Chapter 1878 Normal

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Seeing the woman becoming more and more unrestrained, Li Po restrained his smile.

This is the Taiji Palace, not a place for flirting. This woman is used to being wild outside. It is probably because of the Xianbei people who came to dominate the Central Plains back then. They are superior to others in everything and always dominate.

Li Po was not going to say any more nonsense. Being able to meet her in person had already given her a lot of dignity. He had sent people to greet her several times before, which actually told her that Datang valued Gaochang.

If she can't understand the meaning and only wants to ask for something from Datang without paying a price, then she really came to the wrong place.

"There are really not many things that can be difficult for me in the world today. It's just that as the emperor, I have to judge the situation in everything. I can't just do whatever comes to my mind like Yang Guang. How can I win the trust of the people in the world?

King Qu Wentai of Gaochang is coming to court with you. He will be able to reach Chang'an in a month or two. I think you should think about it before talking to me.

It's a good thing to ask for something. If people in the world don't ask for everything from others, how can there be a Tang Dynasty? How can there be Gaochang? But I am not a Bodhisattva who responds to all requests. Besides, a Bodhisattva also wants incense. What do I want? You

You have to be aware of it.

Otherwise, if you come here to meet each other and just chat about gossip, wouldn't it be the same as teasing me?"

These words were said slowly and leisurely, but they were of great importance. It was like turning over a book, and I just had to tell Yuwen Yubo clearly that I would like to get close to you first. Talking to you peacefully is my self-cultivation.

If you rub your nose and face, do you really think that I am your elder?

If you are an extremely smart person, you can hear the implication of this sentence at this time. Li Po is saying that Gaochang is to the Tang Dynasty and Yinghuo is to Haoyue. If you ask for too much, you will be

If you push too hard, disaster will come.

Yuwen Yubo, who had just relaxed a little, finally felt the unpredictability of the king's heart again after many years. Once the emperor who had previously thought he was easy to talk to turned against him, he was faced with the majesty of life and death, which was the same as when he met Yang Guang.

There is no difference.

The only difference was that the king in front of her seemed willing to talk some sense into her.

Unlike back then, she was not allowed to speak at all, and she became a piece of shit Princess Huarong, and then she married an old man in a vague way, and then embarked on the road to the Western Regions.

At that time, she was helpless and helpless. Even her biological parents were unwilling to listen to her even one plea and cry.

After returning to the Central Plains many years later, she didn't want to experience that feeling again. Even if she couldn't help it, she should still struggle hard.

Yuwen Yubo shook off his face, slapped it on the ground again, endured the pain and made several more intimate contacts with the ground of Tai Chi Hall.

The ministers in the palace kowtowed repeatedly when they saw her, as if she had committed some serious crime of confiscating the family and exterminating the family. Generally speaking, they all had the same idea. When foreigners came to the humble place, this person was the most important.

The emperor is not angry yet, but you behave like this. Tsk tsk, you are indeed worthy of being the princess of the previous dynasty who stayed in the Central Plains.

Just listen to Yuwen Yubo's sad voice: "Your Majesty, you are so majestic, how dare I be frivolous in front of Your Majesty? It's just... I felt very close to Your Majesty as soon as I saw it, and I forgot the etiquette when meeting you.

I hope your majesty will forgive me.

I have been separated from Qu Boya and his son for a long time, so I ignored the winter wind and snow and came to Beijing first. Your Majesty should know that I was born in Luoyang and grew up in Chang'an.

Although his body has been wandering these years, his heart has lingered in the Central Plains. Yang Guang was ignorant and ignorant. He did not care about his relatives and only blindly helped outsiders.

Your Majesty is so wise and powerful, do you want to listen to the sweet words of outsiders and make me feel wronged? If that's the case, why not kill me now? Anyway, I have no one to rely on, and there is no point in living in this world."

Li Po looked over and thought to himself, have you rehearsed this play many times? You are much more skilled than Dou Guang, Changsun Wuji and others, but it's just a bit too much. I can't tell you are tired of living.


He met too many people, and they all had their own excuses. Yuwen Yubo couldn't deceive him with his skills.

He patted the table and said, "When you stand up, sit down, talk, and kneel every now and then, where does this rule come from? Is it a custom in Gaochang? In the Central Plains, there is no kneeling ritual, but only respect for heaven and law. It seems to be the same in the Sui Dynasty, right?"

Yuwen Yubo got up, with tears on his face, but his figure was still much taller than that of an ordinary woman. She looked very strong and strong, without any weakness in her posture.

At this time, she finally covered her bruised forehead. The tears were probably caused by pain. It was clear from a glance that she was not brewing any sad emotions.

While rubbing her severely painful forehead, she sat down again in a daze, thinking in her mind, when did the ground of Tai Chi Hall become so hard? If she had that power, she would definitely cover the ground with a blanket from the Western Regions.

But he couldn't help but beg for mercy, "Your Majesty, forgive me. I am also in a moment of impatience, but I don't blame you. Gaochang does have a ritual of bowing to the ground, which is a bit more humble than I do, but it is the etiquette for meeting the Buddha.


When meeting the king, ordinary people have to kowtow. I have no status in the Tang Dynasty, so I should kowtow to His Majesty a few times. I hope your Majesty will not dislike it.

