Chapter 211 Fame (18)

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Putting it this way, it is actually clear that Li Po’s marriage was indeed a bit hasty and hasty.`

Li Jing did not come to Yunneicheng. Since he was already promised to be his proud disciple, he would not allow any flaws in the student.

Haste and sloppiness are not flaws. If he comes, it will be regarded as staining Li Po. Whether he is a teacher or an elder, he will leave people with something to talk about.

Therefore, he just sent a message to his children, asking them to return to Mayi City to be married.

Then he asked Li Po to go to Mayi City to marry Li Bi and return to Yunnei. In this way, although the marriage was a bit too simple, it could be regarded as a formal marriage between Qin and Jin.

For Li Jing, this son-in-law will be very successful in the future and can become Li's assistant.

As for Li Po, he also took advantage of Li's status and finally stepped into the door of a powerful family.

Li Po didn't feel troubled, he also let go of his worries and felt very relaxed.

It's just that he caused a lot of trouble for himself.

Without Li Jing in charge, he felt that he was the master. It was a very good thing to marry his own wife and take care of it himself.

He thought he was capable of all decathlons, but in fact he had only mastered six orifices, and still had one missing, so the wedding made him a mess.

His specious experiences were almost drowned in other people's spit at this moment.

How can you set off the firecrackers before the bride comes in? You are not afraid of scaring the bride away. Then you have to finish praying to heaven and earth before setting off the firecrackers.

Where did you hear that one worships the high hall and the other heaven and earth?

Let me tell you, it is a matter of later for the bride to be courting someone. When you get married, you have to shoot three arrows. One arrow shoots into the sky, which is called a match sent by heaven. Two arrows shoot into the earth, which means the earth deserves a pair. Three arrows shoot at it.

Toward the direction of the bridal chamber is called Ding Qiankun.

Do you have a makeup poem? No, write it quickly. You can’t write it? It’s simple. Get a master of ceremonies and let him do it.

You want to be the master of ceremony yourself? Are you kidding me? If the groom’s officer doesn’t want to be the master of ceremony, then who do you want to be the master of ceremony? Just pick a groom’s officer.`

Hey, hey, hey, I haven’t finished speaking yet, what are you doing?

Within a few days, Li Po felt that his head was turning white. He was two hundred and fifty. He didn't understand anything and still pretended to understand.

If he wants a decent wedding, he'd better take a break.

These days, no matter how simple a wedding is, it is a combination of solemnity and joy.

As the ancients said, it is good to combine the two surnames in the wedding ceremony. The first is to serve the temple, and the second is to benefit future generations. Therefore, gentlemen value it.

This is not a major event in the lives of the two of you, but a major event in the lives of two families. It is even a major event in the world. This is what the ancients called a ritual.

So, Li Po stopped, and Bu Qun stood out. Because he was good at talking and had experience, he successfully became the wedding master of ceremonies.

Yuen Long didn't steal this guy. His identity was not right. He was the groom's brother-in-law. How could he let his brother-in-law be the master of ceremonies?

However, these are all people from Heng'an Town, and they are all soldiers. If you ask them to organize a wedding, it will make people laugh or cry.

The venue was chosen as the Bahian Building. This is quite strange. I have never heard of weddings being held in restaurants. Well, it became more common later on because I don’t have such a big place to entertain guests.

This was Li Po's idea. It's true that there is a house in Heng'an Town. But that place has become a sheepfold. You can't put a new house there, right?

The relationship is good, but this person didn't even prepare a house, so he went to propose marriage.

Oolongs are coming out one after another, and if the big bosses are messing around, can the wedding still go well?

When Li Shimin and his party found the restaurant, they saw that there were many swords and guns around this large restaurant. Those who didn't know it thought they were going to be executed.

This is the bad idea of ​​the big-headed soldiers, to show off the prestige of our Heng'an Town.

At that time, the well-informed brother and sister laughed crookedly.`

It was also Li Jing who was so happy that he didn't even think of adding some knowledgeable people here. He thought that since this student had already come to ask for a hand in marriage, the process of the six rites was passed in a series. He looked like a very stable person, and he should be here when he arrived in Yunnei.

That's about right.

Unexpectedly, it turned into a pot of porridge.

The restaurant is lively, that's called lively.

Most of them carry knives, and are either battalion lieutenants or school lieutenants. They have been baptized by war, and even when they smile, they can't hide their evil aura.

Li Po is also dizzy now and can hardly find Bei. Damn it, this is not getting married, this is life-threatening.

The three arrows had been shot. One arrow was nailed to the roof, one was decorated on the wall behind, and the other was nailed to Bu Qun's feet. This guy was shocked. Well, Li Po is

on purpose.

The mighty men in the hall, even the famous ones in Yun Nei, don't look like good people. Each one is more solid than the other.

