Chapter 1456 Friendship

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"Grandpa, Chu Dengshan has returned to Beijing. I went to meet him. He wanted to pay homage to Grandpa. Do you want to see him?"

In the back house of Yu Mansion, Yu Chang was talking to his father Yu Shinan.

Yu Chang was the only son of Yu Shinan.

The Yuyao clan's Yujian lineage was the only one in his generation.

The Yu family is a serious Jiangnan family with a scholarly reputation handed down from generation to generation. For several generations, they have been literary masters who have written countless works.

Yu Shinan's father, Yu Li, was famous in Jiangnan and had a son in his old age. Unfortunately, Yu Li died within two years.

Yu Shinan's uncle Yu Ji adopted Yu Shinan as his stepson, so Yu Shinan and Yu Shiji were actually cousins.

Yu Ji was as talented as his elder brother, and he was able to teach the two brothers very well. When they grew up, they were also handsome people in the south of the Yangtze River, and their talent and reputation spread throughout the world.

It is a pity that they followed Yang Guang, especially Yu Shiji, who gained Yang Guang's favor, used power, and courtiers looked at him with suspicion.

During the Jiangdu Incident, Yu Shiji was killed by Yu Wenhua and his brothers.

No matter how many mistakes Yu Shiji made, his upbringing of the Yu family's children was very admirable. His descendants went to death one after another, and no one begged for mercy.

At that time, Yu Shinan held Yu Shiji and cried endlessly, begging Yu Wenhua and his brothers to let him die on his brother's behalf, which shows the unity of the Yu family's children.

But after an incident, the Yuyao Yu family lineage was completely withered, and the Yu Shiji line was wiped out, leaving only Yu Shinan and his son.

Originally, according to the existing destiny trajectory, Yu Shinan should go to Hebei with Yu Wenshi and the rebel army, but due to additional variables, he, Ouyang Xun and others fled back to Chang'an halfway and surrendered to Li Yuan.

Yu Shinan is over sixty this year, and his age is showing.

At this time, he only glanced at his son briefly, and Yu Chang shrank his neck, showing that his tutor was strict.

Yu Chang said: "My son has remembered my grandfather's teachings, and I dare not have a close relationship with him..."

Yu Shinan then nodded and said: "Our family, Ding Liaoluo, doesn't dare to have any trouble again. Chu Ximing is a chivalrous man, and he doesn't give in to me in terms of talent and learning. I feel relieved to associate with him."

But his son..."

Having said this, he shook his head. He was a man of etiquette and did not want to talk about people's shortcomings behind their backs. He just pointed out the shortcomings.

Yu Chang thought for a while and said: "In that case, let's just be a stranger..."

Yu Shinan smiled and said, "That's not necessary. I have half a friendship with him. Just ask him to come and see me. He is returning to Beijing to report on his work, right?"

Yu Chang nodded, "Well, Chu Dengshan has been the Jinyang Order in Jinyang for two years, has achieved political achievements, and has been recommended by Wang Bingzhou. He came to see Grandpa probably because he wants to find a way out."

Yu Shinan said: "It's not a big deal. You can take my letter and invite Fang Qiao to visit the house tomorrow."

This favor is not small. Yu Chang said a little strangely: "Isn't that...then why do you still want to help him?"

Yu Shinan snorted, obviously dissatisfied with his son's slowness, "Families like ours always have to be wary of others. In the past, that person didn't have much ambition, but he was talented. He asked me to be my disciple, if he doesn't help me,

, he will definitely hold a grudge in his heart.

Once he gains power in the future, you won't be able to deal with him. Our family is just a few people, so we can't withstand the storm."

Yu Chang couldn't help but feel ashamed. He could barely inherit the mantle of the Yu family in terms of articles, but he was not at all as talented as his father and grandfather.

But in terms of calligraphy attainments, he has obtained the true biography of Yu Shinan. What is lacking is just the accumulation of time and energy.

Now that he is working as a secretary, he is really not good at those things that please people in the officialdom, and he is too bookish.

If he didn't want to make enemies for his son, Yu Shinan would not bother with Chu Suiliang. It would be more like it if Chu Liang came to beg him personally.

When he was serving in Tiance Mansion, he dated Chu Liang and taught Chu Suiliang calligraphy, so he had a half-teacher friendship. However, it was at that time that he did not like Chu Suiliang's behavior.

He felt that people such as Chu Suiliang and Xu Jingzong were too utilitarian, and they were very similar to his brother Yu Shiji back then. The death of his brother and his family was so tragic that he would never forget it, so he wanted to stay away from such people.

Even though Yu Shinan was famous all over the world, he served as a writer, specialized in studying historical annals, and commented on the merits and demerits of his predecessors, after all, he was already old, while Chu Suiliang and others had just entered their prime.


"My son is just a little strange. Why didn't he go to talk to the minister of the house, but instead asked to be his disciple? You must know that in the palace of Prince Qin, Fang Xuanling had a wide circle of friends, and he also had friendship with his father and son."

Hearing his son's question, Yu Shinan's face turned dark. He looked around to see where the most convenient rattan was.

He stroked his chest, calmed his breath, and then said: "Chu Suiliang has a clever mind. He has been away for several years and knows a lot about the changes in people and affairs in the capital. How did you know that he only came to our door?"

Yu Shinan didn't want to talk nonsense anymore, so he waved his idiot son out.

Given his current status, this matter can only be regarded as a trivial matter. There are countless people who ask for it every year, and Chu Suiliang is just one of them.

It's just that Chu Suiliang used to be a prominent person. No matter how much he looked down on this young man, he had to admit that he had the courage to do his job and was a rare talent.

