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Chapter 291: Grasp the big and let go of the small

 While the leading actors were busy appearing on TV shows, the second promotional video was soon released, with the screen divided into two parts:

Fang Yi came out from home. He was wearing a school uniform and riding an antique Phoenix bicycle left behind by his father's generation. The other was him politely tidying up his suit. The camera zoomed out and it turned out that he was in the newly launched Hutouben.


"1999-2009, ten years, have you changed?"

A title like this popped up at the top of the screen, and then the trailer ended.

Fifteen seconds in total.

The effect is very good. This trailer has been reprinted constantly in forums and even abroad. It is somewhat famous on the Asian Internet. It is similar to some interesting animations we forwarded. In fact, we have no idea that it comes from a certain person.

movie, but I remember this scene deeply.

2009 is considered the first year of social media, and Asia is coming later. At this time, Internet content is scarce, and something interesting can spread widely. The public undoubtedly likes the straightforward trailer of "Love Letter".

According to Souhu Lao Zhang:

"Your trailer has been viewed more than one million times, especially the second one, which is 700,000 more than the first one. Because the trailer is too short, everyone has the patience to watch it, and then repost it to

The circle that you can reach out to...isn’t this viral marketing?”

He added: "We are deliberately leading the topic among netizens and letting them focus on this... It's like putting a drop of ink in clean water and watching how it spreads out."

It seems that Zhang Chaoyang, a layman from Massachusetts, is not a fool. Zhang is very interested in this kind of sociological and psychological phenomenon, and he has been staring at the data recently.

Fang Yi then entered Souhu’s portal and read the comments above:

“This is the first time I’ve seen a romance film with boys as the main protagonist.”

"It seems different from ordinary romance movies. I can't tell what's weird..."

There is a comment with more than 3,000 likes, sharing a friend’s youth story. Because it is a long article of 10,000 words, it is divided into more than ten comments.

The ending is like this:

"He still longed for the snow on Long Island, and still yearned for the wind-singing birds in the Pampas. It took me a long time to realize that there is no snow on Long Island."

There are also fans of Fang Yi and Liu Tianxian, and their speeches have obvious fan circle style: "I used my determination to sever the relationship between father and daughter, and finally made my father never speak ill of my brother in front of me again..."

The mouse moved up and stopped at the number of views of the trailer. Fang Yi was startled.

More than 3.7 million.

He contacted Zhang Chaoyang in surprise:

"Is the display wrong? Why are there so many?"

Zhang: "How much?"

"More than three million."

"Oh, the truth is also false when it is fake. Maybe we added some information for you to make the data look better."

Zhang Chaoyang's words were stern, as if an experienced driver had seen all the fraud on video websites, but after a while he contacted Fang Yi instead:

"After verification, I found that the data was not falsified, and the number of views of the trailer was real."

"Why are there so many?"

"The traffic mainly comes from outside the site - I mean, from spontaneous sharing and promotion. Your topic of 'Ten Years of Youth' is very good. Everyone is writing their own stories and using your movies to talk about their lives.


"The entire comment area of ​​the trailer has turned into a large-scale fan scene."

China Film Group originally didn't understand Fang Yi's approach of multiple trailers and short duration, thinking that this young man was a bit sick, but now he has stopped talking about it and is honestly cooperating with the promotion of materials.

Youth movies, new schedules, new publicity techniques - everything is new, everyone is nervously waiting for the final results, and unconsciously works hard for it.

The major theaters under China Film Group have to change their movie posters almost every week, and the movie posters basically correspond to the trailers in real time. Zhang Jushi's money is disappearing at a rapid rate.

"First Evolution"

Generally speaking, the production cost of a movie and the cost of publicity and distribution are about three to one.

After the new century, this ratio will continue to shrink, and it will continue to align with the ratio of two to one, and it may break through at any time.

And "Love Letter" seems to be going one to one.

The third trailer is the most effective. The plot has no beginning and no end. It is just Fang Yi and Liu Tianxian having a snowball fight there. Fang Yi relies on his strength and presses Liu Tianxian on the snow, unable to move. She wants to push Fang away.

Yi had no strength and finally put her hands on his glasses.

Take it off.

As the two people looked at each other, the crooked word "Love Letter" from the movie came up.

This trailer is shorter, nine seconds. The effect is extremely good. The accompanying movie poster shows a close-up of Fang Yi with his glasses taken off. He is dazed, a little angry and panicked, and Fang Yi is only twenty years old.

He was so young in his performance.

Nine Seconds went viral because it was short enough. Before the movie was released, overseas film and television companies with a keen sense of smell had already begun to buy the copyright from China Film Group, hoping to release it simultaneously.

How many are there?

According to statistics from China Film Group Corporation, a total of 137 film purchase requests have been received recently from overseas film studios.

"Should we make a one-time deal and sell the copyrights in different countries and become a business owner? Or should we cooperate with local local snakes and develop the market together with uukanshu.com www.uukanshu.com."

China Film Group, which is responsible for both distribution and investment, held a small meeting and called Director Fang.

At the meeting, Mr. San introduced: "The overseas box office of "Hero" was very good, but it was not captured at the time and did not make enough... Take the United States, the largest film market today, as an example. The producer sold the new picture to US$25 million.

Miramax, the domestic film company in the United States, this is a one-time deal. Whether it is brilliant or miserable at the box office, it has nothing to do with the new picture. In fact, the box office of "Heroes" in the United States is..."

The third master lowered his head and read the manuscript, "53.81 million U.S. dollars. The American market is different from ours. Their profit and loss ratio requirements are not as strict as ours. There is a rental and sales market to recoup the cost. In other words, "Heroes"

The film sold cheaply."

"On the contrary, they did not make this mistake when "The Promise" was released. They waited for the price and chose the box office sharing model... Unfortunately, this time they were overconfident and failed to seize the opportunity to make back their money. Regarding this

I myself should also bear some responsibility..."

Speaking of this, there was some regret in his voice, and his eyes were focused on Fang Yi.

Mr. San's feelings about "The Promise" are quite complex. It was an epic fantasy film that he strongly invested in and produced at the time, aiming to capitalize on the popularity of films such as "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", "Hero" and "House of Flying Daggers".

Chinese film style further promotes and hypes it, creating a cultural symbol.

However, "The Promise" not only failed to continue the newly emerging trend, but actually kicked the house down, and even the subsequent Chinese films that went overseas were cast a layer of "debuff".

What kind of distribution model should you choose?

The decision-making power actually does not lie with Han Sanping, but with director Fang Yi.

This chapter has been completed!
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