Chapter 147

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(Second update, please vote for me, please subscribe, please give me rewards...?`c?o?m?)

Li Po's team was said to have more than a dozen people, but it was actually only twelve.

The extra ones are him, the leader, and the Yanlu people, and the rest are exactly two groups.

Now two people were injured, a couple died, and there were eight people left. Li Po was still good at arithmetic questions. The opponent was missing a quarter of his strength, and his side was directly missing a third.

It's such a disadvantage. Of course, arithmetic cannot be used in this way. For example, the Sui army's million-strong army is missing more than 300,000 people, and there are still more than 700,000 people left. Goguryeo is missing 100,000 people, so even if it is

It hurts to the bone.

Just like now, dozens of Mohe people were attacking from all sides, and Li Po immediately felt the danger.

At times like this, Li Po's mind was spinning much faster than usual.

Staring at the savages dispersing down the slope, he watched them divide into three teams, which were quite evenly divided. They were all in teams of more than twenty, which was quite fair. This leader was pretty good and did not take advantage of his subordinates.

The other two groups mounted their horses and ran to the sides and back of the hill, leading a group of people to stay in front.

After seeing it clearly, Li Po turned around and said sternly: "Do you have the courage to rush down with me and kill all these bastards?"

Naturally, everyone was speechless. Even if they had not experienced the Battle of Liaodong, the courage of the Sui people was one of the best in the world. What's more, they had now been baptized by the Battle of Liaodong.

Li Po then laughed loudly, "It's not like we are all going to die. Don't worry so much. The injured will all wait here. We just need to rush over and snatch their horses, and they will all be our meal."


This is obviously not a military strategy, but the effect brought about by combat experience.

After not waiting long, the Mohe people shouted to each other on three sides and climbed to the middle of the slope relatively synchronously.

Regardless of other directions, there was another burst of shooting from the front, this time. Because the distance was right, the result of the burst of shooting was that seven or eight more shots were fired from the front.

Another person here was hit by an arrow and fell to the ground.??.??`c?om

The Sui army has shed enough blood in Liaodong. But obviously, it will continue to flow.

However, celebrities like Cheng Zhijie and Luo San obviously have auras attached to them. Their skin was not even scratched. Huang You was not so lucky. An arrow grazed his head and took away his big head.


Seeing the Mohe people charging closer and closer, Li Po threw down his bow and arrow without any further hesitation, drew out his sword and shouted, "Follow me."

He took the lead in facing the incoming arrow and led the remaining six people to charge down.

In fact, at this time, the increasing casualties had already made the savages terrified.

There is no need to overestimate them, they do live like wild beasts in this wild land, and they also have wildness and bravery that civilized races often cannot possess.

But in their primitive state, they also do not have the unique courage and sense of glory that soldiers trained by civilized races have.

The reason why the Sui Dynasty and the Turks were so powerful was because they had many soldiers who were brave and good at fighting and pursued glory.

Barbarism may be able to defeat civilization, but it will definitely not happen now.

Li Po's timing was also very good. Many savages were putting down their bows and arrows, drawing out their scimitars, and were preparing to rush a certain distance and enter a state of hand-to-hand combat.

Of course, only a few people had machetes. Most of the savages took out thick wooden sticks with some stubble on them deliberately, so they could be used as maces.

Condescendingly, seven people rushed down from above like a gust of wind, and collided with the Mohe people who had lost more than half of their courage but were still showing off their teeth and claws.

Li Po dwarfed and rushed past the person without losing any speed. The person behind him covered his waist and howled in pain. In an instant, Li Po had already cut a long hole in his belly with a knife.


Cheng Zhijie didn't even use a knife, he knocked a guy away arrogantly.

Luo San relied on his brute force and cut off the Mohe man's scimitar with one strike, then split the man in half from his shoulders to his waist...?`

In almost a face-to-face meeting, Sui Ren showed his most ferocious side to the fullest.

But when it comes to killing ability, Yan Lu is at the level of a living ancestor. Just look at his awkward steps, but he rushed down no slower than others. Wherever he passed, the Mohe people either had their throats cut open by him, or

It was stabbed somewhere in the body by him.

However, Li Po was the fastest, so he faced the leader of the Mohe people.

This is a tall, stout guy with a smart mind.

But at this time, Li Po could no longer hold his feet, and saw the opponent raising the very thick and wide scimitar and slashing at him diagonally.

It is estimated that if he cuts him off this time, he will not be much stronger than Luo San's opponent. It is possible to cut him in half with one blow.

Li Po fiercely exerted force on his feet and increased his strength. Before slashing with his scimitar, he straightened up his sword like a Yanlu man and crashed into the enemy's arms.

