Chapter 1195 New Arrival

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A group of more than 20 people formed a classic battle formation, holding knives and bows, and left the beach with their heads in their hands.

When they left, they had already stayed on the beach for two days. They mainly used it to maintain their weapons, survey the surrounding terrain, etc. They were quite cautious.

As the backbone of a group of people, Jin Shengman finally decided to let the ship float on the sea. This was actually a very dangerous behavior in Silla.

The Japanese to the south like to attack Silla and Baekje ships. In the history of Silla, Goguryeo and the Japanese were their two biggest enemies. The Japanese invaded Silla several times and can be said to be their old enemies.

It is common for ships going out to sea to be attacked by Japanese people. What's more, the ships now also carry valuable gifts for the Sui Emperor, so there is no room for loss.

But there is no way, they can't carry the gifts with them now...


The group traveled for more than ten miles without seeing anyone. In fact, they had already entered Guanyang County, Donglai County.

The land of Qilu is now a serious place with vast territory and sparsely populated areas. The flames of resistance against the tyranny of the former Sui Dynasty that burned here burned everything here to ashes.

The villages were abandoned and the fields were barren. This was the place where the wars started in the late Sui Dynasty, and it was also the place that suffered the most.

Neither the government nor the rebels are thinking about what will happen in the future. No one can survive, so who can think so much?

At the worst time, it could be said that the bones were exposed in the wild, there was no rooster crow for thousands of miles, and everyone was half-dead from starvation. Zhang Xutuo, the Shandong ambassador to arrest, led his army to leave Shandong because of lack of food and grass, and the rebels also fled into Henan.

Hebei, Lianghuai, and Jiangnan areas are also suffering from lack of food.

At that time, all the bark and grass roots were eaten away...

There was a saying at that time: "The vast swamps were filled with vast swamps, the vastness was vast, and there was no human habitation." It described the tragic scene at this time.

Later, Dou Jiande patiently waited until most of the other bandits were dead, and the government collapsed, and finally brought the situation under control in Hebei, eastern Henan, and most of Shandong.

At this time, Shandong barely regained order, and most of the people who survived gathered in various county and county towns.

Everything in the once prosperous hometown of the Northern Qi Dynasty disappeared. Incidentally, the Northern Qi military and political group that had always been a headache for Yang Jian and his son also disappeared from the world.

This time, the foundation of the remnants of the Northern Qi Dynasty was completely cut off.

The Tang Dynasty has now designated this place as Shandong Road, and officials have arrived one after another. It is easy to manage because there are only two or three kittens left.

Starting from last year, Shandong Road has been exempted from tax for five years, which is among the highest levels, but it is far from possible to recover its vitality.


Yu Wenshiji, the governor of Donglai County, took office last year. When he first took office, he sent people around to persuade the refugees hiding in the mountains to return. He even went into the mountains himself to persuade the refugee leaders to come down, regardless of the dangers.

The effect is neither good nor bad. It is not easy for the government to regain the trust of Shandong people.

Even if the refugees in the mountains do not join bandits, they are actually similar to bandits. They farm in the mountains and rob other villages when they are free.

There are very few people in Shandong today who have never killed anyone and have never tasted the taste of a two-legged sheep. If you want these people to come back and become obedient people in the government, it is really a long way to go.

This year, the government began to redistribute farmland, and large tracts of wasteland were waiting for people to cultivate them. Some refugees in the mountains finally couldn't resist the temptation and came out of the mountains one after another to return to their original homes.

The counties and counties in Shandong are trying their best to resume production. As long as you come back to cultivate the fields, various preferential policies are enough to make people in peacetime turn blue with envy.

Young men and women are even more delicious. The government encourages childbirth and the reclamation of wasteland. As long as you can work hard now, you will definitely be a big landowner in the future.

Among them, the most tempting thing for people is actually the regulation of converting Changtian into Yongye field. If it is cultivated elsewhere for more than twenty years, one-tenth of the Changfield will be rewarded and classified as Yongye field.

In other words, if you cultivate one hundred acres of land, after twenty years, ten acres will become your private property, which can be passed on to your descendants and traded.

In Shandong, this period has been reduced to ten years. If you have connections in the government, it is not impossible to reduce it to five years. For example, for some leaders of refugees, the government will take extra care of them.

People who work as officials in Shandong from outside the country can also get a piece of official land according to the Tang Dynasty regulations. It will be differentiated according to the level of the official. In fact, it is also available in other places, but it is not as much as in Shandong. It is just who will farm it.

This is a problem that requires officials to figure out a solution for themselves.

Anyway, there are a lot of preferential policies like this, but the population is too small for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.


It was under this situation that the Silla people came to Shandong. They went out and saw no one even a long way away. Instead, they saw some bones scattered on the wasteland, which made the Silla people suspicious. They secretly guessed that the people here

Are they all dead?

