Chapter 1114 Come to the door

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He Chou's youngest son was unfortunately found. He had been serving his father in the palace. Since He Chou resigned from the post of Minister of Taichang Temple, his two elder brothers strictly ordered him to resign from his official position and serve his father at home.

He Sanlang was happy and at ease. He had no hope for an official career. He was respected by everyone through his father's light, so it was the proper meaning of the title to go home and serve his father.

In general, none of the three brothers of the He family has received the true inheritance from their father, and none of the grandsons are decent. However, He Chou's uncle, the descendant of He Tuo, the former Sui Dynasty's imperial concubine, is quite promising, but the person Ding Shang is not.

This branch is not as prosperous as theirs.

The ancestors of the He family were once businessmen, and later became ministers of the Southern Liang Dynasty. They were very wealthy.

The reason for touching the threshold of the family was because of the appearance of uncles and nephews He Tuo and He Chou.

He Tuozhi Cai Aowu was a famous loudmouth who liked to comment on people in the world and often offended people. For example, the famous Prime Minister Su Wei was very angry with him.

Su Wei once told Emperor Wen Yang Jian that he had read through the Classic of Filial Piety, while his father Su Chuo once said that as long as I read through one volume of the Classic of Filial Piety, there is no need to learn other knowledge, and this is enough to establish the world.

At that time, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty was worried about his princes competing for the throne, so he took it seriously and asked the princes to study the Classic of Filial Piety carefully, hoping that they would be more filial.

He Tuo was dissatisfied when he heard this, and told Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty that Su Wei had not only learned the classics of filial piety. If Su Chuo really said this, then he did not act according to his father's instructions. Let's talk about unfilial people.

The Classic of Filial Piety, would you rather not laugh at it?

This logical sophistry reached Su Wei's ears. Su Wei's face was slapped so hard that he didn't dare to deny it in front of the emperor. If his father Su Chuo really said this, he would be right.

, if Su Chuo hadn't said that, then he was deceiving the emperor.

This infuriated the clever Su Wei to death. He had been famous for his eloquence since he was a child, and he had never suffered such a loss of being dumb.

You say He Tuo owes a lot, but Su Wei has not offended him, and he is powerful, so he dares to go up and pull out other people's beards and humiliate them.

After He Tuo comes He Chou. He Chou's father is He Tong, a master of jade. He Chou has been very smart since he was a child. Influenced by his father and uncle, he likes to delve into strange things.

Some people commented that he was extremely clever by nature, wise and thoughtful, and his intentions were subtle. It was only with him that the He family could truly establish a foothold in Kansai.

Now that He Chou was old and had no heirs, he put all his enthusiasm into his writings. He often taught some apprentices and made some utensils for the emperor to please him.

The calculation was that after a hundred years, the emperor would remember his contribution and make his descendants live a safer life.

He Sanlang didn't quite understand his father's painstaking efforts, so he used his father's reputation to travel around and live a very happy life.

Today I heard from a servant that his father was going to the palace to see him, so he hurried over to persuade him. He hadn't recovered well yet, so he shouldn't go to the palace to hang out, right?

Just a few words of advice had the opposite effect. Seeing his son's hopeless look, He Chou puffed his beard and glared. If he hadn't been weak, He Sanlang would have been beaten.

He Sanlang had no idea and was going to drag his mother-in-law to persuade his father. His father always spoke harshly to him, but he treated his daughters-in-law well.

In the midst of the commotion, the person in charge of the front yard hurried in to report that the Supreme Master was going to visit the master to check on his condition, and he was probably on his way now.

He Chou was overjoyed. He didn't expect that just as he was about to enter the palace to see the emperor, the emperor would come to visit him. He was so in tune with each other that he deserved to be the emperor.

So he no longer lost his temper with his son, and called for his servants to change his clothes. He wanted to go out in person to meet the holy driver.


Li Po left the palace today specifically to visit He Chou.

A few days ago, He Chou submitted a letter and made a plow that was lighter and more durable than the previous plows. The most important thing was that it was labor-saving. He Chou's letter introduced the benefits of this plow in detail and used the long and long tools commonly used in the world.

Straight plows were compared.

It has better balance and is assembled from eleven parts. Any damaged parts can be directly replaced without scrapping the whole thing.

Its greatest advantage, apart from saving labor, is that it is easier to rotate than the current plows. For Li Po, who was not diligent about his body and grain, it was difficult to understand the details because he had never plowed in the fields.

But this does not hinder Li Po's understanding of production tools. Although things are small, improvements in production tools often mean an increase in production efficiency.

At the same time, the improvement of production efficiency often means the progress of civilization, and now is the time when the population of the Tang Dynasty is declining sharply. If this thing really has so many benefits, it can save a lot of people's manpower and is suitable for use.

So he took time out of the palace today to see He Chou. The main reason was to ask whether he was doing it accurately. If there was experimental data, he wanted to see the actual effect. If it was really that good, he could ask the Ministry of Industry to make it immediately and conduct it.

Promote use.

Improving farm tools and increasing production efficiency is his existing strategy.

He Chou is a treasure, and it is worthy of the kindness he has always shown to his people. Sometimes, such a talent can be used as an army.

