Chapter 1542 National War

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Ashina Tawen and Yeon Gaesumun were communicating in Chinese.

Isn’t it ridiculous? A Turk and a Goguryeo, they both have relatively mature language systems with their own characteristics, but at this time, they can only use Chinese to make the other party understand what they mean.

But this is the fact. This is undoubtedly a manifestation of the influence of the Central Plains civilization. Chinese has actually become the common language of the elites of other ethnic groups a long time ago.

This naturally includes Turks and Goguryeo...

Not only did they converse in Chinese, they were also thinking about attacking those Tang people who had been speaking Chinese, which added a bit of absurdity to the matter.


Of course, neither the Turks nor the Goguryeo people would care about these minutiae, the profound concepts represented by words such as civilization and language, no matter how wise the Turks or the Goguryeo people are, they would not care about them.

If one day they understand these things, it means that they have either been assimilated by the Chinese nation, or they have given birth to their own civilization system and begun to arm themselves with philosophical theories.

Of course, the more likely situation is that they are no longer satisfied with imitation and reference, and plundering and possessing are more convenient ways, and this depends on the nature of the nation and the thickness of the scholars' face...


"The words spoken by the Khan are more precious than gold. No one dares to doubt that we can get support from the Turks. Everyone in Goguryeo is very grateful. I hope our friendship can last for a long time."

Good words are free of charge. Ever since meeting the Khan King, Yeon Gaisowen has said countless similar words, repeating the promises they made to each other over and over again.

It's just that everyone knows that if you talk like this too much, its credibility will only become lower and lower. Now everyone can stand together in a friendly way, but they are just taking advantage of each other.

In fact, Goguryeo and the Turks have always had contacts, but the one that had the most contact with Goguryeo was the Turkic Eastern Khan.

The closest contact between the two countries occurred more than 20 years ago. At that time, the Goguryeo people saw that the Sui Dynasty and the Turks were getting closer and closer.

Very Turkic.

At that time, Yang Guang visited Yulin in the north. I don't know what considerations the Turkic Qimin Khan had. When he paid a visit to the Holy Khan Yang Guang in Yulin, he took the Goguryeo envoy with him, which made Yang Guang angry.

So a few years later, there was the Sui Dynasty's three conquests of Goguryeo.

This war triggered mutual conquests between three powerful empires. For more than ten years, it profoundly affected the situation on the East Asian continent.

After that, the three bruised giants gasped and temporarily stopped, and each returned to their own territory to lick their wounds.

Several kings who were the protagonists at that time, including Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty, Khan Shibi of the Turks, and King Yingyang of Goguryeo, are all dead now, and their end cannot be said to be very good.

The three countries also went from prosperity to decline while conquering each other, leaving a mess everywhere.

If we look at it from the perspective of later generations, Goguryeo undoubtedly played the role of a troublemaker and did a lot of things that harmed others and did not benefit ourselves.

But they remain determined and their behavior remains unchanged.

Ashina Duowen attacked Liaodong, and Goguryeo immediately sent envoys to the Tang Dynasty to request the Tang Dynasty to send troops to Liaodong to raid Ashina Duowen's lair.

Seeing that the Tang Dynasty had not been deceived, but instead stirred up the storm in the East China Sea and showed its fangs against itself, in a hurry, the wise people of Goguryeo, such as Yeon Gaesumun, immediately changed their tune and went to Liaodong in person to meet Ashina Duowen and Chen

Speaking of being awesome, he turned enemies into friends who were still fighting each other with swords and guns before.

Not to mention anything else, the art of combining vertical and horizontal lines that the Central Plains people admired was really mastered by them.

But the previous results were not good. After they showed their goodwill to the Turks, when they were attacked by the Sui Dynasty, the Turks chose to stand by and watch. So after the Goguryeo people repelled the Sui attack, they no longer had much contact with the Turks.

, this friend is really hard to trust.


What makes Yeon Gaesumun a little confused now is that he easily convinced Ashina Dowen to start the army, even though he paid a heavy price, such as Liaodong City, which had not yet fallen.

But this isolated city... To be honest, the so-called cession of Liaodong is not a gift that can make the Turks shine. After all, the Turks have actually occupied this place.

The Goguryeo people lost their hometown, and all the Goguryeo people living here became slaves of the Turks. The power of the Turks is rapidly expanding to the mountainous and forested areas in the northeast. Those places were the resting places of the Woju people...

Thinking about it in Yeungaisuwen, the Eastern Khan of the Turks was walking on the same path of King Buyeo, and it was only a matter of time before he went south.

From this perspective, for the Goguryeo people, the alliance between Goguryeo and the Turks was more like seeking skin from a tiger, drinking poison to quench thirst, or luring a wolf into the house.

