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Full-time swordsman

Full-time swordsman

author:Half a bottle of sake

action:, , Straight to the bottom

Last Update:07-03 00:12

Latest chapter:Chapter 1718 Great changes in Tianyin Temple!

Introduction: [Sake's New Book] Lin Jichen, the master of enlightenment in 'Eight Wastelands', the best Dharma practitioner in the world, should have countless fans, call the wind and rain, and have a boundless path to immortality. But because his lover and brother betrayed him, he was even tricked into entering the fairyland BOSS. In the cave of Zhu Jiuyin, he was finally buried in the beast's mouth, and his body and soul disappeared. Never thinking that heaven would never kill people, Lin Jichen was reborn and returned to the day before the launch of the 'Bahuang' server. After resurrecting his life, he resolutely gave up the law and followed the sword, killing with the sword. Create his own future and rewrite his own destiny! It also allows him to accumulate enough advantages before the game integrates into reality, and he can dominate the world!

If you think《Full-time swordsman》If it's not bad, please don't forget to recommend it to your friends in QQ groups and microblogs!

《Full-time swordsman》The latest nine chapters
Chapter 1718 Great changes in Tianyin Temple!
Chapter 1717 The Bahuang version of the Legend of White Snake?
Chapter 1716 Goodbye Huangfu Ying
Chapter 1715 They are scared
Chapter 1714 What’s wrong with my mother?
Chapter 1713 You Lian, stop it
Chapter 1712: How to destroy both the jade and the stone?
Chapter 1711 A female ghost in the realm of gods?
Chapter 1710 Race against time
《Full-time swordsman》Chapter Contents
Chapter 1 Lin Jichen, your uncle's!
Chapter 2 Treat me like iron, fuck it!
Chapter 3 Where the Dream Begins
Chapter 4: Change Your Life Against Heaven
Chapter 5 Abandon the law and follow the sword!
Chapter 6 The Benefits of Full Charisma
Chapter 7 Entering the Snake Forest
Chapter 8 Amazing explosion rate
Chapter 9 Two-Party Rich Bidding
Chapter 10 Profitable Businessman Lin Jichen
Chapter 11 Wild Boar King!
Chapter 12 Break through the Qi refining realm!
Chapter 13 Going to Zongmen
Chapter 14 Tianyan Sword Sect
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 Nangong Yue
Chapter 17 The Importance of Favorability
Chapter 18 Into the Leng Feiyan Palace by mistake
Chapter 19 The protagonist Lin was beaten
Chapter 20 A Message
Chapter 21 The best gas-gathering pill
Chapter 22 Hell-Level Missions
Chapter 23 Fengqu City
Chapter 24 Investigating the Murderer
Chapter 25 You are too weak
Chapter 26 Foundation Establishment Realm Opponent
Chapter 27 The power of spiritual skills!
Chapter 28 The ultimate counter-kill
Chapter 29 The identity of the head disciple is exposed!
Chapter 30 I just want to eat soft rice~
Chapter 31: Triggering Chance Missions
Chapter 32 Canglan Medicine Valley
Chapter 33 Guild War
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36 Forced to fight back
Chapter 37 Jiang Luoyu!
Chapter 38 Learning Alchemy
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 On the Importance of Coaxing Girls
Chapter 41 The relationship between master and apprentice will not deteriorate, right?
Chapter 42
Chapter 43: Improve Swordsmanship Qualification
Chapter 44 Killing a Senior Brother Halfway
Chapter 45 Blood Infant Secret Realm
Chapter 47 The sword cuts the blood baby!
Chapter 48 Charm Insect Possession
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 Stay away from my granddaughter!
Chapter 51 Spirit Beast Garden
Chapter 52 Picked up an iron-eating beast!
Chapter 53 Game Update
Chapter 54 Sister, I miss you so much!
Chapter 55 Become a Boyfriend?
Chapter 56 Little genius doctor? I'm not small!
Chapter 57 Siblings talk late at night
Chapter 58 This is called poverty? Shet!
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63 The Four Lists!
Chapter 64 Flies in the way
Chapter 65 The little son-in-law sees the father-in-law?
Chapter 66 Fighting on the Sword Stage!
Chapter 67 Senior Sister, Will You Make an Date?
Chapter 68 He just doesn't want to be cheated again
Chapter 69
Chapter 70 Night Cave Ghost Ridge
Chapter 71 Was Spotted by a Female Ghost?
Chapter 72 The damage is not high and the insult is very strong
Chapter 73 Is This Woman So Smart?
Chapter 74 Kill the Ghost King!
Chapter 75
Chapter 76 The No. 1 Household in the Eight Wastelands!
Chapter 77 The Land of Burning Flames
Chapter 78 The price of medicine has skyrocketed!
Chapter 79 Guo Jie calls
Chapter 80
Chapter 81 The Tragic Wretched Man
Chapter 82 The King of Fudo!
Chapter 83 Purchase game real estate!
Chapter 84 Tutor, Leng Feiyan!
Chapter 85 Civilian Pharmacy!
Chapter 86 Let you know what a backer is!
Chapter 87 Fight between good and evil for life!
Chapter 88 Heaven's Dao Foundation!
Chapter 89 Sadness flows against the river
Chapter 90 Sword·Dark Night!
Chapter 91 The First Date With Senior Sister!
Chapter 92 Senior Sister Offers a Kiss!
Chapter 93 Life is not easy, National Treasure Performing Arts
Chapter 94 Nightmare!
Chapter 95: Awkward!
Chapter 96 Clearance at the speed of light!
Chapter 97: Ren Lan's Thighs
Chapter 98 This girl is really about to take off!
Chapter 99 Where did you learn the boxing skills?
Chapter 100 You are Cao Thief!
Chapter 101 Blade Storm!
Chapter 102 Selling Aphrodisiacs!
Chapter 103 Spending money like flowing water
Chapter 104 My Little Landlord
Chapter 105 Qin Xiaowei
Chapter 106 The Valley of Corpse Kings
Chapter 107 Do you prefer a slider or a flip?
Chapter 108 Two hanging on the wall!
Chapter 109 The Way to Wash Red Names
Chapter 110 He's not picking up things, is he?
Chapter 111 Entering the Master's Palace Again
Chapter 112 Fairy Master, You Should Go Down to Earth!
Chapter 113 Open three big stores in a row!
Chapter 114 Commanding thousands of girls!
Chapter 115 Lin Jichen's Command Ability
Chapter 116 Ten waves of corpses!
Chapter 117 One-on-one corpse king boss
Chapter 118 Overcome Fear!
Chapter 119 The Heroes of the Girls
Chapter 120 Two-dimensional otaku?
Chapter 121 Someone is taking revenge for him
Chapter 122 Lin Jichen's Number One Fan
Chapter 123 Genius Chess Boy
Chapter 124 Store Opening
Chapter 125 Forced to close?
Chapter 126 About You
Chapter 127 My Sister Lives With Me
Chapter 128 Do You Recognize Erlang God as the Master?
Chapter 129 One person fights a thousand people!
Chapter 130
Chapter 131 President Jiang Has Become Stingy?
Chapter 132: Being alone with Jiang Luoyu
Chapter 133 Hot Chat by the Lake
Chapter 134 The future master of alchemy!
Chapter 135 The battle between the demons begins!
Chapter 136 The atmosphere is wrong!
Chapter 137 Be the Commander!
Chapter 138 A gentleman's revenge races against time
Chapter 139 The whole army strikes!
Chapter 140
Chapter 141 Are you a yordle?
Chapter 142 Are you really not going to dig her?
Chapter 143 Merit Mechanism
Chapter 144 I can let him output as much as he wants!
Chapter 145 Is distance a problem?
Chapter 146 The Strongest Female Monk
Chapter 147 The Mayfly Shaking the Tree
Chapter 148 Battle! The Sect Master of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect!
Chapter 149 The Eye of Heaven is triggered!
Chapter 150 Is it over...?
Chapter 151 This immortal fool!
Chapter 152 Complete the plot opportunity!
Chapter 153
Chapter 154 The Battle Mall
Chapter 155 Blind Box Draw
Chapter 156 The relationship is broken
Chapter 157 Lonely
Chapter 158 There are so many gentlemen at night
Chapter 159 Zhao Baige
Chapter 160 Successful recruitment!
Chapter 161 Pointing to Alchemy
Chapter 162 I Can't Do That To Master!
Chapter 163 Want to die at the hands of the master?
Chapter 164 Take a bath in the master's bedroom
Chapter 165 The strange beast Qingluan!
Chapter 166 The teacher is your relative
Chapter 167
Chapter 169 A Sweet Date With Leng Feiyan
Chapter 169 Zhiqing: The little monk is polite!
Chapter 170 Sad Autumn Flower Chapter Slash!
Chapter 171 Guo Jie's recent situation?
Chapter 172 The first auction of the whole server!
Chapter 173 The Blood Fiend can be ‘famous’ wherever he goes
Chapter 174
Chapter 175
Chapter 176 The Land of Leize!
Chapter 177 Bloodthirsty Thunder Crocodile
Chapter 178 Three Pet Eggs
Chapter 179 Offending Wan Yaozong!
Chapter 180 Enlightened Beast!
Chapter 181 Another Golden Core opponent
Chapter 182 Fierce Battle!
Chapter 183 The swordsmanship is in hand!
Chapter 184 Leng Feiyan's First Time... Cook!
Chapter 185 Use of Dao Xinguo
Chapter 186
Chapter 187
Chapter 188 Arrested!
