Chapter 1382 Southeast

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It's okay to just listen to Dr. Sun's words. He is in the court and is well-informed. It's unclear whether this is his own opinion or something he heard from others.

It's quite the way to go, and this is generally the way out for imperial examination officials.

Later, when the imperial examination became popular in the world, the divisions became more detailed.

The Sanjiahui entered the Hanlin Academy and served, and most of them were Qingliu officials. They accompanied the emperor to banquet and have fun, and after being invited to the favor, they had a bright future.

Moreover, at that time, the imperial examination officials had already mastered the power of the court, and the so-called Qingliu were the mainstay among them. The imperial examination officials who came out of the Hanlin Academy would receive support that today's Jinshi could not match.

Identity politics was extremely popular in those days.

When everyone met, what was discussed was no longer family background, but how many years you were a Jinshi, what rank you were in, who your seat master and room master were, and who were the famous people in the same year.

Once you answer these questions, your faction and political views, who are your friends and who are your political opponents will be basically fixed. This will be the clear stream later. As for whether they are clear or dirty, you can figure it out for yourself.


The imperial examination matter has come to an end.

The momentum was moderate, but the most eye-catching thing was actually the debate before the Beijing Examination, which caused quite a shock in the Kansai literary world, and later spread to the north and the south.

The content of the debate involved many things. When the literati heard about it, they held many literary meetings in the same way, and the trend of political debate gradually became popular.

The enlightened image of the imperial court and local officials was well publicized. This was an extremely rare event in the early Tang Dynasty. In the words of later generations, it consolidated the rule of the Tang Dynasty.

As for the birth of the first batch of Jinshi in the Tang Dynasty, the noble literati were most concerned about their whereabouts.

As for the Xinglin Banquet and various imperial examinations, they are the favorite topics of discussion among the people in the streets, but the upper class people don't care much about them.

Those were all the imperial court's means of promoting the imperial examination.

The more profound meaning is worthy of consideration. From the imperial examination that started last year to June of the fifth year of Yuanzhen in the Tang Dynasty, for nearly a year, there were many disturbances.

For this reason, a lot of blood was shed, titles were dismissed, and even a small number of people were exiled. Each one of them shows one thing.

The imperial court's determination to implement the imperial examination was unparalleled before the Sui Dynasty, so where should the detection system that was extremely beneficial to the nobles go?

Will it be abandoned as explicitly as the former Sui Dynasty abolished the Nine-Rank Zhongzheng System?

This leaves a lot of room for imagination.

Against this background, after the article about Sun Fuga, who was selected as the number one scholar after the imperial examination, was published, his political views were approved by most people.

In the early Tang Dynasty, a new aristocratic class that integrated the influence of the old aristocratic families was rapidly forming.

The previous situation of confrontation and integration between Hu and Han caused by the Wu Hu's entry into the Central Plains finally formed a preliminary comprehensive integration based on the unification of the world in the former Sui Dynasty.

In Xianbei, the pattern in which the Xiongnu nobles lived at the top of the pyramid and were assisted by the Han people and became the backbone of the ruling class was completely broken by the wars in the late Sui Dynasty.

By the early Tang Dynasty, the Xianbei clans were weakening one after another, the Hu-Han integration trend further intensified, and the strong period of Han civilization came again.

During such a period, the ruling class of the Tang Dynasty took on a new look, embracing all things and embracing everything.

The reform of the talent selection system is one of the results of this stage.

It touched the interests of the nobles, but there was no room for compromise. The fact that Sun Fuga's article was published to the public shows this.

The entanglements and compromises, collisions and contests regarding this personnel selection system will obviously exist for a long time.

The main thing to look at is whether the imperial examination can continue to be held in accordance with the plans and expectations of the imperial court.


In June, Li Po issued an edict.

New candidates for Jinshi will be inspected and trained by the Ministry of Civil Affairs for half a year. They will be rotated among the six departments to examine their talents and moral character, and will be awarded official titles at the end of the year.

Some of them actually have to be dispersed to various counties in Beijing and Zhaozhou for rotation, which is almost a pre-job training process.

It is actually similar to the later imperial examination officials. They all start from some low-level positions. Firstly, they are inspected, and secondly, they are familiar with the official procedures. There is not much special appearance.

It was much clearer than later, and by keeping people in the capital for a while, it was a good opportunity for the new scholars to expand their horizons and connections in the capital. In fact, it was a disguised form of preferential treatment.

Of course, during this period of time in the capital, if you have not shown sufficient talents or have some moral deficiencies, then there is no need to talk nonsense. You will look good when you are appointed.


After the imperial examination, the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Personnel relaxed a little, but they still had to focus on the rural examination to be held in July this year. In view of the chaos in the rural examination last year, this year they have checked and filled up the gaps and introduced many new measures.

For example, this time all the scholars from counties and counties have to go to Daozhong to take the exam. The county no longer has this power, and the number of successful candidates has also become one of the performance evaluations of county officials.

