Chapter 1081 Broth (1)

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After Dou Jiande, people from Hebei Province headed by Cao Dan and Cui Junsu went to the palace to see him.

These people will be dealt with in the same way as Xiao Mian's descendants. After screening, those who should be appointed will be appointed, and those who should be rewarded with titles will be rewarded. In fact, all the middle and lower-level officials will stay in Hebei.

Gao Junya, Su Dingfang and others surrendered to the Tang Dynasty before the battle. They were regarded as men with meritorious deeds, so they immediately stayed in the army and served in the army. Most of the generals led by Cao Dan stayed in Henan.

Those who could come to the capital were all senior officials under Dou Jiande's rule or close friends.

Li Po still had no intention of doing more killings. Because Dou Jiande was still alive, most of the Hebei people who came to Chang'an went through a selection process. Those with reputation and talent would soon leave the capital to take up local posts.

It is impossible to give them any good place to go. The northwest, Lingnan and other places are waiting for them. It is almost like being exiled. After leaving Hebei, there is no chance to stay together for warmth. Even if they have different aspirations, they will not be able to make any waves.

Compared with Xiao Xianjiang people, their situation is worse.

There is no one to blame for this matter. They have gone too far in recent years. Just like the people from Henan who followed Wang Shichong and Li Mi, people will be on guard against them wherever they go.


The ceremony was over and it was already dusk.

According to the plan, Li Po will also have a banquet with Dou Jiande at Liangyi Palace.

Li Po was a little tired. In fact, he had no interest in saying anything to Dou Jiande.

He has long divided these so-called heroes into three, six or nine levels. Li Yuan, Xiao Xian, and Du Fuwei are undoubtedly in the first echelon, because they are still organized and relatively restrained in their actions. They are the kind of opponents who need to be faced up to.

The second echelon is Wang Shichong, Li Mi, Dou Jiande and others, who are also the people Li Po hates the most. They made Hebei, Shandong, and Henan a mess, leaving a mess for him to clean up. It can be said that they have endless poison, and they have

Cutting to pieces by a thousand cuts is not an exaggeration.

Next are Li Gui, Xue Ju, Liang Shidu and others. They are not strong enough, but they are linked to foreign enemies and pose a considerable threat.

The rest are a mess of rebels, led by Zhai Rang, Bai Yusuo and others. In fact, most of them are bandits with the name of rebels. Resisting tyranny is their slogan, and robbing homes and homes is their main business.

The fight with the former Sui army collapsed at the first touch, but Jianyin's plunder was overwhelming.

Among them, there are murderers like Zhang Jincheng and Zhu Can.

It can be seen that the reason why he did not cut off the heads of these Hebei surrenderers was simply because if he wanted to completely pacify Hebei, he could not kill people wantonly, otherwise it would easily arouse rebellion.

The army is currently stationed in Hebei and has not moved. It is precisely for this reason that some people who always want to be kings and hegemons cannot be given a chance, especially Dou Jiande's old troops.

The news returned by the soldiers before the army was not optimistic. Many people from Hebei, Shandong and other places ran into the mountains, built camps in the mountains, planted some fields, fished and hunted, and just lived there.

At first, they probably wanted to avoid the war, but soon they all turned into bandits. When they were busy, they farmed and hunted, and when they were free, they went out to loot. It was very difficult to clear them out.

This is similar to the mountain barbarians in Sichuan and Lingnan.


"You can live in Chang'an with peace of mind. If you have anything to do, please report it to Honglu Temple or the Ministry of Rites. Based on what you did in Shandong and Hebei, many people in the court have advised me to kill you to avoid future troubles.

But I thought that after you presented the jade seal of the state and did not attract the Turks to come south to fight against the king's army, I did not do anything wrong for myself. I will spare you once. But please don't think that I am soft-hearted. If you do anything unwise, it will be your own fault.

Seeking death."

In the Liangyi Palace, Li Po warned Dou Jiande calmly and distantly, and the treatment he received from Du Fuwei was as good as heaven and earth. As for whether the fat black man listened, whether he was convinced or not, Li Po didn't care.

When Dou Jiande entered Chang'an, it was like he was in a prison. He wanted to get out of this situation... It seemed that there was no precedent before, so Li Po felt that killing was not the best choice.

Dou Jiande didn't say much, but Nuonuo said yes, and while being respectful, his frustration was palpable.

His performance was in line with his character. Du Fuwei was destined to be an anomaly. Since ancient times, how could any prince have so happily surrendered to the enemy?

Dou Jiande was considered normal. He was unwilling to do so, but he had to bend down to serve the enemy. This made him feel very wronged, but he was still terrified for fear of losing his life.

By this time, the impassioned emotions in Tai Chi Hall had long disappeared, leaving only the joy of surviving the disaster.


After entertaining Dou Jiande, today's tasks are over.

There was nothing special about Dou Jiande. He neither led people to the sea nor had the ability to bring peace to Hebei. His relations with the Turks were also very ordinary.

This is not a powerful opponent, even worse than Xiao Xian. Generally speaking, in Li Po's opinion, Dou Jiande is not worthy of too much attention...

However, how to fill the population of Hebei, Henan, Shandong and other places has become a top priority.

The army in Hebei will be withdrawn this year, leaving some to suppress rebellions and suppress bandits, while the rest will rest in Henan for the winter.

