Chapter 1069

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As Li Po expected, the three prime ministers held different opinions and their opinions were not unified, and the reasons were quite sufficient.

There is no doubt about their talents. When everyone speaks again, they either agree or disagree, and most of them cannot escape this category.

As the old saying goes, the butt determines the head, the three provinces coordinate the overall situation, the six departments and other government offices have their own duties, and they will have their own priorities when speaking.

For example, Yu Chixin, the newly promoted Minister of War, focused on military affairs and felt that except for Jieli Khan Ashina Qiuluo who led his army to Yulin and spared a circle from Lingzhou, there was no sign of a large Turkic army gathering in the border fortress.

When the army attacked Hebei, Tuli Khan Ashina Duowen did not send troops to help Dou Jiande defend Hebei.

From this point of view, the Turks and the Tang Dynasty had a basis for peaceful coexistence. Obviously, he tended to agree with what Zhongshu Ling Xiao Yu said, and confidently hinted that the various departments of the Tang army could guarantee the emperor's safety.

When it was the turn of Zheng Shanguo, the newly appointed Minister of Rites, he demonstrated the embarrassing situation of the emperor and the Turkic Khan meeting from the perspective of etiquette and morality.

The hidden secret indicates that the alliance between the emperor and the Turkic Khan is likely to evolve from the mother-in-law meeting the son-in-law to the meeting between the monarch and his ministers, and the possibility of establishing a master-slave alliance is extremely high.

Su Quan, the Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue, was worried about the problem of money and food. He was worried that once the emperor visited the north, he would definitely mobilize troops, which would make the already tight treasury even worse. You must know that more than 200,000 troops are still stationed in Hebei, Shandong, Henan and other places.

The daily wastage has made the Ministry of Households complain endlessly, and part of it will be allocated later for the emperor's northern tour. From now on, we have to bite the bullet and save some for later use.

Therefore, he considered it from the perspective of Du Zhi and did not recommend that the emperor meet with the Turkic Khan.

This was also the biggest headache for Li Po and his ministers. The family was too weak to do anything smoothly. If they could wait for two years, with the vastness of the Central Plains, the abundance of products, and the diligence of the people, they would not even have to pay for the emperor's travel.

You have to rack your brains to come up with it.

When Yang Gongren, the Minister of Punishment, spoke, his style changed again. He clearly agreed with Xiao Yu's suggestion, which sounded very similar to what Xiao Yu said.

In fact, only Li Po understood that he was implying that he and the Turkic Khan were close relatives, and it was very likely that they could form a firm covenant after meeting each other, so there was no need to worry too much.

Needless to say, Yun Dingxing, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, is a standard flatterer. He doesn't care about the pros and cons of the emperor's meeting with the Turkic Khan. He only guarantees that as long as the emperor intends to go on a tour, he will have the craftsmen of the Ministry of Industry make it immediately.

The ceremonial guard ensured that the emperor would go to the north comfortably and live in a magnificent tent with the Turkic Khan.

Even Li Po can't stand it this time. Do you really think I'm Yang Guang's guy?

Li Gang, Minister of Dali Temple, Gao Biaoren, Minister of Honglu Temple, and others all felt that they should be delayed. Gao Biaoren even invited himself to be sent as an envoy to the Turks. He obviously wanted to follow the example of Pei Ju, Chang Sun Sheng and other predecessors and go to the Turks.

Take a walk and take a look.

The ministers also expressed their opinions one after another, and while they were discussing, it was getting late.

Li Po knew that if the discussion continued, he would not hear any new ideas. Seeing that the people were gathered together again, he ordered a banquet to be held in Liangyi Hall to entertain the ministers.

It's not easy to get a meal from the emperor, everyone thought happily, and some of the anger that arose during the controversy subsided.

Since Li Yuan, there has been no feast of beasts in the Liangyi Palace. Li Po, like Emperor Wen, always advocates frugality, so the dishes at the banquet are a bit simple.

But after all, Li Po is not Yang Jian. He is actually more particular about food than Li Yuan. He will lose his temper if it doesn't suit his taste. Therefore, although the dishes are simple and don't contain big fish or meat, they are all extremely exquisite.

When the ministers exchange cups and cups, they must secretly comment on it. The emperor's temperament and preferences can be reflected in this.

Most of the people agreed. The emperor was of a humble background, but in terms of food, clothing, housing, transportation, speech and behavior, there were not many traces of sloppiness. Instead, he seemed to be a born nobleman with great taste.

Such a king has undoubtedly brought the relationship with his ministers closer to a certain extent. After all, everyone here comes from a noble family. If you speak like an old man and speak like a mother, even if others don't say anything on the surface, they will definitely do so in private.


That would be troublesome. This is why Dou Jiande couldn't really get people from the family to serve him wholeheartedly in Hebei. After all, he didn't have the background like Li Po, nor was he as clever as Li Po. He also didn't have such a family background.

His wife is always there to teach.


During the banquet, everyone was still talking about the alliance, but the topic had turned to if they must form an alliance with the Turks, where would they meet, what preparations should be made, etc.


In fact, this was the result of the embarrassing situation faced by the Tang Dynasty. Whether it wanted to admit it or not, the initiative lay in the hands of the Turkic Khans, and the Tang Dynasty could not refuse just because it wanted to.

Even Wen Yanbo and others who opposed the alliance had to admit this.

Of course, after many discussions, everyone agreed that making good friends with the Turks and not using weapons without permission is something that should be ensured at the moment.

No one is willing to experience an all-out war with the Turks after just pacifying the princes.