When they met in front of the He Mansion, Li Po immediately dismounted his horse and took two steps. He missed He Chou who was about to salute him and said with a smile: "Why did He come out to greet Mr. He before he recovered from his illness? If it happens again, what will happen?"

Is it my fault?"

Without waiting for He Chou to speak, he looked at He Chou up and down again, smelling the strong smell of medicine on his body, and said with regret: "Mr. He, you must take good care of your body, look at your complexion... those royal guards

A doctor only has a good reputation, but it is of no use at all...

If that doesn't work, I will go find Sun Simiao back. Although he is naughty, he is a good doctor and he will definitely make Mr. He recover as before."

He had always been kind to He Chou, and his concern at this moment was even more palpable. As usual, it made the wrinkles on He Chou's face bloom.

When he was in a good mood, he became more energetic. He Chou's eyes lit up, his body straightened up, and his voice became louder. With a little effort, he broke away from Li Po's support and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, don't look.

I am old, but I can still eat and drink. When I have the strength, I can serve the Supreme Being without having to be surrounded by those quack doctors."

The old man was quite stubborn and extremely vain, and he always liked the emperor's flattery.

They entered the mansion chatting and laughing, and went straight to the back house of He Mansion. Maybe they drank too much medicinal soup and were already hungry. The old man even arranged for people to get wine and food, so that he could have a few drinks with the emperor.

Li broke many thieves and did not stop him. He even told He Chou about Pei Ju and Pei Hongda. Pei Ju was about the same age as He Chou and was a few years younger than He Chou.

But he was much more famous than He Chou. He Chou was never very convinced. He also felt that he had been frightened in Jiangdu and suffered a lot all the way to Hebei.

The culprits are Yu Wenhua and his brothers, but Pei Hongda and others are also involved. If they hadn't flattered the king and brought trouble to the court, how could the disaster of that day have happened?

In fact, among the former Sui officials, Pei Ju is the only one left who can compare with He Chou. How many of them can live to be seventy or eighty years old? You must have a great reputation, plus many years.

After the war, how could anyone be as lucky as them?

"Some time ago, Duke Pei submitted a letter asking for the construction of Luoyang Academy. I asked the people who came and found out that Duke Pei stayed in Luoyang. He was in good health and full of energy. When he first arrived in Luoyang, everyone welcomed him.

It is said that Mr. Pei drank too much. After getting drunk at night, he was so confused that he almost didn't know where he was. When he woke up, he was so frightened that he no longer dared to drink with others.

Mr. He, please tell me if this is true or not. If it is true, let's ask him to come back and tell us about the wandering mind, so that we can learn from it."

He Chou was not yet confused, so he thought about it for a while, looked at the emperor's serious face, and was very curious about knowledge, and suddenly laughed, "Drinking is harmful to the body, I know... Others may come back from their wandering thoughts, I'm afraid

I'm going to get lost...

Alas, even the words of advice are so tactful. The Supreme Lord is so kind to his ministers, which is rarely seen in the world. I cannot express my gratitude in words."

Li Po smiled and whistled a few more words, making the old man laugh again and again.

Li Po came here in time for the meal, and while waiting for the food and wine to be served, the two of them ate and chatted.

The taste of He Chou's food has changed again, obviously because of the change of cooks, but the taste is still mostly southerners, which makes Li Po, who is used to eating beef and mutton, a little uncomfortable.

By the way, He Chou's ancestral home was Pixian County, Yizhou, so Li Po named him Duke of Pi State. However, he was born in Jiangling. When he was about ten years old, he went to Chang'an with his father and uncle. Well, the Liang Dynasty fell.

Therefore, the He family is a serious southern family. Whether it is Yizhou or Jiangling, the food at this time is on the lighter side, and the nobles like sweets, not pastries, but the kind that puts sugar in the dishes, even tea.

They are all so sweet.

Moreover, He Chou liked to eat fish, and from time to time he would ask people to go to the river in the suburbs to get some fresh fish to eat. Li Po also liked to eat fish, but He Chou's way of eating made him have no choice but to thank him and not be sensitive.

Southerners pay attention to the word "fresh" when eating fish, and given the limited environment at this time, it means that they wish they didn't add any seasonings, just boil it with some salt and water.

Just like Xiao Lang likes to eat fish and meat. In fact, what he eats is a fresh word, which is similar to eating beef and mutton. People who are not used to eating it will find it difficult to get rid of the smell. It is normal to feel nauseated after eating it for the first time.

Well, looking at that bowl of fishy fish soup, Li Po's appetite was greatly reduced. He has always been picky about food. He really wanted to drag out the new cook of the He family and chop him up. The food he made was so unpalatable, how could you still be alive?

What's the point?

After eating two chopsticks, he stopped. He Chou understood it at a glance and couldn't help but said with shame: "I am confused. My ancestral home is Yizhou, and my father was an official in Jiangling. Because I didn't want to forget where I came from, I kept the original

The Supreme will definitely not be used to the taste...

Someone comes and starts again..."

Li Po glanced at him, "I've been here more than once, and this time it was the worst. You must have done this on purpose... If you don't forget the source, is it because you want to return to your roots?"

This chapter has been completed!
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