Chapter 102

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It can be said that the various gaps between the two counties arising from their jurisdiction have been around for a long time.

When we need to help each other, it will be difficult to open our mouths.

Because of the favorable geographical location, Yanmen County has a lot of difficulties for Mayi County. On the other hand, if you want to borrow some war horses from Mayi County, you really think you are Sun Wukong.

Therefore, we can only listen to the news and wait halfway.

It's not really a mistake to do this, even if it did reach the emperor's ears, the emperor would just treat it as an anecdote and laugh it off.

No matter how loud the face was, he would not explain these reasons to Li Po and just muddle through them.

In fact, the pretty boy didn't feel that anything was wrong with Yanmen. It was just that Li Bi was angry, so he was also annoyed. This was definitely a love saint.

After Li Po heard about it, he immediately put it behind him. It was all bullshit and he didn't want to listen to it.

But what Li Po and others did not expect was that in Lingqiu County at this time, Yang Changren, the Prime Minister of Yanmen County, was sitting high in the county government hall. Hearing the report from the respectful Lingqiu County Magistrate, his face could become gloomy.

As a county magistrate, he was not as good as Li Jing. Not only was he born in a powerful family in Guanxi, but he also held great power in Mayi. He could do whatever he said, and he could compete with Wang Que, the prefect of Yanmen, without pretentiousness.

As for him, not only did he have the prefect Wang Que, but he also had a county lieutenant who was in charge of the Yanmen garrison.

He was an official of the Prefect's Mansion. To put it bluntly, if the Prefect King did cough, he would have to bark several times to get through.

Now the opportunity finally came. The county lieutenant wanted to be promoted and wanted to personally lead the troops to Hebei to fight with the army. Unfortunately, he was in a dilemma because he didn't have enough horses.

The prefect Wang Que intends to hand over the post of county captain to Yang Changren, but the condition is that he can get me 200 war horses.

Yang Changren was really serious this time. He rushed to Lingqiu himself and asked the Lingqiu County Magistrate to come forward. He wanted to intercept the horses in Mayi and make them strong for the county captain. By the way, it would also clear the way for his promotion.

But the girl from the Li family who led the team ignored this.

Yang Changren arrived at the back hall of the county government with a gloomy face. He stood back and thought for a long time. Finally, he let out a long breath of hatred and waved for his confidants.

"Go ahead and let them cut off all the horses. Remember, no news about this matter should be leaked, otherwise, the lives will be lost."

The confidant was overjoyed and hammered his chest, "Don't worry, I am the only one who knows about this matter and I will never tell anyone else."

Yang Changren was still a little worried, and after being silent for a long time, he said: "Tell them, it's done, as long as they go to the north in exchange for 200 war horses, and the rest will be left to them. If anyone wants to join the army in the future, they can come to Yanmen.

What our Yanmen lacks is such strong men."

His confidant Nuonuo shouted repeatedly and turned around to leave. Yang Changren stood quietly for a long time, thinking that there was nothing wrong with him, he let out a long breath and thought to himself, I had no choice but to take this step.

Li Jing's son, I'm afraid he will suffer the pain of losing his daughter this time.

Thinking of this, his mood gradually became joyful. They were both county magistrates, but their situations were completely different. He had already harbored deep hatred for Li Jing.

If Li Jing knew what he was thinking, he would definitely yell at me, "I have been unlucky for half my life, and you are still jealous? You are really unworthy of a man."

In fact, this is exactly the difference between the children of a wealthy family and the poor family.

The misfortune of a member of a wealthy family will turn blue with jealousy in the eyes of others. It can be seen that these days, no matter how well you do, it is not as good as your life.

Li Po and others naturally didn't know that the crisis was approaching, so they were not in a hurry. After all, after passing Feihukou, Zhuozhou was almost in front of them.

It’s more than enough time to get to Zhuozhou before the first snowfall in winter.

The towering Taihang stretches for thousands of miles.

Military strategists like this place very much, because Taihang is extremely dangerous, but there are eight paths leading to it. Taihang Eight Paths has become famous all over the world.

There are countless legends left in each of these passages, and almost every legend is related to military affairs.

Military strategists naturally like places like this, because only in places like this can countless classic battle examples be born, which will be talked about by future generations.

But as a soldier, I would never like a place like this.

In a dangerous place, there must be a life-and-death struggle. These eight paths have, from ancient times to the present, buried the lives of countless soldiers, but it is the glory of the generals that has been achieved.

As a pawn, who would be crazy enough to wander around in a place like this?

Feihu Road, now also called Lingqiu Road, was under the rule of Lingqiu. As for the many previous developments, there is no need to go into detail.

No matter how huge the team is, it will look small in front of the Taihang Mountains, which is like a giant dragon, let alone only a thousand people.

The team stopped at the crossing of Feihu Road, set up camp, and prepared to repair for a day before crossing Feihu Road.

It was a journey of hundreds of miles and took several days.

The three chief officers in the team finally gathered together. They all raised their heads and looked at the endless mountains. Then they lowered their heads and looked at the narrow Flying Fox Pass. Both of them were breathing a little fast. Obviously, it was their first time here.

, was shocked.

As a leading general, it is inevitable to feel creepy when facing such terrain.

As for Li Po, look at this, look at that, and find that not much has changed.

Except for the lack of roads, this place seems to have been the same for thousands of years, and it has never paid attention to the changes in the world.

Of course, when Li Po came here, he was just looking around. No one would wander around the narrow entrance for no reason, and they all went straight to the scenic spots.

"What a beautiful flying fox road. It is indeed a dangerous place. I didn't expect it, but I was able to see it with my own eyes today. I'm so lucky."

The pretty boy was tugging at the text, not looking at Fei Hudao, but at Li Bi. It was obvious that he was being malicious.

Li Bi turned around and left, leaving a message to the two men, "This is a land of poor mountains and harsh rivers. In the past, we had to shed our skin. What luck do we have?"

Li Po pursed his lips, suppressed his laughter, nodded towards the pretty boy, and muttered, "Well, I have to ask someone to explore the road. There is a thief in this place."

The little boy was very hurt and looked at the mouth of the gorge sadly. He probably wanted to recite a poem to express his feelings, but after holding it in for a long time, he couldn't hold in a fart. He turned around silently and went to follow Li Bi around again.

Li Po didn't just say it casually. When he returned to the team, he actually found all the scouts and ordered them to go to Feihu Road to investigate.

It's not because of anything else, it's mainly because this guy has read too many romance novels and always feels that it's unsafe to walk in the middle of the cliffs. What if someone throws stones next to them?

(Please collect, recommend, and reward. I coded seven chapters in one day. Ah Cao said that the Chinese New Year is really a hard job now. Ah Cao is almost dying of saving manuscripts. Please support me.)

This chapter has been completed!
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