Chapter 189
Chapter 190 Being used as a sandbag
Chapter 191: Encountering Sect Infighting
Chapter 192 Fang Qingzhu
Chapter 193 Letter from Xuanyi Sect
Chapter 194 Purgatory is Kang!
Chapter 195 Run away? Why run away?
Chapter 196 Master Lin's Gua Sha Service
Chapter 197 It's cool to have a Jindan period nurse!
Chapter 198 Thrilling escape
Chapter 199
Chapter 200 Missing
Chapter 201 Fishing in troubled waters
Chapter 202 Nine Deaths Live!
Chapter 203 Return to Sword Sect
Chapter 204 Yes! Must!
Chapter 205 Thunder Dragon's Soul Mound Harvest
Chapter 206 Charming bones??
Chapter 207 Life and death thunder robbery!
Chapter 208: The Descendant of Thunder Vein
Chapter 209 It’s really a ‘surprise’!
Chapter 210 Where did the moon come from?
Chapter 211 Xing Sen
Chapter 212 He must be a good boss!
Chapter 213 President Li Released From Prison?
Chapter 214 The layout is small
Chapter 215 Birthday Banquet
Chapter 216 Shengyuan's Challenge
Chapter 217 Quarrel
Chapter 218 The crybaby Ji Linglong
Chapter 219 Secret Skill Stele
Chapter 220 Full Service Wanted!
Chapter 221 Want Lao Lin to be Consort?
Chapter 222 Soft rice must be eaten hard!
Chapter 223 One person sprays thousands of people!
Chapter 224 Ten Thousand People Go to Prison
Chapter 225 Niu Naitang's Path to Chess
Chapter 226 Help with Primary School Homework
Chapter 227
Chapter 228 Thunder Mark Silver Moon Tiger
Chapter 229 Help Tiger King Raise His Wife
Chapter 230 Another chance to grab someone else
Chapter 231 The pursuit of Wan Yaozong!
Chapter 232 That's it
Chapter 233 Stunt Collision!
Chapter 234 Pole Dao Magic Spear
Chapter 235 Teacher, you have little chance
Chapter 236 Abnormalities in Monitoring!
Chapter 237 Meet Xu Ziyu again!
Chapter 238 A Fantastic Day
Chapter 239 Work disturbance
Chapter 240 Boss, you are a good person!
Chapter 241 Free Pet Shop
Chapter 242 Nangongyue is back
Chapter 243 Are You Threatening Me?
Chapter 244 Don't even think about it!
Chapter 245 Gamble with Tianyuan!
Chapter 246 Bring Tangtang to challenge!
Chapter 247 The Abused Elder Tian Yuan
Chapter 248
Chapter 249 Hulabaki!
Chapter 250 Gu Qiuxue is here!
Chapter 251 Happy days are coming
Chapter 252 Scare away Senior Sister
Chapter 253 Free Pet Shop
Chapter 254 Make Millions!
Chapter 255 Almost Exposed
Chapter 256: The Regretful Guo Jie
Chapter 257 Mutation
Chapter 258 The Land of Sealing Demons!
Chapter 259 The Devil's Head
Chapter 260 Hard fight!
Chapter 261: Chu Tianhan, You Are Awkward!
Chapter 262 The seal is broken!
Chapter 263 The full-level boss enters the novice village
Chapter 264 Sister, please bear with me
Chapter 265
Chapter 266 Sweet Double Tour
Chapter 267 Exquisite Phoenix Pattern Furnace
Chapter 268 More and more outrageous strength!
Chapter 269 Four Demons!
Chapter 258 Yun Lanyi
Chapter 259 Blacked by Xuanyizong
Chapter 272 Dividing the Mountain and Breaking the Sea Sword!
Chapter 273
Chapter 274 Driving recklessly at a young age?
Chapter 275 Lin Pai!
Chapter 276 Encounter with the Queen of Europe
Chapter 277 The First Axe Repair in the Battle
Chapter 278 The duel of top players
Chapter 279 It was all ordered by my daughter-in-law!
Chapter 280 A Word to Wake the Dreamer
Chapter 281 I have never been so speechless in my life
Chapter 282 Psychological Game
Chapter 283 Two people's world
Chapter 284 Storm Valley
Chapter 285: Scarlet Squirrel
Chapter 286 This chicken really holds revenge
Chapter 287 The Sword of Horror!
Chapter 288 Talk nonsense and hack you to death again!
Chapter 289 Qingming and Feixue
Chapter 290 Earth Grade Feng Shui!
Chapter 291: The Ambush of the Ghost Palace
Chapter 292
Chapter 293 Promotion!
Chapter 294 The Promise of the Golden Core
Chapter 295: The Sword Sect is here
Chapter 296
Chapter 297
Chapter 298 The chartered public identity is exposed!
Chapter 299 Believe it or not, I will rob your concubine!
Chapter 300 Warm Daily Life
Chapter 301 Yan Ruyu's Cousin
Chapter 302 Qin Xiaowei, who was grounded
Chapter 303: The Yang Family in Kyoto
Chapter 304 The Dream of the Soft Rice Kings
Chapter 305 Two beauties are drunk
Chapter 306: Kissed forcibly!
Chapter 307
Chapter 308: One Hundred Thousand Mountains
Chapter 309 Poison Horned Queen Bee
Chapter 310 The second pet?
Chapter 311 Two Pigs Bajie
Chapter 312 Treasure Chest in the Lake
Chapter 313 Is She Really Cold?
Chapter 314
Chapter 315 Chu Tianhan has arrived!
Chapter 316 Selling teammates to escape
Chapter 317: Meeting the Demon Again
Chapter 318 Kill the Demon with Spirituality!
Chapter 319 Disguise Mask
Chapter 320 You are my housekeeper
Chapter 321: Chu Tianhan took a fancy to it???
Chapter 322 Give you a big fight!
Chapter 323 Comprehend Heavenly Swordsmanship!
Chapter 324 You are so nice, brother!
Chapter 325 The Bear in the Golden Core Realm
Chapter 326: The Second Auction
Chapter 327 Gradually Trust
Chapter 328 The first floor auction!
Chapter 329: The Way to End Early
Chapter 330 Candy's Birthday
Chapter 331
Chapter 332: Get Qin Xiaowei
Chapter 333
Chapter 334 'With You'
Chapter 335 Auntie, go after me!
Chapter 336
Chapter 337
Chapter 338 Don't read Master Tang
Chapter 339 The Treatment of Injured
Chapter 340 The New Four Lists
Chapter 341 Howling Ghost Ridge
Chapter 342 Fighting Instinct
Chapter 343 Soul Refining Ghost Emperor!
Chapter 344 Wash it!
Chapter 345 Fighting the Ghost Emperor
Chapter 346 Receive a ghost servant!
Chapter 347 Breaking through the Golden Core Realm!
Chapter 348 Four Little Thunder Tribulations
Chapter 349 Do you know whether to respect the teacher and the Tao?
Chapter 350 Forced Kiss Leng Feiyan?
Chapter 351
Chapter 352
Chapter 353 Master, scratch my back
Chapter 354
Chapter 355 Moon Shadow Wars Eternal World!
Chapter 356 The young couple are quarreling again?
Chapter 357 I decided to kill you!
Chapter 358
Chapter 359 Who is the thief?
Chapter 360 Besieging Lin Jichen
Chapter 361 One against ten!
Chapter 362 Rolling Situation
Chapter 363
Chapter 364 Talk about cooperation?
Chapter 364 Growing Up To Be Your Wife!
Chapter 366 Ten people team up
Chapter 367: Wind and Snow Prison Pass
Chapter 368 The power of chess repair!
Chapter 369 Blood Judge
Chapter 370
Chapter 371 Necromancer Lin Jichen?
Chapter 372 Dragon's Tooth Blade
Chapter 373 Wind Ghost Formation
Chapter 374: A Spirit Realm Hammer Repair
Chapter 375 One sword is seven swords!
Chapter 376 Reincarnation Desperate Kill
Chapter 377 Soul Sky Suit
Chapter 378: Top Grade Spirit Stone
Chapter 379 The final level
Chapter 380 How did you conquer her?
Chapter 381 Battle against the Three Phantom Gods!
Chapter 382 More Helpers
Chapter 383 There are so many pets!
Chapter 384 Queen Bee Pet
Chapter 385: Immortal version of Liu Guanzhang
Chapter 386: The Time of Harvest
Chapter 387 The Secret Realm Clearance!
Chapter 388
Chapter 389
Chapter 391 Encountered assassination!
Chapter 392 Investigation
Chapter 392 We are good friends
Chapter 393 Open an Inn
Chapter 394
Chapter 395 Lending money to Jiang Luoyu?
Chapter 396 A ‘good’ news
Chapter 397 Divorce Agreement?
Chapter 398
Chapter 399 Fireworks startle the night sky
Chapter 400 Unparalleled Sword Shadow
Chapter 401 Bad things?
Chapter 402 Breaking the Marriage!
Chapter 403 The battle of the strong!
Chapter 404 The Token of the Construction Gang is Out!
Chapter 405: Reaching Cooperation
Chapter 406: Xiugou Bear Appearance!
Chapter 407 Purple Flame Dragon and Lion!
Chapter 408
Chapter 409
Chapter 410: The Two Sect Masters Meet
Chapter 411 Talismans and Ginseng Fruits
Chapter 412
Chapter 413 Seems to have forgotten something?
Chapter 414: The Most Hateful Appearance
Chapter 415 Free help!
Chapter 416 Purgatory Fire Sea Talisman!
