Chapter 1471 Answers

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The journey of ten miles is neither long nor short.

Li Po stopped bringing up any heavy topics and chatted about trivial matters.

I asked about Pei Ju's diet and daily life, cared about his health, and talked about Luoyang's scenery. These would inevitably involve the entire situation in Henan.

Chatting with the local ministers, many things were much more intuitive than what he heard in Taiji Hall, but this was also Pei Ju's family opinion, and he would have to meet Liu Jingsheng and others alone later.

To put it nicely, it’s called “listening and understanding”, but to put it poorly, it means that the king is suspicious. Of course, being suspicious is one of the most prominent characteristics of kings, and there’s nothing you can do about it. In fact, most of them are forced out by their ministers.

An emperor who listens to whatever he believes is definitely not a good emperor... Favorites can easily become traitorous ministers, just because the emperor is willing to listen to what they say, so they have the opportunity to flatter themselves with their slanderous words. Over time, they will gain weight and become the traitorous minister template. .


Pei Ju was very familiar with the general affairs of the court and knew local affairs very well. He had a lot of experience as an official. Pei Hongda also had a habit of writing writings similar to travel notes.

The Illustrated Chronicles of the Western Regions is just one of them. There are twelve volumes of Kaiping Pingchen Ji, ten volumes of Yedu stories, and one volume of Goryeo customs...

(Speaking of a few words here, from the late Jin Dynasty to the Northern Wei Dynasty, people gradually called Goguryeo Goryeo. Later, people called Goguryeo in this period Gao family Goryeo, and distinguished it from the Wang family Goryeo that had no inheritance relationship. .

Therefore, the Goryeo customs written by Pei Ju refer to Gao's Goryeo.)

These writings of Pei Ju... were not considered serious things in the world at that time. People who didn't know about them thought they were some travel friend's essays.

In fact, you only need to pay a little attention to understand that what this guy wrote was done to flatter his superiors. He followed the trend of the court, figured out the emperor's will, and then wrote it into a book.

It has to be said that people's officialdom thinking has reached a certain height. For example, the Western Regions Map was completed at the beginning of the great cause. It is probably because he saw Yang Guang's intention to manage the Western Regions that he followed the trend.

This set of operations is difficult for others to learn. It requires not only a keen sense of politics, but also a strong literary foundation. Well, you also need to have no skin.

Therefore, Pei Ju's reputation has always been bad. No matter how many achievements he made, there will always be people who ridicule and despise him because his person and behavior are too flattering.


But there is no doubt about Pei Ju's talent. Even at an old age, he still knows everything about government affairs, and no problem can trouble him.

"I think that if we want to restore the vitality of Henan, the most important thing is Luoyang. It is in the middle of the world and has convenient travel. If Luoyang is prosperous, Henan will be prosperous.

I feel that if the world is more stable in the future, some wealthy families can move to Luoyang to live... I know that Your Majesty is benevolent and does not want everyone to suffer the pain of leaving their hometown.

However, Henan runs from east to west and connects from north to south. The terrain is flat and the land is fertile. It is actually the foundation of a prosperous age. Since your majesty has a grand plan to share the prosperous age with the people of the world, how can you tie yourself up and hinder your great cause with a mere pity?"

Li Po nodded frequently. What he said made sense. Well, what Pei Hongda said always seems to be reasonable. But where did you hear that we are soft-hearted?

Remember when we led troops to Hebei and moved the people of Youzhou into Daizhou, did you ever see me hesitate?

But if Luoyang is managed too well, it will inevitably affect the status of Chang'an, the capital. This is an idea he came up with on the way to Luoyang.

Chang'an and Luoyang each have their own advantages, but Li Po believes that there can only be one heart for the entire Central Plains, and authority must be clearly established to prevent any big city from taking away the glory of the capital.

This is conducive to governance. The juxtaposition of the Eastern Capital and the Western Capital itself reveals the meaning of separatism.

Yang Guang obviously didn't understand this, so he moved the capital to Luoyang, but he couldn't leave Chang'an alone. The result of taking care of both ends was that neither end could be properly managed.

This was undoubtedly a great damage to the centralized rule, so he felt that Luoyang should not be too good, and he had no intention of following the example of his predecessors and setting up a platform in Luoyang.

This is obviously his thinking based on the eastward shift of Datang's strategic focus...

Pei Ju's words did not impress him, and he thought that Pei Ju said these words with deep meaning. Did he want to see his attitude towards the Kansai clan?

This was a big topic back then, and the former Sui monarchs and ministers made extraordinary efforts for this. Now that Li Po has become the emperor, it is reasonable for Pei Ju, a former Sui minister, to make some tests in turn.

I don't blame him for thinking too much. The man in front of me is an old fox who has been through many dynasties. It's not too much to think too much.

So he smiled and said lightly: "What you said makes some sense, but Luoyang's feng shui doesn't seem to be very good. Since ancient times, only Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was able to establish his foundation here, and others were not so lucky.

The Wei and Jin Dynasties lingered here, and the state was very short-lived. The Northern Wei and Northern Qi used it as a basis, and they fought for years and repeatedly produced tyrants. Yang Guang lost the country here, and Li Mi, Wang Shichong and others were crowned.


Qing said that when Luoyang is prosperous, Henan will be prosperous. In other words, if Luoyang is in chaos, will Henan also suffer?

In my opinion, this place of the Fourth War is inherently weak and lacks the spirit of the emperor. It is far less majestic and grand than Chang'an, and the governance is better. Letting the people live and work in peace and contentment is a merit, and calling it a foundation is a bit too much."

Pei Ju's reaction opened Li's eyes for the first time, and he saw this man stroking his hands and smiling, "Your Majesty's words are to the point, and his demeanor is truly unmatched by others.

If Emperor Yang could have been as good as His Majesty, he would not have died in the end and his country would have been destroyed, and he would have been infamy for all generations."

The horse's head turned around, as if what he just said didn't come from his mouth at all, and Li Po, who was pretending to be shaking, was a little stunned.


Another chapter has been revealed, and the understanding between monarch and ministers has become deeper.

Pei Ju knew that His Majesty the Emperor in front of him was not soft-hearted and had his own opinions. He would only listen to a third of what others said, but he would probably think twice about what others said.

Just like the answer just now, if the emperor is satisfied, he can take advantage of the situation and propose the establishment of Dongdu Xingtai, and then he, Pei Ju, is the best candidate to be the first Shangshu Ling of Dongdu Xingtai.

From this we can also get a little idea of ​​the emperor's attitude towards the world-famous Kansai family. Like Yang Jian and his son, they were very fearful.

Of course, this can also show whether the political situation in Chang'an is stable. As long as the emperor shows a little hesitation, it means that the emperor still has hesitation in the choice of the capital of the Tang Dynasty.

Do you think this is a deep thought...

And Li Po knew from this that this man was really naughty, and his so-called political opinions could no longer restrain him, just like the vines growing around the tree, and the slightest movement of wind and grass could make him move in a certain direction.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: ._

This chapter has been completed!
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