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Chapter 282 The Ring and the Cat

 I was interrogated many times when I left the city, and it was not easy when I entered the city. At the same time, because the church was inspecting every street in the entire city, the nearest road home could not be taken, and the carriage took a detour.

After making a big circle, he took Shade and the maid back to Saint Teresa Square in the quiet night.

The light of the gas lamp illuminated the deserted square. Now it was dark. Only a group of pigeons were parked in the square, probably wondering why no one was feeding them today.

Miss Tifa Servitt did not leave the carriage, and Shade went upstairs to retrieve the fang.

The gas lampshade at home probably needs to be cleaned, and the light on the stairs is a little dim, but to outsiders, this is the light of home.

After going upstairs, I saw Miss Bayas already here:

"Oh, Shade! Good evening!"

She sat on the sofa, holding a teacup, and happily waved to greet Shade. There was a bottle of red wine on the coffee table in front of her. Shade was still awake when she left, so she was naturally very happy to see him safe and sound.


"Good evening."

Shade was also very happy when he returned home. He picked up the orange cat that ran over, and then talked about the vampire teeth with Miss Bayas and Luvia who were standing in front of the window looking at the carriage below, and then took the relic.

, turned around and went downstairs with the cat in his arms.

Back in the carriage, the maid just glanced at the fang that Shade had put in the paper bag and put it aside, feeling reassured about Shade's credibility.

Shade, who was anxious to go home, wanted to say goodbye, but was stopped by the maid.

She brushed the strands of hair around her ears, blinked and looked at Shade:

"Mr. Hamilton, I would like to thank you again on behalf of Miss."

"What do you mean you're welcome?"

Shade looked at the black-haired maid, not understanding the meaning of these abrupt words.

The latter is a little embarrassed:

"As a servant, I am not qualified to say these words. The Council has been coveting the secrets mastered by the Blood Spirit School. The value of the vampire's corpse and this fang is probably beyond your imagination. The young lady is not in good condition today, so

I would like to express my gratitude to you. Mr. Hamilton, you did a great job."

"You don't need to thank me, Miss Servit, Miss Carina and I have said before that this is a fair deal."

Shade said, smelling the fragrance of the maid again.

"Maybe it's not just a transaction, Mr. Hamilton. After this incident, the lady will probably treat you as a close person. You have shown this value."

"Then I'm honored?"

He didn't know how to answer, so he could only say this.

The maid who was close at hand showed a gentle smile:

"Actually, I also admire people like you. You seem out of tune with this world, but you are so real sitting in front of me. If I didn't intend to follow the lady and become a witch, I would probably want to give you a kiss now. Mr. Hamilton

, people like you are actually rare."

"Really? Then you want to say that I am a good person?"

Shade asked hesitantly. The maid hesitated for a moment and leaned forward, but finally took it back:

"Good people never live long. I don't want you to be a purely good person."

"Don't worry, I'm not that kind of person."

"Well, goodbye, Mr. Hamilton. Oh, don't forget this."

She handed Shade the old manuscript book "The Encyclopedia of Ancient Fairy Tales of Delarion", which Shade had obtained from the auction:

"This book has been in my hand these days, and I have to admit that you have a very good sense."

"Goodbye, Miss Servit. Actually, I have always been curious, what kind of perfume do you use? It smells really good."

Shade knew that this question was rude, but he still asked it. The black-haired maid was a little surprised, but then she smiled:

"Can you smell it? Only a few people can smell this perfume. It was prepared by the lady based on the ancient potion formula circulated in the parliament. Although it is perfume, the production process is that of potion."

"Does the potion have a name?"

Shade was very curious, and the maid hesitated for a moment before giving an answer:

"The smell of a witch."

Even if the Duchess was unprepared, it would be impossible to come up with 1,200 pounds in cash at once. After all, Miss Carina did not expect in advance that Shade would be able to take out the vampire's body.

Therefore, what Miss Carina gave Shade was a money order, which could be cashed directly at the Bank of the Kingdom of Delarion.

When Shade returned upstairs with the coquettish cat in his arms, the two ladies were very satisfied with the large sum of money. The three of them planned to divide the 1,200 pounds, but of course not equally. Because it was Shade who defeated the vampire, so

Shade took 500 pounds of it, and the two ladies each divided 350 pounds. Shade went to the bank to withdraw the money.

After discussing the matter of vampire fangs, we started to prepare dinner again. Because we were still under martial law, we couldn't go out to eat even if we had a large income.

Fortunately, the two girls who lived alone knew how to cook, so the three of them sat together and enjoyed dinner. Of course, no one forgot the cute cat Mia.

Their relationship is very special. They are not friends, nor are they lovers for the time being. In the words of the purple-eyed fortune teller, fate has linked the three of them together. It is like a team of adventurers in an ancient story, or an experience in a fairy tale.