Chapter 417 God of War wins victory
Chapter 418 The heart of sword control
Chapter 419 Yunxia City
Chapter 420
Chapter 421 Sister, take care of you!
Chapter 422
Chapter 423
Chapter 424 One against three!
Chapter 425 Rising Dragon Breaks the Sky!
Chapter 426 Unparalleled for the first time!
Chapter 427 Two big news!
Chapter 428: I just love being ‘abused’ by my master
Chapter 429 The Ascension Conference begins!
Chapter 430 Never Leave!
Chapter 431 The group stage begins!
Chapter 432 Rhythm again
Chapter 433 Officially Come Out!
Chapter 434 A man's inferiority complex
Chapter 435 Advance to Top 100
Chapter 436
Chapter 437 Fight against the top 100 players!
Chapter 438 Advancement all the way!
Chapter 439 Battle of the Sword Gods!
Chapter 440 Fight Chen Yuan again!
Chapter 441 The first sword repair! Take it!
Chapter 442: The Ranking of Each Profession
Chapter 443 Going on a date
Chapter 444 Small disturbance before the meal
Chapter 445 The Eight Desolate Secrets!
Chapter 446 Nu Wa's Betrayal?
Chapter 447
Chapter 448 Almost Misunderstood
Chapter 449 Liu Xiazi is missing
Chapter 450: Accountant Wang
Chapter 451
Chapter 452 This is a dowry!
Chapter 453 Yuwen Royal Family
Chapter 454: Infiltrating the Rakshasa Gate
Chapter 455 Snatch the military exploits!
Chapter 456
Chapter 457 Becoming a Capitalist
Chapter 458 The Four Elephants Destruction Array!
Chapter 459 Brother Wang is Generous!
Chapter 460 Build a gang token! Come out!
Chapter 461 Encounter with Li Xinghun!
Chapter 462 The real master
Chapter 463 Hard fight!
Chapter 464 Show each other's cards!
Chapter 465
Chapter 466: Going to see my parents
Chapter 467: Xu Zixi, who was shot again
Chapter 468 Her Dad Is Too Dog
Chapter 469 This melon is too big!
Chapter 470 The Territorial War Begins!
Chapter 471 The shot is a talisman!
Chapter 472
Chapter 473
474 The Helper Has Arrived
Chapter 475 Pet Battle!
Chapter 476 Resurrected? Die again!
Chapter 477
Chapter 478
Chapter 479
Chapter 480 Qin Xiaowei's Dark Cuisine
Chapter 481
Chapter 482 Fighting for the leader!
Chapter 483: Chu Hongling wants to soak in NPCs too?
Chapter 484 Shengyuan? Dead bald donkey!
Chapter 485
Chapter 486 The late stage of Jindan!
Chapter 487 Let's Soak Together!
Chapter 488 Blood pressure is too high
Chapter 489 Taiyi points lightsaber!
Chapter 490 Only a fifth-grade alchemist?
Chapter 491: Poisonous Mouth Lin Jichen
Chapter 492 Player Finals
Chapter 493 Fight against the first female thief!
Chapter 494: The King of Despair
Chapter 495 I will win it back!
Chapter 496
Chapter 497 No one wants this woman!
Chapter 498
Chapter 499 You'd better go to sleep there!
Chapter 500 The finals begin!
Chapter 501 The strength of the first Buddhist practice!
Chapter 502 Strange Xing Sen
Chapter 503: No. 1 in the Heavenly Ranking!
Chapter 504 Really optimistic
Chapter 505
Chapter 506 Open Date?
Chapter 507 Don't Call You Master!
Chapter 508 Are you talking about Liang Shanbo?
Chapter 509
Chapter 510 Turn waste into treasure!
Chapter 511 Turn Your Face?
Chapter 512
Chapter 513 Then what shall I eat?
Chapter 514 Secret words in the forest
Chapter 515 Why do you want to help us?
Chapter 516 The Territory of Ten Thousand Demons!
Chapter 517 The Noble in the Demon
Chapter 518 Let go of that girl!
Chapter 519 Hu Qi'er
Chapter 520 The Title Girl Said I Love You
Chapter 521 Arranging an array to catch snakes!
Chapter 522 Soul Snake Couple
Chapter 523: Meeting Ji Tongyin Again
Chapter 524 Shut up!!
Chapter 525: Buddha Mountain
Chapter 526 What! Master Didn't Come?
Chapter 527 Luo Muxian's visit
Chapter 528 Shura Field?
Chapter 529 The courage given by the senior brother
Chapter 530
Chapter 531 Shocked players!
Chapter 532
Chapter 533: The First Victory Among Players
Chapter 534 Gu Qiuxue encounters a demon cultivator!
Chapter 535: Wonderful Showdown
Chapter 536: To settle accounts or to talk about love?
Chapter 537 The favorability of eachother
Chapter 538 Your apprentice is sick!
Chapter 539: Demonic True Yuan Jue
Chapter 540 Fight against Mo Shaoku
Chapter 541 The first use of the Ghost-devouring Sword Qi!
Chapter 542 Encountering the Black Whistle!
Chapter 543: Seeing Ling Feihong for the First Time
Chapter 544 Is This Your Sister?
Chapter 545 How can there be such a good thing for the master?
Chapter 546
Chapter 547
Chapter 548 Did you buy the wrong one?
Chapter 549 The Dark Flower Killer List!
Chapter 550 Is this special meow a security guard?
Chapter 551 The truth is revealed!
Chapter 552 Personal Protection?
Chapter 553 The rematch begins
Chapter 554 Tang Ning Moves In!
Chapter 555 Let's play together!
Chapter 556 Free man?
Chapter 557 Is he your father?
Chapter 558: Too Late to Surrender
Chapter 559 Elder, I am a man
Chapter 560 The Archer Tang Ning!
Chapter 561 Who is the Demon Cultivator?
Chapter 562 Suppressed?
Chapter 563 Magical Use of Skills
Chapter 564
Chapter 565 The final with only one player!
Chapter 566 The title girl ran away
Chapter 567 Sister, do you still have this hobby?
Chapter 568 Final!
Chapter 569 The Demonic Scholar: Baili Canfeng
Chapter 570 Chu Tianhan lost?
Chapter 571 Who Said He Can't Win!
Chapter 572 Leng Feiyan is here!
Chapter 573 The head is targeting her!
Chapter 574 Heartbreak in the Sword Curve!
Chapter 575 Collision of Heavenly Skills!
Chapter 576 Dragon Slayer Warriors!
Chapter 577
Chapter 578: Lin Jichen Must Be a Disciple of Rebel!
Chapter 579 Do you want to practice dual cultivation? Absolutely not!!!
Chapter 580 Still Found!
Chapter 581 Tears
Chapter 582 Master, let’s be together!
Chapter 583 The Gift Lin Jichen Wants!
Chapter 584 Break through the spirit realm!
Chapter 585 Situ Zhao's Soul Tomb
Chapter 586
Chapter 587 Daoist Jichen!
Chapter 588 Fighting against the Buddhist Sect Shengyuan
Chapter 589 The Dharma of Dharma!
Chapter 590: My Wife Is Cold and Feiyan!
Chapter 591: The Miserable Buddhist Sect
Chapter 592: The Eve of the Decisive Battle
Chapter 593 Qin Xiaowei's Return
Chapter 594 I Was Stealed Again!
Chapter 595
Chapter 596
Chapter 597 How does he understand Fa Xiu so much?
Chapter 598
Chapter 599: The Sect Master Gives Jade Cream!
Chapter 600 Three Heavenly Products!
Chapter 601 Thinking of the Disciple
Chapter 602 The Peak Showdown!
Chapter 603 Master and servant are united!
Chapter 604 Incarnate as a Killing God!
Chapter 605 The devil is now!
Chapter 606 Is this devil boy a little silly?
Chapter 607: Has the game been updated?
Chapter 608 Dinner
Chapter 609: Tutu is so cute, did you sprinkle cumin on it?
Chapter 610 Ask Lin Jichen to investigate the truth!
Chapter 611 Strange Gu Qiuxue
Chapter 612 It's All About Healing!
Chapter 613 Fake Tang Ning's Boyfriend
Chapter 614: Easily deal with ‘brother-in-law’
Chapter 615 My sister climbed high!
Chapter 616
Chapter 617 Concert
Chapter 618 'The Fate'
Chapter 619 Joining the Duel Field
Chapter 620 Zongmen Meeting
Chapter 621 Asking Lin Jichen to perform a show
Chapter 622: The Blessing of Qi People
Chapter 623 Oh, kissing the mouth is so tiring~
Chapter 624 I will be yours from now on!
Chapter 625 Because I'm Afraid of Losing You!
Chapter 626 Do you want a wife or not?
Chapter 627 Strange Triangular Relationship
Chapter 628 I am a good person!
Chapter 629: The Value of Heavenly Dao Materials
Chapter 630
Chapter 631 The first use of salty pig's hand
Chapter 632 Murder and Punishment
Chapter 633 Right is an illusion!
Chapter 634 Want to be a son-in-law again?
Chapter 635 Raising pandas as pets???
Chapter 636 It's All You!
Chapter 637 Let's Live Together?
Chapter 637: A Different New Year's Eve
Chapter 638 Jiang Luoyu's Little Mother
Chapter 637 Tianpin Wholesaler·Lao Lin
Chapter 638: Entering Qiuyuelou again
Chapter 639 I'm here to study!
Chapter 640 Newly Opened Rouge Hall
641 Accidental Appearance
Chapter 642 Was seen by my brother-in-law?
