Chapter 1773 Mind

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Moula Duoguang left the tent drunkenly. His son-in-law saw him out and stayed with him talking.

The Western Turks' royal tent was built at the highest point of the Suiye River. It was commanding from a high position. Looking around, there seemed to be many more tents on both sides of the Suiye River than before. Those were definitely Turkic tribes who came to protect the Khan.

Duoguang stood there for a long time, but he actually didn't quite believe what Tong Yehu Khan said.

The war between East and West Turks has not happened for many years. Although the Turkic royal court is headed by a woman, as he said himself, it would not be surprising if the woman's surname was Yang.

Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty had a great reputation in the Western Regions. Twenty or thirty years ago, Yang Guang summoned the kings of the Western Regions to meet in Zhangye. The kings of the Western Regions set off one after another to pay homage to the Great Sui Saint Khan.

The young man who was just a teenager, Hui Ya Duoguang, knew the name of the Holy Khan and the power of the Sui Dynasty from the mouths of his elders.

Now Yang Guang has been dead for many years, but the owner of the Turkic Royal Court is still controlled by Yang, especially a woman. He thinks that will be more terrifying.

It is not easy for a woman to give orders in a Turkic tent. Are those people in the east fools? Not necessarily?

Since they can obey a woman's orders, there must be a reason.

Moreover, it has been many years since that woman ascended the throne. Didn’t the almighty God give her people no sign?


Moula Duoguang spoke to his son-in-law calmly, left the king's tent, and went to his tent to rest surrounded by guards.

He will stay on the Broken Leaf River for a few days to see the situation.

He is not the only one who has the final say in the Geluolu tribe. This tribe has three surnames, and many people call them the Geluolu tribe. The Moula tribe is only the main branch of the Geluolu tribe.

The two tribes of Pogo and Tashili are also important parts of the Gallulu tribe. They guard the main tribe in the Talas region, one from the south and the other from the north.

As one of the most powerful tribes among the Tiele tribes, the Geluolu tribe was the main force that followed Datou Khan to conquer the countries in the Western Regions. It is still one of the most powerful tribes among the Tiele tribes.

Shegui Khan's eastern expedition was because he had the support of most of the Tiele tribe.

This was due to the southern expedition of Shibi Khan, which caused heavy losses to all the tribes affiliated with the Turkic Royal Court, and the subsequent civil strife in the Royal Court. The Tiele tribes felt the danger, so they began to migrate westward one after another.

The Geluolu tribe was not affected much. They had settled in the Western Region for a long time, but the Xue Yantuo tribe, Qibi tribe and other Tiele tribes were the arms of the royal court back then.

Now the Xue Yantuo tribe has had another relapse, and the Qibi tribe has weakened and went directly to the east to join the Tang Dynasty. This is really not good news.


In the next few days, Moula Duoguang met some people in his tent. The Geluolu tribe had many relatives here, especially the Uighurs who guarded the king's account. Many of them were married to the Geluolu tribe.


Although the Uighurs claim to be Tiele people, in fact they have no blood connection with the Tiele tribe that was nomadic in Mobei.

Their ancestors are the Dingling and Gaoche people. At that time, they were active in the northern region of Mobei in the traditional sense. Later, they moved around, and some of them still lived on the grasslands. They were one of the tribes affiliated with the Turkic royal court.

The other part came to the Western Regions and lived among the Western Regions people for a long time, and their appearance was no longer the same as their ancestors.

During the Northern and Southern Dynasties in the Central Plains, they fought fiercely with the Persians, conducted trade and marriages, and gave birth to many mixed-race children from West Asia and even Eastern Europe.

If you see guys with curly black hair, too pale skin, heavy hair, and goatees on the ground in the Western Regions at this time, most of them are Uighurs.

Their women are tall, plump, handsome, good at singing and dancing, and are very popular in the Western Regions.

Therefore, compared with the Uighur ancestors who lived in North Asia, who had flat faces, slender eyes and stocky bodies, they looked like two completely different races.

The highlight of the Uighur people was during the Northern Wei Dynasty. At that time, the Gaoche people were still very powerful and they belonged to a subordinate tribe of the Rouran people.

The Northern Wei Dynasty repeatedly sent troops to attack Rouran, beating the Rouran people to the point of running away. The strength of the Rouran people quickly weakened. As a subordinate tribe of the Rouran people, the Gaoche people were also seriously damaged in the war.

During the Northern Wei Dynasty's northern expedition to Rouran, Emperor Wu of the Northern Wei Dynasty captured five to six hundred thousand Gaoche people. Because there were too many people, they moved them to the Yunwai Grassland.

The leader of the Chile tribe, Afu Zhiluo, led a hundred thousand people to move westward, and established the Gaoche Kingdom where the Cheshi Kingdom is now, and subsequently developed and expanded.

He controlled the eastern part of the Western Region, which is now Gaochang, Qiuci, Shanshan, Dunhuang and other places, and his power reached Mobei.

It's just that the Gaoche Kingdom was a short-lived flash in the pan, and was soon destroyed by the Rouran people.

In fact, from this process, we can also see how the current Uighur people came from. They actually have many similar people in the east.

At this time, the reputation of the Uighur people in the Western Regions was not great. This tribe was rich in beauties, and everyone liked to marry them. In fact, the two main pillars supporting the Uighur people were groups of warriors and merchants.

When the war came, it would have a greater impact on the various tribes of the Uighur people. They were not only responsible for raising part of the military supplies for the army, but also sent men to fight for the Khan.

Therefore, the leaders of the Uighur tribe who heard that Ye Hu had come to the king's tent came to Ye Hu's tent one after another and complained to him.

Hearing too many complaints and plotting will make him feel bad.

The interests of the Uighurs are nothing, but if even the Uighurs have so many complaints, what do the kings of the Western Regions think?

In addition, Mula Duoguang was also very moved by the intention of taking refuge among some tribes of the Uighur people. The Uighur people had always been very wealthy. Since Wang Zhang could not treat them well, why didn't the Geluolu tribe take them in?

It's just not the right time...

Moula Duoguang thought of the fat man sitting in the king's tent. Even if he could no longer go hunting with him, as long as he was still alive, he could not act rashly.

A few days later, Mouladuoguang left Suiyechuan with full of worries and some regrets. At the same time, he sent his son to the Taqiang tribe and Poga tribe, mainly to warn the leaders of the Taqiang tribe and let them

Don't be so reckless.

If blood is to be shed, let the Turks shed blood first, because no matter who comes to rule the Western Regions, the support of the Tiele people will be indispensable.

The Pugu tribe, Tongluo tribe, and Bayegu tribe who followed the royal court to fight were all their relatives. Even though they had cut off contact with each other for many years, why did they fight each other for the Turks when they met?

This chapter has been completed!
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