Chapter 1024 Page 11 is the limit

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 The silver magic writing slowly traveled on the gold sheet that was thinner than paper, as if every word was alive.

Hill quietly read the first chapter and suddenly understood why even the devil knew how to build the Magic Network.

The Toril Weave is relatively the most perfect one in the multiverse, but it is not the only one.

The beginning of this Nese scroll is about what kind of world's original power can be reflected in the model of the magic network, and how to break up this network if you don't want to live under the control of the magic network.

The simplest way is to let the god who controls the magic network die a few more times... the updates are iterative until she is less and less able to fully control the magic network, and let the magic network completely make her own decisions... and finally form her own thinking.

Once the magic network becomes independent, he will definitely want to become the controller of the world. This is related to the natural responsibility of this magic network, so the one he will eventually face must be the God of Creation.

Unless the Creation God of this world doesn't care about his status being replaced at all, it will definitely be a war... Either the Creation God will win comprehensively and the magic network will return to its original and primitive stage. Although the mages can no longer advance so easily, but

But he is free.

Either the God of Creation loses miserably...then the world will be dominated by arcanists and warlocks.

Needless to say, Warlocks will naturally become natural spellcasters as long as they resonate with a certain magic network.

As for the Arcanist... no matter how chaotic the original power is, it has its own rhythm. As long as you can figure out that pattern by relying on your own ability, you will definitely become a truly powerful person in that world, and even the gods can only laugh!

The chance of the magic network winning is almost zero, but if he succeeds, the greatest possibility is to become a truly low-magic world.

After all, the fall of the God of Creation was not accompanied by the dispersion of powerful power throughout the world, but... directly disappeared without a trace with that energy.

Hill silently raised his head and glanced at the three powerful gods who were looking at him curiously, and turned to the next chapter with an expressionless face... What does this thing have to do with him, a Trasil person?

In their world, the creator god is Yggdrasil who draws a few bottom lines and doesn't care about anything.

The manager who can be considered a manager is the Earth Goddess who would rather sleep... If you look at the virtues of the Earth Bear, you should know what style this goddess likes.

Silver Moon and Sun, including Aglaia, are the types who can watch the fun and just mind their own business.

The entire world basically belongs to racial autonomy...the elves belong to the elven gods, and the humans belong to the human gods.

The only enemies, apart from demons and monsters that no one can tolerate, are the monsters that both sides have to fight against... And it's not known when these monsters will be able to control the wind and rain again.

After all... Merkel failed, and there are undead, so clear-minded monsters would rather choose to form a partnership contract with them.

Trasil has never had such a complex environment as Toril. There is no one and no gods who want to overthrow the God of Creation.

However, Hill can understand why this set of Nese scrolls ended up being shattered into pieces.

According to normal history, after returning at midnight, it came down almost immediately... I had just studied and understood the rules of the new magic network, but it turned out that the rules had to be broken and reorganized.

It is normal for the archmages of Toril to go crazy after being tortured to the point of wanting to destroy the magic web.

It is estimated that at that time, it was not just the obsessed arcanists like those in Shadow City who were looking for this set of Nese Scrolls.

Although she had already turned to the second page, Hill was thinking in her mind that the Nese scroll in Heitong's hand was a fragment, not as complete as this one... So she was just weaving some specific functions of the magic net.

Supplements and modifications.

If she had seen this, she probably wouldn't have foolishly rushed straight to the door... After all, from this first chapter, it can be seen that the death of Mystri, who created the magic network, was very likely to be an accident.

...After all, that choice is really too kind. She is probably the only true, kind and beautiful goddess in the world, Toril... But all the goddesses of magic after her can be killed by anyone as long as they have that ability.

Hill looked at the following chapters... Tsk, either killing a divine being or a chosen one and the consequences, or how to transform pure wild magical energy or "dark fire" into silver fire.

Really... He turned over these pages of gold paper without even intending to look at them carefully.

Perhaps her expression was too obvious, but Selune couldn't help but laugh twice.

For the conspirators in Toril, this is quite good knowledge.

But for Hill...this is all boring knowledge!

For many mages, the most important function of the scroll of resistance is to increase the level, which is meaningless to Hill.

He has been rolling with colorless and transparent mental protection and natural power physical protection, and has not received any bonuses from the scrolls of resistance.

That is actually the energy transformed by the Nese Scroll from the original power of Toril. Hill has no intention of accepting these benefits. He is very wary now.