If you are still thinking about recommending candidates who are candidates for the examination based on favors, then you need to consider your own year-end performance evaluation.

If a recommended scholar stretches his hips too much, he is likely to be punished by the Taoist priests.

In fact, the imperial court will soon redefine the grades of the imperial examinations and close the loopholes for county officials to recommend candidates. However, since there are not many scholars nowadays, this matter has been postponed.


In mid-June, Datang's large-scale infrastructure construction plan was fully launched, and the shadow of taxation once again hung over Datang.

The imperial court also became nervous, and the household department was especially busy. Li Po strictly ordered them to ensure the basic diet and logistics of the common people, and the workload must be limited to what the servants could bear.

The court will provide certain compensation for work-related injuries. If there is a death of a servant, the whole story will be strictly investigated in the edict, and public resentment shall not be aroused.

No matter what the officials below did, Li Po felt that the court had made its attitude clear anyway, and those who made mistakes would be severely punished.

In fact, his idea is very clear, that is, to try his best to improve production efficiency, increase food production and the population of Datang. Basically, all domestic measures must be carried out around this theme.

Li Po doesn't know magic, so everything must be done step by step. This is not a game. The difficulty of running an empire is on his desk.

Every day, piles of memorials would come to Menxia Province. After being selected by Menxia Province officials, they would go to the emperor's desk. Some official documents would circulate in Zhongshu and Menxia Province for several times.

Even so, Li Po's workload in a day is not something ordinary people can imagine. As long as you want to do something, there will be endless things waiting for you.

If you want to slap your forehead, come up with an idea and get things done, that is pure nonsense.

After Li Po ascended the throne, which major event was not carried out after careful consideration or countless discussions with his ministers?

Each edict is condensed with everyone's energy and hard work. How many of them can be described as arbitrary and arbitrary?

Li Po is used to this kind of life, and he doesn't really enjoy it. Anyway, he occasionally puts down his government affairs and has some fun on his own, otherwise he wouldn't be able to bear such a heavy workload.


On June 14, the fifth year of Yuanzhen's reign in the Tang Dynasty, a memorial from Li Daozong, the governor of Hainan Province, arrived in the capital.

Because of the long distance, this was a letter from Li Daozong in April, and it took two months to deliver it to Chang'an.

Li Daozong mentioned various matters in the South China Sea in his memorial.

He had already sent people to capture the puppet king Fan Fanzhi of Linyi, as well as dozens of his wife and relatives. Originally, Li Daozong wanted to transport them to the capital, but Kan Ze and others said that the mountains were high, the forests were dense, and the road was long, lest these natives escape by chance. , so he simply killed them all to avoid future troubles.

In the past two years, Li Daozong killed many people in Linyi, mainly to cleanse the indigenous aristocratic forces headed by the Fan family.

Pull out the tribal leaders hiding in the dense forest one by one, cut off their heads after identifying their identities, hang them on the city, and spread the atmosphere of white terror to every corner of the forest.

In the past two years, he has basically destroyed the old order in Linyi, and the indigenous nobles in Linyi led by Fan Fanzhi fled to death.

Even so, Li Daozong didn't give up. He was just idle anyway.

He led the soldiers of the Tang army and the indigenous tribes who surrendered to the Tang Dynasty to attack everywhere, and captured and killed those who escaped one by one. He sent people to ask for help from those who fled to Funan and Zhenla.

He looked like he was killing everyone, and the locals in Linyi were so frightened that they dared not express their anger. More and more barbarians in the forest offered their loyalty to the terrible Lord Shatuobo.

The people of Linyi believe in Brahman doctrine, and Shatuobo is the most evil god in Brahman doctrine, which is very consistent with Li Daozong's current behavior.

By the fifth year of Yuanzhen's reign in the Tang Dynasty, the Fan family had been basically uprooted by him.

He also captured many natives and used them to drive Kan Ze and others to build wharves and docks. So far, he has built several wharves in Linyi, and also had one built at the southern end of the big island to prepare for the arrival of the big island. Sea ships coming from the north.

It's just that he doesn't have much hope for this, because he has never heard that ships from the Central Plains can come to such a ghost place. In the past, everyone came by land.

Kan Ze was more confident than him. Back then, they followed King Wu Du Fuwei and sailed a sea ship to the south, but only a few times.

They had intermittent news from the Central Plains, and they didn't know that the ships of the Tang Dynasty were cruising in the East China Sea. It would probably take several years before they could go south on a large scale.

In addition, Li Daozong also said that he was sending people to lobby the King of Funan and also set up some docks on the seaside.

If that failed, he wanted to lead an army to attack it, and at least force King Funan to sign an alliance under the city. His motivation was extraordinary, and Li Po admired it very much.

In addition, the water and soil in Linyi were indeed not suitable for soldiers in the Central Plains. Diseases often occurred in the army. Li Daozong had no choice but to ask the court to send some good doctors to diagnose and treat the soldiers...

This chapter has been completed!
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