Chapter 642: Being seen out by brother-in-law?_645
Chapter 643 Winter Festival
Chapter 644 These old guys are shameless!
Chapter 645 So delicious!
Chapter 646 The war bell rings!
Chapter 647 The beast tide is coming!
Chapter 648 Meeting an acquaintance
Chapter 649 Are you single? Consider my sister?
Chapter 650 Centennial City
Chapter 651 Mu Lingbing
Chapter 652 Master, the slave is pregnant
Chapter 653 Self-cultivation of being a loser
Chapter 654: The First Battle of Nascent Soul!
Chapter 655 The Mountain-shaking Spin Turtle!
Chapter 656 HP Advantage
Chapter 657 The first kill of the Nascent Soul Realm BOSS!
Chapter 658 Cold Abyss Treasure House!
Chapter 659 Icefield Covenant
Chapter 660 Looking for someone to drink?
Chapter 661
Chapter 662 Because I'm more handsome than you!
Chapter 663 He is going to be the man in charge!
Chapter 664: Fairness in Lin Jichen's Eyes
Chapter 665
Chapter 666 The Way to Eliminate Evidence!
Chapter 667 Qin Xiaowei's Rumored Boyfriend?
Chapter 668 Want to share with me again?
Chapter 669 Tool people are also people
Chapter 670 The last scene
Chapter 671 The official announcement breaks the rumors!
Chapter 672 The Heavenly King Who Despised His Son
Chapter 673 Linglong's Autumn Reckoning
Chapter 674 Feng Yuan Secret Realm
Chapter 675
Chapter 676 My Wang Jinghao vowed to marry Elder Hai!
Chapter 677 Wang Jinghao: Are you going to transfer?
Chapter 678 Hai Ruhua is here!
Chapter 679 Who the hell are you?
Chapter 680: Robbing civilian men?
Chapter 681 Wang Jinghao triggers the only mission!
Chapter 682 forced to admit
Chapter 683 Unexpected Love
Chapter 684 Blood loss, blanch!
Chapter 685
Chapter 686 Go to Fengdu!
Chapter 687 Ghost Town
Chapter 688
Chapter 689
Chapter 690
Chapter 691
Chapter 692
Chapter 693: Lady Lady?
Chapter 694 The secrets of the ghost world
Chapter 695 More than fifty thousand pet eggs!
Chapter 696
Chapter 697: Interest Binding
Chapter 698 Gu Qiuxue started racing
Chapter 699 Doctor Gu is unemployed?
Chapter 700 Death Instructions
Chapter 701 Cherish the moment
Chapter 702 Windless Realm·Black Light Land
Chapter 703 Dangerous
Chapter 704: Touching Mo Shaoku Again
Chapter 705 What are you calling a dog?
Chapter 706 The Demonic Primordial Primordial Judgment is at hand!
Chapter 707 Whip Queen Xiaowan
Chapter 708 Wind Monster BOSS!
Chapter 709 The Second Kill in the Nascent Soul Realm!
Chapter 710 Breeze Treasure Chest
Chapter 711
Chapter 712 Nascent Soul Boss Incarnates as a Telegraph Operator
Chapter 713
Chapter 714: Just Pay Attention In Your Next Life
Chapter 715 Don't bully the poor middle-aged!
Chapter 716 You don't usually go peeping, do you?
Chapter 717 He's Not Su Wanling!
Chapter 718 Zhou Ketong's Resentment
Chapter 719 Zhou Quanyu: I am split
Chapter 720 The truth is revealed
Chapter 721 I don't even look at it
Chapter 722 Why are you full without eating?
Chapter 723: Leaving the Team
Chapter 724: Mysterious Winds
Chapter 725: Hands of Evil·Hands of Evil
Chapter 726 The plan of the ghost hall
Chapter 727 Young Master, are you fighting?
Chapter 728: Hiding in Tibet
Chapter 729
Chapter 730 Leng Feiyan: I wish the senior three students a smooth college entrance examination~
Chapter 731 A good way to stimulate the spirit
Chapter 732
Chapter 733: The Crisis Is Coming
Chapter 734: Meeting the Ghost Clan Again
Chapter 735 Dual Personality Xiaowan
Chapter 736 The first Nascent Soul player is born!
Chapter 737 Vice President Chen Yuan
Chapter 738: Chen Yuan: Boiling Yangyang Passing Cigarettes!
Chapter 739 The Peacock Monster Clan is Surprised!
Chapter 740 Please enter the urn
Chapter 741 The full version of the Four Elephants Destruction Array!
Chapter 742 Are you in a hurry?
Chapter 743 I am happy to be my son-in-law
Chapter 744 Survival of the fittest
Chapter 745 Mushroom Cloud
Chapter 746 Jinpeng Breaks the Void Step!
Chapter 747 Luo Muxian's Confession
Chapter 748 Why did your butt bloom?
Chapter 749 Open, touch, touch!
Chapter 750 Lao Lin has a vengeance everywhere
Chapter 751 Kidnapping
Chapter 752
Chapter 753 Unanswered Calls
Chapter 754: Shang Lingqing
Chapter 755 Am I Like a Robot?
Chapter 756 I'll Support You!
Chapter 757 The coquettish sister Yang is the worst!
Chapter 758 Wouldn't it be another small party?
Chapter 759 The man with his own club
Chapter 760 Move!
Chapter 761 A small report to the master!
Chapter 762 Don't Be My Master
Chapter 763 The Second Master
Chapter 764
Chapter 765 Is Chen Yuan So Brave?
Chapter 766 Fiasco
Chapter 767 The Misunderstanding Is Deeper
Chapter 768: Family Brother Nangong Wu
Chapter 769 Oolong Incident
Chapter 770: A Little Love Rival Comes
Chapter 771: Fellow Daoist Lin is really filial!
Chapter 772 Eternal Icefield
Chapter 773: Encountering Wolves
Chapter 774 Well, you are right
Chapter 775
Chapter 776 Blizzard Avalanche!
Chapter 777
Chapter 778 Eight Desolate Comedians
Chapter 779 I introduced my mother to you!
Chapter 780 Your senior sister is not very convenient now
Chapter 781 Encountering Charm Toxin Again!
Chapter 782 Detoxification
Chapter 783 Gu Zihan is a real man!
Chapter 784 Storm Ice Bear
Chapter 785
Chapter 786: Killing Ice Bears Alone!
Chapter 787 Entering the Abyss
Chapter 788: Abandoning the Sword
Chapter 789
Chapter 790 Fish Demon Illusion Technique
Chapter 791 Fighting the Fish Demon
Chapter 792
Chapter 793 Killing me can't change it!
Chapter 794
Chapter 795 Open the Cold Abyss Treasure!
Chapter 796
Chapter 797: Farewell to the Icefield
Chapter 798
Chapter 799
Chapter 800 Pretending to be your boyfriend again?
Chapter 801 Is my sister sleepwalking?
Chapter 802 tit for tat
Chapter 803 Make Lin Jichen embarrassed?
Chapter 804: Reverse and Reverse
Chapter 805 My eldest brother is Lin Jichen!
Chapter 806 My mother~
Chapter 807 Tang Ning: I lost my first kiss?
Chapter 808
Chapter 809 Never ask him to act again!
Chapter 810
Chapter 811 Entrusted by the fox
Chapter 812 Let go of my bear!
Chapter 813 The Four Kings of the Ghost Race! Generals!
Chapter 814
Chapter 815 I also like to bully others
Chapter 816 Chu Tianhan has changed?
Chapter 817 Sell this sword to me~
Chapter 818 Digging the Wall?
Chapter 819 Don't sell me, boss, okay?
Chapter 820
Chapter 821 Difficulty digging anchor Liu
Chapter 822 Who do you think is Princess Taiping!!!
Chapter 822: The Day of Ancestor Worship
Chapter 824 The princess has gained weight?
Chapter 825 is still exposed
Chapter 826 - Eunuch Gao's Entrustment
Chapter 827 Desperate Answer
Chapter 828 Long-lost collective action
Chapter 829
Chapter 830 Purple Bamboo Giant Snake
Chapter 831 Fighting the Snake King
Chapter 832 This guy is a pervert!
Chapter 833
Chapter 834
Chapter 835 Delete the number and rebuild it? Absurd!
Chapter 836
Chapter 837
Chapter 838 Lin Jichen was taken away by the Punishment Hall!
Chapter 839 Admit mistakes but not correct them!
Chapter 840 The main hall debate!
Chapter 841 Is This Also Punishment?
Chapter 842
Chapter 843 He is not on vacation when facing the wall
Chapter 844 Visit Yuanji Dharma Sect!
Chapter 845 Master, this is the disciple who got to know me first~
Chapter 846 Mission: The road to becoming a son-in-law!
Chapter 847 The apron must be given this time!
Chapter 848
Chapter 849 Sisters and Brothers Become Enemies
Chapter 850: Law Cultivation Exchange Conference
Chapter 851 Master, are you here again?
Chapter 852 Absolutely dark horse!
Chapter 853
Chapter 854
Chapter 855: Wudu Mountain Range
Chapter 856 Cave Town
Chapter 857 Ancestor Gou Peixi?
Chapter 858 Can you still play like this?
Chapter 859 See if I dare!
Chapter 860
Chapter 861 Hasn't He Always Been a Demon Cultivator?
Chapter 862 Beauty Plan!
Chapter 863: Longyang's Love, Zhao Laojiu
Chapter 864 The pants are about to be ripped off
Chapter 865 Fight against Zhao Laojiu!
Chapter 866 Difficult battle
Chapter 867 Are you two playing relay?
