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Chapter 957 Buddha is reasonable

"Are you sure you want to give the gunpowder to Jin Yuru?" Wen Wen still felt a little uneasy.

Ten thousand gunpowder bombs and ten thousand kilograms of gunpowder were enough for the Silla survivors to do a lot of things.

Yun Chu looked at Wen Chu and said, "You asked on purpose, right?"

Wen Wen said: "The gunpowder produced in Daxing City is not very effective."

Yun Chu said: "Gunpowder that is not effective is still gunpowder. There is no problem in killing a lot of people. Who are you planning to trick with this batch of gunpowder?"

Gentle said: "Yinggong and the others, now that Jin Yuru is in a hurry, he should stay close to them first."

Yun Chu nodded.

Wen Wen added: "They added chili powder to the gunpowder and got some stone powder that can emit toxic smoke. Although the explosion is not very good, the effect is still very good."

Yun Chu looked at Wen Wen again and found that this guy would be quite handsome if he didn't have a clear palm print on his face.

Based on Yun Chu's understanding of Wen Wen, Jin Yuru might not have much chance of getting gunpowder or gunpowder bullets, because once this guy starts thinking about how to fool people, he will definitely fool him to the end.

For example, for a business deal, you need to give someone a gold ingot as payment. If you don't think about fooling the person at first, the other party will receive a genuine gold. Once you are ready to fool the person, you will forget to give the other person a gold ingot at night.

, after waking up, he will feel that it is good to give the other party a copper nugget. When it is time to give the other party a copper nugget, he will feel that since he has been fooled, he will fool him to the end. In the end, the other party can get a piece of yellow mud.

Even if you are gentle and generous...

The use of power to bully others is engraved in the bones of Wen Wen, a child of a wealthy family, and there is probably no way to change it.

Jin Yuru and the others might be able to receive a bunch of... pebbles?

Yunchu didn't have time to think about it. All he could think about was potatoes and corn.

He felt that if Li Hong could domesticate potatoes and corn as well as later generations, he would be better than being an emperor.

While waiting anxiously, Yunchu finally got half a bag of potatoes the size of eggs. Of course, some potatoes were not as big as eggs, some were the size of quail eggs, and some were only as big as a fingernail.

The good thing is that these potatoes are all fresh, but the bad thing is that there are too few spore-bearing pits on the potatoes, and they don't look like they can be cut and planted.

The corn was better than potatoes, longer than his finger, with more than a dozen corn kernels growing sparsely on it, half of which were shriveled.

Seeing the potatoes and corn in front of him, Yun Chu let out a long sigh, feeling an unprecedented sense of satisfaction in his heart.

These things were grown by the Silla people on the ship. To be honest, Yun Chu was very satisfied with such a performance.

As long as this thing exists, even though it may seem inconspicuous at the moment, it will definitely shine brightly in the future.

If anyone in the Tang Dynasty is to say who is the best at farming now, it is naturally His Highness Li Hong, the Crown Prince of the Tang Dynasty. Under his command, he has gathered a group of people who are the best at farming in the southeast, northwest and northwest of the Tang Dynasty.

It is these people who take the money that His Royal Highness finally got back and carefully take care of any crops that seem to have potential.

Last year, the best result was the field planting of yam.

This thing demonstrated its strong vitality as soon as it was born. In the society of the Tang Dynasty, the wheat produced by the Tianzihao fields was only ten dendrobiums per acre. One acre in the Tang Dynasty was smaller than that in Yunchu. Therefore, one acre of real estate was two

A field with more than a hundred kilograms of wheat is definitely a good field that does not lack water, fertilizer, climate, and care.

However, ever since yams were planted in the fields, the situation has become extremely exaggerated. One acre of land costs 1,100 kilograms.

Although growing yams consumes a lot of land and manpower, manpower is the least valuable thing in the Tang Dynasty. Therefore, even if it is grown once every three years, it is still very cost-effective.

The main reason is that after Yun got a large amount of yam, he immediately threw it into a stone mill and ground it into slurry. After filtering it layer by layer, he got precious yam powder.

After getting the expensive yam powder, their family didn't give up. They boiled the yam powder in boiling water and finally made yam vermicelli that was worth as much as gold.

This thing is now revered in the Jinchangfang cafeteria. With this thing, the sour cabbage that Chang'an people often eat is as expensive as dirt. When making it, just throw in some slices of meat and add vermicelli, it becomes

Extremely delicious.

Everyone said that this was due to the yam vermicelli. As for the role of the meat slices, the chefs in the Jinchangfang cafeteria never mentioned it.

When yam vermicelli became a tribute, the price of yam remained high. Although some people said that the vermicelli used in Jinchangfang Restaurant was indeed yam vermicelli, other restaurants used vermicelli made from cassava.

Regarding such accusations, Jinchangfang Canteen has never said a word, because cassava vermicelli is also a product of the food workshop of Jinchangfang Canteen.

Anyway, people who can afford to eat vermicelli can't tell the difference between cassava vermicelli and yam vermicelli. It has always been one of the tasks of Jinchangfang Canteen to let the people who dig cassava earn more money. Only Jinchangfang Canteen

Just don’t use tapioca noodles.

