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Chapter 296 The Fall of the Second Republic (Part 2)

"Members of Congress, a sad thing happened early this morning, a heart-wrenching bloodshed!" Jérôme Bonaparte had a sad and angry expression on his face, as if he was really worried about the coup that happened early this morning.

And regrets: "But this is another thing we have to face!"

Then Jerome Bonaparte changed the topic and said in a firm tone: "If we don't take action, the entire nation and the entire country will fall into misfortune, and this unfortunate situation will further intensify as time goes by.

Knowing that the world has reached a point of no return, our great country and this outstanding nation will fall into the quagmire!"

Speaking of this, Jerome Bonaparte's mind came to the Franco-Prussian War. Twenty years later, the war shattered France's proud pride and the monarchy was completely wiped out from France.

The dominant European Army also had to rely on the Russian Empire's Operation Breath.

"The National Assembly, an organization that was supposed to serve as the pillar of order and morality and lead the French people forward, has now become a terrible hotbed of cabal. In this hotbed, a terrible monster is being bred, which is not based on the overall interests."

They make laws, but create wars in an attempt to eliminate all competitors in the form of civil war. They mock ideals and call incompetence reality. The Republicans, the Montagnards and even some members of the Party of Order have become members of this conspiracy beast.

Part of..."

Jérôme Bonaparte's tone became more and more excited, and the Bonapartist MPs who were aroused by their emotions also gave thunderous applause to Jérôme Bonaparte's passionate speech, and the applause continued one after another.

Jérôme Bonaparte, who criticized the Legislative Assembly, continued: "Fortunately, the French people have sharp eyes. They have seen this conspiracy beast, and they are afraid that France will continue to decline! So they

Only then will I use my silent call, that is, the votes, to push me to this position! I must be responsible for their will and the future of France as a whole!"

Everyone held their breath and listened to Jérôme Bonaparte's next words, because what came next was the highlight of the legislative assembly.

“In the name of the thirty million people of France, in the name of the President of the Republic and the Supreme Military Commander of the Republic, I declare:

1. The National Assembly is dissolved!

2. The universal suffrage system is restored, and all French people can participate in universal suffrage.

3. From December 14th to December 17th of this year, the French people will convene a citizens' meeting, and the members of the Republic must be re-elected successfully in order to continue to maintain their status as members.

4. Martial law will be implemented in the First Military District of Seine Province. The duration of martial law will be determined according to the situation. During the martial law period, anyone entering or exiting needs to declare.

5. The State Council is dissolved!”

Jérôme Bonaparte read out article by article to the Bonapartists in the Legislative Assembly. All the Bonapartists' faces showed joy. They were not afraid that their status as members would lose their role at all, because in the next election, they would

They will hold elections as "official candidates", and most of the people competing against them are unknowns.

"Start voting now!" Jérôme Bonaparte said again.

All the members present raised their blue votes at the same time.

Jérôme Bonaparte nodded with satisfaction and said: "Okay! The National Assembly passed it all! From now until December 14th, the National Assembly will be adjourned! Members, I wish you a happy holiday!"

After speaking, Jerome Bonaparte bowed slightly to all the MPs present.

The MPs sitting in their seats also stood up and gave Jérôme Bonaparte thunderous applause.

The National Assembly was completely dissolved from this moment on, and more than 120 members left the National Assembly in batches.

As the last person to leave the National Assembly, Jérôme Bonaparte looked at the empty seats in the audience, with a joyful smile on his lips.

After two years of "fighting" with the Legislative Assembly, he finally completely eliminated the Legislative Assembly, a product that made him feel sick.

"Let's go!" Jerome Bonaparte slowly stood up from the speaker's seat and said to Valewski.

Now is not the time to declare victory completely. Only after the rats that escaped in the middle of the night are completely captured can this coup be successfully resolved.

Accompanied by Valewski, Jérôme Bonaparte left the Bourbon Palace.

At the gate of the Bourbon Palace, Jérôme Bonaparte met Canrobert and Leboeuf again and gave Leboeuf the latest order.

"Brigadier General Leboeuf!" Jérôme Bonaparte looked at Adjutant Leboeuf seriously.

"Yes!" Brigadier General Leboeuf responded immediately.

"In the next few days, you will lead a regiment of soldiers to guard the Bourbon Palace. Be sure not to let anyone get close to him!" Jerome Bonaparte warned: "Once anyone is found going to the Parliament as a member of Parliament,

Give them three warnings! If they are still unwilling to leave after three warnings, then use cannons to blast them away! I remember there should be cannons in the Bourbon Palace!" Jérôme Bonaparte turned his attention to Canrobert.

