Chapter 1588 Private Banquet (2)

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The more enlightened the ruler is in power, the more difficult it will be to establish a prince.

Why? Because the emperor is wise and as long as there is no problem with his health, he does not want to think too much about his own affairs. Even if he is appointed as a heir, the status of the prince will often be very embarrassing.

If the emperor doesn't want to delegate power to the prince, then the prince will have to do nothing and have to endure it. Many times if you endure it, the emperor's ministers will think that you are too mediocre and they will want to establish another prince.

This was often accompanied by fierce court strife and turmoil. Even if the prince finally survived and ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, he would still be faced with a chaotic situation.

Therefore, what Xiao Yu said is absolutely correct. More than half of the twenty-nine emperors of the former Han Dynasty were established as princes when they were young. There were seven or eight people who ascended the throne at a young age. All of them were inevitably hijacked by women and powerful officials.

Who can a child fight against? Most of them end early, and those who are killed by force must have their hands stained with the blood of their loved ones.

This also made the history of the Former Han Dynasty full of bloody internal struggles. Otherwise, with its powerful military power, the Xiongnu would not have been allowed to run rampant for so long.

The inability to gather internal forces to deal with foreign enemies with all its strength has seriously damaged national interests.


"I also think that the prince is still young and in the age of learning, so it is not appropriate to impose heavy responsibilities. However, the prince is eight years old this year and has been raised in the palace. I am afraid it is not appropriate.

Your Majesty often says that reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles, so I think it’s time to let the prince leave the palace and see the vastness of the world."

The two prime ministers tried to be brief in their speeches. As the saying goes, too much talk leads to mistakes. This is not the time to show off one's talents and knowledge, and the emperor cannot be mistaken.

Therefore, their opinions were very clear. The emperor and the queen were still fine, so there was no need to rush the matter of establishing the heir. Let the prince go out of the palace to practice first and see how good he was.

Neither of them mentioned the system of establishing chiefs, so they cannot be sure of their positions.

The emperor now has two sons, both of whom are the sons of the empress. The country is already solid, so there is no need to worry too much about other changes. Moreover, the emperor and empress have been in love for so many years, and they may not be able to have a few more in the future, which would be even better.

As for the concubine, judging from the current situation, it is unlikely that she will have the opportunity to get involved in the East Palace, which is even more reassuring.


Li Po nodded with satisfaction. It was very comforting that the two prime ministers were of the same mind as him, and he didn't need to pay much attention to other people's opinions.

Two words, worry free.

I'm afraid that if you meet someone who is stubborn and insists on being your direct descendant, if you hesitate even a little bit, they will kill you, and that's really troublesome.

Li Po himself is not opposed to the idea of ​​establishing direct descendants, because the benefits are obvious. Needless to say, what bothers him is the people who talk about it. I conquered the world with one sword and one shot. I want whoever inherits the family business to have to do it.

It’s the final word, you gibbering piece of shit.

This is obviously the thinking of the founder of the country, full of desire for control.

Of course, emperors of all dynasties have always had this kind of thinking. Maybe they can't do it, or whether they are willing to do it, and whether it will cause serious consequences is a matter of choice.


"Yuan'er is only eight years old, so I really don't feel worried.

As you all know, he is not very good at studying, and his behavior is not very clear yet. He is protective of the people around him now, and the city... at this age, he can't even be called a city.

To put it this way, it seems to be quite similar to when I was a teenager, haha."

These words sounded like he was talking to himself, and there was not much other meaning in his tone.

It's the kind of speech that fathers usually use when talking about their little beasts, a little bit hateful, mixed with a little love and worry.

Wen Yanbo and Xiao Yu tasted it carefully, and neither of them planned to speak.

Eight years old... an age that is quite embarrassing for men in this world. Later eight-year-old children will not be treated like this. They have just entered elementary school and don't have to worry about anything. There is only one task, which is to read the book well.

But in this day and age, eight-year-old children... especially those from aristocratic families, some can almost be treated as half-adults, because they have been enlightened for several years and have learned aristocratic etiquette.

Under the guidance of a strict teacher, the adults set an example and took care of him if he made any mistakes. In just two or three years, the children in charge had begun to understand the world in a decent way.

What's more, the prince is surrounded by elites. Those talented princes can actually recognize the unpredictable nature of people's hearts at the age of eight, and how to use the huge power in their hands.

The reason why this is an embarrassing age is because your mind is not yet mature, and the hand that holds power is still so immature and weak. Even the most loyal ministers around you will not have high expectations of you.

The most important task for a prince at this age is actually nothing else, but how to please his parents and gain their favor so that he can stand out among his brothers.

Like Li Yuan, several adult sons competed for the throne, causing a lot of noise inside and outside, and everyone was in danger. This was actually a relatively special situation.

There was the problem of Li Yuan not wanting to delegate power, and also the influence of the general environment at that time. Li Yuan became a monk halfway, and his sons had grown up and had their own ideas. As a result, everyone was in a hurry and was carried forward by the torrent of history.

