Chapter 1664 Bad

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Fan Wenjin didn't gather his confidants here to discuss his future with them, and these people probably wouldn't be able to come up with any good ideas.

Fan Wenjin's official career has reached the stage of Liangzhou General Manager. If he wants to move forward, he can only depend on the emperor's wishes. If he wants to use you, he can say anything. If he doesn't want to use you, Fan Wenjin feels that he has done everything he should do.

, there is no other way.

The most his confidants could give him was some advice on how to behave when he returned to Beijing to report on his work. Fan Wenjin could figure it out on his own without the need for others to give him advice.

When he returned to the capital, he could visit Xu Shiji, Pang Yu and others. The others could not be of much help and he did not recognize many of them.

The worst case scenario is that there are people in the court who hold sectarian views and exclude him. He was an official in the former Sui Dynasty and knows how difficult it is to mess with people from aristocratic families.

After offending someone, a group of people jumped out from behind. I wonder if the government is still as it was back then, putting family background first...


So Fan Wenjin didn't say much about his own affairs, but tried his best to appease his confidants, and discussed with them how to arrange Liangzhou's government affairs before leaving.

At noon, I had a meal with my confidants. Seeing that Manager Fan was still the same as before, speaking calmly and neither impatiently nor impatiently, these people were completely relieved.

They were actually afraid that Fan Wenjin would not want to return to Beijing to report on his work and would appear to be worried. As a subordinate, they had to ask and give advice.

That's a question. What's the best idea? To persuade the general manager to refuse the edict and not return? Or to persuade the general manager to calm down? No matter how you put it, it doesn't seem appropriate.

After all, this is not the time when the war started. The power of the central government is getting stronger, and the army has gone to the plateau to destroy Tubo. Liangzhou is no longer a remote place for the Tang Dynasty. You can do whatever you want.

In addition, none of us are natives of Liangzhou, and our wealth is in the east. We are not here to serve as officials for personal gain.

Therefore, if Fan Wenjin behaves as usual and can take care of everyone's future career, then everyone will be happy.

So after lunch, everyone didn't have to worry so much about talking. Following Fan Wenjin's words, they all started talking about arranging Liangzhou's government affairs.

Yuwen Fuzang and others were all people with family backgrounds, and they all said that once the general manager returns to the court, he can give some information to his family and let people do their best for the general manager.

It was a small gesture, and Fan Wenjin happily agreed.

He actually knew in his heart that this was the general trend of the world, and the chaos that happened in Liangzhou could never happen again. Even if he wanted to stay in Liangzhou, he knew from the looks of these close people that it would never happen.

One or two of you may be able to help each other, but others may have different ideas, and they may be able to sell you at a good price.

Now there is harmony. Fan Wenjin is secretly glad that he still made the right choice. At the same time, he is also quite sad. He thinks that I have been in power in Liangzhou for these years, but I have not won over a few people who are willing to die for him. It is really too much.


But this way, it saves him trouble. He originally wanted to take a few people with him to Chang'an, but now it seems that there is no need to worry about it. Everyone just depends on their fate.

As he said himself, if these people come back to Beijing to report on their work in the future, they can still remember his kindness to Fan Wenjin and come to his door to have a few drinks with him, that would be good.


In the evening, Fan Wenjin finally recruited high-ranking officials in Guzang City to formally serve as the imperial envoy. At the same time, he also spread the news of his upcoming departure from Liangzhou at the banquet.

These were obviously made for Zhou Jun to see, showing that Fan Wenjin was an upright person and had no objections to returning the imperial court according to the imperial edict.

In addition, Zhou Jun made his attitude clear on behalf of the imperial court, and the officials of the General Manager's Office intervened, so this relatively sudden news did not cause much shock in the Guzang official circles.

Fan Wenjin's style of doing things is to find the general direction and then work hard on the details. Now that he has made a choice, he is determined to put it to death and survive.

This was the key factor for him to break out of the chaos in Liangzhou, and it is inseparable from his own temperament.

Next, Fan Wenjin discussed with Zhou Jun and stayed in Liangzhou for more than half a month. He summoned the prefects of various counties in Liangzhou to discuss matters in Guzang and arranged everything for the post-manager era of Liangzhou before meeting with Zhou Jun.

Jun Yiyi set off back to Beijing.

At this moment, Zhou Jun's opinion of Fan Wenjin had completely changed. His admiration was beyond words, and he only had one thought in his mind.

I can't blame him for being able to serve as the general manager and guard one side. This thing is done so flawlessly that no one can find any fault at all.

One of the most important responsibilities he had when he came to Liangzhou to declare the imperial edict was to see whether Manager Fan, who had never returned to the court, was loyal to the court.

Whenever he sees that the other party is unwilling to return to Beijing to report on his duties, that there is something wrong with his behavior or that there are rumors, he will refer to the other party when he returns to the court.

This is one of his responsibilities during this trip. If the matter is more serious, he may still have a chance to meet the driver, and it will be inevitable to file a complaint with Manager Fan.

But now it's not that troublesome. Everything is in line with the court's expectations. Zhou Jun has nothing to say. After returning to the court, he has to give Manager Fan a thumbs up or something.