Some people mentioned the story of how the First Emperor dispatched General Meng Tian to drive the Xiongnu thousands of miles north after quelling the six kingdoms, and lamented the strength and unyielding power of the former Qin Dynasty.

Wei Jie, the supervisor of the Shaofu Mansion, was very drunk. When he was drunk and his ears were hot, he struck the table and chopsticks and said, "How can I say that I have no clothes? I share the same robe with you. When the king raised an army, he repaired my sword and spear. I share the same enemy with you..."

Along with the war songs of the Qin people, although Wei Jie described him as handsome, he had an air of majesty. Most of the people here were nobles from Guanxi, so there were people who were sympathetic to him, and the heroic spirit gradually grew in the palace.

Impassioned and impassioned, they are all old Qin Yuze.

Li Po looked at these guys dumbfounded, and said to himself that many of you are descendants of Xianbei. For example, Liu Zhenghui, the minister of Zhongshu, is a Xiongnu. Maybe some of you have Jie, Qiang, Di and other bloodlines.

In the past, I could confidently call myself Han, but now I might be a Xianbei. With such a mixed background, it is difficult to match this song.

But the atmosphere was really good, and there was quite a sense of unity.

After the song, everyone's faces were filled with excitement. This war song was really uplifting, so everyone raised their glasses and drank.

Someone once again brought up the unparalleled battle in the third year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign. Yang Gongren also put aside his scruples and talked about how heroic Yang Shuang, the king of Wei, was outstanding, how brave and loyal Yang Hong, the king of Hejian, was.

The minister Dou Dan also proudly talked about how good Dou Rongding was.

Gao Biaoren, the Minister of Honglu Temple, wanted to rectify the name of his father, Gao Xi, the famous founding official of the emperor. In the third year since Daye, Gao Xi was falsely accused of slandering the government and was beheaded together with He Ruobi, Yu Wenbi and others. Until now, Gao Xi has

It has been more than 20 years and he has not even had a posthumous title. He is undoubtedly one of the more miserable among the important officials of the founding emperor.

Gao Biaoren naturally wanted to clear his father's guilt and strive for glory after death.

The timing of his mention was really good. At this time, the monarchs and ministers in the Liangyi Palace were drinking and enjoying themselves. The atmosphere was great. He only mentioned it briefly, and Li Po agreed without hesitation.

Order the Minister of Rites, Zheng Shanguo, and others to discuss giving posthumous titles to those who died unjustly during the reign of Emperor Kaihuang to highlight their merits.

Su Dan, the Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue, was a little regretful. His great-grandfather Su Chuo and grandfather Su Wei were both chosen at the moment. They were no worse than Gao Xi, but there was nothing to mention about their posthumous honors. They were no better than Gao Xi. They were really dead. Very unfair.

Everyone was talking about the excitement. Li Po looked left and right. Each of these guys had an origin. For example, Dou Lukuan, the Minister of Rites, was one of the nine general managers of Dou Rongding and Dou Luji's nephew. Another example was Dou Lukuan. Yu Shinan, the chief official of the Ministry of Personnel, and one of the general managers of the Nine Ministries, Yu Qingze should also be a relative.

The nobles of Kansai are descended from each other by blood and are related by relatives. This is really no joke.

Li Po decisively started to change the topic. Damn it, if he keeps talking, it will almost become a praise ceremony, and the one being praised is the former Sui Dynasty. Do you think you guys have any ideas?

That is to say, we are big-hearted, otherwise you would all have to be relegated to Lingnan to suffer hardships.


So Li Po talked about Jiangnan and wondered where Wang Ze and others had gone and whether they could make any achievements in Jiangyou.

Everyone felt the king's worry and offered words of comfort one after another. Someone mentioned the King of Wu Li Fuwei, and Li Po felt quite awkward, as if he had an extra son.

A few days after Du Fuwei came to Chang'an, he took his wife and daughter to wander around, showing an extremely comfortable appearance.

I went out of town twice, visited the East Market four times, and even more to the West Market, more than a dozen times. I also took my two sons-in-law to wander around the brothels several times, listening to songs, watching dances, and staying overnight among the flowers. It was so uncomfortable.

After drinking too much, he still shouted to go to the workshop...

All these were recorded one by one by the Military Intelligence Department of the Ministry of War and the Preparatory Office, and they appeared at the emperor's desk on time.

Li Po was actually waiting for Du Fuwei to get tired of staying in Chang'an, and then see what he would do, such as requesting a return home, going back to Shandong to have a look, etc. Then it would be time to see the real deal.

Moreover, even if Jiangdu is not as prosperous as Chang'an, the scenery and climate are much better than Chang'an. Otherwise, Yang Guang would not have visited Jiangdu three times.

Therefore, Li Po didn't quite believe that Du Fuwei would really fall in love with Chang'an at first sight. As Du Fuwei himself said, he planned to live in Chang'an forever.

In fact, Li Po just listened to the words of advice from his ministers. His purpose was not to worry about another war on Jiangyou, although that seemed to be a high probability event.

Without the restraint of Du Fuwei, it is inevitable that some people will have dissident aspirations. However, as long as there is no large-scale rebellion, in a year or two, the people in Jiangyou will no longer have the ambition to rebel.

When the generals and ministers' attention was drawn from the alliance and the recollection of the achievements of their predecessors, Li Po sighed: "I have spent half my life, but I have only competed with others in the north of the Yangtze River. I have never experienced Traveling through Jiangnan scenery.

I heard people talk about the beautiful mountains and rivers in the south of the Yangtze River, the bridges painted with smoke and willows, the flourishing literary style, and the emergence of talents in large numbers. I am very yearning for it, and I don’t know when I can experience it myself."

This chapter has been completed!
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