Chapter 868
Chapter 869 He is also something you can touch?
Chapter 870 Are you kidding me?
Chapter 871 I have paid for the medical expenses
Chapter 872 Embarrassing Cancer
Chapter 873 No need to fight?
Chapter 874 Is it really just an injustice on the road?
Chapter 875 Sky-high auction!
Chapter 876
Chapter 877 50% off magical powers?
Chapter 878 The value of three million flowers!
Chapter 879 Win the game!
Chapter 880 Big Brothers Gather!
Chapter 881
Chapter 882 So Hello!
Chapter 883 Another Crest of Career Transfer!
Chapter 884
Chapter 885 Break through the Nascent Soul Realm!
Chapter 886 The fourth update!
Chapter 887 Unjust death!
Chapter 888 Confess to Gu Qiuxue!
Chapter 889 Mosquito Sting!
Chapter 890
Chapter 891
Chapter 892 Public beta testing in various countries starts!
Chapter 893 It's over!
Chapter 894
Chapter 895 The ‘harsh’ punishment for Lin Jichen!
Chapter 896 Walk with Chu Tianhan?
Chapter 897 Rakshasa Sea
Chapter 898
Chapter 899 Searching the sea area
Chapter 900 Inner Alchemy of the Demon Race?
Chapter 901 Am I so weak?
Chapter 902 The demon clan is in chaos!
Chapter 903 The task is easy to complete!
Chapter 904 Deep Sea Illusory Whale!
Chapter 905 Team up with the God of War!
Chapter 906 The power of heavenly supernatural powers!
Chapter 907 The first kill of the god-turning boss!
Chapter 908 Heaven Grade Pill Stove
Chapter 909: Encountering the Illusory Whale Again
Chapter 910 The third pet!
Chapter 911 Chased by the Murlocs!
Chapter 912 Are you making me a son-in-law again?
Chapter 913 The twisted melon is not sweet!
Chapter 914 The plan to delay the army
Chapter 915
Chapter 916 Complete victory!
Chapter 917 Unfair Competition
Chapter 918 I'm Getting Married?
Chapter 919
Chapter 920 Forced to get married
Chapter 921 Please detoxify for me!
Chapter 922 Li Mu's Sassy Operation
Chapter 923 Continue to flee
Chapter 924 Congrats to the door
Chapter 925: Entering the Demon World Again
Chapter 926 The sword is a gentleman's tool
Chapter 927 Visiting the Fox Clan
Chapter 928 The revenge of killing the father?
Chapter 929
Chapter 930 The bear looks out of favor
Chapter 931 Suicide?
Chapter 932 Hurry up and jump if you want to die!
Chapter 933
Chapter 934 move to your house upstairs
Chapter 935 We don't understand the world of rich people
Chapter 936 Monster Race!
Chapter 937 Go to the Demon God Mountain!
Chapter 938 The Murlocs Attack!
Chapter 939 Trigger the mission!
Chapter 940 A Jin is missing
Chapter 941 The First Battle of the Monster Race!
Chapter 942 A blockbuster bear look!
Chapter 943 It's not me anyway!
Chapter 944 The final battle!
Chapter 945
Chapter 946 I don't make it!
Chapter 947 Demon Emperor Red Tiger!
Chapter 948 Missing
Chapter 949 Li Mu who escaped from death
Chapter 950 Suspicion
Chapter 951
Chapter 952: Tie Shengyi is looking for her husband thousands of miles
Chapter 953 Is it just a revenge for killing the father?
Chapter 954: Like a Lord, Like a Bear!
Chapter 1115 My boss is Lin Jichen?
Chapter 1116 Boss, I want to abandon the knife and follow the law!
Chapter 1117 The city is in trouble!
Chapter 1118
Chapter 1119 Demon Cultivator Laughter Flame?
Chapter 960 Tianpin Jinbao Fox Spirit Jade!
Chapter 1121 Pay a Protection Fee
Chapter 1122 The Giant Sword Girl
Chapter 1123 Rewards for the Tianpin Formation Diagram!
Chapter 1124 Encountering a Ruthless Person!
Chapter 1125 Professional son-in-law?
Chapter 1126 Unexpected Attack
Chapter 1127 Battle!
Chapter 1128 Thunder Light Blade Shadow Rain Night Cold Building
Chapter 1129 Golden Light Earth Fire Formation!
Chapter 1130
Chapter 1131 Yang Yirou who ran away from marriage
Chapter 1132 Moving to the next building?
Chapter 973 Game Genius {xml} Musical Talent?
Chapter 1134 Desolate Ancient Remains Dust Sword!
Chapter 1135 Unless you can't help it
Chapter 1136: Breaking through the God Transformation Realm!
Chapter 1137
Chapter 1138 Marriage
Chapter 1139: Two Swords Combined
Chapter 1140 Forbidden Soul Valley?
Chapter 1141
Chapter 1142 Save People
Chapter 1143 Semi-Magic
Chapter 1144 Luo Canghai
Chapter 1145 Do You Have To Be So Polite?
Chapter 1146 Jingyi Divine Nun
Chapter 1147 Predicting the Future
Chapter 1148 Blazing Essence Demon Bee
Chapter 1149 The Big Fly Has Evolved
Chapter 1150 Brother-in-law, am I sensible?
Chapter 1151 Extinguishing Demons!
Chapter 1152 Dao Enlightenment Realm Demon!
Chapter 1153 The first kill is robbed!
Chapter 1154 Great Sun Tathagata Seal!
Chapter 1155 The villain sues first
Chapter 1156: Big Brother Mini
Chapter 1157 Take a cheap son?
Chapter 1158 Ji Tongyin Wants to Marry
Chapter 1159 Disruption
Chapter 1160
Chapter 1161 You're Done
Chapter 1162 Termination of the contract
Chapter 1163: The Seventh Time
Chapter 1164 The Storage Ring Appears!
Chapter 1165 Big Event!
Chapter 1166 Panic Spreads!
Chapter 1167 Inevitable
Chapter 1168 Encountering a Succubus!
Chapter 1169 Help Sister Yang detoxify!
Chapter 1170 Buying Jade
Chapter 1171 Spider Lair
Chapter 1172 Bloodthirsty Tarantula
Chapter 1173: The End
Chapter 1174 Private meeting with the princess
Chapter 1175 Interim President?
Chapter 1176 New President Lin Jichen!
Chapter 1177 The Realm of Giant Dragons!
Chapter 1178 The Wrathful Scarlet Flood Dragon
Chapter 1179 Real Dragon of Enlightenment Realm!
Chapter 1180 Dragon Slaying!
Chapter 1181 Burning Rage Belt
Chapter 1182 Ten Celestial Items!
Chapter 1183 Bewitched?
Chapter 1184 The Magic Mirror Dragon
Chapter 1185 Encountered a sneak attack
Chapter 1186
Chapter 1187 Reappearance of Li Xinghun
Chapter 1188 Great Victory
Chapter 1189
Chapter 1190 Hunt and kill Luo Muxian!
Chapter 1191 Hit the trap!
Chapter 1192 You mean fencing together?
Chapter 1193 Still Can't Beat?
Chapter 1194
Chapter 1195 Helpless to stop
Chapter 1196 Reaching a Consensus
Chapter 1197 The correct way to use a follower
Chapter 1283 Return to the Human World!
Chapter 1284
Chapter 1285 Husband and wife meet again
Chapter 1286 Rich rewards!
Chapter 1287: Embryo planing evil breeding technique!
Chapter 1288 Joint Mission?
Chapter 1289: Breakthrough in the Late Transformation Stage!
Chapter 1290 I owe another favor to Sect Master Yun
Chapter 1291
Chapter 1292 The young master of Fazong who was named by the teacher
Chapter 1293 Visit the Beast Master Sect!
Chapter 1294 Interview
Chapter 1295 Beast Terrace
Chapter 1296 The price of provocation
Chapter 1297 Pet Showdown!
Chapter 1298 Is this guy a swordsman?
Chapter 1299 Strange Beast Bai Ze
Chapter 1300 The Origin of Green Scale Pond
Chapter 1301 The teacher is here!
Chapter 1302 Frustration
Chapter 1303 Huangfu Ying
Chapter 1304 Returning to the Rakshasa Sea
Chapter 1305 Slapped in the face
Chapter 1306 Misidentified fish!
Chapter 1307: A Battle Without Suspense
Chapter 1308 Timely Rescue!
Chapter 1309 Looking for children all over the world
Chapter 1310 My son is lost~
Chapter 1311
Chapter 1312 Heart-Expanding Holy Mirror
Chapter 1313 Mission Complete
Chapter 1314
Chapter 1315 Let me introduce you to a younger brother!
Chapter 1316 The Jiang Group is facing bankruptcy?
Chapter 1317 Tianzhao Sword Manual!
Chapter 1318 Target Ghost Palace!
Chapter 1319 The master and apprentice are really good at calling people!
Chapter 1320 The Eve of the Great War!
Chapter 1321 A Gathering of Righteous and Demons!
Chapter 1076 Xuanhe Mirror and Tianchi Sword Spirit
Chapter 1323 Master Leng is against three with one!
Chapter 1324 Conductor Lin Jichen!
Chapter 1079 The fifth update!
Chapter 1326 Meet Situ Zhao again!
Chapter 1327 One is ten!
Chapter 1328 The First Use of Tianzhao Sword Technique!
Chapter 1329 The peak is imminent!
Chapter 1330 Battlefield of the strong!
Chapter 1331 Will?
Chapter 1332 Helpers Arrive!
Chapter 1087 Turbulence in the Void!