The two leaders fell into a pile and rolled down the hill.

This time it was faster, and he rolled directly to the bottom of the hill. Li Po got up dizzily. His body hurt, his head was broken, and his face was burning. His arms and legs were protesting his too rough behavior.


I took two unsteady steps, but my footing was wrong, and I realized that I was walking in the wrong direction. I was going uphill.

He drew a circle and walked back, but he stumbled. When he looked down, he realized that the guy who fell with him had died.

He was stabbed directly through the heart by the ring knife.

Li Po bared his teeth and chuckled a few times. He didn't know whether he was laughing or crying. He kept shaking his head and tried to pull out the knife.

He walked crookedly towards the horses tied by the Mohe people below, still thinking in his heart, these idiots are not very smart, why don't they leave someone to look after the horses? Otherwise, how can I survive this little life?

Are you here? You deserve to die in my hands.

The further he walked, the more stable he became. He touched his head and saw a handful of blood. Li Po wanted to curse loudly. He had suffered so much. What should he eat to make up for it when he went back?

I glanced around and found a horse that looked bigger and stronger, and I got on the horse's back.

Now he felt at ease. Although the horse sitting down was a bit dishonest, Li Po only tightened his grip on the horse's belly and pulled the reins hard, making it turn around twice.

At this time, this incompetent guy raised his head and looked up. Needless to say, three pairs of six people came back. In the hand-to-hand fight, the Sui army was completely victorious.

Li Po gestured with his knife and shouted loudly, "Three people are driving this group. Three people go over there and grab the horses. Quick, quick, quick."

The voice was still there, and he had already ridden a distance away from the boss on horseback.

When he went around to the west side of the hill, as he expected, some Mohe people were still climbing up, while others crawled sideways, preparing to support the front.

What's there to be polite about? Li Po just rode his horse over, dismounted, cut off the tethered horses one after another, and then drove the horses up with a strange grunting sound.

Mayi's professional horseman finally came into use. When the people above roared and rushed down, he had already driven the horses to the south.

More than a hundred war horses galloped across the land of Liaodong, but they almost turned Li Po into a dog from exhaustion.

Even though these people all came from Mayi Racecourse, and they were all good at riding and shooting, no one here knew how to herd animals. Li Po could only run in circles to ensure the integrity of the herd.

The Mohe man behind was probably so angry that he chased after him with bow-legged steps.

But before we could go far, Li Bi and others had already caught up.

When he saw the horses, he thought they were enemies. If most of the horses weren't empty, one volley might have landed on the heads of several of Li Po's men.

The unlucky Mohe people plunged head-on into the gate of hell.

With the war horses, the Sui army in Mayi immediately looked different. Although these war horses still needed to be raised for a while before they could cooperate with their new owners.

But at this time, they had changed from two legs to four legs, and they were galloping, but there was not much feeling of jerkiness.

He went up directly and chopped down the Mohe people who were so frightened that they turned around and ran away one by one.

This was a sudden encounter, similar to the fight on Lingqiu Road. It did not last long and was not large in scale.

But it still showed Li Po's excellent battlefield intuition. Although his command on the battlefield still needs to be improved, at this time, the Sui Army in Mayi and even the officers and soldiers of the Sui Army who later joined would not have the same talent as him in leading troops.

Any doubts.

If we say that the previous battle on Lingqiu Road had some luck involved.

So this time, his ability to play around with the Liaodong barbarians is something that not everyone can possess.

However, his shortcomings are also obvious.

He has never seen battles with the Turks, the Tuyuhun tribes, or even the more powerful tribes such as the Southern Barbarians, so his qualifications in the army will continue to be lacking.

You must know that since the end of the Jin Dynasty, those who have opposed Kaifu Yitong and the Three Divisions, except those with very prominent family backgrounds, all came from wars with the above tribes.

In addition, military achievements such as suppressing bandits, counterinsurgency and other wars are much inferior in comparison.

Of course, this is a bit far. Today's Li Po, let alone opening a mansion, has to work hard to be promoted to a general, let alone anything else.

More than a thousand people stopped at the foot of the hill. There were infantry and cavalry. They looked like a powerful army. It would have been even more majestic if everyone hadn't looked miserable and embarrassed.

As expected, one of the two wounded soldiers left on the hill was dead, and the other was only breathing.

Before night, the other one also breathed his last.

Two of them were named Shi, and they were both of the same clan as Shi Da Shi II. However, under such circumstances, no one would take the bodies back to their hometowns, let alone set them on fire, and they could only bury them on the spot.

This is war, cruel and indifferent.


This chapter has been completed!
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