Chapter 1640 Great Dynasty

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Bai Hongyu was not happy when she heard this. It was common for the powerful to bully the weak, but why should she, Bai Hongyu, be beaten when there were three people here?

It had only been a few months since she came to Chang'an, and winter had just arrived. She was not used to the climate and mostly hid in the house. At the same time, she was also thinking about what she should do after the spring comes and the flowers bloom.

So she doesn’t quite understand the dangers of Chang’an…

"That eldest princess is very cruel, but why does she hit people for no reason? Besides, why is it me and not you two?"

Li Keqing's constitution was the weakest. She was almost out of breath after running for a few steps. White air kept coming out of her mouth. What she inhaled was cold wind. She choked and coughed immediately. She looked very embarrassed.

, where can I still think about talking?

Bai Hongyu is strong and healthy, and like a normal person, she looks very curious at this time.

Lu Xiangjun was stronger than Li Keqing. He took a breath and said, "You don't know yet, Her Royal Highness, the eldest princess, has practiced martial arts and swords since she was a child. If you know that you are a swordsman, I will definitely have a few moves with you.

Do you still dare to get serious with His Highness? How can you get by without getting a few blows?"

Bai Hongyu snorted coldly. She didn't seem to care very much. In fact, she was frightened in her heart. They, famous prostitutes, knew best how difficult it was for the rich and powerful.

Just like Lu Xiangjun said, if she is targeted by the eldest princess, she will probably suffer. Especially since she is conceited about her beauty and feels that being seen by the eldest princess may arouse her jealousy.

It's called cruelty when a woman attacks a woman.

At this point, they had completely lost interest in watching the lanterns and ran out of the imperial city in a hurry.


Snowflakes began to fall in the sky, and the city of Chang'an gradually became quiet.

In the cold late winter, people at this time do not have the energy to party all night long, mainly because the actual conditions do not allow it. When midnight arrives this night, the flow of people on the street becomes sparse. After midnight, few people can be seen.

Personal silhouette.

The snowflakes were flying, making the city of Chang'an dyed silvery white.

This is the end of the Lantern Festival Lantern Night in the seventh year of Yuanzhen of the Tang Dynasty, which also marks the arrival of the new year.

On the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, the first great dynasty of the new year, the first announcement was that the second revision of the Tang Code was completed, and it was planned to conduct a third revision of the Tang Code in the following years.

There is no such thing as an ancestral law in the Tang Dynasty. The revision of the Tang Code is continuous rather than revised at intervals.

This is the government affairs of Zhongshu. It roughly takes five years as a node to collect the government affairs deficiencies in the court and various places, and then embodies them in the Tang Dynasty. It can well show the court's proactive principles and policies that keep pace with the times.

At the same time, it also showed the Tang court's distrust of the political direction of the former Sui Dynasty. The scale of the war in the late Sui Dynasty was too great, and it cannot be attributed to Yang Guang alone.

Moreover, from the two Jin Dynasties to the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Northern Qi Dynasty, the Northern Zhou Dynasty, the Song, Qi, Liang and Chen Dynasties in the south, and then to the former Sui Dynasty, for hundreds of years, each dynasty changed like a revolving door.

This period was extremely chaotic politically and militarily. Although the former Sui Dynasty laid the foundation for the reunification of the Central Plains, its political and military system still retained many shadows of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and even the Wei and Jin Dynasties.

At this time, Li Po believed that it was very necessary to continuously revise the Tang Code, although there were also disadvantages, such as too frequent changes, which could easily make officials confused.

But Li Po felt that the advantages outweighed the disadvantages. The Tang Code was the foundation of the founding of the Tang Dynasty. It needed to be detailed and thick, and its rationality must be ensured, that is to say, it must adapt to the current situation.

When the Tang Code was first drawn up, the world had not yet completely calmed down, and some necessary strong measures were still reflected in the Tang Code, especially the criminal law, which tended to be harsh, and heavy codes were used in troubled times.

The later revised second edition of the Tang Code was based on the empty treasury and poor national strength after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and many measures were formulated to encourage farming and increase the population.

The third edition will be revised next, and the general direction will be different. For example, it will strengthen centralization and control of various ministries and armies, slightly tighten the land system, and impose strict restrictions on the official system and personnel of the Tang Dynasty. The criminal law

It can also be looser, etc.

In fact, as long as you want to revise something like the Tang Code, which is a collection of political systems, it is reasonable no matter how much manpower or material resources are used.

If you don't want to revise it, no one will probably care about it in ten or twenty years. As long as the rule of the court can be maintained and there are many emperors and ministers who can get by, everyone can live their lives, so why bother?

But if you want to make a difference and ensure the vitality of the ruling class, then starting with the legal system is a good direction. The day people start saying that the ancestral law is immutable, and you really can't change it, the decline of the dynasty will be

It is inevitable.

Now no one dares to make trouble with Li Po, because he is the ancestor.