In fact, many gods and mages from the outside world can do this when reading the scrolls of Nese... After all, everyone understands that the benefits of upgrading while reading books are never free.

AO also understands this very well, so the Nese Scroll is never mandatory... As long as your spiritual sea is stable enough and your attitude of refusal is relatively persistent, it means that reading the Nese Scroll requires a lot of mental energy.

It's just...if they only read one or two chapters, many people won't care and have a closer connection with Toril.

After all, the feeling of added strength is still very comfortable.

Especially for mages who are in a bottleneck period, the dual blessing of knowledge and power is indeed very useful to them.

So they don't care about having to deal with Toril for these benefits.

After all, this little involvement is not enough to prevent them from leaving this world.

But Hill wanted nothing more than the knowledge he was given for free.

He can also control himself and not be tempted by that kind of powerful power... You know, this thing can be upgraded with one card!

With Hill's mental strength, there is absolutely no problem in reading Chapter 10.

After a few more chapters, his level will probably be comparable to that of Elminster whom I have always admired!

Fortunately, for Hill, suppressing himself in the face of the power he is about to obtain is a skill he has learned since he was a child.

He directly stuffed the top few pages of golden paper describing the characteristics and essence of various gods in the multiverse to the bottom.

"Do you...really just want to be a mage? Hill." Shar asked softly, "I know that some people only respect arcana and don't like bound gods, and even have a little contempt...but they won't be like

You don't pay attention at all.

But didn’t you raise Aglaia?”

Hill glanced at the Lady of the Night in confusion, shook his head and smiled: "What I do has nothing to do with future choices.

Dear Lady of the Night.

It’s just that I still want to find my own way on the unknown road, and what I want to see is my own conclusion.

I'm still young!

I don’t want to take the original knowledge summarized by others as the light of truth before I even start.

After all... no matter how powerful the Nese scroll is, it was written by humans, wasn't it?"

Selûne laughed twice and said in agreement: "That's right!

Not only Toril, but many gods related to magic in other worlds also participated in the compilation of this thing.

But, who would expose all their reliance?

Just because there are no mistakes doesn’t mean it’s true.”

Hill glanced at her noncommittally, and continued to turn over the gold paper... Selune had no intention of saying these words until Hill showed no interest in this knowledge.

Whether he is a god or a mortal, Toril always adheres to the style of "it's none of my business, it's none of your business".

He finally turned to the part that interested him the most... Mysterious Creation and Advanced Creation.

The manufacturing method of Miser Energy Core is in this part.

Stuffing some knowledge related to the creation of artifacts to the end... Hill plans to only carefully read these 10 chapters related to basic knowledge. All he needs is these things related to the nature of power.

Forget the rest, he was able to read 11 pages because of his status as the 'Son of God'. Hill did not intend to test the limits of his abilities.

After all, except for those chosen people of Mystra who have been exposed to the impact of the magic network for many years, even relatively powerful mages can only read eight pages. Mages with insufficient abilities will go crazy after seeing the fifth page.

Moreover, you cannot select part of a page to read a Nese scroll, and the artifact will not allow such opportunistic behavior.

As for knowledge such as the creation of artifacts, unless there is the legendary exclusive key that can unlock the next level of the artifact, those are only half-understood knowledge and are not necessary for him.

After all, Trasil's method of making semi-artifacts is not weak.

After all, reading Nese scrolls depends not only on the intensity of mental power, but also on one's knowledge of relevant knowledge.

People who don't understand anything will only get the result of brain overload.

You must know that once you see the scroll of Nese and go crazy, even if you continue to read it, there will be no benefit. The madness caused by reading the scroll can usually be cured by magic, but the cost is that the mortal's magical ability is seriously damaged, that is, the spell casting level is higher than

You have to drop down a few levels before you can read the scroll, and there is a high chance that you will completely lose your ability to cast spells.

Hill glanced at the giant screen. Tempus' victory was right in front of him, and Edna's clouds had already begun to turn over the spine of the world.

The cast of Icewind Dale will soon be taking their places.

Before that, he hoped he could finish reading one page, waved his crystal pen and record book, and Hill immersed himself in magic research.

People of all kinds who don’t know the whereabouts of the Naise Scroll are currently fantasizing about their own bright future... What if... I run away and I’m so lucky to grab a few pages?

This chapter has been completed!
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