Chapter 200 Fame (7)

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Interestingly, it is said that when Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty returned to Dongdu, he looked at the people greeting him on the streets of Dongdu. Perhaps he had stayed in the north for a long time and was used to the desolate scene, so he saw a lot of blood.

So he said coldly to the ministers, "There are still many people in Dongdu."

At first, the ministers thought it was the emperor praising the prosperity of Dongdu, but they didn't take it seriously.

Later, Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty summoned his ministers to discuss Yang Xuangan's crime again and wanted to hold the culprits accountable. Only then did the ministers suddenly realize that what the emperor said when he entered the city was that he disliked the fact that there were too many people in Dongdu.

Not enough killing. This is.

In fact, at this time, Emperor Yang Guang's mentality was very clear. This man was completely crazy.

Everyone did not want to be imprisoned again, and the old disciples of Dongdu Xun were in panic all the time. Many of them fled Luoyang, the eastern capital, with their families, and went to Chang'an, the capital of Xijing, to take shelter under the noble family of Guanxi.

This was just the beginning. Next, in the winter, the emperor ordered General Yuwenshu to conquer the people of Dongdu to continue building dragon boats.

Not to mention this, when he was besieged in Yanmen, he vowed to tell his ministers that he would not send troops to the north again.

But at this moment, he went back on his word without even writing a draft, and discussed the conquest of Goguryeo again.

This may be because he felt that the world was in chaos and his throne was in danger, so he wanted to take the opportunity to test the officials, or in other words, he wanted to see how many more subjects he could control.

Or maybe he is really crazy...who knows.

Anyway, the emperor returned to the eastern capital of Luoyang and struggled a lot. Almost nothing was accomplished.

The ministers in the Eastern Capital were also tired of the emperor's renegade and childlike unreasonable troubles. If nothing happened, no one would want to hang around in front of the emperor.

Unlike the Kansai nobles who dared to confront the emperor forcefully, they chose to remain silent.

Only Yu Wenshu went to build the dragon boat honestly.

So, at this time, Emperor Yang Guang finally seemed to remember that it was time to reward his meritorious subordinates.

From the beginning of the Pingyang Xuangan Rebellion to the siege of Yanmen, all the meritorious officers and soldiers were evaluated one by one.

But the tragedy is that only official positions can be rewarded. In fact, Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty now only has official positions.

This discussion of merit finally cheered up some people, and they continued to make noisy noises until December, when the merit book was released.

The so-called tower near the water. Therefore, the credit for quelling the Yang Xuangan Rebellion should be heavily rewarded. Of course, it is not that important. It just created many rebels in the future.

As for the meritorious soldiers who solved the siege of Yanmen, forget it, they are so far away, what will happen if they are rewarded?

However, before everyone could finish sharing the not-so-delicious cake, the sequelae of Sui Emperor Yang Guang's northern tour struck.

There is great turmoil in the southern part of Jin. On both sides of the Fen River, thieves have sprung up.

There was no other way. The most reliable soldiers and generals in Jin Dynasty rushed to Jinyang and could not come back in winter.

Because of the war, people's lives have become increasingly difficult. Coupled with the conquest of the government soldiers, it is naturally mixed with various civilian services. The price of food has increased to sky-high prices overnight.

Therefore, unlike many places, the rebellion in Jin broke out first in the big cities and then spread to the countryside.

Both Emperor Yang Guang and the officials in Dongdu were very resentful towards the Jin people at the moment.

In fact, by the end of the winter of the eleventh year of Daye, no one took Emperor Yang Guang's edict seriously, and almost all the officials in the Eastern Capital were presiding over the government affairs.

And because he was dissatisfied with Li Yuan, the Hedong Xuanwei envoy, who refused to save him, veteran general Fan Zigai once again went into battle and sent troops from Guanxi to attack the rebels in Jin.

This veteran general showed no mercy at all. He defeated the Jiangzhou thieves Jing Pantuo and others, and captured countless prisoners.

Whether he was resentful or didn't want to be criticized by everyone when he went back, he chose the most inappropriate approach.

Everyone knows that since ancient times, it is better to suppress civil unrest and rebellion than to suppress them.

Wang Shichong, Tu Wanxu and others were killing prisoners in the Huaihe River, and the chaos in the Huaihe River continued. Fan Zigai would kill prisoners in the Jin area, which would also make the chaos in the Jin area worse.

At this time, Shandong and Hebei were almost completely eroded. The rebel armies who had been defeated by Zhang Xutuo swarmed westward, making the war in Jin become more and more intense.

At the beginning of the twelfth year of Daye, the Wagang Army finally showed its prominence and began to attack cities and forts into important grain and grass areas such as Luokoucang.

As a result, Fan Zigai was recalled to the Eastern Capital to preside over the government. Li Yuan, the Hedong Xuanwei envoy, stayed in Jinyang and served as the palace supervisor of Jinyang. He actually became the highest military and political officer in Jin.

The twelfth year of the great cause was undoubtedly the year when Tang Guogong Li Yuan made his fortune, and it was also the most difficult year for him.

