Chapter 181 Fighting (2)

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After the baptism of arrows, the sound of drawing knives became one, and even the rumble of horse hooves was muffled.`

The rising sun shone on the long knives, reflecting the cold light.

Two groups of warriors belonging to different countries, but wearing the same attire, holding a steel sword in their right hand and a shield in their left hand, seemed to have agreed upon it, and they passed by each other at high speed.

Rows of long knives were swung down, and there was almost no sound of the collision of the blades. All was the sound of popping into the flesh. Blood spurted suddenly, and the remaining broken arms flew everywhere. Countless figures screamed and fell to the ground at this moment.

Fall off the horse.

The galloping confrontation made the fight short and fierce. Within a dozen seconds, the two teams of knights had completed the first wave of competition.

As an arrowhead, Li Po's body was already stained with splotches of blood, and a long gash was cut under his ribs, but his flesh was not injured.

Not caring whether he was injured or not, and having no time to count the casualties, he roared and drew an arc with his horse, then turned around and led his men to charge forward again.

This is obviously completely different from the tribal war on the Yunzhong Grassland.

This is a desperate fight that leaves no room for anything, a tough face-to-face collision.

The Turks showed no signs of weakness, and with their extremely skilled equestrian skills, they spent less time reacting, which also made them faster and their attacks sharper.

In fact, at this time, the momentum of the Sui army had stagnated, and some soldiers were panicking and hesitating. The life-and-death confrontation had seriously dampened their self-confidence at that moment.

If it were the same number of men and horses, the Sui army would definitely be defeated.

However, the Turks' arrogance and underestimation of the enemy caused them to lose the opportunity to defeat the Sui army here.

The sound of horse hooves sounded, and there was no chance to stop. The two teams of cavalry, with heavy casualties, staggered past again.

Likewise, a large amount of blood and corpses were left on the spot.

This time, Li Po was unscathed. Years of training and sharp reflexes made him very comfortable in the cavalry battle. At this time, he had already killed four enemies in succession.

Without hesitation, he turned his horse around again and charged towards the enemy who had only half left.

Then came the third fight. Such repeated and continuous attacks showed the excellence of the Turkic and Sui cavalry.

He rushed past again, and when he turned back, what Li Po saw was the backs of the Turks fleeing, all alone. Only a dozen people were left.

Li Po slowly reined in his horse and shouted at the soldiers to stop and not pursue the enemy.

After that, he raised the long knife and shouted like a catharsis.

Cheers full of wildness and murderous intent finally became the main theme here.

"Change horses and count the casualties."

Soon, Li Po couldn't be happy anymore. In just a moment, they did destroy a group of Turkic cavalry, but the casualties of 184 people made Li Po dry.

Is this the strength of the Turks?

With more than 200 cavalry fighting against 500 Sui cavalry, the casualties were almost the same?

Originally, Li Po had a good idea, to strike while the iron was hot and defeat the other pursuing troops here. What he didn't expect was that after a battle, this would be the result.

Obviously, his plans need to change.

The other group of pursuing troops only needs to exceed 300, and their group will be the defeated side. It's a simple arithmetic problem, isn't it?

Li Po didn't hesitate for too long, because the Turks from the other side were definitely coming.

He immediately and loudly ordered, "Cut off their heads and let's go into the forest."

An angry opponent who is eager to attack will be much easier to deal with than a calm and rational enemy.

When another group of demons came here, what made them crazy was that except for the corpses of the enemy, all the Turks who died in battle turned into headless corpses.

This is the greatest insult to the warriors who died in battle, even more so than making them slaves of others.

This is not only blaspheming the heroic souls of the warriors, but also tantamount to blaspheming their gods.

At first, a big Turkic man roared angrily, tore open his clothes, cut a knife on his chest, and swore with his own blood that he would kill those despicable Sui people who deserved to go to hell here.

And cut off their heads so that they cannot see day and night.

The despicable enemies did not go far, their backs were still within sight, burrowing into the sparse forest like rabbits.

The Turkic vassals who had always been aiming to go south to fight the Sui warriors, build meritorious deeds, and seize the Sui people's land, cattle, sheep, wives and daughters, went south for the first time in these years, and were attacked in the Yunzhong Grassland.

A heavy blow.

Looking at the corpses of the warriors lying on the grassland, the bruising anger is unimaginable.

They roared one after another, followed behind Ashina Shipolo (a warrior with the surname Ashina, like the later Batulu), and chased towards the forest.


