Chapter 1167 Taolin

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The peach grove in the east city of Chang'an is very famous.

Even more famous is the Jialan Temple behind Taolin. The temple has been built for some years and is said to be very efficacious.

In fact, this is nothing. Which temple in Chang'an is not effective?

The main reason is that Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Jian, personally went to Jialan Temple to offer incense. Before he became emperor, before Daxing City was built, Jialan Temple was already here. Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty was influenced by Buddhism when he was young, so he lived here for a while.


Even after he became the emperor, he did not forget this place. Many temples near Chang'an were demolished when the mountains were cut down to destroy temples, but nothing happened here. Apparently, it was protected by the emperor.

Jialan Temple has been standing for many years. I don’t know why people planted peach trees in front of the temple, and gradually they became a forest. Because of the construction of Daxing City, Jialan Temple also became more and more prosperous.

The peach grove became the property of the temple. Although the monks felt that the peach grove was not very suitable for the temple, they still felt that the peaches were very fragrant, so they planted some more and maintained them diligently, so they became more and more popular.

became a scale.

Once Yang Guang went to play in the peach forest and wrote a poem.

Yang Guang was praised by his entourage and felt good about himself, so with a wave of his hand, this place became the property of the royal family. The monks were very aggrieved, but they did not dare to compete with the emperor for the property. As long as Yang Guang did not demolish the temple

That’s it.

This place has become a royal property, and no one else can enter. People who want to go to Jialan Temple to offer incense have to avoid the peach grove, which seriously affects the temple's incense.

As a result, Jialan Temple became lonely again, and what was even more detestable was that some of the people who were doing the work didn't know who had a bad intention, so they surrounded Jialan Temple when they were planting peach trees.

Now the monks in Jialan Temple had no mantras, and no one could cross the royal peach forest to offer incense in Jialan Temple. For a time, the incense was cut off, and some monks in the temple had no choice but to escape, and the temple fell into decline.

At this time, if you tell the monks at Jialan Temple that Yang Guang is a devout believer in gods and Buddhas, they will definitely scold you...

During the war at the end of the Sui Dynasty, there was great chaos around Chang'an, and no one cared about whether it was royal or not. Many people who fled came here and settled in Jialan Temple, which made the place even more miserable.

After Li Yuan ascended the throne, the situation got better. When Li Yuan visited the Taolin in Dongcheng, he saw the dilapidated temple, so he had it renovated and hired monks to preside over it.

At this time, the nature of the peach grove in the east city of Chang'an changed again, and it became a good scenic spot outside Chang'an city. In the spring, when the nobles went out for an outing, most of them wanted to visit the peach grove.

As a result, Jialan Temple was reborn, and the incense in front of the Buddha became prosperous again.

When Li Chun, the princess of Fufeng County, came here with Ashina incense, Ashina was the Turkic Princess Jialan. When she saw that the temple had the same name as her, she immediately felt that there was a destiny and rarely offered a few sticks of incense to the Buddha.

At this point, Jialan Temple became connected with the royal family again. After the monks announced it, many people heard the news, and the incense in the temple suddenly became fuller.

Therefore, if people who come to Taolin at this time do not go to Jialan Temple to offer incense, it will seem like there is something wrong with them.


This is March, the season when peach blossoms are in full bloom, and many people come here for an outing.

Xiao Quan met several friends at the city gate, and the group went out of the city and arrived at the Taolin.

Xiao Quan was born in the direct branch of the Xiao family in Lanling, so the people he could make friends with were definitely not ordinary people. They were all descendants of wealthy families in Chang'an, and among them was a daughter of the Dugu family.

When nobles go out for an outing, they naturally have to show off.

Servants, carriages and horses are all normal. For example, Xiao Quan brought Lu Xiangjun here. Others are also accompanied by beauties. Those who bring wives and concubines are considered a disappointment and will be despised by their friends.

Domestic flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers, everyone knows the truth... If Xiao Quan cannot invite Lu Xiangjun, he still has someone to choose from.

This is a matter of face among the nobles and nothing else.

Lu Xiangjun has long been accustomed to such occasions. When she meets people, no matter how prominent their families are, she can treat them generously and politely.

In addition, Lu Xiangjun is already well-known in Chang'an, and now not everyone can be invited. Being able to travel with Xiao Quan greatly increases Xiao Quan's face in front of his friends.

When they arrived at Taolin, Xiao Quan asked with a smile, "The Lord of the Country is a guest in front of the Buddha. How about we go to Jialan Temple to offer incense first?"

In fact, Lu Xiangjun was not a pious person. Calling herself a guest before the Buddha was more like a form of propaganda. The nobles in the south followed this trick, and she became a follower of the Buddha.

But she won't show this. "It would be best if it is convenient, but if it disturbs everyone's schedule, it will be Xiangjun's fault."

Xiao Quan was like a courting peacock at this time, stretching his feathers hard. Not to mention that going to the Buddha to offer incense was a scheduled itinerary. Even if Lu Xiangjun wanted to go back to Jiangling now, he could do it.

Come down.

Traveling thousands of miles along the romantic. If Xiao Quan knew the word romance, he would definitely agree with it with both hands and feet.

At this moment, he waved his hands grandly and said: "The people I have made friends with are all open-minded people. Don't be restrained by your country. It doesn't matter what you want to do. If they don't agree, you can't make friends with them. I'll leave."

They will just go back."

The maid covered her mouth and snickered beside her. Mr. Lu Xiang also smiled, but he was muttering in his heart, those people are not people who come and go at a moment's notice. You are just coaxing our daughter's family.

"I have long heard about the grand outings of the people in Chang'an. When I was in Jiangling, due to the season, the outings mostly followed ancient traditions. After everyone left the city, they went to the riverside to have fun.

It's supposed to be the spring festival here in Chang'an, and there's a lot of excitement. I heard that the emperor is going to hold a festival in the suburbs. I don't know what the grand occasion is. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to hear about it in a while?"

Look at what he said. In addition to being polite, he also made a small request. I want to go and watch it when the emperor is offering sacrifices.

For a moment, Xiao Quan's male hormones rushed directly to his forehead, "What the township gentleman said is true. The customs in the north and the south are different. In the past, ordinary people could do nothing more than go outing in Chang'an. Most of us had to ride horses and hold bows, and rush back and forth to shoot."

Spring customs.

It's just that the emperor has not intentionally left the city to perform martial arts in the past two years, so it has been neglected.

This year the emperor will offer sacrifices to heaven and earth, praying for peace... I heard people say that the old customs will be restored maybe next year. Then Mr. Tokigo must come to see the bravery of Kansai athletes. The best of each family will be displayed. The scene then will be called


Nowadays, it's just a joke...

It's not difficult for Xiangjun to watch the Emperor's Suburban Festival. I'll take you there, but you can't get close, so you can only watch from a distance. Don't be disappointed when the time comes."

Fortunately, Xiao Quan's brain hasn't been burned out yet, he knows how much he weighs, and he doesn't have a big deal, otherwise it may not be a question of being disappointed or not.

Lu Xiangjun showed an expression of surprise that was in line with Xiao Quan's expectations, and gave a gentle salute, "Thank you sir, sir. It seems that I will have to pay more attention when playing the piano."

This chapter has been completed!
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