The second edict from the imperial court arrived in Liangzhou on February 20th. At that time, Fan Wenjin had not yet set off. The edict was about the abolition of the Liangzhou General Manager's Office.

After the Liangzhou General Mansion was abolished, officials at all levels and government affairs made detailed arrangements. The two edicts were written one after the other, and the connection was seamless.

It clearly expressed the imperial court's firm attitude toward the abolition of the Liangzhou General Administration Office.

Both Fan Wenjin and Zhou Jun understand that once this matter is done smoothly, as an example, it will be the turn of other general managers.

Liangzhou and Yangzhou are located to the east and west, one is full of yellow sand, the other is misty and rainy, and operating at the same time has a very strong purpose.

At this point, Fan Wenjin no longer did what he thought, and the court was doing things in such a systematic and orderly manner, which shows that the wise king is in power and surrounded by wise ministers, and it is impeccable.

He could imagine that when the first edict came, Zhang Lun and Zhang Shigui might have already received the order, and they were both looking at Gu Zang eagerly.


At the end of February, it was still cold in Liangzhou, and the wind was blowing from the north and was very strong.

Fan Wenjin, who had dressed himself warmly, seemed to be swollen a few times, and no one laughed at him. Everyone knew that Mr. Fan was not in good health and was most afraid of the cold. In winter, he would huddle in the house and be nowhere to be found.

The figure has arrived.

Now we have to travel in the late winter and early spring in the north. It is indeed very hard. Not riding a carriage may be the last bit of stubbornness shown by Manager Fan.

Many people came to see Fan Wenjin off.

Hou Junji stood in the crowd with a slightly pale face, full of resentment.

This guy's illness has long since recovered. As an old acquaintance of Dunhuang, Ashina Tong'er is much better than the heartless guy Cheng Zhijie. At least he has been accompanying Hou Junji in Guzang.

After he recovered, they took him back to Zhangye. In fact, he was quite disappointed when he left, because there was no reward from the court.

Hou Junji comforted him, "The merits of destroying a country cannot be rewarded so quickly. The longer you wait, the greater the credit, and the court will have to think carefully about it. When the time comes, you may be rewarded."

Is there an opportunity to go to Beijing to meet the driver?"

So Ashina Tong'er, who was rather short-sighted, became more excited after hearing about his story about the lake. He wanted to go to the capital to see his brother, and at the same time he also wanted to meet His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

These Western Turkic fugitives have lived in Zhangye for several years. Many of them no longer want to go back to the Western Turks, which makes Ashina Tong'er anxious. He still wants to go back to take revenge and take back his own tent. How can it go on like this?

Ashina Tong'e left, but Hou Junji could only wait for the arrival of spring. In the winter, his newly recovered body could not withstand the attack of wind and snow.

The spring of the seventh year of Yuan Zhen's reign finally arrived. I heard that General Manager Fan was going back to the court to report on his duties. Hou Junji originally wanted to go back to Chang'an with the team, but the reward was nowhere to be seen, so he had to go to Cheng Dashu to settle the score.

As soon as the guy left, there was no news. Hou Junji didn’t know how many times he scolded him in the winter. He was an ungrateful bastard. We all went on an envoy to Tibet and came back with a narrow escape. It would be better for you to leave me alone in Guzang.

Yes, you are really kind and righteous.

But after only waiting for a few days, he could no longer leave.

Zuo Yiwei's military order arrived in Guzang, and he was transferred to Xihai to obey orders. Needless to say, Hou Junji felt that way after receiving the order. He really wanted to go to Xihai immediately and ask General Zhang. Is this why I'm throwing your child away?

Did you go into the well?

You have no grudges, why don't you want to let him go once?

But he had no choice. Although he had served as the governor of Liangzhou and was sent as an envoy to Tubo, his military status had always been in the Zuojian Gate Guard. He was the Sima of the Zuojian Gate Guard and joined the army.

This can be said to be the care given to him by General Pang Yu of Zuojianmen. Having military status in the military mansion is a good way out. Hou Junji is also very grateful, because he has always wanted to lead the army and does not want to serve in a local position.

But things got worse now. He couldn't leave. General Zhang Lun of Zuo Yiwei personally asked Pang Yu for his military status. He was promoted to General of Zuo Yiwei and went to the West Sea to obey orders.

Hou Junji knew that there must be a reason for this. It should be Chen Li, Wu Tong, or even Ashina Danai and others who recommended him?

In the past, he must not have been happy, but this trip to Tibet was not a small achievement. A county official was not enough to compensate for his merits. It would be fair to have a county official with actual duties.

This was also the reason why he was in a hurry to return to Beijing. He didn't care much about the title of Duke. What he wanted was actual duty. He wanted to choose among more than a dozen guards. Then he would either make a petition to the court or run on his own.

There is still time to do it.

He knows himself better, so he needs to find an incompetent official, otherwise how will he be able to fully display his abilities in the future?

According to this condition, Zuo Yiwei Mansion is obviously not under his consideration...

This chapter has been completed!
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