The maids and women who followed from Mayi all made quail shapes. Some of them were also muttering to themselves, why did this look like they were in a bandit's den?

When Li Shimin pulled his sister in, Li Bi was thanking the guests.

He pulled off the hijab in one go, and the men in the hall cheered loudly.

Li Po bared his teeth next to him, "That's what you are wrong about. We know that the bridegroom has to choose the hijab, so the craftsmen specially made a pick for me."

He grabbed the hijab, glared at Li Bi... and put the hijab back on.

Suddenly everyone in the hall was laughing. Li Shimin covered his stomach and squatted on the ground, almost dying from laughter.

Li Xiuning was also the same. She felt that she would probably never see anything funnier than this scene in her life. She even forgot about taking a closer look at the newlyweds just now.

The laughter almost brought down the restaurant.

This couple acted a bit too unscrupulously in their own territory.

When many people reach their old age, they can still laugh and cry when they recall that wedding.

Damn it, did you do something wrong again?

Li Po was a little dissatisfied, so he pushed Li Bi and waved to the maid and wife beside him, whose face turned green, and motioned for them to send the bride to the back.

As soon as Li Bi left, he turned around and yelled in annoyance, "It's time to drink and drink, and when it's time to eat and drink, why are you laughing?"

Li Shimin couldn't stand up straight. Hearing the groom's roar, he was still thinking, ah, he is so angry. There is really no such kind of groom. He has grown so big, let alone seeing him.

, never heard of it.

But what surprised him was that the lobby immediately fell silent. The men subconsciously raised their heads to take a look, and then people sat back down one after another with their heads down.

Li Canjun's lusty power filled every corner of the lobby.

At this moment, the two brothers and sisters who were laughing so hard that they were rolling on the ground were revealed. Li Po stared at these two people and thought to himself, who are these naughty children who have such poor eyesight? If you look at them later, you will not find an opportunity to beat them.

If you cry, you can't call me mother.

The brother and sister finally found a place to sit down. They felt very comfortable, but they also had some understanding of the groom's authority in Yunnei City.

The food and wine were served in a stream, and the process was almost the same as before, with feasting and drinking, plus a toast from the groom.

Of course, if the husband has a large family, there is no need for the groom to work too hard, as long as there are guests to take care of him.

There weren't many people in Li Po's family, so he pulled over several captains and treated them as his own family members. The captains were reluctant, but Li Po resolutely suppressed them.

I'm so drunk that I can't enter the bridal chamber, there's no way.

At this time, the two brothers and sisters finally had time to take a closer look at Li Canjun.

Take a look at it, the two of them are a little disappointed. There doesn't seem to be anything too outstanding about this person. He is average-looking and not very old. He still has the power of anger just now, but he used it in the wrong place.


They are neither tall and mighty, nor gentle and elegant. They have seen so many popular people and have very high expectations, and it is difficult not to be disappointed.

But, this guy is pretty good at changing his face.

In the blink of an eye, he was smiling, drinking two drinks with people at this table, and drinking two drinks with people at that table. It seemed as if the host and the guests had forgotten what had just happened.

The two brothers and sisters both felt that this would be too boring. You should say a few more words, eat a big piece of meat, drink a big bowl of wine and so on.

In fact, by this time, they all inevitably started to look down upon him.

The children of a wealthy family have very high standards. In their eyes, such a nondescript wedding may make them laugh, and they may feel it is extraordinarily fresh, but at the same time, they will not have much respect for the master.

There is nothing strange about him. Anyone who meets Li Po for the first time will not think there is anything strange about him. Only when they get along with each other for a long time will they suddenly realize, ah, when did this person step on my head?

Went up there?

A big black man came in, took a quick look, and found where Li Po was. He strode over and whispered a few words. When he looked up, he happened to see the two brothers and sisters Li Shimin, and he immediately pointed at them.

The brother and sister held the shelves and sat still.

Li Shimin felt a little unsure. With so many battalions and captains gathered together, the Heng'an Town Army must have more than two or three thousand people, which was similar to his guess.

Li Xiuning rolled his eyes, thinking completely differently from his brother. He just felt that the Li sister seemed to have a little more... gangsterism...

As a young lady who is about to get married, she naturally wants to compare Li Bi's husband with her future husband. This kind of competitiveness is an essential skill for women.

After a lot of competition, I think Chai Dalang will win without a doubt. Even if he can't compare in terms of military achievements, he is the best choice regardless of his family background, appearance, or official position. There is no one who can compare with this person in front of him.

However, comparing with each other, I should be happy, but I can't be happy at all.

I always think about the scene where Li Bi took off her hijab just now... If during the wedding, it was me who took off the hijab to thank the guests, maybe it wouldn't be the groom's responsibility to put the hijab back on himself, right?

She didn't know that what she was thinking about was just the word "freedom" that many women cannot pursue in their lives.


This chapter has been completed!
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