Anyway, these words coined by the Central Plains people are not good words to describe this diplomatic incident.

This also proves in disguise that Goguryeo has reached the edge of life and death.

With both powerful neighbors eyeing them, the Goguryeo people could only find a chance of survival through the cracks between them.

But in Yeon Gaesumun's view, both the current Goguryeo King Gaocheng and the Turkic Eastern Khan in front of him looked the same to him and the eastern tribes he led.

No matter who he serves, Yeon Gaesomun is no different. It is difficult to gain their trust unless he, Yeongaesomun, makes the decision himself...

At this time, he was thinking of the deceased powerful minister Ulji Mundeok, and he did not want to follow the same path as Ulji Mundeok...


At this time, Ashina Tawen laughed loudly and patted Yeon Gaesumun hard on the shoulder, "When those Tang people are driven away, I will hand over the tribes of Baekje and Silla to you to rule. This is

I hope you and your subordinates can cherish this gift from God."

Yeon Gaesumun was greatly moved. He knew very well what these words meant, but he did not expect to hear such true words when the army was about to enter the army.

He immediately responded with a smile, "Thank you, King Khan, but first we have to drive away the Tang people, right?"

Ashina nodded, waved his arms and pointed around: "So many warriors have come here, who else can stop our horses?

From the Tang Dynasty? That guy named Li has only been emperor for a few days? It’s time to show him how powerful he is, otherwise he will think he is some kind of holy khan."

The Turkic people around him who could understand Chinese burst into laughter. Yang Guang, the holy khan, fell under his horse. The people in the Central Plains hated him for disturbing the peace of the world. On the grassland, his name was completely reduced to Turks.

He is the butt of jokes among people and needs to be made fun of from time to time.

Of course, when the Turks talk about the whip of the gods, the taste is more complicated, and they are definitely not convinced, but the whip of the gods once hit them, and the pain is still there. Speaking of him

, it feels more like gnashing one’s teeth.

Yuengai Suwen, who did not know the story of that year, naturally found it difficult to find resonance with the Turks on this topic. He just smiled and said cleverly: "The Tang people certainly did not expect that Khan would lead his army south. It is a pity that the Emperor of the Tang people never came

Here, otherwise we will surely catch him and make him kowtow to the Khan."

Ashina burst into laughter upon hearing this, and the words were very agreeable to his ears.

In this battle, as Yuengai Suwen said, the Tang people certainly could not have expected that the Turkic army would go south at this time, so the chance of victory was extremely high.

The reason why he did not listen to the advice of his subordinates and wait for a while to cross the river was because he felt that the Tang people should be driven away quickly to leave some time to clean up the mess.

There is no need to ask about the so-called cleaning up the mess. Now that everyone is here, how can we easily return to the army?

The agreement with the Goguryeo people? What is that...


Amidst the laughter, Ashina Duowen waved his arms vigorously several times and issued the sweat order, "It's time to cross the river. It's faster. This coldness can't stop the real warriors. Who can slow down the army?"

If he is able to walk, then send him to see the gods."

A long horn sounded, and the Turkic army, which had been gathering for a long time, began to cross the river.

Groups of cavalry rushed into the cold river and swam to the other side. Soon, Turkic cavalry set foot on the land on the other side.

What they didn't know was that someone was keeping an eye on them high up in the mountains on the other side. Such a huge cavalry army would not be able to appear on the peninsula silently as long as they were prepared in advance.

The news that the Turkic army had crossed the river quickly spread to the south as if it had wings. In the afternoon of that day, Li Nian was the first to learn the news.

Li Nian, who received the report of Xunxiang, only cursed, "Damn it, the Turkic bastards are really here. They really don't know whether to live or die."

After receiving many warnings from Li Jing, he would not panic, but he did not dare to stay in Pushi City anymore. He did not know what the situation of the main force of the army was, but he was on the flank from the moment the Turks crossed the river.

In extreme danger.

Having been prepared in advance, of course he would not turn back to join the main force of the army. Instead, he immediately ordered the entire army to set off and plunged into the mountains and forests with the food, grass and baggage.

At this time, Li Nian's mission had changed, which was to hold back the Goguryeo people in the east so that they would not dare to join the Turks and attack the main force of the Tang army in the south.

The situation faced by his unit was very dangerous. After the Turks arrived, they would no longer receive support from the rear, and the pressure on food and baggage would be great. They had to fight to support the war.

The lone army went deep into the complex terrain environment of mountains and hills, which greatly tested the Tang army's adaptability and the commanding ability of the leading generals.

It can be said that from the moment the Turks joined the war, the national war between Tang Dynasty and Goguryeo became the Romance of the Three Kingdoms...

This chapter has been completed!
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