Chapter 1058 Direction (3)

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"Isn't Princess Jialan the Khan's daughter? Since we already have a relationship, why ask for too much? I've always heard people say that the Turks dominate the desert north and control millions.

As the master of the Turks, the Khan is also in the prime of life, so he shouldn't be so unsure of himself, right?"

Li Po said with a smile, he actually wanted to say that Ashina and Yang Huan were only in their forties, so it would not be troublesome to give birth to a son by themselves. Of course, he would just say this in his heart, and naturally he would not announce it.

At the mouth.

It's okay to tease the gods and khans a little bit, but if you blatantly insult the Turkic khan, it's a frivolous act of treating state affairs as a child's play.

But women are always so sensitive. Ashina Mudan thought about the meaning of his words and felt that it was not good. She couldn't help but rolled her eyes in an ungrateful manner and suddenly asked, "Since the Supreme Lord entered Chang'an, he has not been on patrol yet."


Li Po raised his brows, thinking that the topic should not be far away, going on patrol? Yang Guang's lesson was so great, everyone still remembers it clearly, how can we dare to go out for a walk randomly?

What does she mean by this? Does she want to invite me to visit the Turks? Then you are overthinking it. We are not stupid. We don’t even want you to take your son as a hostage, so why not send it to your door yourself?

"For his own selfish interests, Yang Guang visited Yulin in the north, traveled to Zhangye in the west, was fortunate enough to be in Jiangdu three times, was trapped in Yanmen, and personally conquered Goguryeo three times. This does not include his wanderings between Luoyang and Chang'an. His Yin Jian is not far away, and I have

If you are not a foolish king, why should you not be reviled by the world if you travel casually?"

If in the past, Ashina Peony would have refuted and defended such unscrupulous accusations against Yang Guangzhi, and it was not impossible to even request a change of Yang Guang's posthumous title.

For example, she had made a similar request when she came last time. After all, Princess Yicheng was the daughter of the former Sui clan.

But now that she heard these words, her attitude had changed a lot. Not only was there no anger at all, but she could also laugh. "The Supreme cause has just been completed. Don't you really want to go out and take a look?"

Li Po looked at her and pondered for a long time before frowning and saying, "The Khan has been living in the royal court for some years. Could it be that the Khan is too restless and wants to meet me?"

Ashina Peony smiled while stroking her palms, "I knew I couldn't hide it from the Supreme Being... The envoys of the two countries have been communicating with each other for a long time. Now, the Khan felt that there was enough groundwork and it was time to have a candid discussion on how the two countries could get along with each other.

Let us put aside the hostility that affects our friendship all the time, have a meeting, and make a firm covenant, so that our people can forget the pain and hatred and live in harmony with each other.

My father, Qimin Khan, once said that the Turks herded cattle and the Sui people farmed. We did not need to covet each other's land because neither of us could adapt to the other's life.

Khan thinks he is right. When we truly unite and look around us, who will dare to be disrespectful to us?"

When she finished speaking, the palace fell silent, and Li Po thought about the pros and cons without any hesitation.

The North-South Alliance... is a very tempting proposal, especially for today's Tang Dynasty. It should be a good thing, right?


The origin of the Turks is now very clear to Li Po. There are a large number of classics in the Guanwen Hall in the palace, all about Rouran and the Turks.

During the Western Wei Dynasty, the Turks rose in Mobei. Tumen Khan received the support of the Western Wei and Tiele tribes. Taking advantage of Rouran's weakness, he rebelled and quickly established a political power. As a result, the Turkic Khanate appeared in Mobei.

Tumen Khan called himself Ili Khan and was considered the founder of the Turks.

Soon after, Tumenzu and the third Turkic Khan Mugan Khan succeeded to the throne. This was the founder of the Turkic Khanate. Although he later became less famous, he was a majestic steppe monarch.