Wait until the alliance is finalized, look at the Turks' trends, and then make some rational decisions.

In fact, at this moment, his eyes were already looking far away to the northwest, which was always very chaotic, which was where he came into use.

Again, it would be a pity if the Tang army, which had fought hundreds of battles, could not use it to conquer the east and west at the beginning of the founding of the country. Tuyuhun and even Tubo were just the right opponents.

Moreover, they are close to Chang'an, so once they become powerful, they will easily become a thorn in the side of the Tang Dynasty.

Of course, this is a judgment made on the premise of ensuring friendly relations with the Turks. Once the alliance goes wrong, it will be a different matter.

It was already getting late, and he felt a little tired after not being idle all day. He wanted to go back to Ganlu Palace to rest, but on second thought, he still let people show him to Qingning Palace.

As a great gift for victory, there should have been a place for the queen in the Taiji Palace. Unfortunately, Li Bi was pregnant, so she didn't see the excitement and had to go and appease her.

Being an emperor is really tiring. You have to take care of everything before and after. I really agree with that sentence. If you want to be a saint in front of others, you have to suffer behind others.


Just when Li Po secretly sighed about his exhaustion, Du Fuwei had already finished his drink.

One of the largest brothels in Caiyufang, in the hall of a house behind Zijin Tower, with bright lights, graceful figures, half-dressed, danced in the hall to the sound of music.

Du Fuwei, Wang Xiongdan and his son, together with Ma Zhou and a Qianniu Bianshen, who were his bodyguard commanders, the four of them leaned on the red and green trees, exchanged cups and cups, and indulged in all kinds of troubles in the world.

Completely forgotten.

Caiyufang is where Chang'an brothels and Chu houses gather together, and Zijin Tower is the leader among them. It is said that it was built by a former Hu merchant in the Sui Dynasty on the order of the emperor.

Many people believe this statement, and the main basis is that Emperor Huiwen built Daxing City, and merchants built brothels in the city to please the emperor, which indeed added a lot to the beauty of Daxing City.

Since ancient times, whether a city is prosperous or not can be seen by walking around the city's entertainment venues, and this also applies later on.

But as long as you are clear-headed, you will understand that the rumors are pure nonsense. Emperor Wen was so confused that he would issue an edict to build a brothel. No noble with any dignity would have anything to do with such a place that hides filth and evil, let alone the king of a country.


That is to say, Emperor Wen is no longer around, and Yang Guang's family fortune has been ruined. Otherwise, countless people would have died long ago, and the crime of ruining the emperor's reputation would be enough to exterminate the family.

It's okay to mention it now, but the current owner of Zijin Tower is not a Hu businessman, but a wealthy man named Wang from Jinyang. It is said that he followed the army to the south and bought Zijin Tower when he arrived in Chang'an.

Borrowing the momentum of changing dynasties.

As for whether this person is a descendant of the Wang family in Jinyang, they neither deny nor admit it. They just hide behind and collect money.


The so-called brothel was just a metaphor for a place where women lived in ancient times.

For example, Cao Zhi has a poem to prove it, asking his daughter to live in peace, which is at the south end of the city. The brothel faces the main road, and the high gate has many gates.

But nowadays, most brothels are just for fireworks. However, it is different from the later days. Today, brothels are full of people listening to music and watching dancers, and it is not all about the flesh and blood.

Many women only sell their talents in brothels, chatting about poetry and paintings while drinking and having fun with others. Women from smaller backgrounds are not as good as them. They have undoubtedly raised the level of brothels and made them a serious and elegant place.

The next level is prostitutes' houses, and there are secret doors below. These are unregistered prostitutes, who usually live alone, have no talent, and only entertain regular customers.

This was the industrial chain of Hua Street and Liuxiang in the current era. The imperial court's attitude was neither to encourage nor to prohibit it. It often charged heavy taxes and centralized management.

Most of the time, those prostitutes will turn a blind eye. Life is not easy for everyone, and no one would be willing to do such a dirty business unless they have no other choice.

Zijinlou is a mixture of brothels and prostitutes, and it is also the most prosperous business model.

Those who want elegance will naturally be accompanied by a woman with both talents and talents. She comes here to sleep with flowers and willows, and she can also serve you as if you are in a fairyland.

Although Zijin Tower has a good reputation, it may not be able to receive a wealthy customer like Du Fuwei in a year.

Because all high-ranking families have concubines, and their children are strictly controlled, they will not easily appear in a place like Zijin Tower. That's why the story of a father and his son sharing the same daughter in the Gao family in the past two years was so famous. Even the head of the Gao family was

After being implicated, he lost his position as Minister of Household Affairs.

Du Fuwei didn't care about that much. He just wanted to have fun visiting the brothel. If he couldn't enjoy himself, what would he do here?

When he was drunk, he banged the table and sang fishermen's songs on the sea. He was completely different from those literati who were reciting poems and poems. His voice was majestic and long-lasting, full of the flavor of fighting against heaven and earth...

Wang Xiongdan burst out laughing, almost cracking the table with his slap, and shouted loudly, which made Ma Zhou's eyes twitch, remembering the two slaps he gave himself.

monthly ticketmonthly ticket

This chapter has been completed!
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