Amazing adventure friends:

"Louvia, fortune tellers really like to talk about fate."

Shade said at the dinner table. There were red wine glasses in front of the three of them. This was brought by Miss Bayas when she came back in the evening to celebrate the victory.

The long brown-haired sorceress raised her eyebrows at the title Shade used.

Last night, Miss Bayas bravely rushed to the third floor. Although the impact on the evil god was minimal, her identity as the chosen one was exposed to the church.

During the day today, Miss Bayas accepted inquiries from the church and answered many questions about the awakening of power based on the ideas that Miss Anat had already designed. But just like Miss Carina's attitude, those who had already awakened were

The chosen ones are not important, what is important are the chosen ones who have not yet awakened.

There are thirteen selected people in total. No matter what the final door means, it is important to win over as many selected people as possible among one's own forces.

Therefore, except for the Church of the Sun, which paid full attention to Miss Bayas, other churches were more concerned about the way in which the chosen ones would awaken.

Next, Miss Bayas may go to the Holy See of the Church of the Sun for a short time, but she will still stay in Tobesk Diocese and continue her current life. After all, no matter how special the chosen one is, she is currently only a second-level warlock.

"I have reached the third ring. During the day, the church opened a batch of books to me, and then I was promoted."

Miss Bayas said with a smile, in this way, Shade from the second ring is still the lowest level.

In addition to those books, according to Miss Bayas, the Holy See has other rewards and training plans in preparation. As long as she does not die, she will definitely be promoted to the Thirteenth Ring. Young girls have high investment value.

After dinner, the three of them returned to the living room and continued talking on the sofa.

Therefore, the topic finally came to the white-robed god last night. Miss Bayas asked the same question as Miss Anat:

"Shad, I only care about one thing, other things don't matter at all. Are you human?"

"Definitely human."

Shade nodded affirmatively, and the young girl felt relieved. Compared with the curious female fortune teller, Miss Bayas actually didn't care much. Knowing that Shade is a human being, knowing the mystery, and summoning gods are all related to

It is enough that he is concerned.

Of course, Shade still hasn't told anyone that gods and saints are actually him, and he is not just a container. The "key of time" is used by him to explain everything. Regarding his true specialness, he cannot become a god.

He won't tell anyone that day.

"But no matter what, Shade, you saved everyone."

Miss Bayas said, her smile was really beautiful under the light of the gas lamp in the living room.

"But my deeds will be unknown."

He felt a little regretful about this, otherwise even if everyone in the city gave him a shilling, he would not be short of money in decades.

After discussing what happened last night, we finally came to the stage of dividing the harvest from the relics. Those letters and books can be shared, but the relics cannot be cut into pieces.

Originally, six relics were harvested from the ruins, but the evil eye was taken away by the evil god, and only five were left. Now that the fangs were sold to Miss Carina, only four are left.

"No, it's indeed five pieces. Look at this."

Shade took out the ring box. The ladies all knew the pebbled ring inside, but they all showed disgusting expressions. They did not become a man's hobby:

"Is this why you went to the charity banquet before breaking into the ruins? Since the lady gave it to you, then you can keep it for yourself."

Luvia guessed that Carina Cavendish was a witch, but Miss Bayas knew nothing about it. She seemed a little worried, not about the source of the ring, but about Shade, so she kept reminding her


"Shade, you must not use this casually unless absolutely necessary. I don't want my companions to become neither men nor women."

"Of course, I will sell it after a while when the storm has passed."

The surface of the ring looked like pebbles, but the ring was still metal. Under the light of the gas lamp, the metal ring seemed to be shining. This strange halo attracted the cat that was originally lying on the coffee table.


He stood up and looked at Shade. Under the gaze of the three people, Mia swung her tail and came to the ring. First she lowered her head and sniffed it. After confirming that she couldn't eat it, she rolled her tail and actually put the ring on the tip of her tail.



Shade was startled and wanted to hug it, but Mia easily dodged it.


The orange cat swung its tail and jumped on the sofa. It curled up into a cat ball and let its tail sway in front of it. Looking at the tail with the ring, it seemed to be very interested. The cat had found a new toy.

The metamorphosis ring can automatically adapt to different finger sizes, and now it actually fits on the tail of a cat. But because cats cannot recite incantations, there is no need to worry about the ring working. However, the ring cannot be left on Xiao Mia for a long time.

Around us, after all, the whispering elements of relics will have an impact on intelligent life.

But it’s okay to take it out and let the cat play with it occasionally.

Catching Mia, Shade took the ring off her tail and put it back into the ring box.

"Does the Relic Transformation Ring have any effect on animals?"

Seeing this scene, Miss Bayas asked softly to the fortune teller on the side, who shook his head:

"There is no data recording this. After all, this ring has never encountered an animal that can recite the incantation."

This chapter has been completed!
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