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Chapter 1980 The Book of Creation

Jiang Wang didn't care whether King Qing really believed in the story of the World-Destroying Dragon, he only cared about whether the Royal Tribe was really playing its role.

How can there be so many old friendships that are unforgettable and old feelings that remain unchanged?

Back then, we fought hard in the world of floating land, fought in caves, and competed in the chess of life and death. Nostalgically, we celebrated that the Fire Ministry won the kingship because of the star generals. Indifferently, we all got what we needed.

It's all human nature.

Four years is enough time to accommodate huge changes.

Rights and interests are also enough to make any change happen.

Jiang Wangdu could understand.

The world of Floating Land has a long history, and he is just a passing visitor.

This cage fight with Ao Kui is the only important thing at the moment.

He did not consider whether Prince Qing was sincere or not, nor should he care about Jihuo Yuling's intentions.

But... will Jihuo Yuling's pessimism affect his fight with Ao Kui?

If it were Jiang Wang a few years ago, he might have chased him out of the palace immediately and would not stop until he found out the truth. But now Jiang Wang just smiled indifferently and continued his visit to the Fire Temple.

If Jihuo Yuling can say it, or is willing to say it, there is no need for him, Mr. Linchuan, to ask.

Of course he will find out the truth, but there is no need to rush it, nor should it be so simple and crude.

With King Qing personally leading the way, the fire temple was naturally opened wide.

The new witch Zhu is just like Qinghuo Qiming did back then, with long hair and an exaggerated mask. The fringe hanging below his ears is red, like two wisps of floating fire.

His attitude cannot be said to be affectionate or distant. In short, he is obedient and well-behaved.

"How many copies of "The Book of Creation" have been collected now?"

In the fire temple, which was far more majestic and majestic than before, Jiang Wang got straight to the point.

The new witchcraft is called Qinghuo Guanwen, and the voice is not too young: "There are seven in total."

"so little?"

"The Keihuobu Fire Shrine originally had two pages of the "Book of Creation". After gaining the royal power, many "Books of Creation" were collected. But most of them are duplicates, and only five have new content."

"Is it convenient for me to take a look?" Jiang Wang asked.

Wu Zhu looked at King Qing, who said loudly: "Mr. Linchuan is the great benefactor of the Qinghuo Department. The Qinghuo Department has no secrets from him. Show him whatever you want to see!"

At that moment, Wu Zhu led the way, and Jiang Wang and King Qing walked hand in hand to the library.

The huge fire temple was empty. Normally, no one would come except Wu Zhu. The footsteps of the three people were very clear. The sound pattern echoed infinitely in the world that he heard, giving Jiang Wang information about the sound.

Basement, attic, hidden compartment...

The Fire Temple is different from other places.

The walls and floor tiles are all painted with bizarre fire beasts.

When Jiang Wang came here for the first time, he didn't know much about it. Now he can vaguely see some clues. These strange fire beasts... are quite similar to the evil spirits in the wilderness, and also similar to the evil view of disaster and water.

He remembered again that he had discussed Floating Land with Da Qi Qin Heavenly Supervisor Zheng Ruan Yuan. Ruan Yuan said at that time that Floating Land World was suspected to be a tomb world. He also left a piece of money for Jiang Wang to go there again if he had the chance.

, you can contact him.

Could it be that Ruan Yuan, as a master of astrology, even thought at that time that he would return to the floating land one day?

It was a pity that the coin was later shattered in the decisive battle between him and Zhang Linchuan. Ruan Yuan didn't know if he was worried about being called by him to help other people every day, so he didn't make up for it...

Otherwise, he would have rubbed the money until it smoked.

If Ruan Yuan arrives, Ao Kui will not be able to do anything.

While thinking about it, the three of them had already walked to a stone room.

Obviously, Prince Qing was not very familiar with this place and looked around all the way.

In front of the heavy stone door, Wu Zhu held a tortoise shell in one hand and an ox horn in the other. With his left hand up and his right down, his thighs spread apart, he danced an ancient and absurd dance.

The lights flickered.

