Chapter 131 Courses

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When several inexplicable edicts came to the Sui army in Mayi, they had become military orders of the Wei government.??w·a?n?

The entanglement in Li Po's heart disappeared at this moment.

There is no doubt that the emperor continued to deprive the soldiers of their autonomy.

As far as Li Po was concerned, there was no need to think too much about the direction of the Liaodong Battle.

If you continue to struggle like this, defeat will be a matter of time.

The biggest enemy of the Sui army today is not the Goguryeo people, nor the Liaodong strong city standing in front of them, nor the internal disputes between the Sui army generals holding each other back, but the weather in Liaodong.

The longest season in Liaodong is winter. By mid-July, winter has already begun in Liaodong, and winter will last until February and March of next year.

Liaodong is covered with ice and snow for almost half the year.

Sui Emperor Yang Guang apparently began to forget this, or he still had very strong self-confidence to defeat Goguryeo before winter came.

His confidence comes from many sources. One is the million-strong army under his command, and the other is the naval army from Laizhou, led by General Lai Huer.

But Li Po, who was in the midst of the army, didn't care what the emperor was thinking. He only knew that this army of millions was obviously gradually sliding into the abyss.

His feeling became increasingly clear as the war progressed.


The Goguryeo people are really not bragging, they built Liaodong City very well.

Of course, this is also because Liaodong City is the most important military town in northern Goguryeo.

The King of Goguryeo and Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty were actually quite similar, and they liked to build cities very much.

There were almost no villages or towns in Goguryeo. They used castles one by one to replace the village and town models passed down from the Central Plains.

People lived in stone fortresses. During the day, they went out to graze and cultivate, and at night, they returned to live in the fortress.

This has many benefits. In addition to facilitating management and tax collection, it can also defend against attacks by some Mohe tribes.

Needless to say, Liaodong City was the focus of the construction of the Goguryeo kings in the past dynasties.

Today, even Pyongyang City is not even a little bit behind Liaodong City.

Obviously, this was not only prepared for the powerful neighbor of the Sui Dynasty, but its role was also to prevent another powerful neighbor, the Turkic Khanate.

The Goguryeo generals guarding Liaodong City had a very good psychological quality.

The previous defeat in the field battle didn't seem to affect anyone at all.

When millions of troops surrounded Liaodong City, he still dared to send troops to fight. This makes people admire his courage.·?h??

Of course, in terms of the art of war, it is...well, correct.

When defending a city, you often have to go out of the city to stalemate with the enemy. Firstly, it boosts the morale of the soldiers defending the city. Secondly, it also makes the enemy afraid to attack the city with all its strength, etc.

But those who cling to the art of war will often be mercilessly attacked.

A million troops are just under the city, and you still dare to go out to fight in the field... Well, people from a small place have never seen the big world, so forgive him for now.

For Sui Jun, they liked the delicious appetizers.

So, on the third day of the siege, the Sui army used some tactics and made dumplings for the 30,000 Koreans who went out to fight.

That day, the commander of the battle was Zuotunwei General Tu Wanxu.

Maybe he knew that the emperor was going to make another mistake, so he didn't give the emperor this chance at all.

After commanding the army to surround the Goguryeo people, in normal times, they might postpone the attack and wait to see if they can induce the defenders in the city to come to rescue them.

But this time, he didn't waste any time and directly issued a military order to surrender prisoners without leaving any prisoners.

Therefore, under the siege of the Sui army, all 30,000 Koreans became headless ghosts in less than an hour, and by the way, they became military merits in the hands of the Sui army officers.

Sure enough, the emperor's edict came late, and those who delivered it only saw corpses on the ground and blood flowing everywhere.

The officers and soldiers of the Sui army who participated in the battle were happy, and the general Tu Wanxu was also quite satisfied.

But the consequence was that the Goguryeo people were so frightened that they closed the city gate tightly and did not dare to come out to confront the Sui army head-on.

Another consequence was that the emperor finally fell into a kind of paranoia and started to compete with the generals.

At this time, the generals repeatedly requested to divide their troops but failed, so they could only stay at the foot of Liaodong City.

Thus, the most brutal and bloody siege battle in the war finally began.

Li Po was fortunate enough to follow the emperor again not far from the carriage cover and witness the siege of Liaodong.

It is no exaggeration to say that the first Northern Expedition created the future Li Po.

Because this time fighting with the army was the most important life experience in Li Po's life, and the various gains from it were enough to benefit Li Po for the rest of his life.

For many years after that, he was still able to draw nutrients from this battle.

For example, now he is familiar with the Sui army's organization, various weapons, and the Sui army's fighting methods.

He has learned Shandong dialect, and the Henan accent is not difficult for him. He can already converse smoothly with people from Henan, Hebei, Shandong, Kansai and other places, and win their favor.

And he finally clearly understood the power contained in the simple word "family".

Imperial power, in the eyes of these noble disciples, is both respectable and awe-inspiring, but sometimes it is not worth mentioning.

Not to mention, he witnessed tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people fighting in battle formations time and time again.

Although it was just a quick glance, he still couldn't understand the true essence of it, but this was the real big scene.

After seeing such a scene, a contest between hundreds or thousands of people was like child's play in his eyes.

Why did the beacon fires at the end of the Sui Dynasty burn so fiercely in the following years?

The most important one is that there are more people like Li Po who have seen big scenes. They join the rebels one after another and put everything they have learned in Liao to use. So they start to help the anti-kings.

He repeatedly defeated the army and made the world more and more chaotic.

It can be said that the Battle of Liaodong produced many evil spirits who had experienced hundreds of battles and climbed out of the dead. Li Po was just one of the more studious guys.

Because he loves to learn, he can go further than others.

The Liaodong battlefield was a huge melting pot. Those who could return alive had changed their appearance, and Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty was no exception.

And now, the brutal siege battle is Li Poxin's lesson.

Moreover, I have been taking this lesson for a long time.

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