When I stay in Chang'an for a long time, I will get used to it again and learn new etiquette, so that I will not be rude in front of you."

She kowtowed so hard that her head felt dizzy, and she kept talking so much that even she didn't seem to know what she was talking about.

When she woke up, she looked up and saw the emperor staring at her. She immediately lowered her head and beat her towering chest, "I know what your Majesty wants. Gaochang is close to Dunhuang and connected to the Western Regions.

It's a critical point, so you have to pay attention to it.

I have some cronies in Gaochang who can give orders, but because of my unfair reputation, I am under the control of Qu Boya and his son.

Qu Boyana was well versed in Han classics and abided by etiquette. He came to the Central Plains in those years, made friends with people, and talked about the past and present without any hindrance, and he was very respected by people.

A few years ago, when Buddhism was gradually gaining popularity in the Western Regions, Boya was not happy with it, so he kept the monks away. There were ministers around to persuade him. He was also very indifferent to the Turkic king.

It is a pity that the Central Plains was in chaos and news was cut off. As a small country in Gaochang, it had to regard the Turks as its main body. That year Boya went to the Turk king's account to meet with Yehu Khan, the commander, and was punished for offering sacrifices. Soon after returning to Gaochang, Boya

Died of illness.

Qu Wentai was ordered to inherit the country. This man was cowardly and fickle. While plundering the accounts of the people in the country to worship the Turkic king, he attracted the Uighurs to stabilize his throne. At the same time, he made good friends with Qiuci, Khotan and other countries, welcomed the Buddha and offered incense, and stayed away from the Central Plains.

It can be said that my heart is as clear as day.

In the past, most of the nobles in the country studied Chinese and regarded it as their most precious thing. However, Qu Wentai wanted to use Tianzhu script instead. Later, he went to Suiyechuan and when he came back, he asked the country to learn Turkic script and etiquette.

I am also taking extra precautions.

Last year, the Turks attacked each other and affected all the countries in the Western Region. Seeing that the situation was not right, he wanted to flee and take refuge. When I learned about it, I also followed him, in order to see His Majesty and tell him the whole story.

Both the minister and Na Qu Wentai trust that Your Majesty can treat people from Gaochang well, but do you trust the minister or Na Qu Wentai?"

Li Po nodded and his expression softened. This is the normal process. Taiji Hall is the place to discuss state affairs. For small talk, you can go to Liangyi Hall and Ganlu Hall. Even important officials in the court cannot violate this. What's more,

You are an outsider.

Regarding the domestic situation in Gaochang, the Military Intelligence Office had previously reported some information, but the time it had penetrated into the Western Regions was still short, and there were many small countries like Gaochang in the Western Regions, so the information it received was fragmented and not so detailed.

What kind of person Qu Wentai was, what the country's policy tendencies were, and to what extent the Turks controlled them, all of this is very general.

It is far inferior to Yuwen Yubo who can give people a general idea with just a few words. Of course, there must be some truth and some lies in it, but the part about Qu Boya is quite true.

The history of the Sui Dynasty had been revised a few years ago. Regarding the coming of King Qu Boya of Gaochang, we refer to the notes on daily life during the Daye period, which are not much different from what Yuwen Yubo said.

The above description is that Qu Boya had an honest temperament, was familiar with Han rites, was knowledgeable, versatile, loved poetry and prose, and could communicate with scholars in the Central Plains without any obstacles. Therefore, he was deeply liked by Yang Guang, who often sat and discussed Taoism with him.

Qu Boya himself loved the style of the Central Plains. He stayed there for several years and never wanted to return to his country.

According to Yuwen Yubo, when Qu Boya returned to the Western Regions, he did not forget Yang Guang's kindness. If the Central Plains had not been too busy to take care of itself, Gaochang would not have failed to come to see him for so many years.

The implicit meaning is that when Qu Boya was around, it was the Central Plains that alienated Gaochang, rather than Gaochang not wanting to get close to the Central Plains.

But after Qu Wentai succeeded to the throne, the situation naturally changed. This person sized up the situation and wanted to integrate into the big family of the Western Regions, so he made great changes, and he no longer even sounds like he is a Han Miao descendant.

This was Yuwen Yubo's one-sided statement and needed to be verified. However, Li Po thought about it and felt that what Yuwen Yubo said was not unreasonable.

Qu Wentai had never been to the Central Plains to meet him before, and now he came here to seek refuge. Even if he met him, he would only say that much and would not be trusted by others.

Moreover, someone else took a step ahead, which shows that this person is quite stupid.

But on the other hand, the stupider the person, the easier it is to control...

The shortcoming of Qu Wentai is that the Tang Dynasty can control him, and the Turks can also control him. From a distance perspective, the Turks also have the advantage of being close to the water.

What is even more concerning is that this person also lured the Uighurs to Gaochang. This was really not a wise move. The Uighurs are a branch of the Tiele tribe. There are more such nomadic groups in any country.

, if they have foreign aid, they will not be too peaceful.

The so-called luring the wolf into the house is nothing more than this, using external forces to stabilize one's authority. There are countless examples of failure. If these are true, then the King of Gaochang is really stupid...

This chapter has been completed!
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