Chapter 1155 Visit

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Another person came in and muttered something in Ma Zhou's ear. Ma Zhou immediately got up, straightened his clothes, ordered people to look after the place, and left in a hurry.

Another person who can get into Lingyan Pavilion has arrived.

The founding father, Grand Governor Li Jing, and Jingzhao Yin Yuanlang accompanied them to visit Chang'an Academy.


"Uncle, too. I've only been back to Beijing for a few days. Why do you have to go out again?"

In front of the Chang'an Maritime Academy, Yuen Long muttered to himself.

Li Jing stood with his hands behind his hands and looked at the gate of Chang'an Maritime Academy. Looking at the high door beams and the snarling plaque, Li Jing felt that this place was quite interesting.

I haven't returned to Beijing for several years, and the changes in Chang'an are really hard to describe.

During the reign of Yang Guang, the capital was moved to the east. Chang'an, as the capital of Xijing, received some neglect. However, as long as the Ximen clan was around, Chang'an would have eight points of the world's fortune.

Moving the capital will not affect the status of the Kansai clan.

It can be seen when the world is in chaos at the end of the Great Cause. Luoyang is like a bunch of demons dancing wildly. If you look at Chang'an, everyone is still sitting still. This is confidence, and it can also be said that the weather in Kansai is not good.

Evidence of decline.

By the time Li Yuan entered Chang'an... it was actually pretty much the same, but those years were not exactly peaceful. Everyone was running around so much that they didn't bother to appreciate the scenery of Chang'an.

Regardless of whether it is prosperity or decline, almost no one has the time to appreciate it carefully...

It's different now... Li Jing sighed in his heart, the world has calmed down, and the scene in Chang'an will definitely be different.

Take the Chang'an Maritime Academy, for example, as a new thing, but it always gives people a feeling of vitality and prosperity. It would be better if there was no such nephew beside me at this moment.

Li Jing stood with his hands behind his back for a while, then stepped forward, saying perfunctorily to Yuen Long, "Say less, you are not allowed to comment on the important matters of the court. When we meet Ma Jijiu, just introduce me to me, don't talk too much."


Look at you, you act like a relative of the royal family wherever you go now, you are lazy and have no energy, you look like this, you deserve to be kicked and beaten by your grandpa."

Yuen Long was reprimanded... and suddenly became elated. If Li Jing gave him two more blows now, it would probably be more to his liking. There was no other way. This guy had grown up with his father's beatings and scoldings since he was a child, and now he was in a high position.

Under the discipline of others, I feel uncomfortable in various ways.

So he took the time to flirt with his grandpa. If his father ignored him, he would go to the palace to talk to his grandpa, or go to Li Chun's house to poke at the sore spots, and he could always find some old feelings.

He was living a leisurely life, and his body was getting fatter and fatter. He couldn't blame Li Jing for not liking him, he was almost becoming a libertine, and he was quite proud of himself.

What makes Yuen Long even more proud is that last year he actively responded to the call and finally moved his family into the Imperial City. When he returned to Chang'an City, he no longer had to live in a small courtyard in Bu Zhengfang...

Well, this guy has been completely ruined by Li Po, look at his worthless energy.


However, at this time, he still habitually pretended to be wronged, and muttered behind Li Jing, "You are wrong. I am now in the position of Jingzhao Yin. Why can't I do important things in the court?"


I originally thought that when my uncle returned to Beijing to report on his duties, he would have to hire a servant from Shangshu Province to do it. But now he has to go out of the capital to lead troops. I wonder what you think, uncle?"

Li Jing got impatient, turned around and gave him a kick, so Yuen Long narrowed his eyes in comfort, and everyone calmed down.

People from the Maritime Academy finally came out and accompanied Li Jing.


Li Jing's visit to the Maritime Academy when he was about to leave Beijing was certainly not without purpose. He was going to Donglai to lead troops, and he was going to Japan across the sea. He couldn't be more prepared.

There were not many navy generals in Chang'an in Beijing. After hearing someone talk about the Maritime Academy, Li Jing felt it was necessary to visit here.

Now the court's strategy has changed. For example, King Wu Du Fuwei led his army to Silla, and then asked Li Jing to lead his army to attack Japan. These are obvious signs.

The imperial court began to attach great importance to maritime affairs, which can be said to be unprecedented in history.

And it can be heard from the emperor's few words. In summary, there is a lot to do at sea.

Li Jing still doesn't quite understand what this means. There are all kinds of people overseas who are unfamiliar to him...

Opening up territory and expanding territory? Some islands and savages, even if they were made to surrender, it would not be a great achievement, right? The achievements cannot be compared with attacking Goguryeo and competing with the Turks.

Li Jing felt that if the emperor had such ambitions, he might as well run the Western Regions. That was the achievement of all emperors in the past.

But he didn't understand it, so he didn't try to persuade the emperor to change his mind.

In his opinion, the imperial court's policy has been set, so how can Li Jing be able to change it easily? This kind of self-perception still stems from his bumpy experience.

For a person who is used to following the crowd, it would be difficult for him to insist on his own opinions and speak out boldly like Wen Yanbo, Xiao Yu, and Li Gang.


When he arrived at the artificial lake, Li Jing looked at the large puddle that was almost endless and sighed, "This lake is not small. It took a lot of work, right?"

The elder statesman once told him about this place. Li Jing looked at it and felt that his brother-in-law's description was not very clear. If you throw fry into such a big lake, how can you expect to catch fish in two or three years?

The people accompanying him hurriedly explained to him that it took tens of thousands of people more than half a year to dig such a big hole, and most of them were garrison soldiers. The amount of work was not small.

But compared with the previous dynasty, this can only be said to be trivial and not a big deal.

The person who came here was quite smart and seemed to know what Li Jing was thinking.

So Li Jing nodded secretly. The emperor was the same both inside and outside. He was indeed very considerate of the people and had never wanted to use a large number of civilians. The garrison soldiers were also idle when they were idle. It was just right to use them to do the work, so as not to make them like his nephew.

Raised with nothing to do.

Yuen Long, who had nothing to do, was quite proud of looking at the artificial lake. He had a share of credit for it. Without his full support, how could it have been completed so quickly?

Li Jing was too lazy to talk to him and only talked to his companions.

After asking about Chang'an Maritime College's educational mission and the courses I want to teach in the future, I gradually felt that I had come to the right place.

This academy was obviously set up to train naval generals. Maybe when I arrived in Silla later, I would have to consult with His Highness King Wu.

Back then, he, Zhang Lun and others led their troops down the river to capture Jiangling. The battle was too simple and smooth. There was a clear gap between the naval forces he had to face now...

This chapter has been completed!
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