Chapter 1 Chasing Death

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The autumn wind howls and the grass bends.

At the southwest edge of Yunzhong Grassland, it was already the deep autumn season. After a cold rain, many places were covered with frost flowers.

The sound of horse hooves is heard, and a horse is riding south.

The knight kept clamping the horse's belly tightly, urging the horse to gallop.

He looked very embarrassed, his disheveled hair flying in the autumn wind, and he was wrapped in a dirty and worn leather robe. Whether it was a war horse or a knight, there were traces of smoke and fire all over his body, and some places were stained with blood.


Now in such a state of embarrassment, the knight still held a huge scimitar stained with blood in his hand, but he used it as a riding crop and kept slapping the horse's buttocks.

The war horse kept running wildly, but he was already old and weak. After galloping for a long time, foam was already coming out of the horse's mouth, and it was obvious that it might fall to the ground from exhaustion at any time.

And in the distance behind the knight, there was a faint column of smoke rising.

More than a dozen galloping figures were closely behind him, waving their swords and bows and shouting wildly.

Chases and escapes have been taking place on this land since ancient times and have never stopped. This scene is just a microcosm of the vendetta on the grassland and is not surprising.

The Turks lorded over the desert north and controlled millions of people, but they could not prevent such disputes. The Sui Dynasty was prosperous and powerful, and all the countries surrendered. The Eastern and Western Turks both respected Sui Emperor Yang Guang as the Khan of Heaven, and they could not prevent such vendettas.

This is a land full of murderous atmosphere, and it can now be said to be one of the buffer zones on the long border between the Sui Dynasty and the Turks.

After chasing and escaping, ten miles passed in the blink of an eye.

The old horse was sweating profusely, and there was blood in the foam around his mouth. While running, he staggered and rolled to the ground. The crisp sound of broken bones was particularly harsh.

The knight on the horse was immediately thrown out, but when he was in the air, he had already balled up. When he landed, he rolled on the ground more than ten times and jumped up vigorously.

The autumn wind blew his hair aside, revealing a particularly childish face. It could be seen that this was just a teenager...

He has an ordinary and rough face, but he has a pair of sparkling eyes, which seems to be the finishing touch, making him no longer look so ordinary.

In addition, although he has not yet fully grown, he is already extremely strong and strong, exuding a somewhat majestic and indescribable strength.

However, although his dress is not much different from the barbarians on the grassland, and even his face is dark and rough blown by the cold wind of the grassland, it can still be seen that his face is obviously different from the grassland tribes. He is undoubtedly

He is a Han Chinese.

Although he was in a panic at this time, he hurriedly raised his head and looked at the stretching mountains to the south, and his eyes still showed the light of hope, and he grinned, revealing a row of white teeth.

At this moment, he didn't look like a desperado fleeing for his life, but more like a chased beast. When he turned his head to look at the pursuers in the distance, a fierce and ferocious look appeared on his face.

The previous one flashed by.

But he didn't hesitate, just shook his head slightly, rushed back, picked up the scimitar on the ground, and started to run away toward the mountains without even thinking about it.

The pursuers arrived in an instant, but the enemy, who was fleeing like rabbits, had already reached the foot of the mountain, and then fled up the north slope of the mountain.

Among the mountains in the south, the Great Wall of Han Dynasty looms like a long snake.

These chasing knights have bald foreheads, fur hats, and dirty fur jackets. There is no doubt that they are not Turkic tribes. They are probably just members of the Turkic tribes who have wandered here, or even,

They may belong to the steppe tribes that submitted to the Sui Dynasty.

There are many such tribes in Yunzhong Grassland. They graze here and swing back and forth between the two big countries. It is difficult to define where they belong.

Neither the Turks nor the Sui Dynasty had any intention of determining the ownership of this land in a short period of time. In the long game between great powers, such a chaotic and ambiguous buffer zone was indispensable.

Maybe they are Khitans, maybe they are Xianbei tribe, or maybe they are the descendants of Han and Huns. In such a period, not many people cared about this, and even they themselves may not be able to tell the origin of their bloodline.

At this time, neither the Hu people who came chasing the enemy nor the Han people who fled for their lives would worry about this.

Hatred has been established and can only be washed away with blood. The life-and-death struggle has lasted for too long on this land and will continue to do so.

The pursuers roared and chased to the foot of the mountain. They reined in their horses one after another, rolled their saddles and dismounted, picked up their bows and arrows, and kept shooting arrows, hoping to kill the enemy on the hillside.

At this time, they did not care about the rarity of arrows at all, because the enemy who escaped had killed their leader. As the leader's guards, they had lost the qualification to go back. They either wandered on the grassland or killed their enemies.

After that, follow the leader.

There can only be one result for returning to the tribe, and that is to be brutally executed. There will be no second possibility.

From the moment the leader was killed, the tragic ending for them and their wives and children was actually destined. The reason why they pursued them here was firstly driven by hatred, and secondly, driven by fear.

They were so angry and desperate that they no longer cared about the fact that the Great Wall in the distance was originally a forbidden area for their tribes. They were determined to kill this cunning and despicable kid to avenge their leader.

But the enemy's ability to escape was beyond their expectation.

Not only had he successfully escaped their encirclement before, but at this time, on the increasingly steep hillside, the fleeing boy kept running back and forth, without any regard for physical strength, never climbing in a straight line,

Give the enemy a chance to aim.

Arrows kept flying around him, and one arrow even grazed his shoulder, tearing a long gash in his leather jacket whose original color could no longer be seen, without letting him blink.

Eventually, the trees grew thicker and the rocks provided more cover.

The young man leaned behind a big tree and panted rapidly for a long time, then he looked down at the furious pursuers below.

I still escaped. These bitches are still far away from killing me.

After taking a short breath, the young man did not rush to escape into the mountain. Instead, he exposed half of his body and accurately knocked away an arrow heading towards his chest. At the same time, he raised his middle finger to the enemy down the mountain and laughed...


The laughter continued, making the embarrassed young man running for his life look somewhat heroic.

Although the enemies at the foot of the mountain did not understand any international gestures, they also knew that the enemies were making fun of their incompetence.

The sound of cursing immediately resounded through the foot of the mountain. Immediately, after a quarrel among more than a dozen people, they looked at the young man's figure gradually disappearing into the forest. They couldn't help but panic. A big man pulled out a machete and chopped down the shouting guy with one knife.

On the ground, he roared loudly, leaving two people to guard the horses, and led the rest of the people to catch up to the hillside.

(Ah Cao has opened a new book, the story of the late Sui Dynasty. The chapters will be very grand, but Ah Cao is very worried that he cannot control the rhythm, and it will take a lot of time to look up the information, so he can only write it and see if there are any loopholes. Don’t pay too much attention to it.

After all, it’s not official history, so don’t be too picky if the year doesn’t match the age of the characters.)

This chapter has been completed!
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