Because he not only had to deal with the Turkic attacks, but also had to face the rebels in Shanxi who were revolting one after another, and he also had to face accusations from the Eastern Capital. This splint and anger was enough for him.


Back in the winter of the eleventh year of Daye, the Turkic army passed through Mayi in the ice and snow, and the Turks withdrew.

The Turks expressed that they were also very hurt. They failed to capture Sui Emperor Yang Guang and fought for nearly a month under Yanmen City, completely turning Yanmen City into another Liaodong City.

Under Yanmen City, the Turks shed all their blood, but they never even climbed onto the city wall a few times.

Then came the extremely long withdrawal process. They had to face the north wind of Sui Dynasty and the snow and wind on the grassland.

Almost all of the captured Sui people who made it out of the fortress froze to death in the ice and snow.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers had to eat their horses, and the logistical losses also caused complaints among the Turkic tribes. It can be said that this time the Turks went south and gained nothing, and the losses were not small.

In fact, Shibi Khan and Sui Emperor Yang Guang both made a fatal mistake.

A large army's conquest looks majestic, but in fact it is full of hidden dangers. Therefore, since ancient times, the key point of a large army's conquest is to make a quick victory. Otherwise, if it is delayed for a long time, if the success cannot be achieved, oneself will have to do it.

Taste the bitter fruit.

Even the Sui people couldn't bear the consequences of a million-strong army expedition, let alone the Turks?

In fact, in the following years, the Turks no longer gathered large armies to go south. It was the sequelae of this southern expedition that was at play.

What's more, Turk Ketun, Princess Yicheng of the Great Sui Dynasty, also sent a letter saying that there were enemies in the north, which made the Turkic nobles even more frustrated.

The Turkic army did not stay much in Mayi. Groups of Turkic cavalry merged into the army and followed the army north. The city of Mayi was safe and sound.

It only hurt Shenwu that as soon as the army passed by, Shenwu City was immediately hit by disaster.

When the Turks left, Shenwu City was already in deathly silence. The adult men and women were taken away by the army and went northward and became their slaves. The remaining people were all slaughtered, and the city was almost massacred.

The Turks are very efficient at doing this kind of thing. They have practiced it many times in Yanmen.

Not to mention Yunnei City, no one would take a detour to Yunnei City to leave the fortress, unless he got out of Feihu's mouth.

The Turks didn't forget it when they arrived. There seems to be a group of them under Yunnei City.

So they sent someone to report the news and asked them to return north with the army.

However, the person who reported the news walked around Yunnei City and found no trace of his own people.

So, he went back to report that the people from the Pugu Department had left.

No one cared about it. The loose tribal alliance system was all about themselves. Who cared about whom? Then someone complained, saying that the guy from the Servant Bone Department could run faster than a rabbit or something.

If Pugu Jisi heard this underground, he would probably spit out another mouthful of blood.

So, in the eight-sided building of Yunnei City, Li Po proudly boasted to Li Bi that our wisdom has reached the sky. Look, if we go to Shenwu City, we might be surrounded by Turks.


This is far from the truth. If he had gone to Shenwu City, when the Turks were hurrying to lead their troops back outside the fortress, it is not certain whether he would have had the time to pay attention to him huddled in Shenwu City.

However, bragging is called bragging because it makes others unable to grasp the topic, most of it is unpredictable, and it has some specious truth, so it can be called bragging.

However, Li Po was not idle next.

Because this winter's harvest is far from meeting needs, food problems have gradually begun to emerge.

More and more people are starting to talk about whether everyone can have enough food next year.

There is almost no need to count on the Mayi government, or even the Daizhou Governor's Office in Jinyang.

The Heng'an Town Army can still beg for food and grass, but the people of Yunnei City must wait for relief from the government, but it will definitely be a long time coming.

How much food is needed to meet the needs? Yunneicheng may not be the only one who is crying for food, and the awkward location of Yunneicheng also determines that the hope of gaining support from Jinyang is quite slim.

You still have to work hard on your own. Whether it is Li Bi, Li Po, or the entire army of Heng'an Town, they all regard Yunnei City as their own territory, and their sense of ownership is very strong.

In fact, this is one of the inevitable effects after the advent of troubled times. Soldiers refuse to defend the city one after another and mark the territory as kings. This brings out the obvious warlord style.

Having no other choice, Heng'an Town sent out reconnaissance cavalry again, poking their heads to inquire about the Turks' movements.

By the time the news came back one after another, it was already the end of September in the eleventh year of Daye.

This time, Li Po gritted his teeth and made a decision, sending all his war horses down. The Heng'an Town Army almost came out in full force, left Yunnei City, and chased after the Turks to kill them.

In fact, this battle is Li Po's real battle to become famous...

(The increase in monthly tickets is gratifying. Ah Cao is working hard with everyone. Next month, Ah Cao is ready to welcome an ice age. There will definitely be ups and downs. This is not surprising. Next week is a surprise from the editor, with a good recommendation.

Ah Cao is unable to break out, please forgive me.

I added an update yesterday. I almost vomited blood when coding these chapters today. There have been a lot of typos in the past two days. I don’t have time to check...)


This chapter has been completed!
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