Chapter 1487 Expedition (2)

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The two discussed it briefly and decided not to rush to King Subi City. In the next few days, they ordered the army to move slowly. Two days later, the center of the army caught up with them. Another day later, the rear of the army arrived with Ou in Ashina.

also arrived under the leadership of .

At this time, the army was less than fifty miles away from Nangeer City, the royal city of Subi.

At this time, the momentum of the army was already extraordinary. There were more than 9,000 Tang army soldiers and tens of thousands of horses. The sound of hooves was loud and the smoke was blocking the sun wherever they passed. It is estimated that something strange here can be noticed from dozens of miles away.

The leaders of the army gathered together again, each with a gray face, and no one could be seen.

Ashina Danai covered his face with a cloth to cover his ugly face, and summoned Chen Li and others to the central army.

He first asked about the situation of various ministries. After walking for more than two months, more than a thousand people fell behind in the middle. Some died, while others tried to go back as far as possible. As for whether they could return to Liangzhou alive?

We can only see whether God will give us this face.

Ashina Danai and others were still somewhat humane and did not classify the stragglers as deserters and killed them immediately. However, there were dozens of people who really wanted to escape, and most of them were chased back and had their heads chopped off.

The head was hung on a wooden pole to intimidate the soldiers.

Along the way, not only Chen Li, but everyone was worried and led the team to Supi. At this time, even Ashina Danai, who was the leader of the army, could not say any more heroic words.

Everyone is well aware of the situation of the army. When we get here, every unit is at the end of its tether and must take a good rest.

There would be no other choice for their destination, which was Nangle City, the royal city of the Supi people.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Ashina Danai asked Hou Junji, "Why haven't the Supi people come to greet them? The people who were sent out have not turned around. Is there something wrong?"

Hou Junji had been in the Central Army for several days, and he was also murmuring in his heart, wondering what tricks Cheng Zhijie was playing. They had agreed before that Cheng Zhijie would persuade the queen to come out to welcome her.

We are almost there, why is there not a soul in sight?

He felt a little restless, "Maybe if we walk further, we can see people?"

This answer obviously did not satisfy Ashina Danai. His thick eyebrows furrowed tightly. He did not push Hou Junji out to kill him. He just ordered all the troops to immediately put on their armor, organize their weapons, and prepare for battle.


The whole army was on alert... Hou Junji felt that his head was about to hang, and he scolded Cheng Dabeard in his heart that he was not a son of a man. He said it well, but at the critical moment, he sold him to Hou Junji.


What Hou Junji didn't know was that the royal city of the Supi people was now in a panic.

The Yalong people re-captured Luoxue City, and the news of the defeat of the troops led by the Little Queen reached Nenger City. The Supi nobles did not know how to cover up the news, and the royal city suddenly fell into chaos.

If the little queen Subimulla still has her own prestige, Hutian Hudi's Subimulla is extremely bad all day long and has no ability to control at all.

As soon as the news of the defeat at the front reached the royal city, it spread all over the city. Some people opened the city gate and fled, while the rest were as clueless as headless flies.

The most terrifying thing is that some Supi nobles who were unwilling to fight the Yalong people appeared.

Hou Junji had only been away from Nangle City for two days when someone tried to attack the Subi Palace.

At that time, Cheng Dabeard was so regretful that his intestines were almost turning green. He was also cursing Hou Juncheng for failing to do enough and exposing himself for failing, because Hou Junji gave him the idea not to report the news of the arrival of reinforcements to the Supi nobles first.


Hou Junji was afraid of scaring these people, so he might as well discuss it with the queen and others first.

But in less than two days, the royal city of Subi was already in chaos, rumors were flying everywhere, and no matter how you looked at it, it looked like the country was about to be destroyed.

This reminded Cheng Dabeard of the scene in Tongguan, a very unpleasant memory.

Someone led troops to attack the palace. Cheng Dashu and his men wrapped up the queen and rushed out. Not many people came, and they were immediately dispersed by Cheng Dashu and his men.

Cheng Dabeard wanted to take people to protect the queen out of the city, but the queen was unwilling to leave.

Although this woman is cruel, she is also very stupid. She only knows how to enjoy herself without caring about the life and death of her subjects, but she is very courageous. According to her original words, she will die in the palace, under the eyes of the god Asura.

Cheng Zhijie felt that she wanted to go to the kingdom of God Asura and continue to enjoy the life of a queen.

It wouldn't be a big deal if Subisura was alone. It wouldn't be a big deal to just leave. But all her ministers and ministers came to look for her, and the number of people suddenly swelled.

Cheng Zhijie took a look and thought, ah, maybe he can still struggle a little? He had seen this kind of messy situation many times in Henan, and his eyes suddenly became excited.

He judged that the rebels were only a minority, and the news of Subimala's defeat came very suddenly. No one knew whether it was true or not. Maybe someone deliberately spread rumors.

The most important thing is that once Nenger City is lost, even if he sends the queen to the army, how much credit will he have left? Wouldn't all the previous efforts be in vain?

It has to be said that the guys who emerged from the most chaotic chaos in Henan in the late Sui Dynasty were somewhat evil, and they still want to take credit for their achievements.

Cheng Zhijie made up his mind and immediately ordered people to gather together. He no longer bothered about the city gate. He only led the people back to the palace and ordered his confidants to guard the queen. He led the Supi nobles to guard the surroundings of the palace and strictly ordered not to let them go.

Anyone takes a step into the palace.

At this time, no matter whether people believed it or not, Cheng Zhijie told them that as long as they guarded for three days, everyone would be able to protect the Lord.

After that, those who should be ministers will be ministers, and those who should be promoted will be promoted... He also asked Queen Subi to take out all the treasures she had hidden and distribute them to everyone on the spot.

Well, it's the same thing as the rebels, who want to get promoted and make a fortune.

Subishura was so distressed that she cried bitterly. She had saved up for two or three years to get her current wealth, but it was gone all at once. It was not much better than killing her.

Cheng Zhijie knew her importance and comforted her. The treasure was gone. Afterwards, we went to rob the Yalong people. I heard that they were quite wealthy. They took away a lot of good things when they left Luoche City. I will snatch them all back and give them to them.


Subishura broke down in tears and laughed, and asked Cheng Dabeard to swear an oath before it was over.

Well, this pair of wild mandarin ducks is indeed quite joyful...


Over the past few days, shouts of killing would erupt from time to time in Nangle City.

It's not like Cheng Zhijie didn't send someone out to ask for help, but the city gate was indeed tightly closed and no one could get out. In the chaos, Cheng Zhijie got the news that Mangbo Jieri, a great nobleman in Supi, and others rebelled...

This chapter has been completed!
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