It was he who led the Turks to glory. He not only destroyed Rouran, but also conquered the Khitan and Xi tribes. He defeated Yagu in the west and drove away the Qigu tribes in the north.

A huge grassland empire was thus formed.

The scope of influence was so large that people in the world could hardly imagine it. It stretched from the West Sea in the west, to the northwest of the Bohai Sea in the east, and to the North Sea in the north. Its territory was so vast that it even dwarfed the Central Plains Empire.

At the same time, the Central Plains in the south was still in the process of being divided. However, the Eastern and Western Wei Dynasties had died. The Northern Qi and Northern Zhou dynasties arose and often attacked each other. In the south of the Yangtze River, the Song, Qi, Liang and Chen appeared one after another, which was extremely chaotic.

Facing the powerful threat from the north, the Northern Qi and Northern Zhou successively surrendered to the Turks. At that time, the Turkic Mugan Khan once said with a smile to his neighbors, "I have two filial sons in the south, so why should I be poor?"

What he said was actually quite right. At that time, Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty bent his knees and asked to marry a Turkic princess. He had to pay 30,000 pieces of silk and satin to the Turks every year, and there were countless other offerings.

The Northern Qi Dynasty did their best to please the Turks so as to prevent the Turks from leaning towards the Northern Zhou Dynasty. With them here, the Turkic royal court would be extremely rich.

If Mugan Khan had lived a few more years, he might have sent his troops south to get it himself.

This was a very humiliating history. Wild beasts were rampant in the Central Plains, internal strife was endless, and external people bowed their knees and begged for help. This was one of the reasons why later dynasties were reluctant to write too much about them.

Fortunately, Mugan Khan finally died, and his successors were resting on their laurels, enjoying a superior life, and no longer had any ambition to make progress. The expansion and expansion of the Turks came to an abrupt end, and even shrunk slightly.

When more than 20 years later, Tambo Khan died of illness, and the younger Khans fought for the throne, the Turks suddenly fell into division. At this time, earth-shaking changes had taken place in the south. Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Yang Jian ascended the throne, and his enemies in the Central Plains

Only Nanchen and Nanliang are left.

When the Turkic Sabolo Khan finally ascended to the throne after being bathed in the blood of his people, it was in the early years of the Sui Dynasty. The Sui Dynasty, which emerged from the war, also sharpened a sharp long sword.

In the third year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Yang Jian learned that the Turkic Shabolu Khan had ascended the throne and led his troops to attack the border. The border fortresses were in panic, so he launched a counterattack against the Turks without hesitation.

This war had actually been put on the agenda by the emperors and ministers of the Sui Dynasty since the first year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, and they had been preparing for a long time before suddenly breaking out at this time.

This was a comprehensive counterattack, the scale of which would be difficult for others to imitate, and the fierce fighting between the two countries was unprecedented.

Yang Jian's brother-in-law, General Youwu Hou, Dou Rongding, the general of Shangzhu State, and the general of Qinzhou, raised troops from Qinzhou, unified Gaoxi, Yu Qingze and other nine generals, attacked Wuwei, and fought with Abo Khan at Gaoyueyuan in the north of Liangzhou.


Yang Hong, the king of Hejian and the general of Zhuguo, led his army out of Lingzhou and fought with Apo Khan's left-wing army in the north of Lingzhou.

At the same time, the Turkic Datou Khan led his army from Zhangye to attack Qinzhou, while Shabolue Khan sent his generals to lead his army from the direction of Yulin to Lingzhou, making it difficult for the Sui army to take care of its head and tail.

This is only the northwest direction. To the north is King Wei, the general leading the army on the right, and Yang Shuang, the general manager of Bingzhou. They set off from Jinyang and passed through Mayi. They met the main army led by the Turkic Shabolu Khan at Baidao.

At the same time, Shabolue Khan divided his troops to break through Shuozhou, cutting off the retreat of Yang Shuang's army, and marched into Yanzhou, echoing Datou Khan, and directed his troops towards Chang'an.