Twisted shadows splayed on the stone wall, accompanied by low and hoarse singing with completely incomprehensible lyrics, which was very strange.

There are hidden forces flowing.

King Qing remained silent, while Jiang Wang was as stable as a mountain.

The stone door slowly opened——

It's not the kind of library Jiang Wang imagined, and even the "books" are different from what he imagined.

Under the illumination of the flaming totem, the stone chamber was very bright.

In the huge and empty stone chamber, various animal-shaped stone platforms stand like a forest. The square base is engraved with totems to repel insects and prevent moisture. Between the base and the stone base, there are either snakes coiled on top, or deer antlers.


Most of the stone platforms are empty, and only a few stone platforms have yellow-brown clay tablets about two inches long and one arm wide lying flat on them.

The "Book of Creation" in the floating land world was originally words engraved on clay tablets!

It is also in line with the ancient style of creation myth.

The Fulu language is similar to the Jingguo language and is very close to the Tao language, as is their writing. Therefore, Jiang Wang, who was still in the Tenglong realm four years ago, can communicate here without any hindrance.

Now that he has arrived as a god, he can communicate freely anywhere in the heavens and the worlds. Because he can speak the Tao, write Tao characters, and can describe the Tao in all realms.

But the characters on the clay tablets are different. They are weird and twisted, swimming like tadpoles. They have no divine meaning, no hidden Taoist charm, and it is impossible to find the meaning.

Jiang Wang looked at Wu Zhu.

Wu Zhu explained: "This is the divine text of creation. Only a truly wise and profound Wu Zhu can interpret its meaning correctly."

Jiang Wang bowed his head in salute: "Thank you, Your Excellency."

Prince Qing urged from the side: "Quickly read it to Mr. Linchuan."

This is the first stone platform from the left after entering the door. There are not many words on the clay tablet. Wu Zhu slowly read: "There is a god in the northwest, standing in the blue sky."

Jiang Wang frowned: "What's the explanation?"

Some sentences have completely different meanings in different contexts. He has never read the "Book of Creation" and cannot interpret it lightly.

Wu Zhu said: "There are two theories about this picture. The first theory is that there is a god in the northwest of Fulu, who made a gap in the sky. The second theory is that there is a god in the northwest of Fulu.

Human beings come to this world through the portal above the blue sky. We generally believe that the first theory is that the god-man who is missing from the blue sky is the founder of the Ruijin tribe, Ruijin Yufeng. In this book of creation, it appears and

Before it was successfully interpreted, there was indeed a legend in the Ruijin Department that the ancestor Ruijin Yufeng broke through the sky many times, went to the depths of the universe and returned. The gap in the blue sky was the path that Ruijin Yufeng took back and forth."

Standing in the blue sky and traveling to the depths of the universe?

Jiang Wang had doubts in his heart. He didn't dare to say that he was qualified to travel the universe until God became enlightened, but he would not wander willfully and go to the depths of the universe frequently, because the vast universe is really risky and unpredictable.

.This is still based on the fact that living beings in this world can go to all realms without falling into the realm. Living beings in other realms usually fall into the realm when they cross realms.

Among the strong people he knew, only Senior Guan Yan and Senior Xiao Fan wandered around the world all day long.

Senior Guan Yan has this strength! Wait a minute.

In any place other than the present world, wherever the Yuheng stars shine, the Yuheng Star Lord can maintain peak combat power. But on the main star of Yuheng, the Yuheng Star Lord's combat power is better than the peak.

If the legend of Ruijinbu is true, the strength of Ruijin Yufeng should not be lower than Dongzhen level no matter what.

But this conflicts with his judgment on the power level of the floating land world.

"It's nothing to be in the blue sky!" King Qing spoke at this time, with a very disdainful look: "We, the ancestor of the Qing Fire Department, were the first to use dance to celebrate the birth of Floating Land after the creation of the world by the God of Creation.


Jiang Wang said inappropriately: "Then you should be the dance department, why are you the fire celebration department?"

Prince Qing's expression was very complicated: "...the ancestor danced around the first bonfire in the floating land world. Wasn't the Ruijin tribe also called the Potian tribe?"

