Chapter 1159 Games

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No one can cover everything, not even the country.

After Li Daozong arrived at Panyu, if he went south to Jiaozhi, he would no longer be able to get any support from the rear. If Li Po was to lead the army instead, he would definitely have to fight quickly.

Although Li Daozong is young, he has led troops for many years, so he should have had this idea.

Li Po looked at Li Daozong's report carefully and found nothing to say. Being so far away, he didn't know what was going on over there now. Naturally, he couldn't point fingers from a distance. He could only believe in Li Daozong's talent.

Thinking about it, Li Po couldn't help but feel a little ridiculous.

Li Daozong was born in the Li family in Longxi, Li Yuan's cousin, but now he is working desperately for him, even opening up territories... Li Yuan has only been dead for a few years...

Of course, he has long been accustomed to the attributes of the nobles of the world, so he only felt a little ridiculous, but did not think it was unreasonable.

The princes are dead, but their descendants are still alive. There is a possibility of resurgence, but there is no need to worry too much. Everyone has been like this since the Wei and Jin Dynasties. There are almost no cases of the entire family being wiped out. The nobles protect themselves very well.


The nobles have even formed a tacit understanding. If the two armies are fighting in the battle formation, it doesn't matter if you die in the chaos. That is your own misfortune, but as long as you can survive, no matter how miserable you are, you will be punished by the other party.

The preferential treatment greatly improved the survival rate of the nobles.

This situation continued until the war in the late Sui Dynasty. The revolting peasant army did not care about this. Many rebels would behead the nobles when they caught them. The nobles were frightened to death, and they finally realized the taste of the iron fist of the people.


At three o'clock in the morning, Li Po was fully in working mode. After reading Li Daozong's report, he tapped his fingers on the desk unconsciously and narrowed his eyes slightly, but what he was thinking about was not the success or failure of this war.

Because he believed that even if there was an occasional small setback, he would not hear the bad news that Li Daozong was defeated and fled back to Jiangdu later.

What he is thinking now is whether the situation in the southeast will have any impact on the entire Tang Dynasty. The names Funan and Linyi are very unfamiliar to him.

He knew the approximate location very well, it should be the areas that later became Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.

In fact, he was very surprised when he first saw the map of the Sui Dynasty drawn by the former Sui Dynasty in Chang'an. There was nothing much to say about the northern part of the Sui Dynasty. Because of the existence of Turks and Goguryeo, the territory of the northern part of the Sui Dynasty was far less broad than that of the Han Dynasty.

The grassland was occupied by the Turks, and the northeast was stolen by Goguryeo.

But in the northwest, the former Sui Dynasty undoubtedly surpassed it. The sphere of influence not only extended to the later Gansu, Xinjiang, and even the plateau areas in the south. Even the Western Regions opened their doors to the Sui Dynasty.

The Sui Dynasty became a minister.

In the south, the Sui Dynasty had no rivals.

The three counties of Jiaozhi, Jiuzhen, and Rinan had penetrated into what was later to be Hanoi. The later South Island also became the inherent territory of the Sui Dynasty and was named Zhuya County. Officials were stationed on the island all year round.

This greatly exceeded Li Po's expectations, because officials in the former Sui Dynasty generally classified the nine counties of Jiaozhou as the Lingnan region as long as they did not involve other things.

In Li Po's impression, Lingnan should be the later Hunan, Yunnan, Guangxi, Guizhou and other places. Before large-scale immigration and development, these places were what people in the world called smog miasma.

Most of the areas are inaccessible, with savages running rampant, and the presence of the government is weak. Therefore, throughout the dynasties, these places have been used as places to exile prisoners. In addition to punishment, the purpose is also to immigrate.

Unexpectedly, some of the southernmost places were now included in the territory of the Central Plains Dynasty, and even exceeded it, which surprised Li Po.


While I was thinking about it, someone announced that the Queen had arrived.

Li Bi came in slowly, and the ministers who accompanied him were already familiar with him, and they all stood up to salute the Queen.

Li Po smiled and watched his wife sit down, saying in his heart that you are a lazy woman, she just came to work now...

It has been more than two months since the Queen and the Empress were given additional tables and chairs in the Tai Chi Hall. Impressed by the solemnity of the Tai Chi Hall, the couple became sanctimonious and would not play any tricks easily to avoid being admonished by their ministers.

In this place, even if the emperor felt that the dragon chair was a bit hard and wanted to get a soft cushion to lean on, the ministers would have to consider whether it would make the emperor drowsy and affect state affairs.

Li Bi's seat was later that of Li Po's, and his desk was also smaller. There were also some patterns tattooed on the desk and chairs, deliberately separated from those used by the emperor.

It can be seen from these details that the ministers were on guard against the master of the harem, and no one wanted to have a female protagonist come out to the court like the Turks.

In fact, they are even more unwilling to see the emergence of another document queen, otherwise everyone will not have a good life.

At this time, the accompanying eunuch immediately sent the memorials approved by the emperor to Li Bi as usual. Li Bi had been in Taiji Hall for two months and was already familiar with these.

In addition, she is not an aristocratic woman who was raised in a deep house and knows nothing. She has led troops to fight, and has experience in politics. After becoming familiar with the operating rules of the exchange of official documents between the DPRK and China, she can quickly get started.