"Yes! Your Majesty! Three eight-pound field guns!" replied Canrobert.

"Can you mobilize seven eight-pound cannons from the army to add to the defense near the Bourbon Palace?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked Canrobert in a commanding tone.

"Of course!" Canrobert replied immediately.

Under the questions and answers of Jérôme Bonaparte and Canrobert, Brigadier General Leboeuf was given the ability to use artillery.

At this time, Brigadier General LeBoeuf hoped in his heart that those congressmen would retreat despite the difficulties. Once the cannons were used, it would cause an unprecedented disaster.

"Yes!" Brigadier General Leboeuf could only bite the bullet and defeat Jérôme Bonaparte's suggestion.

Accompanied by Canrobert and Valewski, Jerome Bonaparte came to the Ministry of War.

Looking at the busy members of the War Department, Jérôme Bonaparte had a smile on his face.

It was precisely because of the efforts of these members of the War Department that they were able to successfully dissolve the National Assembly.

Led by State Secretary Benjamin Clemenceau, Jérôme Bonaparte came to the minister's office.

"Minister Saint-Arnaud, thank you for your hard work!" Jérôme Bonaparte shook hands with Saint-Arnaud.

"Nothing!" Saint Arnaud responded humbly.

The two came to a map, which marked the densely packed garrison locations of the 1st Paris Division.

"Your Majesty, our troops are mainly stationed here...here...and here!" Minister Saint-Arnault pointed to Saint-Germain, the Saint-Honoé district and the Saint-Marso district.

These three places are where the core of power in France is located.

"There are one battalion of troops stationed in each of the four districts of Montemar, Saint-Denis, Saint-Antoine, and Saint-Martin! Such forces are not enough to face the huge population!" Saint-Arnault told Gérault.

M. Bonaparte explained?

"How many members of the Assembly are not in custody now!" Jérôme Bonaparte asked Saint-Arnaud.

"According to preliminary statistics, there are about 40 MPs at large!" Saint-Arnaud responded to Jérôme Bonaparte.

"More than 40 deputies!" Jérôme Bonaparte crossed his arms and thought carefully.

The number of missing congressmen was indeed not a small number. After thinking for a moment, Jérôme Bonaparte asked again: "Have you posted a reward for the photos of these congressmen?"

"There is a reward!" Saint-Arnault responded to Jérôme Bonaparte: "Each MP is 5,000 francs, and the reward for providing clues is 1,000 francs!"

"Let's just raise it to 10,000 francs, and the reward for providing clues is 3,000 francs!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to Saint Arnaud.

"Isn't that too much?" Saint Arnaud responded to Jérôme Bonaparte.

"Not much!" Jérôme Bonaparte said with a smile: "We can take over the whole of France, and this money is just a drop in the bucket for the whole of France!"

"Okay! I'll have someone do it right away!" Saint Arnaud responded to Jérôme Bonaparte.

"By the way, you just said that one battalion has too few troops. What are you going to do?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked Saint Arnaud for a solution.

"I plan to gather all the troops and lure the snake out of its hole!" Saint-Arnault told Jérôme Bonaparte of his plan.

"Okay! Just do as you say!" Jerome Bonaparte nodded and said to Saint Arnaud.

At 3 pm on December 2, the strength of the 1st Paris Division began to shrink.

While the strength of the 1st Division was shrinking, some members of the National Guard in the Saint-Denis district began to have small-scale riots.

Some left-wing congressmen began to call members for demonstrations.

Jérôme Bonaparte and others ignored such demonstrations.

From December 3rd to 4th, under the joint action of left-wing and right-wing congressmen, they established a small national self-defense with only 40 people and announced the dethronement of Jérôme Bonaparte as president.

With the deliberate connivance of Jérôme Bonaparte, the opposition gradually moved towards the Palais Bourbon in the Saint-Germain district.

On December 5, the opposition came to the gate of the Bourbon Palace in the Saint-Germain district to protest against Jérôme Bonaparte's dictatorial behavior. They hoped to persuade the army to rebel.

At 3 pm that day, Jérôme Bonaparte at the Elysée Palace announced the start of the closing operation.

Thousands of soldiers began to surround the parade from all directions, and the parade instantly became a turtle in a jar.

"Down with Jérôme Bonaparte, long live the Republic!"

The marchers chanted "Long Live the Republic" and denounced the army for its betrayal.

Under the orders of officers at all levels, the army launched a charge towards the parade.

The parade of nearly a thousand people was overwhelmed in an instant, and all the fleeing congressmen were also gathered up and taken to prison.

At this point, the coup on December 2 came to a successful conclusion.

This chapter has been completed!
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