Jiang Wang said it made sense, and asked Wu Zhu curiously: "Is the dance that Lord Wu Zhu danced earlier the same dance that the ancestor of the Qinghuo Department danced in front of the first bonfire?"

Wu Zhu shook his head: "That is the dance of blessing the world. It is said to have infinite power and has been lost long ago. What I just danced was the dance of freedom, but it can only resonate with the sealing totem of this stone room."

Jiang Wang vaguely felt that Wu Zhu's dance and song seemed to be a power system. It could be combined with the totem cultivation system to exert more powerful power.

But he didn't know a powerful enough Wu Zhu, so he couldn't get a clearer and more intuitive judgment. Qinghuo Qiming was really weak, and the new Wu Zhu in front of him was mediocre in strength, about the level of four lines of fire.

Prayer dances, sacrificial songs, various legends spread among various tribes...

As we learn more and more about the world of floating land, this world does not quickly fade away, but instead becomes more and more mysterious and complex.

The more you know, the more you will see that you don’t know.

If this is really a tomb world, what is buried in it? And why is it so full of life?

Prince Qing suddenly slapped his thigh: "Wrong!"

Jiang Wang and Wu Zhu both looked at him.

There was a kind of excitement on his face that he had finally figured it out: "Is the chess game of life and death in the northwest? Did Mr. Linchuan come through the pointing star? This page of the Book of Creation does not record Ruijin Yu at all.

Phoenix, but Mr. Zhang Linchuan! According to the second explanation, in the northwest of the world, the god Zhang Linchuan came through the portal above the blue sky, and the next step is to save the world!"

His excitement was not entirely exaggerated.

If the Book of Creation can really be interpreted in this way, it will help him find the legal correctness of "spending no effort to support Zhang Linchuan", which will also consolidate the royal power.

And didn’t Mr. Linchuan say? The mission of this trip is to help him, Prince Qing, become the savior!

Gods and gods will eventually go back. He Qinghuo Heng is the master of the floating land world.

Jiang Wang's scalp felt a little numb.

Zhang Linchuan is always playing with faith, and his book "The Sutra of No Life" has poisoned many people in this world.

People from Fulu are Zhang Linchuan here every day, and Zhang Linchuan's signature is on the deed of royal power. Shouldn't they call that guy over from Yuanhai?

"Okay, okay." He quickly stopped: "What kind of god is Zhang Linchuan? He was wiped out by accident. The floating world is the world of floating people, and outsiders are just passers-by. Let's look at the next page

What does the Book of Creation say?”

King Qing also shut up.

Wu Zhu had already reached the second stone platform in silence, and now he started to read: "The God of Creation has a nameless name. He chopped off his left foot and thought it was a floating land, and smashed his right foot to make it look like all spirits."

After listening to Qinghuo Qiming's summary of this section, Jiang Wang continued walking towards the third stone platform.

Wu Zhu read: "Eternal calamity, extremely evil evil. Once it exists, it will last forever, and once it will be destroyed, it will be destroyed forever."

Maybe this page can correspond to Jihuo Yuling's pessimism?

Unfortunately, the description is too sparse and cannot be interpreted. There are only a few words in such a large clay tablet! How much trouble does it take to write a few more words?

Jiang Wang asked aloud: "What is the eternal calamity, and what is the extremely evil evil?"

Wu Zhu shook his head: "I don't know either. The answer may be in other broken pages."

Jiang Wang was thoughtful.

Prince Qing slapped his thigh again: "Isn't this eternal calamity and extremely evil the world-destroying demon dragon?! If he is eliminated, this world will exist forever. If he is eliminated, this world will never exist.

It’s all right...it’s all right!”

Jiang Wang subconsciously wanted to tell King Qing to stop causing trouble, but he found that he couldn't let this guy stop causing trouble. If the destruction of the world is not a disaster, and it is not an evil, then what kind of eternal disaster and extremely evil evil can there be?

How can he justify his claim of saving the world?

"Ah... yes. What the king said makes sense. We must work together to prevent the disaster from happening." Jiang Wang's expression became heavy: "It turns out that I came to this world to help you become the true savior. It is destiny.