There are precedents for women to come to court in all dynasties. Due to limited knowledge, women like to play tricks and often lack the ability to judge and make decisions on major matters. Their methods tend to be vicious and vicious. Few women can surpass them in terms of magnanimity and magnanimity.


The advantage is... they can improve women's status?

In fact, under the feudal dynasty system, once a woman took over the power of the emperor, there were countless disadvantages and few advantages.

The biggest disadvantage actually does not lie in anything else, it is just that after they gain authority, they will definitely reuse eunuchs and relatives because they do not have strong support.

And once such a situation occurs, the dynasty is not far away from its decline. Anyone who knows a little bit about history can understand the harm caused by eunuchs and relatives, so there is no need to say more.

Therefore, for thousands of years, there have been very few female protagonists who have made a difference, and Empress Lu is one of them. She implemented a lot of good governance during her reign, but she also set the precedent for the exclusive power of relatives.

During the Han Dynasty, the harem interfered with government affairs frequently occurred, and they followed the example of Empress Lu, creating an extremely unstable source of trouble for the Han Dynasty.

Dugu Jialuo, the Queen of Documents, was one of them. She assisted Emperor Wen to create the prosperous age of Emperor Wen. Unfortunately, she also behaved like a woman and had a great influence on Yang Jian on the issue of heir succession.

He played a key role in deposing the crown prince Yang Yong and replacing him with Yang Guang, the king of Jin Dynasty. It can be said that he knows people well.


Li Bi is undoubtedly a strong woman. She adapted quickly to the life of learning to handle court affairs from her husband in the Taiji Hall. It is estimated that if it takes a little longer, she will enter the next stage and put forward her own opinions on the memorials approved by her husband.

She read the Ministry of War's report very carefully. She had been influenced by her father since she was a child and had always been interested in the military. However, she could not yet figure out the pros and cons of such a major court matter as the establishment of the Zhechong Mansion. She would have to ask her husband later.

Then she read Li Daozong's memorial. After reading it, she thought that there was going to be another war, but she couldn't imagine how far Panyu and the other nine counties of Jiaozhou were from Chang'an.

Panyu is by the sea, what does the sea look like?

Like many queens, and even 90% of emperors, although she is above the ninth level and controls and governs the vast empire territory, she has never been to many places, so she has no idea.

When governing, the smarter people will ask people to inquire, the stupider people will ignore them, and some people who think they are smart will make random gestures, which will cause greater harm.

At some point, Li Po was already standing next to his wife.

There was nothing important to do on the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, so Li Po planned to play a game with his wife to let her know how difficult his husband's life was.

Seeing Li Bi put down the memorial and put it aside indifferently, he picked up the memorial and put it in front of his wife, saying: "This will be the second foreign war since the founding of the Tang Dynasty. Although success or failure has nothing to do with the overall situation, it can be compiled by future generations."

When it comes to the history of the Tang Dynasty, it will definitely be mentioned.

Do you know what they will say?"

Li Bi was frightened by him and looked at her husband without knowing why, thinking to herself, why are you trying to scare me by not going to work?

And Li Po's questions did not trouble her. When Li Po and Wen Yanhong and others discussed the history of the Sui Dynasty years ago, she was listening nearby and was very familiar with the language and style of the historians in recording history.

He rolled his eyes slightly, thought for a while and said: "In the third year of Yuanzhen of the Tang Dynasty, Li Daozong, the general manager of Jiaozhou, was ordered to go to Panyu. All the counties surrendered, except Jiuzhen, and the two counties of Rinan refused to obey.

In the fourth year of Yuanzhen, Li Daozong launched an army to attack it, and soon it was peaceful. He also attacked Linyi, captured its leader, moved to Chang'an, and restored Linyi County..."

It's okay, Li Po nodded secretly. This woman has experienced war and has no taboos about war at all. Unlike those people in peacetime, who always have a kind of rejection and fear of war.

Many people's understanding of war is: Can't we all live a good life? Why do we have to fight? In this aspect, in fact, the ancients have already taught clearly that if you are willing to fight, you will perish, and if you forget to fight, you will be in danger.

War is a means to solve problems. Although it is a bit crude, you must not hesitate when it is time to take action. If the court and the army have a consensus that they will be severely punished if they engage in border provocations, their decline will become inevitable.

Li Bi looked at her husband and asked: "Is this battle important?"

Li Po waved his hand, "Bring me the Lingnan and Western Region atlas."

Li Bi also became interested. Ever since Li Po went south to merge with the state and took over all the power, she has rarely been able to discuss important matters with her husband on such occasions.

The eunuch left in response. Most of the albums from the pre-Sui Dynasty were still preserved in the Guanwen Hall. These were important court assets and would not have been moved to Chang'an Academy originally. Those over there were copies.

Of course, there are more than one copy. To prevent the original from being damaged, these are the ones that can be viewed and consulted at any time.

The collection of books in the Luoyang Palace was gradually transported back to Chang'an last year, and the Guanwen Hall was replenished. Many secretaries, generals, and officials from the provinces were busy in it. In addition to classifying the books, they also had to carry out necessary repairs and maintenance.

, or even completed.

This is a long term job…

This chapter has been completed!
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