Chapter 1277 Discussion (3)

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"Are you really so worried about Goguryeo? You actually want to attack it with the help of Ashina Dawen?"

Ashina Yang Huan looked at Li Po suspiciously.

Li Po smiled and said: "Don't you think that the place where you are is suitable for sitting on a mountain and watching tigers fight? When the North and the South are at odds, you can always see their wretched figures.

They will take refuge in whoever is strong, and bite whoever is weak. The tarsal beasts are nothing more than that. Get rid of them as soon as possible, and there will be less cunning countries in the world. My aunt and I can feel more at ease, right?


Ashina Yang Huan said: "It's more than that. If you could do something that my cousin couldn't do, wouldn't it be a great achievement?"

Li Po immediately denied it, "What did my aunt say? Yang Guang always wanted to achieve great success in the world and surpass all the wise emperors in the past. There has never been an emperor in history who is so fond of success.

Look at what happened to him in the end. If I were like him, it would be better for me to hide in the mountains and forests as early as possible. Wouldn't it be better for myself and everyone in the world?"

Ashina Yang Huan knew that he hated Yang Guang deeply, so he did not dwell on this topic, "Then what Ashina heard about..."

Li Po understood what she meant and said solemnly: "Don't worry, aunt, I mean what I said from the bottom of my heart. As long as aunt doesn't speak, I will never send a single soldier out of the fortress.

Hehe, I finally figured it out. My aunt had already made a plan. Ashina Duowen had already fallen into her plan and she didn't realize it. It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous.

I was superfluous and sent someone to talk to a dead man, which really made my aunt laugh."

What Ashina Yang Huan wanted was his promise.

Although the Turks and the Tang Dynasty were forming an alliance, the two countries were never close enough to ask each other to send troops for help.

Moreover, in terms of the interests of both countries, Liaodong is a hurdle that cannot be bypassed, especially now that Ashina Duowen is leading his army to advance eastward.

If the Tang Dynasty sent troops at this time, it would definitely be in competition with the Turks in Liaodong, and the alliance signed by the alliance would be reduced to a showpiece.

At this moment, it was obvious that none of them wanted to see this scene.

Li Po was the first to make a clear statement. As he expected, no matter how confident Ashina and Yang Huan were on this matter, they would reciprocate the favor.

I only heard Ashina Yang Huan say: "That being the case, it's time for the alliance to end. Yingzhou is the hometown of the Sui Dynasty. It can't be handed over to you now. Let's take a look at it after the alliance. You

Be patient.

Dingxiang County is jointly managed by the two countries and is a place for border trade. Merchants can pass through without hindrance. We can garrison troops in Dali City and jointly collect commercial taxes.

As for Wuyuan County, Yulin, and Lingzhou and other places, I will restrain the Western tribes and ask them not to disturb them as much as possible, but Datang can no longer set up horse farms in Yulin. It is better to raise some cattle and sheep, so that everyone can be more peaceful.

Do you think this is good?"

The border issues between the two countries were mentioned in Ashina Yang Huan's mouth one by one in an orderly manner. It was obvious that he had been thinking about it for more than a day.

Li Po sighed in his heart. Yulin Racecourse was one of the three major pastures in the former Sui Dynasty, and it was the most important one. Troops could be sent from there to directly threaten the Turkic Royal Court.

The three major horse herding areas in the former Sui Dynasty were all chosen very carefully, and they were all strategic locations to deal with foreign enemies.

Nowadays, only one Mayi ranch is still in operation. The other two were lost, abandoned and abandoned. Yang Guang really committed a lot of sins.

Fortunately, it withstood the Tubo attack and the Liangzhou Racecourse was still in the hands of the Tang Dynasty. Otherwise, over time, everyone would have to walk on two legs.

Dingxiang County is the most important strategic buffer against the Turks. This was actually the current situation during the pre-Sui Dynasty. However, the pre-Sui Dynasty was prosperous and powerful and there were no Turks garrisoning in Dali City, so it was barely acceptable.

He didn't expect to get Dingxiang County back from the Turks just by talking.

Listening to the other party's words, Yingzhou is very hopeful to recover. If the Turks put down the Ashina Duowen Rebellion, Liaodong will probably become the territory of the Turks. Then Datang will definitely fight for Yingzhou as a buffer.


Ashina Yang Huan's intention was to address this. In addition, she also wanted to see the effect of the alliance before deciding whether to return the Yingzhou counties to the Tang Dynasty.

Li Po sorted it out in his mind and found that he didn't suffer any loss or take too many advantages.

This made him a little uncomfortable, but he had to accept it. He understood very well that this alliance had made some progress.

He didn't attach much importance to the outcome of this alliance before, but after contacting Ashina Yang Huan, he realized that the alliance was definitely more than just a compromise or a temporary measure for the two countries.

His plans and strategies for the relationship between the two countries, and even for the future, were shaken and changed, because he found that Ashina Yang Huan's sincerity towards the alliance was much higher than he expected, and he valued it much more.

, they definitely did not come here specifically to recognize their relatives, or even put forward a lot of conditions, hoping to rely on the strength of the Turks to talk to the Tang Dynasty.


After pondering for a long time, analyzing the pros and cons, Li Po no longer hesitated and nodded heavily: "What the Khan said is very much in line with my wishes. It would be a great benefit if the two countries could treat each other as equals.

I would also like to tell my aunt here that the Western Regions have always been popular with people from both countries. If my aunt wants to do it, I am willing to do my best to help her achieve it. I only want a place in Tianzhu, will my aunt be willing to do it?"

Ashina Yang Huan laughed. She knew what little calculation this nephew was planning. What was funny was that the Western Regions had not yet been seen, and Tianzhu was even further away from the Tang Dynasty. This proposal was really interesting.

However, this was also an offer that she could not refuse. For the Turks, the Western Region was a land of milk and honey. What was given to the Great Turkic Khanate there was not only various rare goods, but also endless glory and population replenishment.


Without the Western Regions, the Turks seem to have lost an arm and a leg, which also means that the Tiele tribes are shaken, so whether it is strategically or in terms of actual gains, the Western Regions are very important to the Turks.

At this level, the Western Regions were indeed less important to the Tang Dynasty...

Ashina Yang Huan stood up and raised her arms like last time. Li Poxin understood and stepped forward to high-five her as an alliance. This also showed that the relationship between the Turks and the Tang Dynasty allies was officially established.

There may still be disputes between them, but in a short period of time, the two most powerful empires in the world will no longer weaken each other, and their attention will inevitably turn to domestic or other directions.

This was undoubtedly a historic moment, but it was a pity that no one else was there to witness it.

The kings of both countries showed their extraordinary ambition and courage.

But to be honest, this was not a very good result for the Tang Dynasty. Li Po failed to decisively eliminate the Turks like Li Shimin did in another time and space.

A new empire cannot expand rapidly, which will inevitably create countless variables for the future of Datang...

This chapter has been completed!
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