Chapter 1022 news of the long-lost old dragon

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 Lansander did not speak, but just glanced at Hill... The appearance of this natural mage was not part of the calculation of the tablet of destiny!

Shar sneered twice: "It was midnight... After being unlucky for so long, I finally had good luck.

Otherwise, even if she is really tricked by Savras, Ao will not care, but after everything is over, he will come out to arbitrate... A magic network goddess with no emotions and no opinions of her own is actually not bad, isn't it?


Icewind Dale has arrived at the battlefield, and the huge noise caused by the screaming undead rushing towards the orcs did not warm up the suddenly cold atmosphere of the floating castle.

Even if the red knight, with the help of the undead, rode on a tall horse and shot the orc war god away, the people and gods on the floating castle just laughed absentmindedly to show their appreciation.

People here actually know that god very well, so it is clear that what Shar said is the most authentic version of AO.

"Forget it...why talk about the old man being so scary." Selune finally broke the false calm, "After all...that Edna is pretty good now, isn't she?"

Hill lowered his head and continued to study those strange items, with only a feeling of indifference in his heart... If it weren't for the appearance of him and the undead, the ending Shar said would be the real future.

Therefore, no matter how friendly Ao behaves here, Hill will not trust her as thinly as Selune's hair.

No matter how kind Ao is to Shar and Selune, Hill can only be wary... Not to mention Tyr, even Mystra, this god has no mercy.

Is it possible that he, who came from the outside world, could have a higher status than Mystra?

No matter how generous he is, he will never think so.

But there is still one good thing about Ao, that is, he will not use coercion... Toril can be as famous in the multiverse as he is today, and even many traveling gods and archmages are willing to come to this world to take a look.

, also because of his style of doing things.

It is more decent than the devil's style of using forged contracts to deceive people, and more willing to take the bait.

Hill has always been defensive and counterattack in Toril...but he also understood that the Nese Scroll was not a trap set by Ao for him. He received it first, and the god chose to remain silent.


If these things were left in Aglaia's warehouse, would just be a different fate.

It would also be a surprise if Hill took him away.

So even if some important items are likely to become useless, he would rather endure it and not say anything about it.

But when Hill found the scroll of Nese himself, he quickly spoke... Those two things just have different meanings, but they are not powerful artifacts.

It is the kind of so-called artifact that is formed after being carried by the gods for a long time and soaked with divine power... The materials are not necessarily what they are.

This kind of... to say it is valuable depends on who is carrying it.

With Hill's wealth, he can definitely afford this unexpected loss.

ao has always understood what it means to stop losses in time.

Hill didn't say anything anymore, and glanced at the giant screen, where Uthgar, the son of Tempus, and Red Knight, the daughter of Tempus, were in high spirits surrounded by the undead... They seemed to feel for the first time that with so many people

What is it like to fight with powerful subordinates? The expressions on his face are very rich.

This is probably the first time the two of them have had such a smooth battle, so it is obvious that both gods are a little excited.

When the Red Knight was in the mortal world, she was famous because of her military talents. She was very good at defeating more with less... The adventure group headed by her resisted countless attacks from the forest for the sake of the people during the most terrifying years of turmoil.

The monster alliance came out.

But in fact, before that, she spent most of her time being held down and beaten... This female knight-born Tethyr happened to be torn apart at that time.

Well, Toril, isn't invading neighboring countries the inevitable result of becoming stronger?

If you live in a weak country with a strong country next to you, then you have to pray that you are not a noble and can move at any time.

It's a pity that the Red Knight's status is that of an absolute nobleman, so he can only bear the brunt of it.

Although he was admired by Tempus and promoted to semi-divine power by him,... the God of War's style of doing things meant that the Red Knight rarely had normal battles to fight.

Moreover, sometimes, whether there is a collective concept is very important.

For example, swarm charge, an activity that is normal for the undead, is really difficult for Toril people who have not received similar training.

So this female knight was charging with a group of undead knights... Someone could keep up with her pace, which really made her laugh.

As for Uthgar... the barbarians were originally the ones who were beaten everywhere in nature... Of course, to put it mildly, their will was tempered by the wind, snow and harsh natural environment.

It's a pity that most barbarians don't really like this kind of exercise, otherwise there wouldn't always be betrayers.

Uthgar could only stand at the front and be the warrior who used his body to protect the people behind him.

