Chapter 1182 Official Examination

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Changsun Shunde recommended Gao Shilian.

Gao Shilian was considered a descendant of the Liang Kingdom and had not been back for a long time.

This man was born in the Luoyang branch of the Bohai Gao family. He was the grandson of Gao Yue, King of Qinghe in the Northern Qi Dynasty. In the second year of Yuanzhen of the Tang Dynasty, he accompanied Qiu He and his troops to the Tang Dynasty. Now he is serving as the official minister, and he is also a strong competitor for the official minister.

Judging from the candidates recommended by Changsun Shunde, he had put a lot of thought into it and was well aware of the emperor's wishes. He did not want to use anyone from the Guanxi clan around him anymore, so he recommended Gao Shilian.

What has to be said is that Gao Shilian was a relative of Changsun's family, he was the uncle of Changsun Wuji's siblings, and he was a member of the Luoyang family. In Li Po's view, Changsun Shunde's selfishness was a bit too much.

Thinking more deeply, it is estimated that Changsun Shunde did not necessarily want Gao Shilian to be promoted to the position of minister, but just wanted to leave the impression of Gao Shilian in the emperor's mind.

These important officials in the court were very jealous. Li Po felt that his guess was almost accurate. Yu Wenshiji had fallen out of control before. If the eldest son Shunde still expected that the person he recommended would be promoted to the position of minister, then in politics

It's too childish on a level.

There was no movement from Feng Deyi. As a servant, he basically lost the qualification to promote his deputy. He who is well versed in the way of being an official naturally understood this truth, so he said nothing about it, which seemed to be his extra duty.

The Ministry of Officials recommended some people, but few could win Li Po's favor.

In other words, Kong Shaode, Zhang Xingcheng, Liu Jie, Du Yan, Du Chuke's uncles and nephews were all newly arrived. They had not long arrived in Chang'an. No matter what their family backgrounds were, they were not closely related to the Guanxi family.

Kong Shaode is a descendant of Confucius and followed Dou Jiande into the Tang Dynasty. The reason why he was selected was not because of anything else but because he served as the Huangmen Minister under Dou Jiande and should be relatively skilled in business.

Li Po thought about it for a while and then ignored this person. Huangmen Shilang was a close relative of the emperor. He was too close to Dou Jiande and needed to be investigated.

Zhang Xingcheng was from Hebei, and was born in the Zhang family of Zhongshan. He served as the Minister of Duzhi under Wang Shichong. After entering the Tang Dynasty with Wang Shiyun, he first served as a planner in Jingzhao Mansion for a period of time, and then moved to the palace to serve as the censor, and was highly promoted.

The trajectory was quite simple. He was recommended by Fang Xuanling and followed the path of Yuen Long. He was highly rated by the Ministry of Civil Affairs and had good moral character. He was an upright official.

Li Po took a closer look at his qualifications and found that he should be someone who could be reused, but he did not intend to let him serve as a servant because he still preferred people who talked interestingly, did not follow certain rules, and knew how to advance and retreat.

Liu Jie was from Nanyang, and was Xiao Mian's Huangmen Shilang. When Xiao Mian was defeated, he was running a watch business, and was constantly entangled with Lin Shihong.


He is very similar to Kong Shaode. They were both ministers of Huangmen before, and they both served as ministers to the imperial censor after entering the Tang Dynasty. However, compared to Kong Shaode, Li Po was more interested in this man and thought he was a good candidate. After all,

Xiao Mian is already dead.

Du Yan, Du Chuke's uncles and nephews, like Zhang Xingcheng, were all surrendered by the State of Zheng.

Du Yan was also a high-ranking official in the Zheng State, serving as the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. He was from Duling, Jingzhao, and was undoubtedly a member of the Guanxi family. In the former Sui Dynasty, he served as the censor Zhongcheng.

It is worth mentioning that he was also Du Ruhui's uncle and had been at odds with Du Ruhui for a long time. When he was an official in the state of Zheng, he framed the Du brothers, resulting in Du Ruhui's elder brother being killed and his younger brother Du Chuke imprisoned.

He was so cruel to his nephew, and he was criticized as a person. After Zheng Guo surrendered to the Tang Dynasty, no one else did well, but some people tried to impeach Du Yan and wanted to kill him, which shows that he was not welcomed.

At this time, he was serving as the Minister of Rites. Because of his literary reputation, Li Po ordered him to study the history of the Sui Dynasty.

Du Chuke was Du Ruhui's younger brother and Du Yan's nephew. He was different from the previous ones. He was personally recommended by Zhongshu Ling Xiao Yu, and he spoke highly of him.

He has a gentle nature, an open mind, is familiar with literary affairs, and has a strategy, which can be used as a good assistant.

Xiao Yu seldom praised others like this, which shows his talent.

Li Po thought about it for a while, hesitated for a while between Liu Jie and Du Chuke, and then chose Du Chuke.

For no other reason than because Du Chuke was very young, and the two high-ranking officials in his province were already old and full of evil intentions, so a young man could come in and reconcile them.

Yu Wenshi was actually selected in this way at the beginning. Menxiasheng should be a little energetic, which will also promote the other two old foxes. Otherwise, if they don't seek merit but live a life without faults, there will be nothing you can do with them.

In fact, getting along with the two old foxes is a bit boring. Find a young man to come over and tease them from time to time to entertain and entertain them.

Otherwise, to be honest, Du Chuke's background is a bit inconsistent with Li Po's expectations, and this person is Du Ruhui's younger brother, and Du Ruhui is Li Shimin's mastermind...


This time, the Yuwen Shiji incident was a bit big, and there were countless people in the government and the public who were interested in it. They all said that the officials inside and outside had accomplished a great event and had brought down the minister who had just taken office a few days ago.