Chapter 1088: Update the target?
Chapter 1335 Wrong father!
Chapter 1336 Twins!
Chapter 1337: Choice
Chapter 1338: Ghost Palace Destroyed!
Chapter 1339 Who will the master and the empress help when they fight?
Chapter 1094 Open a medical clinic together
Chapter 1095 Kong Heming Arrives
Chapter 1096 It turns out you like the Immortal Master!
Chapter 1343 Surprise!
Chapter 1344 Human nature in the face of disaster!
Chapter 1345 Hope in Despair
Chapter 1346 Goodbye Giant Sword Girl!
Chapter 1101 Earth Immortal Ivy
Chapter 1348 The world has changed drastically!
Chapter 1349 Take in the daughter of the richest man?
Chapter 1350 Refusal to Enter Beijing
Chapter 1351: The End
Chapter 1352 Patricide?
Chapter 1353 Do things from beginning to end
Chapter 1354
Chapter 1355 Set up a conspiracy
Chapter 1356 Zhou Family's Resistance!
Chapter 1111 Online update?
Chapter 1112 The Wine and Sword Immortal Qi Tianming!
Chapter 1113 Drunk!
Chapter 1360 I like it, you bite me?
Chapter 1115 My boss is Lin Jichen?
Chapter 1116 Boss, I want to give up my sword and follow the law!
Chapter 1363 The Little Remnant Wind
Chapter 1118: The mantis acts as a chariot
Chapter 1119 Demon Cultivators Laughing Flame?
Chapter 1120 Can NPCs also participate in the battle?
Chapter 1121 Pay a protection fee
Chapter 1122 The Giant Sword Girl
Chapter 1123 Rewards for the Tianpin Formation Diagram!
Chapter 1124 Meeting a ruthless person!
Chapter 1125 Son-in-law is a professional?
Chapter 1126 An unexpected attack
Chapter 1127 Battle!
Chapter 1128 Thunder Blade Shadow {xml} Rainy Night Cold Tower
Chapter 1129 Golden Fire Formation
Chapter 1130 A fleeting moment
Chapter 1131 Yang Yirou who escaped from marriage
Chapter 1132 Moving to the next building?
Chapter 1133 Alien Beast Ranking 20
Chapter 1134 Ancient Relics Sword
Chapter 1135 Unless I cant help it
Chapter 1136 Breakthrough into the Divine Realm!
Chapter 1137
Chapter 1138 Marriage
Chapter 1139 Two swords combined
Chapter 1140 Soul Forbidden Valley?
Chapter 1141 Things are changing
Chapter 1142 Rescue
Chapter 1143 Semi-Magic
Chapter 1144 Luo Canghai
Chapter 1145 You must be so polite
Chapter 1146 Jingyi Divine Nun
Chapter 1147 Predicting the Future
Chapter 1148 Blazing Essence Demon Bee
Chapter 1149 The big fly evolves
Chapter 1150 Brother-in-law, am I sensible?
Chapter 1151 A burst of extermination of evil spirits
Chapter 1152 Enlightenment Realm Demon
Chapter 1153 The first kill was robbed
Chapter 1154 The Great Sun Tathagata Seal
Chapter 1155 The villain sues first
Chapter 1156: Big Brother Mini
Chapter 1157 Take a cheap son?
Chapter 1158 Ji Tongyin Wants to Marry
Chapter 1159 Disruption
Chapter 1160
Chapter 1161 You're Done
Chapter 1162 Termination of the contract
Chapter 1163 The seventh update!
Chapter 1164 The Storage Ring Appears!
Chapter 1165 Big Event!
Chapter 1166 Panic Spreads!
Chapter 1167 Inevitable
Chapter 1168 Encountering a Succubus!
Chapter 1169 Help Sister Yang detoxify!
Chapter 1170 Buying Jade
Chapter 1171 Spider Lair
Chapter 1172 Bloodthirsty Tarantula
Chapter 1173 Update ends
Chapter 1174 Private meeting with the princess
Chapter 1175 Interim President?
Chapter 1176 New President Lin Jichen!
Chapter 1177 The Realm of Giant Dragons!
Chapter 1178 The Wrathful Scarlet Flood Dragon
Chapter 1179 Real Dragon of Enlightenment Realm!
Chapter 1180 Dragon Slaying!
Chapter 1181 Burning Rage Belt
Chapter 1182 Ten Celestial Items!
Chapter 1183 Bewitched?
Chapter 1184 The Magic Mirror Dragon
Chapter 1185 Encountered a sneak attack
Chapter 1186
Chapter 1187 Reappearance of Li Xinghun
Chapter 1188 Great Victory
Chapter 1189
Chapter 1190 Hunting Luo Muxian
Chapter 1191 Falling into the trap
Chapter 1192 Are you talking about fencing together?
Chapter 1193 Still Can't Beat?
Chapter 1194
Chapter 1195 Helpless to stop
Chapter 1196 Reaching a Consensus
Chapter 1197 The correct way to use a follower
Chapter 1198 Disgraceful!
Chapter 1199 Is this a bride price?
Chapter 1200 Return to the sect!
Chapter 1201 A gift for Master
Chapter 1284
Chapter 1285 Husband and wife meet again
Chapter 1286 Rich rewards!
Chapter 1287: Embryo planing evil breeding technique!
Chapter 1206 Peak Showdown
Chapter 1207 A narrow victory
Chapter 1208 Promoted to Elder
Chapter 1209 Fairness and Justice Elder Lin
Chapter 1210 Qianlong’s Great Change
Chapter 1293 Visit the Beast Master Sect!
Chapter 1294 Interview
Chapter 1295 Beast Terrace
Chapter 1296 The price of provocation
Chapter 1297 Pet Showdown!
Chapter 1298 Is this guy a swordsman?
Chapter 1299 Strange Beast Bai Ze
Chapter 1300 The Origin of Green Scale Pond
Chapter 1301 The teacher is here!
Chapter 1302 Frustration
Chapter 1303 Huangfu Ying
Chapter 1304 Returning to the Rakshasa Sea
Chapter 1305 Slapped in the face
Chapter 1306 Misidentified fish!
Chapter 1307: A Battle Without Suspense
Chapter 1308 Timely Rescue!
Chapter 1309 Looking for children all over the world
Chapter 1310 My son is lost~
Chapter 1311
Chapter 1312 Heart-Expanding Holy Mirror
Chapter 1313 Mission Complete
Chapter 1314
Chapter 1315 Let me introduce you to a younger brother!
Chapter 1316 The Jiang Group is facing bankruptcy?
Chapter 1317 Tianzhao Sword Manual!
Chapter 1318 Target Ghost Hall!
Chapter 1319 The master and apprentice are really good at calling people!
Chapter 1320 The Eve of the Great War!
Chapter 1321 A Gathering of Righteous and Demons!
Chapter 1240 Return to Fengdu
Chapter 1323 Master Leng is against three with one!
Chapter 1324 Conductor Lin Jichen!
Chapter 1325 Tragic Battlefield!
Chapter 1326 Meet Situ Zhao again!
Chapter 1327 One is ten!
Chapter 1328 The First Use of Tianzhao Sword Technique!
Chapter 1329 The peak is imminent!
Chapter 1248: Enlightenment Realm Ghost Cultivator!
Chapter 1249 Tao Principles
Chapter 1250 Fierce fight!
Chapter 1251 Yamas job transfer emblem!
Chapter 1252 The ghost world is shocked!
Chapter 1253 Are you sure this is not the Pirate King?
Chapter 1254 The great escape from the ghost world!
Chapter 1255 Ghost Mirage Mountains
Chapter 1256 Scary Ghost Chiworm
Chapter 1257 The role of fat white man!
Chapter 1258 A blessing in disguise
Chapter 1259 Youcheng
Chapter 1260 Blood Sea Hell
Chapter 1343 Surprise!
Chapter 1344 Human nature in the face of disaster!
Chapter 1345 Hope in Despair
Chapter 1264 Coercion
Chapter 1347
Chapter 1348 The world has changed drastically!
Chapter 1349 Take in the daughter of the richest man?
Chapter 1350 Refusal to Enter Beijing
Chapter 1351: The End
Chapter 1352 Patricide?
Chapter 1353 Do things from beginning to end
Chapter 1354
Chapter 1355 Set up a conspiracy
Chapter 1356 Zhou Family's Resistance!
Chapter 1357 The plan has changed!
Chapter 1358: Friends Reunited
Chapter 1359 Ambush Situ Zhao!
Chapter 1360 I like it, you bite me?
Chapter 1361 Hard-hearted Situ Zhao!
Chapter 1362 Granny Meng's blood?
Chapter 1363 The Little Remnant Wind
Chapter 1364 Dragon Realm Pointer!
Chapter 1283 Return to the human world!
Chapter 1284 Life is at stake
Chapter 1285 Reunion of husband and wife
Chapter 1286 Generous rewards!
Chapter 1287 The art of fetal excision!
Chapter 1288 Joint mission?
Chapter 1289 Breaking through the late stage of divine transformation!
Chapter 1290 I owe Sect Leader Yun another favor
Chapter 1291 Liu Xiazi encounters a black fan
Chapter 1292 The young master of Fa Sect named by the teacher
Chapter 1293 Visiting the Beast Control Sect!
Chapter 1294 Interview
Chapter 1295 Beast Fighting Platform
Chapter 1296 The Price of Provocation
Chapter 1297 Pet Showdown!
Chapter 1298 Is this guy a sword cultivator?