In addition to the revision of the Tang Code, a population review will be conducted this year. In the fourth year of Yuanzhen, the first census was completed. At that time, along with the promulgation of the land-acre system, it was a little hasty, but it was still not sufficient.

Many landless farmers returned to their fields, and many surrendered troops were disbanded one after another and returned to local resettlement. At that time, in order to resume production as soon as possible, farmers were given a large number of preferential policies.

The farmers had settled down, and the nobles were returning to their hometowns to buy property, or to take back the land they had been forced to give up due to the war. In this regard, Datang basically held a supportive attitude.

The nobles had financial and material resources. No matter what kind of prejudice Li Po had against the noble class, he had to admit one fact.

Between counties and counties, the nobles' Xiangwang was a force that could stabilize the local situation. When the nobles came back, they were generally different from those like Hu Hansan and others later.

Many nobles had a good reputation and prestige in the countryside. When the people saw that they had returned to their hometowns, their hearts stabilized.

As for the grudges people had during the war, most people chose to forget them.

The peasants rose up in order to survive and resist the tyranny of the government. At that time, the local nobility was synonymous with the government. Many aristocrats at that time indeed deserved their punishment. It was fine if they could not benefit the countryside. They also took advantage of the chaos in the world to squeeze the villagers. If you don't die,

Who dies?

Just like when Li Ponan went to Mayi, he saw the rich families in the mountains. They took the villagers to hide in the mountains, but they still wanted to be arrogant, so they were all messed up and became wandering souls in the mountains.


But generally speaking, it was the general trend at that time, and the two classes collided instinctively without any theoretical guidance. It was a situation where you had me and I had you.

Many nobles also united with the villagers to form strongholds to protect themselves. People like Li Xiuning, Su Dingfang, Zhang Shigui and others have done this. Even Li Po himself actually stood out from the princes by combining local forces.

When the world calmed down, everyone began another reincarnation, a new aristocratic class was formed, and most of the peasants remained peasants.

In other words, class is a very stubborn thing that cannot be eliminated at all. It will only break the old pattern and then start over.

Since ancient times, and even subsequent dynasties have proven this, because it is related to human nature, and who doesn’t want to be high up and overlook all living beings?

This is the driving force for human progress, and it also creates stubborn diseases that cannot be changed.


So in the seventh year of Yuanzhen, the Tang Dynasty was preparing to conduct a comprehensive census again, and then implement political, economic, and military policies based on the survey results.

Because the Tang Dynasty's military system, land system, etc. are closely related to the population and household registration.

The Dachao meeting was held for a day, which showed that there were no less things to do in the seventh year of Yuanzhen than before, such as the approaching spring plowing, a scientific examination in the spring, and various engineering projects this year.

Several innovative technologies were also demonstrated.

In the summer, famous doctors will go to Beijing for a meeting, and the army in the East China Sea will return to the DPRK.

All sorts of things, preliminary plans were made at the meeting.

And after these complicated political affairs were announced, Tubo...well, the country name Tubo no longer exists, and was replaced by the Three Kingdoms of Shannan.

It was announced that people from the three kingdoms of Xiangxiong, Supi, and Yalong would come to the palace. Li Po gave the people of the three kingdoms royal robes and seals in court, announcing that each of the three kingdoms had its own master, and that they were all vassals of the Tang Dynasty. They would respond to the military and political affairs, and the throne would be inherited.

It needs to be reported to Datang to learn.

Anyone who acts privately is considered a traitor and traitor, and others can punish him together.

In just two or three years, the Tang Dynasty split the newly unified Tubo into three kingdoms, returning Shannan to its original state.

The next step is very simple, cultural identity, transport the Central Plains civilization, first draw it into the Central Plains cultural circle, and as for assimilation, forget it, the plateau is not a place that the Tang people can go to at will, so racial assimilation can only

Leave it to the people who come after you to work hard.

When Li Po was there, he could only ensure that the Three Kingdoms would not be unified. As long as they remained divided, they would not pose much of a threat to the Hexi region of the Tang Dynasty.

As for how long this state will last, Li Po naturally doesn't know. Now Datang's body has almost stretched to its limit. If the northern grasslands can be brought under control, then Datang's territory will be very complete, which will make

Later, people became very desperate.

Li Po had no intention of giving generous gifts to those who came, and ordered the people of the Three Kingdoms to send people to pay tribute to the Tang Dynasty every year.

After that, according to the rules, the Tang Dynasty would trade with the Three Kingdoms, leaving some hostages to serve in the Tang Dynasty. By the way, it would send people to delineate the boundaries for them and warn them not to invade each other. At most, it would be to send some people to station in Shannan symbolically, all the time.

Pay attention to the trends of the Three Kingdoms and so on.

Everything is actually being handled according to Silla's established practices...

As for the details, it will take time to discuss. Anyway, it seems that they are not in a hurry to go back.

At this time, Prince Mi Xia from Xiangxiong had the courage to ask the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty to grant him a surname. He probably heard this from the people of Honglu Temple and thought it was a good thing, so he proposed it.

This chapter has been completed!
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