Chapter 1331 Woman

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In the Qingning Palace, the sound of singing and dancing made Li Po fall into the kingdom of girls. The whole palace was filled with the cloying fragrance of powder, and his eyes were filled with... long legs, please note, not squinting.


The current aesthetics of the Tang Dynasty are oval faces, big eyes, high nose bridges, tall figures, preferably plump... As for clothing, the level of openness of the Tang Dynasty seems to be no worse than that of later generations.

Among the feudal dynasties, the Tang Dynasty was undoubtedly a relatively happy era for women. At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, after the wars in the late Sui Dynasty, women's status had been significantly improved.

It is actually not accurate to say that Hu Feng spread to the south. After the war, the social structure and moral standards were severely damaged, and some social trends emerged from this. It was not just due to the influence of Hu Feng.

The current world's requirements for men are only lower. The perverted requirements for appearance during the Jin Dynasty no longer exist. Men who put on makeup and make-up will definitely be despised to death. Only those who are physically strong and energetic are the ones.

The perfect husband in the eyes of women.

The martial spirit has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people without much promotion, because only such a man can survive in troubled times and provide his wife and children with as much protection as possible.

In this season, women obviously need a sense of security more than a colorful life.

But when the women come to their senses, it is estimated that the eldest princess Li Chun and the queen Li Bi are their role models, and there are also the Chu Lady Li Xiuning and the Turkic Khan Ashina Yang Huan as living examples.

I guess women will be as happy as they were when Dugu Jialuo was alive...


Wang Zhen came to toast Li Po with a wine glass in her hand.

Wang Zhen is already eighteen years old this year. She married into the Han Dynasty Palace when she was twelve years old. Now six years have passed. She has traveled from Luoyang to Jinyang, and then from Jinyang to Chang'an. As she has grown up, her qualifications have gradually deepened.

stand up.

She has good relations with the eldest princess Li Chun, Gao Baoer, Ashina Tianxiang and others, and is also close to Queen Li Bi. Even if she does not see Li Po often, her status is extremely stable.

According to the rules of the palace, she toasted the emperor and was about to go back to her seat when Queen Li Bi gave her a surprise. She waved and asked her to sit next to Li Po and was responsible for pouring wine and serving dishes for the emperor.

Li Po looked at his wife and knew what she meant. He sighed inwardly and thought hypocritically that it seemed unmanly to continue playing like this.

How could he have gotten so bad all this time that his wife had to bring women to her lips?

The eyes of the concubines were already burning, and the smarter ones began to make up their minds. They still had to please the queen, otherwise when would they be able to get close to Jun Yan?

It seems that the queen has to decide who lies on top of the emperor's palace...


This night, Li Po was enjoying himself so much that even his dreams were filled with pink content.

In the morning, Li Po got up from the bed with difficulty. Last night was very noisy, but the result was still satisfactory. Both physically and mentally, he had reached the most peak golden period in his life, and the same was true for his career.

But for him, who is ambitious, all this does not satisfy him. There are still many mountains ahead for him to conquer, and it is not the time to stop and browse the scenery.

Without waking up the sleeping eighteen-year-old girl, Li Po dressed and washed himself before going to Wude Hall to exercise his muscles.

Any kind of king's hegemony requires the body to support him. Just like last night's dream, he quickly found himself from the land of gentleness.


"Who asked you to come here?"

In the Hall of Wude, Duguhua, who was dressed in fine clothes, was also startled by the sudden arrival of the emperor. She never expected that the emperor could get up so early.

Wude Hall is not a place that everyone can enter. From the establishment of Tai Chi Palace to this day, it has been a place where emperors and princes practice martial arts.

When Li Yuan was on the throne, Jin Wang Li Yuanji was in charge of this place most of the time.

The concubines were basically unable to set foot in it. Princess Li Xiuning of Pingyang could come and go as she pleased, but she had never been to Wude Hall once.

Duguhua had a rather special status. Someone from the Dugu family helped her open the door. According to her mother's instructions, she calmed down, avoided the eyes of the palace people, and secretly ran to Wude Palace to practice her skills.

He was caught by the emperor after only two days of practice. I don’t know if it was bad luck or luck.

Li Po was not angry. Wude Palace belonged to the outer dynasty and it was inappropriate for palace concubines to come here. However, after he ascended the throne, he did not stipulate that palace concubines were not allowed to enter.

Li Po is a reasonable person, but it's nonsense to say how happy he is. He feels that Dugu's daughter is too scheming and even came here to wait for him. Her behavior is disgusting.

Duguhua was extremely frightened, and the person who had opened the door for her was even more frightened. He had already prostrate himself on the ground and did not dare to say a word.

While Duguhua was busy saluting, he said: "Your Majesty, please forgive me. I didn't know that Your Majesty was coming... I came here without authorization. Please punish me."

While he was stammering, Li Po looked at her expression. It didn't look like she was being hypocritical. He pointed at the bow and arrow and said, "Shoot a few arrows for me to see. If you can hit the target, I will spare your life."


If his tricky temperament breaks out, if he flies away, Dugu Xiuyi is likely to become Dugu Cairen in the future. As Guo said, after Li Po came to power, his reliance on the family was far less than that of the former Sui Dynasty or the Western Wei Dynasty.

, Northern Zhou Dynasty.

This is evidence that many wealthy families with big surnames were in decline in the early Tang Dynasty.

Fortunately, Duguhua didn't miss the mark. Three of his five arrows hit the target, and one of them hit the bull's-eye, indicating that he had indeed practiced archery.

The two arrows that were shot away were only due to fear. Fortunately, there were no eunuchs on duty in the palace, otherwise Li Shimin's story would probably have happened again.

Duguhua was a little exhausted, so he struggled to catch the sixth arrow and drew the bowstring. Li Po looked at Duguhua's small body, smacked his lips, and thought that he was still accurate, but not strong enough...


So he waved his hand and said: "Okay, the bow I chose is too hard, so if I shoot it like this, I won't need my arm."

Whoosh, Duguhua trembled and shot an arrow towards the beam...

Ha, Li Po finally laughed.

Duguhua blushed and saluted again: "Your Majesty... I used to be able to pull a two-stone bow, but now I can't even shoot a few arrows with one stone. This is the result of neglect of practice."

If I can get your Majesty's constant guidance, I will not be any worse than others."

It was obvious that he had calmed down, and as his eyes moved, he showed a bit of shyness and a bit of coquettishness.

Li Po narrowed his eyes slightly, "Then I will teach you..."

Duguhua was overjoyed. What Aniang said was indeed right. Your Majesty really likes those strong women. He spends all day inquiring about them, so why not be prepared?

It's just that she was obviously happy a little early...

This chapter has been completed!
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