They tried to move forward Tantan, and several times they got together to discuss, and some people had already decided to turn around and go back.

Jin Shengman spoke loudly, not wanting to be the fool she said she was, and insisted on going forward to find the emperor of the Sui people. Others had no choice but to follow her.

Two days later, they found a village.

The village was newly built, with only a few dozen people. When they saw the Silla people, they thought they were bandits, and they were not afraid. The biggest shortage in Shandong in recent years is all kinds of bandits. In the past, they were rebels.

Acting in the name of others, now they have all become bandits.

In addition to sending people to notify the county town for help, the people in the village gathered in the village and prepared to fight with the people who came. Now Shandong is sparing no effort to eradicate banditry. Those caught alive can be exchanged for money and food, and those who are dead...

...I want to be punished mainly because I am afraid that someone will kill the good and take the credit.

Only the officers and soldiers of the government have the power to operate, and people are strictly prohibited from killing each other.

So you get no credit for killing the bandit, and you may get into trouble with the officials. Well, the government means that if you kill someone, you'd better find a place to bury it. As long as no one reports it to the official, everyone will pretend that nothing happened...

The Silla people were very happy when they finally saw human traces. They sent people over to chat with them, hoping to communicate with the Sui people. Unfortunately, the Sui people seemed to be very scared and unfriendly.

I know what I said was not a good thing.

The Silla people gathered together again and began to murmur. The girl made a quick decision and sent two people with the lowest status to negotiate. If they died, it would be nothing. Then send two more people out. The Sui people would eventually feel their goodwill.


The Jin clan of Silla has been in power for hundreds of years and has formed a strict hierarchical system over the years. They have much more authority among the Silla people than the emperors of the Central Plains.

When the Silla people entered the village, they were beaten up without any surprise. The Shandong people were still angry and would run to the mountains at the slightest sign of trouble. They had no sense of being a country of etiquette and everyone looked like bad people.

The people of Silla did not understand Chinese, and they could not explain who they were or where they came from, which made the villagers very angry. Just a few days after Ansheng's birthday, someone came over to seize their village, and they happened to be captured and sent to the government.

Ask for reward.

People from the county town arrived very quickly, with more than a dozen people riding on war horses, ready to suppress the bandits.

Shandong is like this now, and something may happen at any time. The county government, from the county magistrate to the government servants, are all equipped for wartime. Most of them are retired Xia soldiers who returned to their hometowns, and the leaders are

Soldiers of the Tang Dynasty.

The transfer of soldiers to local officials is very common in Henan, Hebei, Shandong and other places. It can be regarded as a way to reward meritorious soldiers.

The government army system in Shandong counties has completely collapsed and cannot be restored in a short time. Therefore, local officials are now very effective and often do the work of the government soldiers.

Nowadays, because Hebei is the home base of the Xia Kingdom, the Tang army still implements military control, which is much stricter than that of Shandong. Even so, the rebellions that broke out in Hebei this year are one after another.

It is said that great chaos must be followed by great governance. In fact, this is from a long-term perspective. There will be many sequelae after great chaos. It can be said that there are many people who do not want to live a good life.

Seeing the war horses... the people of Silla knew that they could not leave. On the peninsula, because there were few horses, as long as the war horses appeared on the battlefield, it must mean that a war was about to break out, and those who could ride the war horses at least had to

He's a general.

The Silla people put down their weapons under the strict order of the girl who was full of lawsuits. The girl actually thought that they had encountered the Sui Emperor's personal army, otherwise where would they have got so many horses?


The journey of the Xinluo people was very bumpy, but fortunately they entered Guanyang County safely, but they were escorted here.

The leader of the arrest, who serves as the county lieutenant and guard arrest, is also the bandit suppressor officer. He is quite scary. He is blind in one eye and missing two fingers. He used to be a battalion lieutenant in the Tang army. He is an authentic

Shandong people are now very famous in Guanyang.

Nowadays, there are many such people in various counties in Shandong. Most of them are veterans who have retired due to injuries. They are also the backbone of the formation of Zhechong Prefecture.

After the Silla people arrived, everyone in the county gathered around to watch. The girl with big eyes, who had been shouting that she wanted to see the Sui emperor, was the focus of attention, although no one could understand what she said.

But he looks very impressive, he should be a foreign nobleman, but why did he come to Shandong?

In fact, at this time, both the county magistrate and the county lieutenant thought that the person coming here should be a Goguryeo, and they sent a beauty to form an alliance?

Shandong's knowledge of the peninsula is actually limited. What they are familiar with is that Yang Guang went crazy recruiting troops in Shandong to fight Goguryeo. In addition, soldiers who had conquered Liaodong later returned one after another. The name Goguryeo was deeply impressed among Shandong people.

Got up.

Others, such as Baekje and Silla, they know nothing about.

This chapter has been completed!
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