Ran away wildly.

Then it is normal to stumble a few times in the middle.

The battle for the reserve position in the former Sui Dynasty was within the normal category. The emperor, queen, concubines, courtiers, etc. all had a very long reaction time, so the impact was controllable.

In the end, Yang Guang finally pulled his brother from the throne and defeated Gao Jiong by the way. This was not something that could be accomplished in one or two court battles, but the accumulation of many events, and it was finally realized.

This situation is relatively common in history.


Li Po accepted it as soon as he saw it was good. He should not test his ministers too much. Don't treat the prime minister as a cadre. When they expressed their position, the emperor had to think twice.

Li Yuan has reached his age and can no longer be raised in the palace. In that case, as time goes by, he will most likely become a useless person.

Otherwise, Li Po would not have casually discussed this matter with his ministers. Li Bi was actually a little anxious because those princes would be knighted when they were born.

My son is good, he is still a "white boy". As he gets older, the palace may not be able to contain him. When he goes outside, he is just a prince, how can he be respected by others?

Li Po naturally hopes that his son can live up to his expectations and show outstanding talents.

But in fact, he didn't have much expectations for his son, and Li Yuan didn't show any unusual talents when he was young.

He is not very good at studying, and he doesn't seem to be very thoughtful. Instead, he is more playful and mischievous, just like ordinary children.

So now when he sees Li Yuan, he will always comfort himself. With a father like himself, who has laid a solid foundation, it is not a bad thing for his son to be mediocre.


Seeing that the two ministers had given him a speech that was better than a word of silence, Li Po was not ashamed of himself and had two more drinks with them to express his relief.

I cannot let my subordinates understand wrongly, but I want them to know that everyone has the same view, and I am very happy.

Sure enough, after drinking two cups, Wen Yanbo and Xiao Yu's smiles became real, and they obviously understood that this was the emperor's wish.

It's not much of a credit, but it can satisfy the emperor. Isn't that what ministers often want?

The king and his ministers ate vegetables and drank wine, and chatted about all kinds of things.

Xiao Yu drank only a little, and soon his face turned red. "The Japanese country has been destroyed, and your Majesty named it Fusang. Baekje and Goguryeo were also eliminated by the Tang Dynasty. Your Majesty named it Korea."

There is Ryukyu to the south, why don’t you give it another name, and soon it will also be called Tangtu?”

Wen Yanbo was delighted, "There is nothing special about Ryukyu. If you send an envoy there, Ryukyu will be frightened and worship. It has been two or three years since the army went to sea. I think it is time to take a rest."

You are going against me again. Xiao Yu groaned angrily in his heart and wanted to compete with Wen Yanbo again. But after thinking about what the other party said, he had to admit that what Wen Yanbo said made sense.

The Tang Dynasty was founded six years ago and fought for six years, especially the East China Sea War. At the beginning, the opposition in the DPRK was not small, so only tens of thousands of troops were sent.

It was these tens of thousands of people, led by Wu King Du Fuwei, who defeated the Japanese and Baekje naval forces in one battle, landed ashore, fought and won, and entered the royal city of Baekje.

While destroying Baekje, it also silenced the opposition voices in the DPRK and China.

In the second year, the number of soldiers mobilized increased sharply to 100,000, and the military governor Li Jing led the army to go to sea to conquer the Japanese country.

By the time of the expedition to Goguryeo, the number of the army had reached 200,000, plus the subordinate troops recruited from Wa, Baekje, and Silla.

More than 300,000 people, both land and water, were stationed on the peninsula.

Therefore, some people in the court said that the battle to destroy Goguryeo actually lasted three years, and many people agreed with this statement.

They believe that from the moment Wu King Du Fuwei led his army to the sea, the war to destroy Goguryeo had already begun. After that, there were nearly ten battles and dozens of small battles before the East China Sea was leveled. Calculated as a whole, it constituted Datang’s East China Sea Strategy.


The war has been going on for three years, and it can be said that it has been a waste of money. The army has not been reorganized yet. When he went to fight Ryukyu again, Xiao Yu felt that he must have drunk too much, so he opened his mouth and said nonsense.

Maybe the emperor had drunk too much. He looked at his two ministers with relief and nodded: "It's time to take a rest. There are strong winds and waves overseas. In the past, it was not that we didn't want to go to sea, but most of them were blocked by the wind and waves. Seeing that the gains outweighed the losses, Everyone stopped thinking about going to sea.

Perhaps it is because of the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty that our fleet has never been in danger since we went to sea. The battles with the Japanese, Baekje, and Goguryeo on those islands were all carried out by labor force.

The right time, right place, and right people are all not mine, but I am sure to win every battle. In addition to a good military strategy, good command by the generals in front of the army, and brave soldiers, etc., it can only be said to be a blessing from heaven."

This chapter has been completed!
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