His official qualifications are much higher than those of his peers. In time, he will become a great person. This is the main reason why he is not willing to offend this young man easily.

Nowadays, it is not difficult for him to be a favored person. As long as the people from the Dugu family don't interfere, it won't be a big problem.

What he needs to concentrate on now is to fix Wei Shu.

For him to major in Wei Shu is an affirmation of his life value, which can be passed down to future generations.

This may not sound easy, but it is actually very easy to do.

Wei Shou, a native of the Northern Qi Dynasty, once compiled the history of Wei, absorbing the books written by Cui Hao, Deng Yuan and others in the form of biographies, and compiled 130 chapters of Wei Shu.

What Yu Shinan and others have to do is actually to change the Wei Shu recorded by Wei Shou and others into a chronological style, correct the fallacies, and add their own opinions.

Compared with revising the Sui History, this workload is much smaller. It is expected to be completed this year and next. After that, we will help Wen Yanjiang and others revise the Jin Shu.

Immersing yourself in history, tracing the footsteps of the forefathers and telling the stories of emperors and generals is something that only a person of great talent cannot achieve.

In comparison, those official flatteries seem too boring...


Just as Yu Shinan expected, Chu Suiliang was already drinking with Su Xu at this moment.

Su Xu, Chu Liang and others were both bachelors of the Tiance Mansion Literature Museum at that time. He was the youngest one, younger than Chu Suiliang. Because they were similar in age, he got along well with Chu Suiliang, and he served Chu as his teacher.

Liang, naturally had a deep friendship with Chu Suiliang.

Chu Liang and his son left for Jinyang, and there was constant correspondence between the two sides. Most of the things in Beijing were learned from the letters written by Su Xu and several other people.


"Eldest brother has made a lot of progress. It seems that little brother has no choice but to accept defeat."

"His Majesty once said that learning is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. Your mind is like a horse herding on the plains. It is easy to let go but difficult to take back. This is the most important principle in the world. How can I dare to waste my time? I just hate that the cold and heat are easy to pass away."

When the two met, they didn't invite anyone else because of their friendship. They were tipsy and started making calligraphy gestures.

Chu Suiliang's calligraphy was taught by his father Chu Liang himself, and he also studied under Yu Shinan, Ouyang Xun and other calligraphy masters. He learned from the strengths of many calligraphers. His calligraphy is thin and rugged, sharp and sharp, with both form and spirit. He has already started his own style.

The power of establishing a faction.

Su's family training in martial arts is not about writing. The writing he writes is quite decent, but rarely exciting, and naturally pales in comparison.

Su Xu praised Chu Suiliang repeatedly and asked people to put away Chu Suiliang's handwriting.


The two sat down again, drank a few drinks, and talked about business again.

"If my eldest brother wants to find a position in the Ministry of Household Affairs, it won't be difficult. It's up to me to make arrangements for him. The Ministry of Household Affairs is currently recruiting people.

Roads and ditches are being built in various places, palaces may be built in the capital and the eastern capital, and the north and south stations are said to be restored. Especially in the south, ships are being built to support north-south water transportation, and wars at sea are also rising one after another.

With the talents of the eldest brother, he will definitely be reused in the household department."

Chu Suiliang thought about it for a moment, then nodded and said, "Thank you so much, dear brother..."

The position of the Ministry of Revenue was one of his main choices after returning to Beijing. Firstly, because of Su Xu's favor, he should be a sure shot. Secondly, the Ministry of Revenue was the majority and it was easy for him to make political achievements. Also, he was in Jin Dynasty.

Yang has worked in engineering and is familiar with the affairs of the household department.

Su Xu smiled at this time and said: "Don't rush to thank me. The Ministry of Household Affairs does not take things lightly. There are many things to do and responsibilities are heavy. If you are not careful, you will be guilty. There have been many accidents in the Ministry of Household Affairs in recent years... I will see you in the next two days.

Let me introduce you to my elder brother before we talk."

Chu Suiliang was filled with gratitude, "How can I be embarrassed to trouble my dear brother so much?"

Su Xu waved his hand, "Brother, please don't be polite. Your eldest brother is far better than me. Even if you don't have the help of your younger brother, you will definitely be able to give full play to what you have learned in the future, and not let others focus on the former."

Chu Suiliang laughed loudly and had another drink with Su Xu. He was a little dizzy from Su Xu's compliments. Well, mainly because the neighbor had been drinking with him from time to time in the past few days. He was so drunk that Chu Suiliang could hardly hold it in anymore.


After getting the approval from Su Xu, Chu Suiliang felt quite relieved and began to think about the pros and cons of working in the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Those are the advantages. Obviously, there are also many disadvantages. For example, the most people in the Ministry of Household Affairs are foreigners. If he joins the Ministry of Household Affairs, he will probably be sent to supervise local projects. This is obviously inconsistent with his original intention of returning to Beijing to report on his work.

Somewhat contradictory.

Taking care of money and food is not his forte...

He was wondering if he should go see Fang Xuanling?

It was a pity that that man often accompanied Li Shimin back then, and most of the people he interacted with were from Kansai, so he never formed any friendship. That is to say, when the father and son left Beijing in a hurry, they got some help.

Now that he has become a minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, he has a high and powerful position. If he goes to visit him rashly, he may lose more than he gains.

As a senior official in the Ministry of Personnel, Fang Qiao's casual words may determine his future career. When he was not sure, he felt that he should not disturb him, at least not to see Fang Qiao at this time.

This chapter has been completed!
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