Chapter 227 Elite

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Niujiao wandered far away with his two brothers.`

He looked enviously at his companions in the distance surrounding the caravan as usual, thinking that he might be able to sleep with a soft body in his arms tonight, but there were not many opportunities like this.

Thinking of the good things, Niujiao couldn't help but smile, showing his big yellow teeth.

However, those of them who do business without capital are not in a good situation now.

This year the Turks occupied the Yunzhong Grassland, and their lives began to become difficult. Perhaps after completing this transaction, they would have to choose whether to go to the far west to seek life, or to go east.

The loud whistle of his companion woke up the horns of the bull.

He looked dissatisfied at his companion not far away, only to see him waving his hands and pointing to the east. The voice finally reached Niujiao's ears, "There is someone, there is someone over there."

Several black spots moved in the distance and gradually approached. The horns of the cow suddenly became tense, and it gestured to alert its companions.

What reassured him was that there were not many black spots, only three.

They didn't linger in the distance like they did before, but walked straight towards them.

Niujiao led the people to meet them, and they all slowly took the bows in their hands, so anyone passing by or approaching them at this time would be killed here.

They should be travelers passing by. Niujiao judged that if there were more people behind, someone should go back and report the news instead of walking over like this unsuspectingly.

The distance was getting closer and closer, and the three black spots seemed to finally see what the people in the distance were doing. They stopped and began to turn their horses' heads.

When they were almost close enough, the horns of the bull whistled, and the horses were urged on.

Encounters, chases, and killings on the grassland are just that simple.

With his horns facing the wind, he lowered himself as low as possible, whistling and urging the horse to move. He also estimated the distance in his mind. He was not a warrior, but he was the most experienced horse bandit.`

He knew exactly what to do at what time. Therefore, he lived on the grassland for a long time.

He calmly took out the arrow, put it on the bowstring, and felt the familiar rhythm on the bumping horseback. When he shot the bow and arrow, it was part of this rhythm.

The increasingly clear figures in front are also doing the same action.

Niujiao finally felt that something was wrong. The figure in front of him suddenly turned around on his horse and raised his bow.

It's still too far, Niujiao thought subconsciously, but he already felt uneasy. In his peripheral vision, some black shadows seemed to suddenly appear.

The sharp whistle of the arrow made Niujiao's scalp numb, and then he felt something penetrate his chest. The world was spinning, and then a sharp pain overwhelmed his consciousness.

Groups of knights passed by the bodies of three horse bandits.

Li Po sat on the horse and walked among the knights leisurely.

They have been tracking these horse bandits for three days, and what is satisfying is that these horse bandits are not aware of it.

This is a rare thing on the grassland, especially tracking a group of vigilant horse bandits that look like hounds. This can only show that the training is very effective.

Of course, the so-called training is actually just continuous improvement in actual combat.

It has been more than a month since they came out. First they stayed at Yunnei Racecourse for a while, and then they crossed the Great Wall and entered Yunzhong Grassland.

They circled several times within a fixed range.

We have been playing a game of hiding and chasing each other.

Of course, this game is not fun, because Li Po will emphasize to the loser every time that this is a matter of life and death. You have been found. You are already half dead, and then you are still caught up.

Okay, well, you're dead.

Well, dead people don't have to sleep at night, so they should go and keep vigil.

The rules Li Po made for the scouts were detailed to the point of complexity. Where should they stay, how long should they stay, whether you should stay in the upper or lower area, and even peeing, standing or squatting, I wish I could give it to you.

Set a posture.`

Yes, Li Po was holding something like a martial arts secret book and was constantly making rules for the scouts.

Those who violate it will be severely punished and ridiculed by him.

This is a very rare educational process in the military and is full of rigid dogma.

But Li Po quickly gained everyone's respect and gratitude. Needless to say, his authority was, but this time, he finally fully enjoyed the treatment of being a teacher.

These two hundred Sui soldiers were his students, and they were very conscious of students, and most of their respect for the teacher came from the bottom of their hearts.

Therefore, the punishment is as sweet as sweet wine.

Of course, this is not surprising. These days, people who can pass on knowledge and experience to others by word of mouth are teachers.

This is an age when basic communication is lacking and people are self-conscious about everything. What can be learned depends on, first, how smart you are, secondly, your opportunities, and thirdly, whether you live long enough.