Return, as the Book of Creation foretells! Heaven has entrusted you with a great responsibility. Your Majesty, you must work harder."

Prince Qing was full of great ambitions, and his whole state was aroused: "What do I regret about saving the world and the people?!"

Jiang Wang walked up to the next stone platform: "Let's look at the next page."

Wu Zhu continued to read the fourth clay tablet collected in the stone chamber: "The world has dimensions, and the dimensions are..."

"For what?" Jiang Wang asked.

Wu Zhu shook his head again: "I don't know either, the Wu Zhu of the Yuan Tu Department only interpreted it up to this point."

Jiang Wang could only give up with regret: "Then look at the next one."

"I can only read it but not read it." Wu Zhu said.

"Didn't I say that we collected a total of seven clay tablets with different contents? Where are the remaining three?"

"I haven't even figured it out yet."

Jiang Wang really wanted to ask him what he did for food, but he was polite after all: "What is Master Wu Zhu usually busy with?"

Wu Zhu, named Qinghuo Guanwen, said matter-of-factly: "I don't have the ability to decipher the creation script. The two clay tablets left at the Fire Temple of the Qinghuo Department are both interpreted from the Qinghuo Bamboo Book.

.The third piece I read with you is the interpretation of the Temubu shaman. The fourth piece, Yuantubu, has been collected for so many years, but it is only half-interpreted."

The Qinghuo Bamboo Book is the shaman Zhu before Qinghuo Qiming, and is also the adoptive father of Qinghuo Qiming. He is known as the strongest shaman of the Qinghuo Department in the past. He inherited the legacy of the shamans of the Qinghuo Department and initially completed the "Totem of You"


"Speaking of which level Master Zhushu's strength has reached?" Jiang Wang looked at King Qing and said, "How do you compare to the king?"

This question is very important and will help him re-clarify the level of power in this world.

Prince Qing said quite seriously: "Lord Zhushu was able to transform into a totem spirit a long time ago and repel Zhu Qingshui Chengyan, the shaman of the Purification Department. But he has never made a move since then, and I don't know if he is jumping down from the underworld."

What level did you reach before Tianqian? I think it is far beyond me."

When the Qinghuo burned eight lines of fire, it was still short of the head to turn the whole body into flames and transform into a totem spirit - this is the level of power equivalent to the presence of God.

The Purifying Water Tribe was the tribe that Li Fengyao served as a star general at the time, and was the number one water tribe in the Floating Land World. The Wu Zhu of this tribe was not weak in any way.

Qinghuo Zhushu was able to defeat this person a long time ago and complete the Totem of You a few years later. Could it be that he has reached the truth of the cave? He has seen the nature of the world clearly and understood some kind of cruel truth, so he left such desperate words

, jumping off the sky to commit suicide?

But if a world allows strong people of that level to appear, strong people of that level will definitely appear. Because Floating Continent has so many tribes, a huge number of people, and a long history, it is enough for everything to happen.

may happen.

If there were powerful people at the Dongzhen level in this world, how could they allow Ao Kui to lock himself away from the world?

"What is the next level for the totem spirit?" Jiang Wang asked.

King Qing said with full of longing: "It is the totem Holy Spirit. It is said that when it reaches that state, it can share the authority of the original totem."

The origin totem is the foundation of the floating land world!

This sharing of authority is remarkable.

For example, if you can share the authority of the fire totem, you can control all fire elements in this world.

Judging from this description alone, the realm of the Totem Holy Spirit sounds like it almost surpasses the [True God], and has some of the power of the [Yang God]...

Jiang Wang asked again: "Has anyone in history ever reached the realm of the totem holy spirit?"

King Qing looked at Wu Zhu, who said: "Yes, there are, but they are all legends, and it is difficult to tell whether they are true or false. I have never seen it with my own eyes."

Jiang Wang said nothing more and silently read all the seven clay tablets in the stone room and reproduced them one by one with a dream order. He asked Bai Yujing to study with those who had already cultivated them. Tianjiao must have some abilities like Tianjiao.

Right? Can you still recognize the characters?

This chapter has been completed!
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