Sword of War' into a large water ball with purifying function... It is best to wash the things related to Rose when giving them away.

Then he picked up the stack of Nese scrolls and opened them with a smile.

He figured out that no matter what kind of calculations were involved, knowledge was correct.


The Sword of War is a sacred long sword with a +4 sharp edge. As long as the wielder still holds this sword, his aging rate will be halved, and he will only be affected by aging for one year every two years.

The wielder of the sword of war can create a barrier of blades once per day as the spell of the same name. In addition, the wielder can cast Might of the Bull three times per day, and can cast detect evil and detect good at will. Activate this option

Each ability is a standard action.

Those who wish to be selected by this sword to become the sword bearer must go through the sword selection ceremony, that is, grasp the hilt of the sword and try to pull the sword out of the scabbard to try to establish a connection with the sword. If you want to succeed,

The character must have the Elf subtype and must be of Chaotic Good alignment. In addition, this sword expects the wielder to be proficient in martial arts, charismatic (at least Charisma 15) and popular (Leadership feat). If the Sword of War is considered testable

If the subject does not meet its requirements, it will turn the hand of the sword holder and make an attack on the sword holder. If the subject does not have the elf subtype, or belongs to the evil alignment, the war blade will attack furiously. On these wounds

The magical treatment must be of extraordinary level.

If the subject is selected by this sword, the character will be bound to it, and can use a free action to summon the sword to his hand as long as the sword holder and the sword are in the same plane. As long as the sword is bound to one person, then the bound

It is only unlocked when the wielder of the sword dies, or commits a major sin against the alignment or against the elf. In such cases, the sword will attack the person as if he failed the sword selection ceremony, unless the person

Make an immediate effort to atone for your sins.

This chapter has been completed!
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