Su Yueling, a full-level actress, transmigrated into the ancient cub-raising and farming literature control group. The original owner abused her sister-in-law, framed her brother-in-law, and put a cuckold on her husband, which made people and gods angry. In contrast to her cousin Su Yuewei, who was kind and hard-working in raising cubs, everyone betrayed their relatives and ended up miserable.After passing through, the system said: You have to be more virtuous than Su Yuewei and kinder than her. Only by comparing her can you change the fate of your vicious female partner. Su Yueling blocked the system, as a master, it is impossible not to do it. SheShe doesn't wear anything other than silk and satin, and doesn't eat anything other than delicacies from mountains and seas. She has to be hugged when she walks. The whole village is waiting for Su Yueling's fine work to be laid off. As a result, Su Yueling's sister-in-law opened a chain cloth shop for her, because her sister-in-law's skin is delicate and can't bear it.Rubbing the coarse cloth. Su Yueling's uncle became a major general who opened up territories,
The latest 9 chapters
The full-level fine-wearing group was used as a control groupChapter Contents