Chapter 1735 Peony

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"The Khan said that the Turks are in the north and the Tang state is in the south. They already dominate seven or eight countries in the world. The Supreme Being wants to be in the southeast, so the Turks want to go to the northwest and divide the world and rule it. What does the Supreme Being think?"

Ashina Mudan put away her Turkic emphasis and spoke in Chinese instead.

The movements of the Turks could not be hidden from the Tang Dynasty, just as the actions of the Tang Dynasty could not be hidden from the Turks. During this period, there were many exchanges between the north and the south. The Central Plains was located in the heart of East Asia. Even if it was caught in endless wars, its level of civilization was not comparable to that of other races.

Got it.

So there is no such thing as isolation, and once chaos breaks out in the Central Plains, there will be spillover effects, and all the surrounding neighbors will not be safe.

In fact, it was also the case later on. Those neighbors who were eyeing China with covetous eyes always couldn't understand that once China weakened and was allowed to be slaughtered by others, the whole of Asia would not be able to survive alone.


At this time, there is no need to have such a high strategic vision. Just like the Turkic Khan Ashina Yang Huan said that only the Tang Dynasty and the Turks occupied seven or eight of the world, and the Western Turks still held the remaining two or three points.

Halfway through, it was obvious that other countries and tribes did not pay attention to her.

As a Turkic Khan, her vision is undoubtedly a bit narrow. In the Gobi and deserts of West Asia, the Persians are actually very powerful. Farther to the west, a branch of the Semites is brewing strength. With a unified religion, they have already

On the verge of an outbreak.

When the Persians were in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, they sent people to visit them. Now I heard from the merchants from the Western Regions who came to Chang'an that the Persians were fighting against those from the Western Turks.

Tong Yehu Khan had no time to go east, but was restrained to the west by the Persians. He moved his tent from Sanmi Mountain to Suiye River. In fact, he was not really afraid of his fellow tribesmen in the east, but to better deal with the incoming waves.

Attack from the west.

Datang learned very little from the people of the Western Regions. The caravan went to the Western Regions last year and brought back more detailed information.

From their mouths, they learned that the Persian tribal alliance was very chaotic, much more chaotic than the various tribes under the rule of the Turks.

What people later called the Persian Empire was actually a hodgepodge of tribes, and this hodgepodge was said to have lasted for hundreds of years.

Their wars were equally chaotic and troublesome, with the Romans and Byzantium fighting fiercely. Today you robbed my woman, and tomorrow I will kill your son.

Later, the messy stories described these wars as epic scenes, but in fact they were all nonsense.

Without a battle involving tens or millions of people, a battle involving ten or twenty thousand people was actually the limit of each "famous" empire at that time.

A series of tribal melees from West Asia to Eastern Europe is actually a more suitable description.

Because the environment is too harsh and social production efficiency is extremely low, it is difficult to ensure logistical supply with only a Mesopotamian plain. Moreover, most of the people who make up Persian society are nomadic peoples. Such low social productivity is not enough.

To support them there is a large population.

Persia has numerous enemies, and there are frequent rebellions internally, and external people are also involved with them. They may have been the Romans before, the Byzantines later and now, the Turks in the east, various countries in the Western Regions, etc.

The reason why it is possible is because everyone is at about the same level. Unlike China, which had very clear boundaries during the period of chaos, West Asia, Eastern Europe, and North Africa did not have such clear boundaries.

The Kingdom of Persia itself had distinct nomadic characteristics. The change of ruling power and social structure were extremely unstable, and the so-called sphere of influence was also very vague.

To be honest, that piece of land has little value in this world. If we have to take it seriously, it is the intersection of the three continents of Asia, Africa and Europe, which has great strategic significance.

Of course, with the national power of all the countries in the world, no one can completely bring it under their rule, and the same goes for Persia. For hundreds of years, they have lived in chaos, and tribal vendettas are an eternal theme.


That's roughly it. The information Li Po got was almost the same as that of Turkic Khan Ashina Yang Huan, but Li Po had more than a thousand years of experience.

If not, his understanding may be the same as that of Ashina Yang Huan, and the world-centered theory is the orthodoxy.


"Since the Khan wants to share the world with me, I have nothing to say. Others can ask the Khan face to face when the alliance comes. Since you are here, stay here with peace of mind and talk to me when the alliance comes.

Going to Yulin together?"

Ashina Mudan shook his head secretly. It seems that there is still some discussion. Last year, Khan wanted to send troops. The main reason was that he wanted to take advantage of the war between Tang Dynasty and Goguryeo to wipe out the Western Turks in one fell swoop and complete what everyone had dreamed of for many years.

the great cause of unification.

It was just that they were held back by the Liaodong incident in the end. I didn’t expect that the Goguryeo people were so incompetent that they didn’t even withstand an autumn, and the country perished.

Keeping Ashina Duowen in Liaodong became a bad move, and it did not slow down the Tang Dynasty as planned.

Instead, the Turkic horse's hooves were tripped by the Turkic Eastern Khan who should have gone to see the gods long ago.

That's why this year's alliance was proposed. Every time it was proposed by the Khan and considered here, in fact, this also showed in disguise that the status of the two countries was constantly changing.

"The Supreme Being has to deal with state affairs, and Mudan dare not disturb him at will. I heard that Luoyang has been peacefully settled, and I want to go there for a walk. I wonder if I can get the Supreme Being's permission?"

Li Po raised his wine glass again, "What's the promise? I'm afraid you'll be disappointed when you go there. Luoyang is now desolate and deserted, and it's no longer as prosperous as it used to be.

Visiting your old place again will only increase your sadness due to the differences in people and affairs. I advise you not to go."

Ashina Mudan also smiled and picked up the wine cup, "The Supreme talks like this, I still feel a little... haha, the Supreme is thinking of me, Mudan thanks the Supreme.

But the birds on the grassland know where their hometown is, so how can the peonies forget Luoyang? Moreover, I didn’t go there to see people, I just wanted to see if the peonies there are still as beautiful as before? "

Li Po nodded. Every time he talked with Ashina Peony, it was interesting. This was a Turkic woman who had lived in Luoyang and Chang'an for a long time. She was a very rare species in the world.

She has the unique frankness of the Turks, but she also understands the way of thinking of the Han people. She is a very strange person, isn't she?


"I made a joke about your name back then. It was my fault. In order to make up for the slight I gave you back then, I allow you to walk around Luoyang Forbidden Garden. If you are willing, you can find a mansion in Luoyang and tell me when you come back.

With one click, that’s your home in Datang, how about it?”

This chapter has been completed!
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