The purpose of this is to expand the area of ​​agricultural cultivation.

The land on the Guanzhong Plain is precious and is not suitable for large-scale yam cultivation. However, as long as you leave the Guanzhong Plain and just go to Longyou Road, there are endless barren mountains and wastelands. Farms can be set up in these places to use rotating farming.

The method of planting yams, and then producing yam starch on the spot, and finally making vermicelli, is more profitable than farming.

Li Hong has already started planting yams in Longyou and cassava in the south of the Great Lakes. The results are currently promising. In the future, there will be a situation where rich people eat yams and poor people eat cassava.

After Yunchu wrote down some precautions for planting potatoes and corn, he sent a team of cavalry to Luoyang with the seeds. There, Yunchu believed that these two ancient food crops would have a good home.


Under the dim oil lamp, he looked at Yun Chu who was wiping his armor tenderly and said softly: "Do you really need to do it yourself?"

Yun Chu wiped the blades on the black iron armor one by one and applied oil, then looked up at Wen Wen and said: "We have been establishing a character with me as the leader of the Guanzhong Prefecture soldiers. That should be maintained.

This time nearly 10,000 Guanzhong soldiers died in Yezhu Plain. If I ignore them, will the Guanzhong soldiers think that we are of the same mind in the future?

I think back then, Liang Jianfang killed the Khan of the Bow and Moon Department alive in the Chinese army's tent, not just to vent his anger, but to maintain military morale under the circumstances at that time."

Wen Wen said, "It's two thousand miles from here to Fan Yang."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "It's just a matter of taking someone's head from a thousand miles away. It's a trivial matter."

Wen Wen nodded and said: "Di Renjie has gone to Gaotangzhou. His nose is better than a dog's nose. Guo Daifeng can't escape this time. The horses on the road have been prepared for you. Everywhere you go

, there will be news about Guo Daifeng. All you have to do is catch up with him, kill him, and bring back his bones. The Imperial Medical Office needs this.

Chang'an needs it even more. He cannot continue to live a wealthy life after committing evil deeds."

Yun Chu tried the dagger in his boots and found that it was easy to pull out, so he put it aside and said to Wen Wen: "You are absolutely right, he cannot go unpunished after committing such a big evil.

It is very important to warn those who come after us. In the future, whenever we encounter such a bastard who colludes with others inside and outside, we will never let him live in the world, and we must make all the guys with this intention understand that such things cannot be done."

Wen Wen said: "In the name of Chang'an, we are offering bounties in the guild, huge sums of money, and asking for the heads of such people. After a long time, there should be no such people."

With gentle help, Yun Chu put on the armor. It was uncomfortable to wear a helmet on a bald head, so Yun Chu simply put on a headscarf. Seeing that the sky outside had turned white, he inserted the horizontal knife on his lower waist and lifted it up.

His own horse moves outward.

Twelve cavalrymen were ready outside the temple gate, each carrying two spare horses in addition to their mounts.

Although Yunchu's bay-red horse is already an old horse, it still stands proudly at the front among the horses.

Yun Chu got on the back of the bay-red horse and said to the twelve accompanying soldiers: "Guo Daifeng killed nearly ten thousand soldiers in Guanzhong in the wild boar field. Now, he is planning to escape to the black water of Baishan. Can we let him go?"

Pass him?"

Twelve Steps didn't answer, he just beat his chest hard with his fist, which showed his thoughts.

Yun Chu turned his horse's head and said calmly: "Let's go."

Immediately, the bay red horse ran out...

At this time, the morning class bell of Guangfu Temple rang. Wen Wen calmed down and walked into the Main Hall. He sat on the futon religiously and recited the scriptures seriously. This time, he did not doze off.

Master Xuanzang has stopped doing morning lessons for a long time, and Master Guiji has basically stopped doing morning lessons. At this time, he was serving his master to have breakfast.

"Wukong took the twelve riders away."

Master Xuanzang finished the millet porridge and said: "One drink and one peck are all destiny. Guo Daifeng has committed countless crimes due to his selfish thoughts. He must understand this fate before he can enter reincarnation again."


Master Guiji gave Master Xuanzang another spoonful of rice soup and said, "I heard Wu Neng say that he hoped that Wukong could bring Guo Daifeng's bones back and prepare to show them to the public in Chang'an and then send them to the Taiyuan Hospital as a specimen of Lao Shizi.

In this way, it is unlikely that Guo Daifeng wants to re-enter reincarnation. Master, what I want to ask is, our Buddha is merciful. If he sees Wukong, realizes energy, and realizes purity, but his evil nature is not eliminated, what should he do?

If such a cruel thing happens, will they be punished?"

Xuanzang put down the wooden bowl in his hand and said calmly: "My Buddha is compassionate, but reasonable. The principles of the world are blended with the Buddha's Dharma. To protect the principles of the world is to promote the Dharma of my Buddha."

If people like Guo Daifeng can live a long life and enjoy all the wealth and honor in the world, what kind of hell do I, the Buddha, need?"

This chapter has been completed!
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