No one will give you the ability to find the bottom line. Most of the time, you have to rely on your own exploration and perception.

Therefore, sharpshooters in the military are very rare. Those with talent have no experience, and those with experience do not have that talent.

All of this has made people's thirst for some skills and knowledge almost reach the point where they can exchange their lives for it.

For these soldiers, having a strict teacher and a wise general is a very happy thing. Their progress is visible to the naked eye and is incredible. Their initiative cannot be compared with that of later generations.

As for Li Po, he was also very satisfied with a group of studious students and elite soldiers.

For more than a month, they have established a large tribe within a certain area, which loosely manages several small tribes. Their scope of activities is very fixed and they will not migrate on a large scale. All characteristics indicate that they are

One of the Turks.

This was a testing ground designated by Li Po. The Turks in the testing ground were still unaware that a pack of wolves was already lurking around them, watching them all the time.

At this point in time, this game is actually transforming into a war.

At this moment, a group of horse bandits broke into the sight of this Sui army, which was gradually becoming quite strange.

What's funny is that the horse bandits are chasing a caravan that also looks particularly strange.

This caravan was actually flying the golden wolf flag, and the direction they were traveling was obviously Dali City in Dingxiang County.

This is how the story of the mantis stalking the cicada followed by the oriole follows.

Li Po thought, maybe this time, he could indeed win a golden wolf flag. Although it was a bit small, should he give it to his father-in-law, or should he keep it and decorate his new house?

Of course, no matter what you do, it will definitely make the tigress at home happy.

At this time, the horse bandits had already begun their plundering operations. Their main weapons were not bows, arrows, knives and guns, but nooses.

They wanted to capture all these women like wild horses.

But their progress was not smooth. These women resisted extremely fiercely and had no consciousness of being prey at all.

After paying some casualties but achieving very little results, the horse bandits finally became angry.

They roared and circled around each other, shooting bows and arrows at each other's horses, but they still didn't want to hurt anyone.

Ashnarongzhen raised the sword, and the women gathered around her and formed a queue. They were ready to charge. This may be their last effort.

They prayed to their gods in their hearts, hoping that the gods would bless them.

Maybe their god took a nap and finally woke up. He was surprised to find that his beloved children had fallen into this state, so he sadly turned on the lucky halo to the maximum.

So, before they finished reciting their prayers, groups of knights appeared behind the horse bandits without warning, so they were already within sight when they were discovered.

This also means that it is a distance from which a direct attack can be launched. The peculiarity of the grassland war does not need to be explained too much.

The reaction of the horse bandits was in line with their status. They quickly gathered together, turned their horses' heads, and fled away in a swarm. They may be fierce, cruel, or greedy, but their courage and glory have no chance with them.

The knights galloped past the caravan, but no one stayed to talk to them.

They kept adjusting their direction as they ran, chasing after each other like a pack of wolves loosely yet cooperating with each other.

The horse bandits are fleeing to the southwest. If possible, they will never enter Dingxiang County.

What frightened them was that there were cavalry chasing them behind them, that is, from the northwest, and there were even cavalry cruising in front of them.

Horse bandits are like a herd of driven horses, constantly being forced to adjust their direction.

When the shadow of the Great Wall in the distance became clearer and clearer, the horse bandits finally drew an arc on the grassland regardless and rushed towards the east.

Such a blunt change of direction immediately cost them a heavy price.

The enemies chasing behind them suddenly increased their speed, and also drew a slightly curved arc, stabbing into the ribs of the horse bandits.

With the sudden contact, arrows became the protagonists on the battlefield. They hurriedly passed through the air, inserted impatiently, and drank blood.

Knights were constantly being shot off their horses, and the pursuers swept past and wiped out half of the horse bandits.

Their accurate archery skills, proficient riding skills, and tacit cooperation made the horse bandits almost powerless to resist during the battle.

What's even more frightening is the range of their bows and arrows and the protection on their bodies. Some people have arrows stuck in their bodies, but they act as if nothing happened. That's because they also wear a layer of close-fitting leather armor inside their leather robes.

In the evening, the Sui army gathered together again. They won a complete victory in the chase, and less than ten horse bandits were able to escape.


This chapter has been completed!
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