It can be seen that at this time, even though the Turks experienced civil strife and were weakened, they were still extremely powerful. They used the power of cavalry to fight in roundabout ways. It can be said that the Sui army's retreat was cut off at that time, and the situation was extremely dangerous.

The same is true in the northeast. Yin Shou, the general manager of Youzhou, raised troops from Youzhou and led his army out of Lulongsai to attack Yingzhou.

Guarding Yingzhou was the rebel general Gao Baoning of the Northern Qi Dynasty. He conquered the Khitan, Western, and Mohe tribes, and his prestige was greater than outside the Great Wall.

He was somewhat unprepared. When he heard that Yin Shou was coming to attack, he did not confront the Yin Shou tribe head-on. Instead, he summoned the Khitans and various tribes in the west to harass the Yin Shou tribe. He led his troops to avoid the Yin Shou army and attack Pingzhou.

In the third year of Kaihuang's reign, Emperor Wen Yang Jian had just moved into New Chang'an, and wars were already everywhere inside and outside the Great Wall. Turkic and Sui soldiers were fighting to the death within a few thousand miles.

The final result goes without saying.

In Gaoyueyuan, the Sui army's retreat was cut off, and there was insufficient drinking water. Twenty-three out of ten of them died of thirst. They fought with the Turks and gradually lost their battle. However, it happened that it rained heavily. Dou Rongding shouted for God to bless our army.

, will definitely be able to defeat the enemy and return.

Tens of thousands of Sui Iron Knights were greatly inspired, and the whole army marched together, risking their own lives, and defeated Apo Khan in Gaoyueyuan in one battle. At the same time, Yang Hong's troops also broke through the Turkic left wing, joined forces with Dou Rongding, and turned back to attack.

Head Khan.

Datou Khan saw that there was nothing he could do, so he withdrew his troops and returned to Zhangye.

The most glorious victory of the Sui army occurred in Baidao. Wei Wang Yang Shuang, who had just turned 20 at the time, led his army out of the fortress and met the main force of the Turkic army at Baidao. The Turkic army came overwhelmingly, and the Sui army's leading army suffered successive defeats.

Yang Shuang ordered the army to retreat slowly. At this time, his retreat had been cut off by the Turks, and the entire Sui army might be annihilated on the grassland at any time.

But while Yang Shuang was boosting his morale, he lined up his empty troops in front and gathered five thousand elite cavalry at the rear. Taking advantage of the Turkic army's underestimation of the enemy's advance, he personally led the elite cavalry into the Turkic formation and charged straight into Shaboluoke.

Khan's army.

The Turkic army was in chaos. Shabolu Khan was seriously injured and fled. The Sui army took advantage of the situation to cover up the attack. Although the Turks ran very fast and the Sui army had few results, it allowed the Sui army to win a key victory on the Turks' own territory.


Since the founding of the Turks, they have never experienced such a tragic defeat. After the First World War, the Turks almost collapsed.

In the northeast, although Yin Shou could not catch Gao Baoning's tail, he defeated the Khitan, Xi tribe, and Mohe's rabble and successfully occupied Yingzhou.

Then Yin Shou sent people to provoke Gao Baoning's subordinates, causing his subordinates to rebel one after another. Gao Baoning himself was killed by his subordinates on the way to escape from Khitan, and the war in the northeast also ended with the victory of the Sui army.

This battle brought peace to the Sui's frontier for decades.

Moreover, after the war, Datou Khan and Abo Khan saw that Sha Bolue was so incompetent, so they broke away from the Turks under the persuasion of the Sui envoys and established the Western Turk Khanate. The Turks thus split into the east and west, and their national power gradually weakened.

Then he had to surrender to the Sui Dynasty.

With the help of his father Yu Ze, Yang Guang and Qimin Khan formed an alliance in Yulin...

This chapter has been completed!
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