But this time... he was surrounded by many big men in armor, allowing him to wield the weapons in his hands without risking the pain of injury.

On Uthgar's big head with the horned helmet, his long beard almost reaches his nose... The grinning barbarian ancestor god is using a big hammer to hit the orc god with all his strength.

Nafu hit his head and the rhythm was so fast that even his beard jumped into a tap dance.

This is a battle that does not require much attention... When Tempus appears on the battlefield riding a white horse, there is nothing to doubt.

Even if the opponent has a slim chance of comeback, the God of War will not give up his special style of traveling on two horses.

"Shar, is Gruumsh not planning to show up?" Selune asked curiously.

"Just like Corellon will definitely not show up." Shar said flatly, "The master of this kind of pantheon will not show too much concern about the road of destiny, even if the members of the pantheon fall because of the road of destiny.


They would rather find a way to resurrect these unfortunate ghosts later.


Selûne tilted her head and thought for a while in confusion: "I understand what you mean, they don't want to be completely bound to Toril, even if their followers and descendants are making trouble in this world.

To be honest, I can understand Corellon doing this.

After all, he had no intention of doing anything for the elves in Toril from the beginning... But Gruumsh?

Was he the one who took the initiative to send the orcs to Toril in the first place?

Is there any point in him... pretending to be nonchalant?"

"No, but he has a face," Lansendre said harshly.

"It can't be said that. At's such a tattered fig leaf in front of the orcs in other worlds." Shar added.

Hill raised his head and glanced... It seems that these powerful gods of Toriel hate the orc god.

He stared at the two remaining things, a little confused... The book of the God of Prophecy, although it was too immoral, was not impossible to understand.

If a bad person has a reason to do evil, it is not evil.

The more I thought about...the original history, the more disgusting I felt, and Hill didn't want to continue reading.

Hill sighed, and with vicious operations, he unsealed the two things together... The combined power of the original light and the original darkness was indeed very powerful.

However, it is impossible for these conspiratorial gods of Toril to seal these things with the strongest power... The seal is too strong, and mortals cannot dig it out? Doesn't that mean it is a waste of effort?

However, they probably didn't expect that the good stuff that was supposed to be discovered under their guidance a long time later would actually be packed away with 1,000 gold.

Hill curled his lips helplessly. He didn't want to, but... what's wrong with paying 1,000 gold for fun?

That relatively thick tree trunk... Hill always thought it was a stick or something like that used by some giant demigod... But after peeling off the layers, a small emerald ball about the size of Hill's fist was revealed.

The small ball is surrounded by a mist-like green light, which is the light of life.

"Eh?" Selune asked in surprise, "Shar, that's Angeled, right? Didn't you say it was in the hands of the Queen of Five Colored Dragons?"

Hill looked at the emerald ball intently... In addition to being able to make people and dragons disguise themselves as level 18 mage, this artifact named after a certain archmage in Halua actually has the greatest ability of being available all the time.

The healing spell most attractive to some red dragons whose lifespan is too long.

And if this dragon had a daughter blessed by Bahamut, it would be even more attractive.

Is it possible that the father and daughter are in Icewind Dale?

By the way, although Tiamat cannot make detailed predictions, she can see some omens related to the five-color dragon race in the long river of destiny... So, at the very least, that daughter will come to Icewind Dale in the future.

Moreover, this artifact must have something to do with her.

He couldn't help but scratch his ears, and asked in a soft voice: "Do you know what happened to Ferenriel, the undead man who had a relationship with Tyr?"

Selune and Shar almost stood up from the recliner at the same time, with interest written on their faces.

"That red dragon and his baby daughter haven't been captured by Tiamat yet?" Selune glanced at Shar and couldn't help but asked with a smile, "Speaking of which, Shar Cyric should be too.

Are you very interested in him?"

"How do I know?" Shar said calmly, "But the Dark Sun used this reason to attack Bane's church.

He also dug up the dragon nests of several Tiamat loyal followers... That was... a huge fortune!

You know, although those few often go to worship the five-color dragon queen, their lairs are more than 10 kilometers away from the sacrificial site, but they are all ancient five-color dragons whose homes have not been raided by Tiamat, and they are very rich."


When the god Tempus comes to the battlefield, if he rides the white mare Veros, it means that the army will win, and if he rides the black stallion Delos, it means defeat. But most of the time, he chooses to step on one horse.

It effectively avoids the situation where the flying dragon can lose even if it rides on its face;


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