Chapter 1299 Alien Beast Bai Ze
Chapter 1300 The origin of Qinglin Pond
Chapter 1301 The Master is here!
Chapter 1302 Frustration
Chapter 1303 Huangfu Ying
Chapter 1304 Return to the Rakshasa Sea
Chapter 1305 Being slapped in the face
Chapter 1306: Wrong fish
Chapter 1307 A battle without suspense
Chapter 1308 Timely rescue
Chapter 1309 Looking for children all over the world
Chapter 1310 My son is lost
Chapter 1311 Questioning
Chapter 1312 The Holy Mirror of Heart Expansion
Chapter 1313 Mission Completed
Chapter 1314 Sadness Gu Zihan
Chapter 1315 I’ll introduce you to a younger brother!
Chapter 1316 Is Jiang’s Group facing bankruptcy?
Chapter 1317 Tianzhao Sword Manual!
Chapter 1318 Target·Ghost Hall!
Chapter 1319 Master and apprentice are really good at summoning people!
Chapter 1320 The eve of the war!
Chapter 1321 The gathering of good and evil!
Chapter 1322 The war begins!
Chapter 1323: Leader Leng fights one against three!
Chapter 1324 Conductor Lin Jichen!
Chapter 1325 The tragic battlefield!
Chapter 1326 Meeting Situ Zhao again!
Chapter 1327 One is worth ten!
Chapter 1328 The first use of Tianzhao Sword Technique!
Chapter 1329 The peak is coming!
Chapter 1330 The battlefield of the strong!
Chapter 1331 Last words?
Chapter 1332 Help arrives!
Chapter 1333 The situation is reversed!
Chapter 1334 The defeat is determined!
Chapter 1335: Wrong father!
Chapter 1336 Twins of dragon and phoenix!
Chapter 1337 Choice
Chapter 1338 Ghost Hall·Destruction!
Chapter 1339 Who will the Master help when he fights with the Empress?
Chapter 1340 The eighth update!
Chapter 1341 A successful conclusion!
Chapter 1342 Team Travel
Chapter 1343 Shocking change!
Chapter 1344 Human nature in the face of disaster!
Chapter 1345 Hope in Despair
Chapter 1346 Goodbye Giant Sword Girl!
Chapter 1347 Retention
Chapter 1348 The world has changed!
Chapter 1349 Taking in the daughter of the richest man?
Chapter 1350 Refuse to enter Beijing
Chapter 1351 Update ends
Chapter 1352 Patricide?
Chapter 1353 Things must start and end
Chapter 1354 New Couple Skill·Love is stronger than gold
Chapter 1355 Setting up a conspiracy
Chapter 1356 The Zhou family’s resistance!
Chapter 1357 The plan has changed!
Chapter 1358 Reunion of close friends
Chapter 1359 Ambush Situ Zhao!
Chapter 1360 I like it, you bite me?
Chapter 1361 The stubborn Situ Zhao!
Chapter 1362 Po Meng’s blood?
Chapter 1364 Dragon Realm Pointer
Chapter 1365 The Land of the Dragon Clan
Chapter 1366 Baili’s weird pets
Chapter 1367 Dragon Knight Bear Look
Chapter 1368 Taken away
Chapter 1369 Bad luck arrives
Chapter 1370 A bloody plot
Chapter 1371 Mysterious Place
Chapter 1372 Qinglin Palace
Chapter 1373 Golden Dragon Soul
Chapter 1374 Hard Fight
Chapter 1375: Opportunity to win against scales
Chapter 1376 The experience bar is finally full
Chapter 1377 Golden Dragon Soul Tomb
Chapter 1378 King of the Dragon Realm
Chapter 1379 Three Conditions
Chapter 1380 The Little Dragon Princess
Chapter 1381 The hostages escaped
Chapter 1382 Double Standard Party Lin Jichen
Chapter 1383 Wang Jinghao’s little moves
Chapter 1384 Lin Jichen’s deterrence
Chapter 1385 Killing the Plan
Chapter 1386 Current Situation of Blue Star
Chapter 1387 Five Thousand People Die
Chapter 1388 Guo Jie becomes BOSS
Chapter 1389 Robbery
Chapter 1391 Labor and Capital Shu Dao Mountain
Chapter 1392 Done
Chapter 1393: A near miss
Chapter 1394 Wish Failed
Chapter 1395: Passing on karma and solving doubts
Chapter 1396 The first day to the teacher
Chapter 1397 Chu Tianhan’s breakthrough and enlightenment
Chapter 1398 An accident at the celebration banquet
Chapter 1399 Ji Tongyin’s Attack
Chapter 1400 The battle between father and daughter!
Chapter 1401 No match at all
Chapter 1402 A shocking incident!
Chapter 1403 Luo Canghai is resurrected!
Chapter 1404 The bad thing was discovered
Chapter 1405 Taiyuan Crystal
Chapter 1406 Team up again!
Chapter 1407 Penglai Ruins
Chapter 1408 The routine was exposed
Chapter 1409 Nutau Village
Chapter 1410 Blood Knife Ancestor
Chapter 1411 Practice the lineup
Chapter 1412 Holy Level Dao Realm
Chapter 1413 Water Unicorn
Chapter 1414 Working together
Chapter 1415 The power of the holy soul
Chapter 1416 I dare not imagine the scene
Chapter 1417 Leopard Demon King
Chapter 1418 Your pet has become a spirit
Chapter 1419 A Group of Second Generations
Chapter 1420 Wifes, let’s go
Chapter 1421 Awkward Chats with Sect Leader Yun Everyday
Chapter 1422 Five Tao Souls
Chapter 1423 Sword King Village
Chapter 1424 Alien Beasts Attack
Chapter 1425 Ao Chi
Chapter 1426 Ghost Screen Illusion Array
Chapter 1427 Join forces
Chapter 1428 X Factor
Chapter 1429 Yinmoluo ghost
Chapter 1430 The bear-like ghost Chi Yinhuo
Chapter 1431: Single Kill with Strength
Chapter 1432 Master’s Enemy
Chapter 1433 Battle with Xie Donglai
Chapter 1434 Comparing pets? Can you do it?
Chapter 1435 Must be killed!
Chapter 1436 Switching sides in battle
Chapter 1437 Join forces to siege!
Chapter 1438 Ghost Moon Seizes the Sky
Chapter 1439 Taiyi Chessboard!
Chapter 1440 The sword energy in the stone gate
Chapter 1441 Yuan Haonian!
Chapter 1442 Agree to a duel!
Chapter 1443 My master is invincible!
Chapter 1444: Survived half of it?
Chapter 1445 Sword Master!
Chapter 1446 Holy Sword Domain!
Chapter 1447 Cheating?
Chapter 1448 The last three swords!
Chapter 1449 Love-cutting Sword!
Chapter 1450 Holy swordsmanship!
Chapter 1451 The mission was successfully completed!
Chapter 1452 The fox demon also uses a sword?
Chapter 1453 The new king of the fox clan!
Chapter 1454 Reunion after a long separation
Chapter 1455 Goodbye Hu Qier
Chapter 1436 Encountering world collapse!
Chapter 1457 The last two days!
Chapter 1458 Alone and alone
Chapter 1459 This is wall hanging!
Chapter 1460 Uninvited guest!
Chapter 1461 The Immortal Weapon Surprised!
Chapter 1462 Immortal weapon, don’t come here!
Chapter 1463 Boss Yun Dong!
Chapter 1464 The corner of the wilderness
Chapter 1465 Choose to overcome the tribulation!
Chapter 1466 Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulation?
Chapter 1467 Protect to the death!
Chapter 1468 Breakthrough to the realm of enlightenment!!
Chapter 1469 New Talent: Martial God Final Judgment!
Chapter 1470 The first battle between two feathers!
Chapter 1471 The big guys gather together!
Chapter 1472 The ninth update is coming!
Chapter 1473 Team meeting!
Chapter 1474 Three levels!
Chapter 1475 Fengling Palace!
Chapter 1476 Civil strife breaks out!
Chapter 1477 Bank Robbery Case
Chapter 1478 Already invincible on Blue Star!
Chapter 1479 Wang Jinghao appears!
Chapter 1480 On pins and needles
Chapter 1481 Escape
Chapter 1482 Arrested?
Chapter 1483 Refuse to solicit
Chapter 1484 The Road to Ghost Cultivation
Chapter 1485 What a great face
Chapter 1486 Wind Tribulation Sword
Chapter 1487 Disaster
Chapter 1488 Return to Sword Sect!
Chapter 1489 Li Mu was struck
Chapter 1490 Thank you for your hard work, madam
Chapter 1491 Pregnant Elder Xinqin
Chapter 1492: Pursuing an order to pick up girls?
Chapter 1493 Another Winter Festival
Chapter 1494 The sect is busy in the city
Chapter 1495 Master Leng is scared
Chapter 1496 The Grand Marshal of the World’s Soldiers!
Chapter 1497 New strategic resources
Chapter 1498 Holy Immortal Series Suit!
Chapter 1499 It’s also important to accompany your wife!
Chapter 1500 Practicing medicine together again!
Chapter 1501 Encountering Bandits on the Road
Chapter 1502 Unexpected suspension
Chapter 1503: Loot along the way
Chapter 1504 The ghost world is strict
Chapter 1505 Re-entering the Ghost Realm
Chapter 1506 Meeting You Lian again!
Chapter 1507 Three Days of Farewell
Chapter 1508 Why are you forcing me to take action?
Chapter 1509 The Yama Clan’s Revenge Plan
Chapter 1510 Huge improvement!
Chapter 1511 Conspiracy!