"Everyone dismount, everyone dismount, hurry up, gather all the horses and block the front."

Deep in the forest, Li Po hurriedly sent an order. Once in the forest, those with four legs are not as flexible as those with two legs. If we fight the Turks here, no Turks will dare to catch up.


Nearly half of the casualties caused the morale of the Sui soldiers to drop, but they still faithfully carried out Li Po's orders.

Unfortunately for them, the first time they fought against the Turks, they encountered the most elite part of the Turks' millions of troops.

If the armies of the two countries gathered here at this time, they would definitely receive an enviable reward, because they killed nearly two hundred demons in one battle.

This is the same effect as a group of ordinary Turkic cavalry killing Xiaoguo who was beside Sui Emperor Yang Guang.

But it's a pity that they were being chased as if they had no way to go to the sky or the earth. They could no longer think about that much. They only knew the fact that these Turks were more tyrannical and cruel than them.

Li Po was very busy. He waved the ring sword vigorously to boost morale, "Today's battle will only involve death, so everyone must work hard. I, Li Po, will be here to live and die with everyone."

"Group fifty people, spread out, prepare your bows and arrows, don't touch them head-on, shoot down everyone who enters the forest."

The Turks soon pursued them into the forest. It was already bright at this time, and the sun shone into the forest, which was neither big nor small, leaving large patches of light on the grass in the forest.

The war horses gradually lost speed in the forest, and the trees scattered the Turks even more. Not far away, you could see many war horses wandering in front of them, with their riding gear still there.

While walking, an old Turkic man, who was obviously a Turkic veteran, suddenly roared. He saw that his companions were still wandering in the forest with bloodshot eyes, and turned a deaf ear to his words. Some even shouted.

He cursed loudly in dissatisfaction.

But he still warned people loudly, jumped off his horse, and even kicked and beat all his men off their horses.

There are a few people like him who have gone through many wars, but he is the only one who made such a move regardless of it.

The vassals of the Turkic Khan account have experienced too few wars, and the young warriors always regard the words of these people as the excuse of cowardly people.

Just like rebellious children, they always turn a deaf ear to the old man’s words of experience.

Therefore, it is natural to pay the price.

The silhouettes of people in the forest made the Turks speed up their advance. Then they took out their bows and arrows, preparing to kill these Sui people who had foolishly abandoned their horses one by one like shooting prey.


The sound of bowstrings vibrating suddenly became loud, and arrows began to shuttle back and forth in the forest.

The screams of the Turks continued one after another, and they immediately became targets while sitting high on their horses.

The Sui people were not prey, and their Li Shenjun's knowledge of the forest was unparalleled. In the battle in the forest, he chose the most appropriate fighting mode.

Turks riding war horses will be shot down by bows and arrows, and Turks with two feet on the ground, their bandy legs are not suitable for running in the forest. The taller Sui soldiers will have an absolute advantage in hand-to-hand combat.


Yes, as long as the Turks enter the forest, all their advantages will no longer exist.

Regardless of their ancestors or those who came after them, for all the tribes living on the grasslands, war horses are their most sharp weapons, no one.

The shooting quickly turned into a melee, with arrows flying everywhere in the forest, steel knives waving in the hands of the warriors, and the warriors of the two tribes roaring and fighting like wild beasts.

Every moment, someone is bleeding and falling to the ground. Life has become extremely cheap here. Screams echo endlessly among the trees, like the god of death sighing with pleasure.

Time is passing slowly, but the people who are fighting cannot notice the change of time at all.

It seemed that one moment they were still fighting desperately, but the next moment, the sound of fighting in the forest gradually subsided, and the Turks, covered in blood, rushed out of this devilish place on horseback one after another.

Yes, they lost the courage to continue fighting, and they fled in exhaustion and panic.

At this moment, they were no longer proud Turks, but rabbits running away in confusion.

There is no doubt that they will be punished extremely severely after they return, but between life and honor, they chose life.

They will keep their pride and glory here forever.

More than 500 Turks fled, but only about 20 survived.

During the Great Decade, the first collision between the Turks and the Sui people produced brilliant sparks.

The 500 Heng'an Town cavalry troops completely defeated a similar number, Khan Zhangfuli, who was famous among the Turks.

This was a medium-sized miracle, but unfortunately, the remaining Sui soldiers were no longer able to think about it so much, and they were already on the verge of collapse.

In this battle, more than three hundred Sui soldiers fell on the grassland, and almost all of the remaining people were injured.


This chapter has been completed!
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