The courtiers were not only thinking about it but also being very vigilant. Mrs. Chengguo's Mansion also became an untouchable forbidden area among the officials' private discussions.

A few days after Gao Shen's bad luck, one of his servants resigned due to this, and he was sadly demoted from the capital. Those who fell were all high-ranking officials in the court. Do you think it's scary?

Speaking of which, the current emperor's taste is indeed very special. He is very interested in the women left behind by the previous dynasty? Not necessarily. Most of Li Yuanshi's concubines were kicked out of the palace. Could it be that the emperor likes this kind of sneakiness?

Okay, there are enough pink rumors about the emperor. It's not a secret, it's just telling everyone openly and openly. This is my forbidden love.

Of course, this is far from ridiculous. The kings since the war in the late Jin Dynasty have used their actual actions to tell people that only you can't imagine what can't be done without me.


In mid-July, Zhang Shan'an, the prefect of Yuzhang, surrendered and rebelled again. Wang Ze, the governor of Yangzhou, ordered Li Daozong to lead his army to attack him. Soon after, he surrounded Yuzhang County. Zhang Shan'an asked for surrender again, but Li Daozong refused. Soon he fell and killed Zhang Shan'an and other rebel generals.

Fugong Tuo kept making small moves in Jiangdu, and his intention to fight for power gradually became apparent.

However, Du Fuwei's adopted son Wang Xiongdan returned to Jiangdu, and Kan Ling, who had the military power of Jiangzuo Navy, obtained the letter from his adoptive father and completely surrendered to Wang Ze, and Chen Ling was stationed in Danyang. Wang Ze could only

After a letter was sent, he went to Jiangdu in person to pay homage to Shangguan, without showing any of the backbone he had when he repeatedly rejected Du Fuwei.

At this time, Fu Gongtuo, Zuo Youxian and others no longer wanted to curse, and most of Jiangzuo's military power had fallen into the hands of Wang Ze, the general manager of Yangzhou, and the people he brought with him, otherwise Zhang Shanan would not have died so quickly.

So if they continue to mess around, they may lose their lives.

Zuo Youxian, for example, turned around very quickly. When he saw that the situation was not good, he immediately changed the door and ran to Wang Ze to flatter him.

Fugong Tuo was not stupid, he simply handed over the power in his hands and set off with his people to Chang'an. He was going to help his sworn brother Du Fuwei build that shit academy.

By the way, they also moved their family property to Chang'an. We are brothers, and this time we have to live together again.

After driving away this local snake, the remaining people were leaderless, which made it much easier to deal with. Just like Chen Ling, he was an old official of the Sui Dynasty. He was always out of place after becoming a thief, and his subordinates were also quite elite.

At this time, when he joined the Tang Dynasty, he wanted to go to Chang'an to report on his duties.

In fact, this is the general trend. People like Zhang Shanan who still want to make waves can no longer get the response from people like they did back then. Wang Ze's life is finally becoming more enjoyable.

The next operation can be imagined. He activated people from the Jiangzuo family and began to write letters requesting the imperial court to send officials to serve in Jiangzuo, slowly eliminating the influence of Du Fuwei and others in Jiangzuo.

In August, the imperial court ordered Li Daozong to be the general manager of Jiaozhou, and ordered him to lead his army to occupy Jiaozhi and begin to recover the traditional sphere of influence of the Central Plains Dynasty.


In August, most officials were busy preparing for the autumn harvest. After many discussions, the DPRK re-established Sinong Temple.

The Ministry of Household Affairs tried to stop him, but Su Quan, the Secretary of the Ministry of Household Affairs, simply recommended Dou Dan, the minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, to serve as the Secretary of Agriculture. Li Po agreed, and appointed Li Xizhi as the Shaoqing of Agriculture.


At this time, matters concerning the examination of officials have also been settled. It will be implemented after the autumn harvest. It will be jointly presided over by the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Rites, starting with the officials in the capital. Anyway, idle time in winter is idle.

This was obviously a prelude to the implementation of the imperial examination system. It could also be said to be a test of the imperial examination. The beginning was a bit hasty, which made people in the official circles in Beijing panic. There were repeated rumors about leaked examination questions and exchanges of favors.

Li Po doesn't care about these, no matter what the pros and cons are, he wants to curb the phenomenon of relying on nepotism to occupy various official positions.

During the examination period, supervisors were set up, and professors from Guozi and Chang'an academies were invited to participate in formulating official examination questions and supervising fraud.

The other is to activate the supervisory agencies of various ministries, as well as competent departments such as Yushitai and Dali Temple, to conduct strict investigations on officials who want to dig holes and steal holes. Once verified, they will be handed over to Dali Temple for punishment.

This year it is only being implemented on a trial basis in Beijing and China, and it will be expanded to counties across the country in the next two years.

Those who are uneducated, have no understanding of their positions, and only rely on talent or favors to get official positions will be kicked out of the civil servants of the Tang Dynasty. At the same time, there is also the intention to make room for imperial examination officials.

The clear meaning is to get rid of the officialdom atmosphere in which since the war in the late Jin Dynasty, the good and bad officials in the court and local governments have been mixed, and private individuals have been installed wantonly.

Of course, in order to take care of everyone's emotions and not to take up too much of the officials' energy, the test questions tend to be simple. For example, for officials in the Ministry of Accounts, you must at least pass the four arithmetic calculations, right? You must be able to check and write accounts, right?

If the official from the Ministry of Industry gives you a simple drawing, you have to be able to find out what's wrong, right? For the official with the Ministry of Etiquette, you have to know at least the matching of court clothes, right?

All these actually reflect Li Po's thoughts on those who are familiar with the job, and once the imperial examination system was promulgated, it was almost based on this idea.

This chapter has been completed!
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