Chapter 1512 One against four!
Chapter 1513 Shura God of Killing!
Chapter 1514 The magical effect of a fleeting moment!
Chapter 1515 Kill two enemies in a row!
Chapter 1516 Doomed!
Chapter 1517 Chasing to the Palace of the Underworld
Chapter 1518 Complete Breakup
Chapter 1519 Soul Searching Technique
Chapter 1520 Alone and alone
Chapter 1521 Jiuqu Valley
Chapter 1522 Fang Qingzhu is missing?
Chapter 1523 Chaos of America
Chapter 1524 The Savior Bodhisattva
Chapter 1525 Someone is disrupting the situation!
Chapter 1526 Asking Fa Zong for help
Chapter 1527 Help is coming!
Chapter 1528 Visiting Yunxia Again
Chapter 1529 Being Impersonated
Chapter 1530 Auction
Chapter 1531 Phoenix Dance Flame Staff!
Chapter 1532 The target of public criticism
Chapter 1533 Reappearance of the incomplete jade slip!
Chapter 1534 Fire Phoenix Egg!
Chapter 1535 Dare to be angry but dare not speak
Chapter 1536 Wait until I ask your master to propose marriage!
Chapter 1537 The impostor was found!
Chapter 1539 Friends reunited
Chapter 1540 Want women’s clothing again?
Chapter 1541 Entering the Ten Thousand Demons Sect!
Chapter 1542 Deputy Sect Master Li Chengliang
Chapter 1543 The battle between two geniuses!
Chapter 1544 Li Wushuang appears!
Chapter 1545 I didn’t say I wouldn’t help you
Chapter 1546 I won’t marry you if I’m beaten to death!
Chapter 1547 Under the Demonic Hidden Peak
Chapter 1548 Climbing the peak!
Chapter 1549 Successfully reached the summit!
Chapter 1550 Sheep in Tigers Den
Chapter 1551 Half-mother
Chapter 1552 Another problem
Chapter 1553 Kuixing Clan!
Chapter 1554 The vast sea in all directions!
Chapter 1555 Tianpin Feng Shui
Chapter 1556 The casino steals the show
Chapter 1557 Done successfully!
Chapter 1558 The Navy asks for help
Chapter 1559 Pets appear!
Chapter 1560 A fulfilling night!
Chapter 1561 One person is enough!
Chapter 1562 Trouble at the Airport
Chapter 1563 Is the monster a vegetarian?
Chapter 1564 Holy Law Legion
Chapter 1565 In crisis
Chapter 1566 Two swords destroy each other!
Chapter 1567 Who is your sweetheart?
Chapter 1568 Aunt Ninth?
Chapter 1569 Give me a profound lesson!
Chapter 1570 Split into two
Chapter 1571 Scared out of courage!
Chapter 1572 Done
Chapter 1573 Not fully charged
Chapter 1574 Ren Lan’s confession!
Chapter 1575 Rush to the vast sea in all directions!
Chapter 1576 I have a friend
Chapter 1577 Take control!
Chapter 1578 Lady
Chapter 1579 Cao Thief Can Feng
Chapter 1580 Can’t lose at all?
Chapter 1581 Dare to hit my son!
Chapter 1582 Three Twin Brothers
Chapter 1583 I really deserve to die~
Chapter 1584 Liu Xinru’s Secret
Chapter 1585 Kuixing Gourd
Chapter 1586 You are really stubborn!
Chapter 1587 Successfully seize the treasure
Chapter 1588 Ambush
Chapter 1589 Xu Fuzhi!
Chapter 1590 An opponent with three heads and six arms
Chapter 1591 The first kill of the Ascension Realm BOSS!
Chapter 1592 'Bahuang' is about to stop serving?
Chapter 1593 Is this called poison?
Chapter 1594 Yin Shiniang
Chapter 1595 Dragon Elephant Tianze Jue!
Chapter 1596 Secret Skill Box
Chapter 1597 Holy Grade Martial Arts·Concentrating Slash
Chapter 1598 Is the joke coming true?
Chapter 1599 Tragic Life
Chapter 1600 Outrageous Mission
Chapter 1601 Death of Lao Lin
Chapter 1602: Infinite Benefits
Chapter 1603 The collapsed Xiao Canfeng
Chapter 1604 Looking for allies!
Chapter 1605 Extremely Cold Black Ice Flower
Chapter 1606 A good thing is ruined?
Chapter 1607 Ice Tower Giant Skink
Chapter 1608 Ao Chi overcomes the tribulation
Chapter 1609 Zenith Iceberg
Chapter 1610 Human-Faced Jade Crab
Chapter 1611 Breakthrough to the middle stage of enlightenment!
Chapter 1612 Poison Recipe and Poison Formation
Chapter 1613 Ice Dragon
Chapter 1614 Ao Qinhan
Chapter 1615 Zhao Yangyun’s Test
Chapter 1616 With magic and mountains and rivers map!
Chapter 1617 Return to the clan!
Chapter 1618 Reunion after a long absence
Chapter 1619 Language is an art!
Chapter 1620 Li Mu gets married
Chapter 1621 Bad news!
Chapter 1622 Collapse
Chapter 1623 Continuous blows
Chapter 1624 Li Mu’s inner demon has become a reality!
Chapter 1625 Carpet Search
Chapter 1626 Shocking news!
Chapter 1627 Cooperation
Chapter 1628 Causes public outrage
Chapter 1629 Fierce
Chapter 1630 A clear conscience!
Chapter 1631 Those are just clouds!
Chapter 1632 Professional counterpart!
Chapter 1633 The Mind-Taking Soul-Seizing Technique!
Chapter 1634 Fishing plan!
Chapter 1635: Follow others' methods
Chapter 1636 Come to the door for accountability!
Chapter 1637 Dispute!
Chapter 1638: Hungry him for ten days and a half!
Chapter 1639 Calling your job title when working!
Chapter 1640 Pre-war arrangements!
Chapter 1641 The formation is triggered!
Chapter 1642 Kong Yuzhu
Chapter 1643 Fighting Feathering Again!
Chapter 1644 The Power of Chaos
Chapter 1645 Mysterious Feather Fan
Chapter 1646 Fighting the Feathering Alone!
Chapter 1647 The output far exceeds the realm of enlightenment!
Chapter 1648 The Demon Saint comes to the world!
Chapter 1649 Black-robed sword cultivator?
Chapter 1650 Becoming Yang Guo?
Chapter 1650 Forced to board the pirate ship!
Chapter 1652 The fight between the top experts!
Chapter 1653 Mission accomplished!
Chapter 1654 The reputation changes!
Chapter 1655 Account
Chapter 1656 Gouwa
Chapter 1657 Sent to Yuehua Prefecture
Chapter 1658 The Yin-Yang Scripture is comparable to an immortal product!
Chapter 1659 One hand is inconvenient
Chapter 1660 Blue Star Talents are suffering!
Chapter 1661 Thunderous Means
Chapter 1662 Late night assessment?
Chapter 1663 Killing the Ghost
Chapter 1664 Chu Hongling kills someone!
Chapter 1665 Arriving at the sub-altern
Chapter 1666 The art of blood exchange?
Chapter 1667 Clean up the door!
Chapter 1668 Kill without mercy!
Chapter 1669 The power of one sword!
Chapter 1670: Imprisoned for a hundred years?
Chapter 1671 Heading to the West
Chapter 1672: Settlement of Accounts after Autumn
Chapter 1673 Gu Qingcheng takes action!
Chapter 1674 Are you scared?
Chapter 1675 You are quite nice
Chapter 1676 Hunter or prey?
Chapter 1677 Help arrives
Chapter 1678 Do I really think I’ll let you go?
Chapter 1679 Wild Spirit Zone!
Chapter 1680 The nun is in trouble
Chapter 1681 Sneaking into the Fotan Conference
Chapter 1682 Forced to discuss Taoism
Chapter 1683 Revealing Identity
Chapter 1684 Three years in prison? I’ll blanch you!
Chapter 1685 Imprisoned
Chapter 1686 It’s not because of you!
Chapter 1687 Escorted from the Mountain
Chapter 1688 Farewell
Chapter 1689 Western Town
Chapter 1690 Dark Demon King? So weak?
Chapter 1691 Yun Lanyi is in danger!
Chapter 1692 The calamity is coming!
Chapter 1693 An unintentional act
Chapter 1694 Oh, bad fate
Chapter 1695 Two enemies!
Chapter 1696 Leng Feiyan is here!
Chapter 1697 Crossing the Mingqi Mountains!
Chapter 1698 Feeling depressed
Chapter 1699: Master Yun, let’s practice together!
Chapter 1700 Become a Taoist Companion!
Chapter 1701 Healing and breakthrough!
Chapter 1702 The late stage of enlightenment!
Chapter 1703 Soul Torture
Chapter 1703 Soul Torture
Chapter 1704 Fight Luo Canghai alone!
Chapter 1705 Immortal Xiaoqiang Lin Jichen!
Chapter 1706 The situation is reversed
Chapter 1707 Luo Canghai, die!
Chapter 1708 Return
Chapter 1709 Final preparations
Chapter 1710 Race against time
Chapter 1711 A female ghost in the realm of gods?
Chapter 1712: How to destroy both the jade and the stone?
Chapter 1713 You Lian, stop it
Chapter 1714 What’s wrong with my mother?
Chapter 1715 They are scared
Chapter 1716 Goodbye Huangfu Ying
Chapter 1717 The Bahuang version of the Legend of White Snake?
Chapter 1718 Great changes in Tianyin Temple!